• Published 8th Dec 2019
  • 235 Views, 1 Comments

Harth's Flower - Roxsy Variant

One Hearth’s Warmings long ago, a lost young colt fond a demon under a tree.

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Chapter 1: The Demon in a Tree

Morning Glory soared through the air, her orange wings spared to catch what little wind there was. winter was tough this year. Motley because Old Lord Bell was looking after his pregnant wife, and without him the pegasi just couldn't hold back the cold front. It was a week of blizzards and snow, but thankfully that has finally passed by.

Even though the worst was over, Morning still covered herself to be safe. She had on a heavy padded and worn coat that would’ve complemented her orange wings if it warn’t for all the stains, a set of striped socks, and a simple wool cap that coverd her yellow mane.

Today she was carrying Candle Flame on her back. The little unicorn sat in a flight saddle that had little ribbons that around her waist and tied her down. She covered her doll yellow with a turtle neck, and a brown jacket. Even though Candle was tied down, the little unicorn clanged to her mother fiercely. A fall from where they were probably wouldn’t have killed her, but it was vary high for to unicorn that liked to have her hooves on the ground.

“Don’t worry Candle, we’re almost there.” Morning said, comforting her daughter. “Look, Frisby’s and Boomerang’s house.”

The little yellow unicorn didn’t respond, but Morning felt her shift her body and rise her head. Morning was very proud of the little unicorn. Back when she first adopted Candle she was terrified of heights; they got an enchanted bed for her to help her feel safe, she was so afraid that she would fall through the floor that they used to have to tie her to the bed for her to even walk around inside. She had grown a lot since then.

Arriving above the snowy yard of the Sport’s residence, Morning came to a stop and looked back to Candle Flame “Hold tight Candle, it’s time to descend.”

Candle’s heart lurched out of her chest for a moment from the sudden change in speed. She dug her hooves into her mother as they glided down seven feet. When she was about a foot away, Morning flapped her wings backwards, slowing her enough to land comfortably.

The moment her hooves touched the ground she felt Candle relax, “You alright Candle?” Morning said, looking back at the filly.

“I’m ok.” The little unicorn mumbled. Morning smiled and then pulled the escape knot, releasing Candle from the saddle. The yellow filly jumped off, landing in a small pile of show. A cake floated behind her, held in her magic grasp.

“You really didn’t need to carry that for me.” Morning thanked her, placing her cake on the ground.

“But you would have had to take two trips. I can levitate and help now.” She said, levitated a clump of snow to prove her point.

“And I’m grateful, it is just that I don’t want you to lose your consideration when we are traveling.” Morning said picking up the other cake, and walking to the door, “You could drop something valuable while I carry you, like the violin, and there’s no way to fix it if that does happen.”

“Mommy, I can levitate lots of things while flying!” Candle wined, stomping her hoof into the ground. “I’ve done it a lot of times!”

“Yes, you did a good job carrying the cake, now hush.” The adult Pegasus said, shutting her up. She then turned and knocked on the door.

The little unicorn puffed up her chest in pride from the complement. Her mom was finally recognizing that she was becoming a grown up. Candle waited there her chest puffed up, until she heard Soccer’s hoof steps approaching. Her head turned up to see the blue-green mare opening the door for them. She wore a festive hat that covered her blue mane, but not much else. “Hey Morning Glory! What can I do for you?”

“We just came by to give you this cake to show our gratitude for letting us stay at your place while we didn’t have a home.” Morning said, presenting the cake to her friend.

“I helped bring It!” The proud little unicorn said.

“It was nothing, really. Just being a good friend.” Soccer said, humbly, while eyeing the cake.

“Three days in your home isn’t nothing.” Morning rising the cake a bit closer.

“You’ve got me!” the blue-green sports pony surrendered, taking the cake, “I shouldn’t be eating all the snacks you’ve been giving me! I have a figure to maintain.” She then shivered at the , “It’s cold out, why don’t you two come inside.”

“I would love to,” Morning said staying outside. “But I actually have be heading over to Wether Vane to give him the other cake." Then an excellent thought came to her mind, "Actually, Would it be ok if I left Candle hear while I thank someone else? She’d love to play with the boys.”

“Certainly!” Soccer Said ushering Candle in. Who dashed over to the big comfy chair, claming it for her own, “I would be happy to look after her. But Frisby Boomrang and Firework already headed out to the forest.”

