• Published 24th Dec 2017
  • 14,197 Views, 9 Comments

Friendship Games: Another Story - ArcanaMaverick7

The Friendship Games between Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy are almost ready when Fragment Hunter returns with a few guests. However, when Twilight Sparkle starts researching Canterlot High's recent magic, something else shows up too.

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Magic Mysteries, Mentors, and Meetings

After Fragment Hunter teleported back to Canterlot High, they saw that the students were all excited for the Friendship Games. "Did we miss anything," Lapis asked as she and the others approached Flash Sentry.

"There was a pep rally for the Friendship Games and thanks to Rainbow Dash, everyone's pumped for the competition," Flash explained. "I have to go. You should probably go talk to her and the Rainbooms if you want to know more about everything," he said before he left.

"Come on, let's find them," Sunset Blaze said before they began searching for their other friends. After a few minutes, they found the girls by a vending machine getting snacks. "Hey, girls! We missed a pep rally?"

"Yeah! It was awesome! Everyone was mopey because Crystal Prep always won the Games, but I reminded them that we dealt with magical threats and surpassed them," Rainbow Dash told Fragment Hunter. "Not only that, but that you guys are competing alongside us to make it more fun."

"But there was something funny that happened during the song Dashie sang to psyche us up," Pinkie said as she opened the cap of her drink bottle with her hair. "And not the good kind of funny."

"What was it," Layla asked as she tried to ignore Pinkie's method of opening her bottle.

"You see, Rainbow Dash managed to pony up without playing her guitar," Applejack said and got surprised reactions from Fragment Hunter. "It was just weird considering the other ways we transformed. It was with Princess Twilight's crown the first time and with our music every single time before now."

"Vice Principal Luna was concerned with it, too," Fluttershy told the others. "She thinks that if we use magic during the Games, we'll be accused of cheating."

"Well, I guess that means we're going to have to compete without using our Semblances for the events themselves," Celadon stated as she gave her hair a gentle toss.

"Considering that several of us have combat-oriented powers, I don't think that will be a problem for a high school competition. It's not like it's the Vytal Festival Tournament where we actually have to attack the other team," Slate mentioned.

"In any case, Sunset Shimmer is looking into the matter and we still need to prepare for tomorrow," Rarity told the Remnant teenagers. "We have idea what the events are going to be, so I don't know what outfits are going to be needed. Soccer uniforms? Swimsuits? Goalie equipment? There are so many ideas," Rarity said with concern and slight excitement.

"You have no idea what's going to happen," Sunset Blaze asked and the Rainbooms only shook their heads in response. "Well, I suppose it makes sense that the officials wouldn't want any teams to get an advantage by knowing the events ahead of time."

"Perhaps y'all should make sure to do some studying," Applejack suggested. "Never hurts to learn more about this world compared to Remnant and some rumors have been going around about at least one academic contest because of some of the previous Friendship Games."

"We'll try and figure stuff out. But, we've also got a few other problems," Silver said as Fragment Hunter began to leave. "See you girls later."

As the twelve teenagers managed to reach the library, they saw Terracotta and Ivy approach them. "Rua, Sunset, I need some help," Terra said. "We need to return to Remnant to grab a few associates to help out with the Games."

"Alright," Rua said before the four of them teleported off in a flash of rainbow-colored light. After another minute or two, the other members of Fragment Hunter found Sunset Shimmer studying when another multicolored flash appeared and Rua returned with not only Sunset Blaze and Azalea's parents, but two more visitors as well. The first was tall woman with long pink hair and a white dress with gold details while the other woman next to her was a bit shorter with shorter black hair that had azure highlights and wore a black dress with armor.

"Hello, everyone," the pink haired woman greeted with a smile before seeing the second Sunset. "You weren't kidding about there being two of you," she said to Sunset Blaze.

"Hey, Shimmer. Meet my mentor and mother figure from my days at Garrison Academy, Aurora Celeste," Blaze introduced. "And the other woman is her sister, Nocturne Celeste."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance," Nocturne said. "We learned the whole story about you and the current situation from our student. We are here to assist in these 'Friendship Games' as additional judges and set up the playing fields."

"Well, the more the merrier then," Shimmer stated before she looked at Aurora a bit more. "You really remind me of my own teacher from before I came here myself," she said to Aurora.

Aurora only smiled before turning to Fragment Hunter. "If you could show us where to go, maybe we can help with the preparations."

