• Published 20th Jul 2012
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Sins of Equestria - Dr.Shiny

A Diablo crossover, where the truth may break the bonds of friends

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Chapter 1: The High Heavens

“Twenty years since all of creation was threaten. Our arrogance was our downfall. Now all the towers rise once more, and the Crystal Arch gleams the light of hope. I gave up my immortality and my position as the symbol of Justice. Now Magus, you hold that power” said an old figure.

Magus rose from his meditation and replied, “ It's an honor my former commander. I don't believe I will be as great as you.”

“You have already accomplished so much in the past decade. You assembled the next generation of the Horadrium, and formed the League of Honor. Both made of the best mortals, and willing to fight evil wherever it strikes.” replied the man.

“Thank you Tyrael. Not much has been needed of either since, all the lords of Hell are contained in the Black Soulstone, so all the demonic hordes have no leadership and mostly quarrel with one another.” said Magus.

Magus walked over to the balcony, he gazed out in Heaven. Its tall white structures, trimmed with gold shined in the sun. Tyrael walked next to him.

“ I still feel troubled that we have not found the Black Soulstone since we threw the Prime Evil's body off the Crystal Arch.” said Magus.

“That is indeed troubling, the nephalem have assisted us in the search of the stone. It seems the stone disappeared from all realms of existence.” said Tyrael.

“ During my meditations, I can sense the power of any presence, angel and demon. The soulstone would still have small traces of the Evils, but I believe it is not on Sanctuary,” said Magus, “Tyrael could the soulstone have fallen onto another realm.”

Tyreal turned away from the vista, “It may be possible Magus, but I'm not sure. Even Imperius and most of the Council have given up on the search for the stone.”

“Just as we all had given up on the search for the one who betrayed you at Bastion's Keep” replied Magus sharply.

Tyrael turned at Magus and pointed at him,” Twenty years is a long time to search for one mortal. Most likely she has died of age.” He lowered his arm and looked towards the ground. Magus approached him and put his hand on Tyrael's shoulder. “I'm sorry Magus, if only I knew what she was truly up too, I could have stopped the Heavens from being attacked and saved on old friend.”

“It was all our fault. As you said before, our arrogance, and our reluctance to take action after the Worldstone was destroyed lead to this” said Magus, “ I should have came and helped you and the nephalem destroy the last Evils.”

Tyrael looked back up,” Thank you Magus, but you would have been much better here. It was you who lead a group of angels to defend several chapels during the Prime Evil's attack.”

Magus walked over to the balcony and remembered that day. He was meditating in the gardens, when he felt a large demonic presence enter Heaven. Next he heard a loud roar, and the Gates of Heaven crumbling. He gathered all the angels he could and they defended whatever they could. The forces of Hell kept pouring in. He was losing angels left and right as the demons and even their fallen brothers kept coming. The one moment that still haunts him was the sight of the Prime Evil as he pushed on to the Crystal Arch. In that moment he made eye contact with him. The Evil just walked on towards the Crystal Arch, as he fought his minions.

“Your actions that day saved many lives. That is why you were voted to be my successor as Arc Angel of Justice.”

Magus remembers that day too. He remembers standing in the Council's chamber. Imperius, Itherael, Auriel, and Tyrael standing over him. “ Do you Magus, take on the responsibilities of being the Archangel of Justice, and will you defend the High Heavens and Sanctuary from the forces of Hell.” said Imperius.”It would be my honor to be a member of the Angiris Council” replied Magus. “ Welcome Magus, Archangel of Justice.” stated Auriel. He walked out of the chamber to a hall of angels saluting him, and out to a crowed that cheered for him. The defender of the Heavens is now a leader among all.

“I still have those memories fresh in my head Tyrael. Just like back when I severed under you in the Eternal Conflict.” said Magus.

“Those times will most certainly be remembered.” said Tyrael with a smile.

Then a messenger flew up to the balcony, “ Archangel Magus and Tyrael, Imperius requests your audience in the Council chambers.”

“ What is this about messenger?” asked Magus

“ You will know at the meeting, I was told only to tell you and Tyrael,” said the messenger.

“Good work messenger, come Tyrael. Let us see what Imperius wants.” said Magus. He took off towards the Council chamber.

“Will you need any help Tyrael?” asked the messenger.

“No need, I can walk there.” said Tyrael.

Magus flew though the towers of Heaven with lighting speed. Soon he was at the Council building. He landed and entered the chamber. Shortly after he arrived, Tyrael showed up and took his spot. Imperius looked around and saw the entire body was present. He approached the front of his seat to address the Council.

“Today my fellow Archangels I bring very good news. I've declared that our conflict with the hordes of Hell are over,” said Imperius, “ since the Lords of Hell have been permanently vanquished and any demons left on the nephalem world are unorganized and can be easily be taken care of the League of Valor. Our involvement in fighting will now close.”

Magus quickly rose up from his seat and shouted, “Imperius what about the Black Soulstone, it still contains the Evils, and we have still not found it.”

Imperius pointed at him and replied,” Hold your thoughts Magus, even though you are new to the Council that doesn't mean you can speak out of term.”

“My apologies, but I still think before we can declare the end of our involvement, we must make sure the Black Soulstone is destroyed.” said Magus.

“Magus, the Black Soulstone still contains the Evils, but after Diablo's attack, most of the power of the stone was used. When his body was thrown off Heaven, even if the stone survived the impact on whatever world it landed on, it would only put off a faint essence. Plus it would have to take someone with extreme power to even give it a spark. Reviving one Evil takes much power, but to revive them all would take the power in our Crystal Arch.” said Itherael.

Magus lowered his head. He had just only been placed as the Archangel of Justice, and already he would be spending the rest of time doing nothing.

“ I know it pains you Magus, but you have already fought in many battles, maybe it is time for all of us to rest.” said Auriel gently.

Magus raised his head. He walked to the center of the chamber. “I will still try to find the Black Soulstone. For as long as it still exists I will not rest. I will find it and I will bring justice to all the Lords of Hell and the one who betrayed Tyrael. If I must do this alone, then so be it. I only have the rest of time.”

“Please Magus, don't go mad like Malthael,” said Tyrael, “ A divided Council is what allowed Diablo to attack Heaven.”

Magus couldn't take it anymore, he turned around and left the chamber. Tyrael went after him until he heard Imperius' voice, “ Let him go Tyrael, he will learn soon enough.”

In his study, Magus looked though all his books. He read all the ones he had on the history of the Sin War, knowledge of all demonic artifacts, the histories of the Evils, and all the possible dark cults that still may lurk in Sanctuary. He grew restless, and stormed out of his study and out to his garden. He looked at his flowers, the small pond that had several fish swimming around it, the small tree with a roundish red fruit. He sat under his tree and prepared himself to meditate.

“I will meditate until I feel the essence of a demon.” said Magus.

He took a deep breath and went in to his meditated state.