“Was it to catch giant spiders?” Morning questioned, remember ring what the boys were talking about the night before.

“Yah, I think I overheard something about giant spiders”

Firework trotted happily through the snowy woods, hooves crunching throw the thin patches of snow and leaves with his orange boots. He wore his favorite jacket. Though it wasn’t much of a jacket as it was a brown cloak without the hood, but at least it covered his cutie mark.

Earlier that morning when the Destiny Knights went on their quest to find giant spiders to tame, they ran into a small problem, they didn’t know where to find giant spiders. After some debate they decided that they should split up to cover more ground.

So, there he was, all alone, with no idea where he was in hunted woods. He knew it was a bad idea from the start, but he had to discover his cutie mark! Now he wasn’t so sure.

‘There is probably some Timberwolves or ghosts lurking out there’, he thought, nervously looking into the brush, ‘And if I find any giant spiders, they would eat me.’

After a moment of standing in the woods staring into the brush the fear took ahold of him. Quickly turning around, he started flying back the way he walked. ‘Which way did I come from? Is that the tree that I turned at? Or is it that one?’ He thought, his wings beating wildly.

‘No wait, calm down, how did I get here?’ he thought stopping. “I walked on the ground, snow, my hoofprints! But I lost them. I have to find my hoofprints.”

With new goal in mind, Firework started surveying the ground, flying in circles. He targeted small parches of snow; eyes piled for the small indentations.

After a few minutes of circleing around, he was just about to give up hope, and try fly above the trees when he his ears picked up the sound somepony crying. He stopped and looked around, ears shifting left and right. Finally settling on an old tree with its roots exposed from erosion.

“Frisbee? Boomerang?” Firework asked the crying pony in the tree, hopping it was one of his friends. Whoever it was stopped crying when they heard his voice, prompting Firework to approach the tree.

As he walked towards the tree, he saw a pair of green eyes staring up at him. “Hello?” he said nervously. While trying to get a better look at whoever was hiding under the tree, a claw reached out and pulled him in.

“What are you- ow, what are you doing?” he exclaimed, swatting at the creature now chewing on his hoof, “You’re not supposed to bite ponies!”

Firework kicked the creature in the stomach hard enough to send it sliding across the ground. “Ow” the creature muttered, rubbing her stomach as well. It slowly looked up at Firework and snarled. It’s face was quite odd looking to Firework. It was flat with two eyes, a green coat, with two slits for a nose, a frown of molars and one canine, and thick locks of brown hair that adorned it head. It crouched; head close to the ground staring up at him.

“I’m hungry,” The creature announced

“That’s no excuse for biting ponies, Hungry.” Firework snaked, remembering his dad doing that to him at one point. He rubbed the place where it was bitten, felling a bite mark and a little bit of blood from a small cut.

It tilted its head at his remark, “I’m going to eat you.” It Said. Then it pounced.

Firework tried to hold it back, but it just grabbed his hoof with its claws and bit him ceasing him to yelp when the one tooth cut him again. In retaliation, he smacked the dark green creature across the horns, knocking it off his hoof again, “Hey! Goingtoeatyou, I’m not food!”

“What?” It said, roiling off its back and tilting its head in confusion. Fearing another attack Firework took up a defensive stance, rising his hooves, and punching the air.

“I’m a pony, and ponies are not food.” He tried explaining to the strange monster.

“No, my name is Blood Rose, not Goingtoeatyou.”

“It was the only thing you told me”

“Well, I’m still going to eat you!” She said getting ready to jump.

“Wait! If you eat me, I will not give you my cake!”

The Blood Rose stopped mid jump, “Wate? You have a cake?” she asked, landing on the ground.

“Not a hole cake, but my mom made a batch of cakes this morning and she said I could have a slice when I got back, so if you let me go, I will give you my slice.” Firework said, relieved that Blood was no longer attacking him. While he talked, he studied the creature. It was about his height four clawed limbs under its stomach, and two on its back. Its coat was a dark green with red horizontal stripes traveling up its belly and chest. Four of the red stripes reached to its face, two giving its the appearance of tear trails running down its cheeks, and the other two turning Blood small furry ears red. What looked like hair on the top of its head was actually four gnarled horns that twisted together.

