• Published 20th Jul 2012
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Sins of Equestria - Dr.Shiny

A Diablo crossover, where the truth may break the bonds of friends

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A Letter From Celestia

Twilight woke from her comatose state, to be surrounded by all her friends. She could slowly hear what sounded like Applejack yelling that her eyes are moving. In her blurred vision she could make out what looked like Rainbow Dash looking at her, moving her lips. It was probably, "Wake up egg head,". She soon got control of her muscles. She moves her arms to help lift herself off the bed. As her vision kept making progress on clearing up, she saw Pinkie jumping up and down and Fluttershy at the edge of the bed, with a worried look on her that slowly went away.

With one breath Twilight said." What happened?"

"Sug, Spike found you laying on the floor when he came back from Rarity's." said Applejack.

"Yeah, we tried shaking you, pouring some water on you, even Pinkie's instruments couldn't wake you up." said Rainbow Dash.

" I just had the strangest dream." mumbled Twilight.

" I don't think that's possible Twilight, the doctor says you were completely out, the only reason they did not declare you dead, was your breathing." said Rarity.

"Doctor? I'm in the hospital?" said Twilight. She looked around and saw medical equipment. She looked at herself and found a green gown on her.

"Where's my necklace?" asked Twilight.

" It's over here," said Pinkie, " So is your tiara, look what happens when I put them close together."

Pinkie took the necklace and the Element close together. The necklace would light up ember red, and the Element would give off several sparks. She kept on bringing them close and far apart. Twilight heard a voice in her head ,"You tell her to stop doing that or I will," .

"Pinkie stop that!" yelled Twilight. Her friends gave her some concerning looks. Pinkie put the necklace and the tiara away. Then Applejack pulled out a letter for Twilight from her hat.

"You got a letter from Celestia." said Applejack handing it over to her.

Twilight took the letter and unrolled it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle

Hopefully you received this letter soon. I would like you to visit me in Canterlot. I'm undergoing much stress nowadays. Canterlot has been under threats from the southern kingdom, and I have my military advisers putting constant pressure on me to give them more control of the city. Their leader is menacing to me, but the citizens love him. I need someone I know to talk to, someone I can trust. All of the royalty is under a ton of stress. I'm rarely out of the castle. Please come soon.

Your teacher,

Princess Celestia

"The princess wants me to visit her." said Twilight laying down the paper.

"Well you should go visit her. After the coma, you should go on a little vacation." said Fluttershy.

"I heard they have huge changes in security, even more than there was at the royal wedding." replied Rainbow Dash.

The door open and a nurse stuck her head out to say that visiting hours are over. Twilight's friends all said their farewells, and hope she gets well soon. When they all leave and shut the door, Twilight put her head back down on the pillow. Out of the corner of her eye she sees the necklace shifting around. The lights went out and a blue flame was floating above the necklace.

"This is getting really strange. I must be having a reaction to whatever the doctors are giving me here." said Twilight quietly.

"SILENCE!" said the flame, "I will warn you one last time to not have that blasted harmony near me, or I will kill everyone you know!"

"Who are you?" asked Twilight.

"I'm the not you should not be concerned about who I am. You should be finding out who you are."

"I know who I am."

"When you go to Canterlot, you will find out."

The necklace lifted itself from the air and it strung itself around Twilight's neck. Twilight looking down at the necklace said," What does that mean?"

"You will find out soon enough. Now sleep."

The blue flame went out. Twilight eyes grew heavy, she put her head on the pillow, and went into a deep sleep.

High up in the sky of Equestria sits the high city of Canterlot. It crown jewel of Equestiran authority, and a symbol of the achievements of ponykind. In the highest castle, lives Celestia, the ruler of all of Equestria. Or so it seems, as Equestria starts to defy her rule, and oppose her rule. She wants to be a kind ruler, not some dictator that ruthlessly kills in order to keep her subjects in line. When she was angry she was unopposed, but after the wedding incident, many couldn't take her seriously. She stares down into the city, there are far more guards watching the people, the military forces are stationed all over the Canterlot area. The more she looks at the once beautiful city, it makes her think of a fortress. The times have been hard on her too. She hasn't seen Luna in a year, hasn't been out of the castle in a month, not even out of Canterlot in over 15 months. Her niece Cadence and husband Shining Armor, have been busy dealing with General Amani. General Amani came into power when he led a counterattack on the Changelings. He became very popular among the people of Canterlot. Everyday he seems to grow in popularity, and gains power.

"My Highness General Amani, wishes to speak with you." said one of her royal guards.

Celestia sighed,"Let him in,"

The door opened and through it came a large battle-harden stallion. The General had his black and red colored armor on with his rather extravagant helmet that looked like a dragon head. He had a few scars on his lavender colored face. He walked up to Celestia and bowed his head. He was followed by one other stallion. This one was younger, had a short brown mane, a flawless face and he was toned.

"My Celestia, I bring news that is of concern for the Crystal Empire. Azmos has just declared their separation from us. My intelligence agents are telling me of a possible sneak attack. With your permission, my soldiers will be allowed to do background checks, searches as needed to find any spies that have infiltrated us." said General Amani.

"Have you asked permission from the ruling family?" asked Celestia.

"They declined," replied Amani.

"Then my answer is also no. Let Azmos separate, after all it would be ideal to allow the empire to disperse. They rise and fall. I have ruled for thousands of years, maybe it is time for change." said Celestia.

The response wasn't what the General wanted. The other stallion walked up and stated, " So that's it. The great Crystal Empire will crumble and you will let it happen just like that. I thought you were aggressive Celestia."

"Who are you to speak?" said Celestia angry.

"I'm Major Copperleg. Current commander of Canterlot 17th battalion and commander of Canterlot Customs." replied the stallion.

"I think it is time we leave Major." said Amani.

The two officers left the room. Celestia turned back to her view of the city. Watching it change more and more.


"Why are you alive again?" said Adria to herself. She examined the stone extensively. The ember glows, and smokes as it did before. She could not think of any possible way to explain it. She gave it a burst of magic, and the stone began flickering. The candle went out in the wagon, and a blue flame appeared on top of the stone. The flame the spoke to her.

"We meet once again my former servant."said the flame.

"My lord you are alive?" asked Adria dumbfounded. She looked though a few books to see if there was any possible explanation on how the souls are able to speak outside of the soulstone.

Yes, I live, but I'm still trapped within the stone. I'm surprised my former servant that you are on this world. I guess you had to start over new since the Heavens and the nephalem were hunting you down. said the flame.

Adria looked up from her book. She closed it and told the flame," Will you still need my assistance my lord. I maybe able to find a way for you to walk in this world."

"I have no use for you anymore. You have served your purpose. I have found a new servant. This one is far more powerful. I just have to wear away their mind. I still have much to do in order to achieve."

Before Adria could respond to that, the flame went out. She started packing up several bags. Throwing several books, maps, and a few items. She walked out of her wagon looked at the night sky. " Hopefully he will listen."