"This way," Vinyl said as she guided everyone from Remnant out of the library and toward Principal Celestia's office. After Terracotta explained who the new arrivals were, the adults all went on to finishing up the field for the Friendship Games. This left Fragment Hunter on their own as they pondered what to do about the Crystal Prep situation they saw. "Now what," Vinyl asked.

"It's not like we can just tell somebody about Twilight without being accused of spying on Crystal Prep. Mostly because we technically were," Lapis mentioned.

Everyone was wondering about what to do, but Azalea came to her own idea. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to help Twilight out."

"Lea, what are you talking about," Layla asked.

"Most of this Twilight's problems seem to be because she's a bullied girl who doesn't have a single friend outside of her family or dog. I was pretty much like that until I came to Beacon Academy and met you guys, so I'm going to be her friend while she's here," Azalea stated.

"Count me in," Rua said as she stood by Azalea's side. "We'll go to Crystal Prep and help her out there."

"Sounds like a plan," Blaze pondered aloud. "Okay. Silver, Celadon, Cereza, and Slate will go with you guys for backup. Meet back at the courtyard when you can."

Back at Crystal Prep, it was the day of Friendship Games and Twilight was packing up her bag with a few things when Spike grabbed at a sweatshirt Twilight was holding. He growled and pulled at it to show that he didn't want Twilight to go to Canterlot High like she was. "Come on, Spike! I was always gonna go to Canterlot High for the Friendship Games," she said as she pulled the article of clothing away from her dog, but it ended up hitting her in the face. "The only difference now is that I have to compete. Besides, it's not like Principal Cinch gave me much of a choice," she sadly mentioned.

Spike whimpered sadly when Twilight mentioned that she was being blackmailed into participating or her application to Everton would be denied. "I know, Spike. I don't like it either. I probably won't be able to collect anywhere near as much data as I thought," Twilight told Spike as she scratched his chin. She held her new device in her hand and pondered over what to do. As she looked at her invention, she noted the design of it and thought of an idea. "But maybe I can still get some," she said as she placed the device onto a necklace and effectively turned it into an amulet she could wear around her neck.

With the issue of collecting data solved, Twilight then felt Spike placing his paw against her and heard him whimper again. "Spike, I wouldn't leave without you," she said as she hugged her friend. "Just remember to be quiet," she told her dog as she placed him in her backpack. "And try not to shed. I don't want Principal Cinch to find you... or for my stuff to get covered in hair." Leaving her lab, Twilight made her way toward the buses that Crystal Prep was taking to Canterlot High. Unsure of where she was supposed to go, she saw Dean Cadance and went to get an answer from her. "Dean Cadance, I'm not really sure where to go."

"One second, Twilight," Cadance said as she went to go check on some of the other students. As she left, a few girls that Twilight accidentally cut in front of glared at her. At the same time, Azalea, Slate, Cereza, Silver, Rua, and Celadon managed to teleport to Crystal Prep unseen. Making sure that Azalea hid her horns with a bandanna and Silver hid his tail under his jacket, they approached Twilight.

"You could try the end of the line," a girl with yellow skin and rose-colored hair with an aquamarine streak in a ponytail said in a sour tone.

"What did you say," Twilight asked after adjusting her glasses.

"Just that someone as smart as you should definitely go first," the girl now said in a falsely sweet voice as a girl with blue skin and purple hair arrogantly smirked.

"Well, I think it's obvious that she's smarter than you," Rua said as she appeared next to the three girls with her friends behind her.

"What," the rose-haired girl asked in irritation.

"I'm saying that she's better than you, Cranberry," Rua said as she noted the decoration in the girl's hair that held up her ponytail.

"First off, my name is Sour Sweet," the girl told Rua as she poked the rookie Huntress in the shoulder. "Second, who are you and what makes you think you can say that?"

Rua only responded by grabbing at Sour Sweet's wrist and twisting it. Sour Sweet cried out in pain before Rua let go after a few seconds. "Name's Rua Amaranth and I said that because it's obviously true that the girl you were badmouthing is smarter than you," Rua told the girl.

"I've never heard of you before," the blue-skinned girl stated as Sour Sweet rubbed her wrist to deal with the pain. "And why aren't you in your uniform?"

Rua rolled her eyes at the girl before speaking again. "If you want to know, Sunshine..."

"Sunny Flare," the girl said to Rua as Dean Cadance approached the group and saw the new arrivals.

"Don't care. Me and my friends aren't students here, but we are going to the Friendship Games because we were invited," Rua said.