Firework was enamored by the strange alien creature; he eyes on the limbs hanging off its back. Then he realized something, “When I heard you outside, you sounded like you were crying. Was that because you were starving?”

“NO! I mean yes, that was the only reason I was crying.” Blood said, folding her arms.

“Why don’t you come with me back home. I’m sure my mom would make some food for you.”

“No! No! No! NO!” The Blood shouted, shaking her head variously, “I can’t go to the pony town! Ponies hate demons! If I go, the ponies will hang me in the town hall like a sack of wheat.” She stopped talking for a moment before looking straight into the eyes, “And you will tell them where I’m hiding, and they will find me, and then they will hang me. that’s why I need to eat you.” she cried, her eyes turning red.

“Hey. Its ok, I won’t tell,” Said Firework trying to comfort the little demon. His innocent mind quickly balked at the idea of little demon hanging at the end of a rope. “So your a demon, Demons are awesome! They are the only creatures strong enough to fight head to head with alicorns and win! I heard so many stories about your kind. Where do you come from? How do you use magic? What powers do you have? My name is Firework, by the way. Why are you all alone? Are you a baby demon?"

Blood Rose was a little relieved and confused at the sudden burst of questions, “Um well, Firework, I have a deal, give me your cake and a fire and I will answer all your questions.” Blood said, extending his claw.

“Deal!” Firework conformed, shaking Blood’s claw.

“Oh, and some eggs.” Blood added, trying to extend her deal.

“But we already made a deal!”

“No eggs, no answers.” Blood refused to bulge.

“Fine.” The orange pegasus conceded. He climbed up the low dirt bank, “I’ll be back soon. Goodbye”

After a few steps he relied something, “I just realized that my mom is going to be furious with me, and i can't tell her about you. I probably will not be able to make it back until tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow! I will have to wait in here another night and go hungry!” Blood exclaimed.

“I’m sorry. It’s just the only way I can get the cake without telling anyone.”

Blood at that groaned at that, “Ok, I’ll just starve, or freeze.” She rested her head on her arms and closed her eyes. Firework looked at the suffering monster in the tree. There had to be something he could do for it.

Not hearing him leave Blood opend her eyes and looked up at him, “What are you waiting for, I’ll survive. Just get here as soon as you can.”

“Yeah, right. See you tomorrow.”

“Good bye.“ Firework heard from behind as he existed. Walking a couple and started looking around woods.

“Now, where am I?”

“Firework!” Morning flew over the hunted forest. Her eyes surveyed the land for anything orange. ‘Ware is that little raven!’ she thought as she glided, “Firework!”


Mornings ears swiveled at the cry of the lost pony. “Firework?”

“Mom!” She heard more clearly, turning to the source she saw the naughty colt bouncing throw through canopy.

“Firework!” Morning swooped down and embraced the orange pegasus, what do you think you were doing young stallion?”
“I’m grounded, aren’t I?” Surrendered Firework. Starting to fly with his mom.

“Oh, yes you are! You are going to bed early and no cake for you.” Firework's ears lowered when he heard the punishment, “Running into Shade Forest without an adult is vary dangerous! You had made me so worried when you didn’t come out with your friends, in need to know what you ware thinking that could have made this look like a good idea!”

When his mother stopped talking for longer than a second Firework realized that she wanted him to talk, “I just wanted to see if I had a giant spider cutie mark.”

“I would be fine with you going on your quests if you ware responsible enough to get an adult.” His mom began again, laying down another brash, “All of your quests now seem to involve enough danger to gives me heart attacks.”

“We already tried all the cool, safe cutie marks.”Firework Said, explaining his reasoning, only to reserve a glare. They few in silence for a bit. The are brushed I got lost. And without any tracks I wandered around until I heard you calling.”

“Just be more careful next time you go on one of these quests, ok?” his mom said. “Try to use that noggin to stay out of trouble more often.”

"Ok!" firework said, but all he could think about was how he could help his new friend.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading. Otherwise ignore this note.

Comments ( 1 )

Pretty fun story so far - nice mix of lighthearteness and action, with good descriptions throughout. It would benefit greatly from an editing pass if you can manage it, though - there's quite a few spelling and grammar errors throughout, though fortunately not so bad as to detract from the story too much.

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