• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago


Remember. We're the good guys | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter


Comments ( 34 )

This reminds me a lot of the Toy Soldiers movie:rainbowhuh:

My bad, I ment to say Small Soldiers

Especially the beginning almost matches up part per part with the bike scene,


Huh. That's strange. The dude who commissioned this story must've been a fan.

Yeepp. Didn’t wanna admit it. But a 90’s kids film created mah fetish.

So wait if they're sex dolls why are they only 6 inches tall who are they for?

This is exactly the case. They're stretchy. Not that it matters, you'll probably never see these things get used by a person. The commissioner seems to be a fan of doll-on-doll violence.

Second question. So like why can't they just replace her battery?

It's not that easy. If your heart stops, I can't just cut it out of your chest, put in a new one, and send you out the door good as new.

Plus, Octi was fucked for more than just her battery. Dollcum is hell on sensitive circuitry, they would've had to replace basically all of her wiring, servos, etc. At that point, they're better off just kidnapping another Octavia unit.


Well the true answer is that its mah fetish.

Although I have come up with an explanation, one a bit better then “they stretch”.

Put simpley, there made easer to mass produce and are more affordable at that size.

And even if you can’t directly fuck em there still worthwhile products. The more top of the line models can have practical applications like some house work (think chibi robo) or act as personal assistants and secretary’s.
Hell even the simple ones would sell to the lonely and depressed.

And of course there’s more to sex then just dicks in cunts. They still got hands, tongues, there hot as hell and know how to give a good show.

I mean would you ever need porn if you had two of these dolls to put on a show whenever you want?

But again, main reason is it’s mah fetish.

Yeps. Although I question how applicable a heart stoping would be to a battery dying.

Regardless there’s all sorts of reasons.

The circuits to the battery fried, the battery isn’t an easy replacement, or was ment to last long enough that a replacement would be redundant.

Hell even if they could fix her the amount of damage she took probably corrupted her programming.

Hearts aren't the same as batteries and even still we have heart transplant surgery. It be the same thing except for a doll it would be much more simple. Plus didn't she die because she ran out of power she didn't short circuit.

Alright, I'm gonna be honest, I really just said some shit and hoped it made sense because I wasn't actively talking to Technophile. Any lore explanations that come from Technophile should be taken as gospel, whereas anything I say should be treated as conjecture at best.

I'm so full of shit, you can probably smell it.

Your not wrong here, I asked for her to go like that.
Death I suppose is relative with these dolls with enough time and supplies they might be able to fix/revive her. But along with the battery there’s all the other circuits that were wrecked. Plus getting deactivated by that much trauma probably wrecked her core programming.

She’s probably like a car that’s a total loss. The cost to repair her is more then it would be to replace.

And I myself value this as smut first and foremost. So you should keep the mst3k mantra in mind if something doesn’t make sense. Lewd here put exactly what I asked for and I love the story and him for it.

Aww, I love you too, buddy. I'd hug you, but that's pretty gay, so I'll just give you a kiss and be done with it.


Not only that but it sounds like Sonata is in way worse shape than Octavia. How is she gonna pull herself back together? Is this going to play out like Sid's toys from Toy Story where they make do with what they have and jury rig their friends back together? I know I'm probably thinking to deep into this but I just like speculating on these kinds of things. Maybe this works like Wall e when he got broken and EVE put him back together only for him to almost loose his personality. Meaning they could put Octavia back together but consciously it won't be the same girl.

Sounds like your surprisingly invested. I mean I could basically tell you if that’s what you want. It’s not Gonna be like a big twist or anything.

I'll see where this goes for now. It has peaked my curiosity.

Cool, don’t hold your breath though, my slot only covered 5000 words. So lewd needs to move on to tha patient people that were behind me. Could take a good while before we get a conclusion.

Wait does Lewd take requests or is it like a patreon supporter kind of thing. I mean I'm just putting this out their but I've always wanted to see an EqG story where Apple Jack uses Sunset as her own personal work horse to plow some fields for her apples.

I take commissions, but they're closed right now. If you want that story done by me, keep an eye out for when they go back open. They're exceptionally cheap, this piece only going for $5.

I thought about doing Patreon, but I don't know if that makes sense for what I'm providing. I doubt many would pledge to me, so it's really just easier for people who want to give me money to just commission me. That way, they get to support an author they like, I get a bit of pocket cash, and my followers get a fresh piece of smut to read. That's a win-win-win.

Well that's good to hear. I've been thinking about getting into the erotic fan fiction game myself but I have trouble writing stories. I'm just not confident with my writing abilities.

Confidence is simply foolish optimism. Any writer worth their salt should be, in some way, terrified of fucking up every time they put words to paper. The only way you will ever get even remotely comfortable with your smut is to write some. So, I urge you, write. If you find yourself hitting a wall, write something else. Keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks, then keep on throwing.

But what do I know? I'm just some twat who writes half-decent porn on the Internet. Take my advice at your own peril.

Tiny girls? Check
Robot girls? Check
Tiny robot girls who are also the Dazzlings?

Im on board.

Well thanks for the advice if I ever come up with something you'll be the first to know.

I'm curious, this is marked as incomplete, so are you planning to add more?

Cute story, so this actually wasn't supposed to be the story at all. What was supposed to happen was Sonata gets her shit wrecked, then Aria and Adagio come along and put her back together. I then started corresponding with the commissioner, who decided to extend the story to include the fun you see with Octavia. So, we decided that I'd do this, then, when I have more time, I can come in and finish off the story with the Dazzlings (very painfully) putting Sonata back together.

No word on when that'll be right now, so, if you're interested, I suggest you bookmark the story or something.

Oh, thanks, I was wondering! I've actually got it in my tracking now!

We should really get together and plan for that. Whenever your schedule clears up.

I like this setting. I grew up with the "toys come to life" style movies too, and I've wondered for a bit here and there how things would pan out when someone went the inevitable route and made sex toys to this effect.

Also, I'm not usually a fan of torture, but I do enjoy the "surgery without anaesthesia" bits.

Loved everything about this story, from the premise to the execution!

Hard to imagine, but not my jam

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