"Well if you're going to head to Canterlot High with us, you can get on the bus right here with Twilight," Cadance instructed.

"Thank you, Miss," Slate said with a tip of his hat.

Twilight was confused by what was going on, but then she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I'm Azalea. That's Slate, Cereza, Celadon, and Silver," the young Huntress introduced herself and her friends.

"Hi. I'm Twilight Sparkle," the girl greeted back politely.

"It's nice to meet you, Sci-Twi," Azalea said.

"Sci-Twi," Twilight asked in confusion.

"We already have a friend named 'Twilight', so I think a nickname will help avoid confusion," Azalea explained. "If you want, you can me 'Lea', 'Farm Girl', 'Freckles', or anything else that you can think of," she said as the the two girls stepped onto the bus with Silver just ahead of them.

As they entered, a girl with blue hair and goggles was excited for the competition and voiced to the group... loudly. "Are we gonna win?!?!"

"I... I don't know," Twilight said after she, Azalea, and Silver were startled.

"Wrong answer!! Try again," the girl exclaimed. "Are we gonna win?!?!"

"You do know that you have more than one team to face off against this year, right Goggles," Silver asked as he tried to check his hearing.

"It's Indigo Zap and it's not like we're going to lose to anyone. Not even some new guys from a school we never heard of," the girl said.

"I wouldn't look down on your competition that quickly," Silver told Indigo Zap.

"Right. And I heard that CHS is doing well now. With their reputation. And, I mean, it's not better than ours, of course. But we can't let them do it, you know? Win, I mean? Right," Twilight tried to say to her classmates, but her speech failed as every Crystal Prep student was just confused by what Twilight was trying to say.

"Come on, Sci-Twi. Let's find a seat," Azalea said as she urged the girl forward.

When the girls reached the back of the bus, they found a few seats between a girl with long green hair listening to music on her headphones and a girl with white hair in pigtails wearing glasses. Twilight turned to the latter and greeted the girl. "Hi, Sugarcoat."

"That was a really bad speech. You should consider not speaking in public," Sugarcoat bluntly stated to Twilight.

"Wow... I can see that your name is ironic," Azalea said in Sugarcoat's direction before turning back to Twilight and saw the girl hanging her head in sadness. But, Azalea saw that Twilight had a small smile when she unzipped her backpack and Spike peeked out from it.

"Well, Spike, at least I've got you with me," Twilight whispered to her dog, but briefly forgot that there was another person right next to her. Twilight saw Azalea smiling at her and Spike before she mimed a zipper across her lips to show she would be quiet about Spike as the bus started moving.

Spike then heard music blaring to Twilight's right and the green-haired girl with headphones turned to see Twilight and Azalea. "Dude, you have got to hear this," she exclaimed over her music as she removed her headphones and placed them over Twilight's ears. Twilight flinched at the sudden rock music blaring into her ears, but Azalea removed them to help Twilight and to check for herself.

"Not bad. Me and my friends are in a band and we play rock a lot," Azalea said to the girl as she placed the headphones on her lap.

"Awesome! I'm Lemon Zest," the girl introduced herself and offered a hand to Azalea.

"Azalea," the Cow Faunus greeted back and shook her hand before returning Lemon's headphones to her.

"Your name sounds so familiar. Where have I heard it," Lemon Zest asked as she put her headphones around her neck.

"You heard of me," Azalea asked.

Lemon Zest thought it over for a minute before she snapped her fingers and pulled out her phone. "Of course! You're on the web," Lemon Zest said as she searched for a video. Showing Twilight and Azalea, the latter's eyes widened as she saw the video.

"SOMEBODY POSTED MY FIGHT WITH THE DAZZLINGS ON THE INTERNET," Azalea yelled out in surprise and startled every student. Silver, Slate, Cereza, Rua, and Celadon all reached Azalea to see what she was talking about. As the members of Fragment Hunter saw the video, they were shocked to see somebody actually posted Azalea's battle against Adagio, Aria, and Sonata online, complete with the song that Vinyl played during it.

"How is that even possible," Cereza asked.

"Hold on a second," Celadon said before she took a look at the video description. "Does this look familiar to you," she asked as she pointed out the person who posted the video.

Azalea looked at the name and sighed before saying something under her breath. "Pinkie Pie, you are in for it when we get to CHS."

Author's Note:

Done! I'm really feeling motivated to write up these chapters. Mostly because I want to get to the action scenes of the story. Next time, we have Crystal Prep Academy's arrival at CHS and Twilight going off to search for magic. And something else happens after she does that...