• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 953 Views, 4 Comments

I was Summoned by a Mortal - GameBoy_Gamer

Twilight was given a book written by Starswirl, only, It wasn't Really written by him.

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By Kynval Zzedenkathik of Clan Deathbringer

"Twilight, you should come to bed." Spike said walking into the castle's library."It's late."

"Not now Spike, I'm almost done with this book here." Twilight said still looking at the book. Spike just sighed.

"Alright, Well I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight Twilight." Spike said walking over t the alicorn and gave her a hug.

"Goodnight Spike." Twilight said looking away from the book and returning the hug. After the hug Spike wonders off and leaves Twilight to her reading. About an hour passes and Twilight Hears a knock at the door.

"Who might that be at this hour."She asks herself as she walks to the door. When she got their and opened it she was surprised to see Starswirl the Bearded.

"Starswirl! What are you doing here!?" She asked

"Well I was felling bad about how I treated you when I first came back, so I thought I should get you a present. Do you mind if I come in?" He asked while carrying a present on his back.

"Of course not. Please, come in." She stepped aside to allow him in.

"When I started off to find you a present, I had no clue what to do. So I asked the princess's and they suggested to get you a book. They also said you are a fan of my works. So, I though I should give you my very first one." Starswil said walking to a nearby table.

"What!? Really!?" Twilight asked in excitement.

"Yes." He said putting the present on the table. "Open it." Twilight rushed to the table and opened the gift. She opened the small box and pulled out a glowing blue book.

"Wow..."She stared at the book in amazement.

"Now I should tell you that I didn't write it myself. This was made back when I was still learning Spells. One of which I learned to cast when the Pillers and I went up agents Necromancers. Manimarco and his Worm Cultists." Twilight began to read. "Well, I'll leave you to it. Farewell." Starswil said as he teleported away.

I was Summoned by a Mortal

By Kynval Zzedenkathik of Clan Deathbringer

For as long as I can remember—and like all Dremora my memory is keen, especially for grievances—I have faithfully served the officers of my clan, and through them, My Lord Molag Bal. And yet not always: for once, to my shame, I was compelled to serve another.

I was on guard duty at the Endless Stair, an assignment I always enjoy, for I can mock and torment the passing Soul Shriven without being held responsible for them meeting their quotas. Leaping out from behind a claw-pillar while shouting, "There you are, weakling!" just never loses its appeal.

I was lurking behind a Dark Anchor chain link, preparing to terrify an approaching Soul Shriven by suddenly knocking her down and sneering, "No match at all," when I suddenly felt a strange tingling all over, from my horns down to my toes. I grew dizzy as the plane spun around me, nearly fell into a pool of blue plasm, and then suddenly felt myself hurled into an endless black void.

I wasn't alarmed at first, because who hasn't been hurled into an endless black void? It wasn't until I began to materialize at my destination and got a taste of the air that I had my first misgivings. "I smell … weakness," I said to myself—and I couldn't have been more right.

It was then that I first heard the voice of my Conjurer as he said, "Ah, this one looks fairly robust," and the full horror of my situation broke upon me. For I had been summoned to do the bidding … of a mortal.

I turned, aghast, to see who had dared summon me across the infinities to Nirn, and found myself faced with a Unicor of Equestria. Oh, I recognized the type: I'd abused more than a few Pony Soul Shriven in my time, and with gusto, for they evince a haughty arrogance entirely inappropriate in mere mortals. This one gave me a brief, appraising look, and then turned away, saying, "Follow and fight. There are Worm Cultists that need slaying."

Worm Cultists. Can you imagine the ignominy, fellow kyn? Not only had I been conjured away from my duty by one of the hated pony mortals, but I must serve him by slaying the minions of Mannimarco, our Dread Lord's lieutenant and viceroy-to-be! I tried to resist, flexing my indomitable will, but the mortal mage's binding spell was too strong—all I could do was say, "No one escapes!" and follow him past a pair of torches into a subterranean maze of tunnels.

"You serve the great Starswil the Bearded, Dremora," my Conjurer announced, quite unnecessarily—for what need had I to know the name of my slavemaster? But then I reconsidered, and mentally added his name to that long list each of us keeps: the list labeled, "Vengeance."

I followed, not deigning to crouch when my Conjurer hunched over to sneak, merely glaring at him and thinking, "I will feast upon your heart." In truth, however, it was as well that I had this pony Starswil to follow, for the tunnels were many and twisting, and though we Dremora are fearless, relentless, and unparalleled among warriors throughout Oblivion, our sense of direction is rather poor. When doing courier duty, I've been known to lose my way right in the middle of the Moonless Walk and wind up back at the Lightless Oubliette where I started.

In time this Starswil began to pause frequently, listening, which only increased my irritation and impatience. Finally he stopped, with a "Shh!" to me—which was completely unfair, as I hadn't said a word. But I realized why he'd stopped when I suddenly heard human speech from the tunnel ahead. Hesitating nary an instant, I drew my greatsword and rushed forward, crying "A challenger is near!" The pony cursed and followed, but he had only himself to blame—I was following his orders exactly.

The next minute passed in the red fury that all true Dremora feel when they enter battle. But my usual enjoyment of bloody slaughter was tainted by the knowledge that I was killing those my Dread Lord would prefer I didn't, and frankly, that just ruined the whole experience for me. As I lopped off the limbs and heads of the Worm Cultists, I was aware of the energies of the pony's powerful magics crackling past me, incinerating the more distant enemies, but I was too mortified to enjoy the orgy of destruction. The pony came striding up as I subdivided the final Worm Anchorite, gloating, "So much for them. Take that, Mannimarco!"

"There could be no other end," I replied sourly, then felt the strange tingling again as the conjuration that had brought me to Nirn began to weaken. As the bonds dissolved I took one menacing step toward the pony, but then the plane spun around me again, and it was back into the endless black void.

When I came to my senses I was lying in a pool of turquoise slime, looking up at the smiling face of my superior, Kynereeve Xalxorkig. "So, Zzedenkathik," he snarled, "straying from your post when on duty, eh? It's the scathe-rings for you, my lad!"

"But, Kynreeve," I cried, leaping to attention, "I couldn't help it! I was conjured, summoned to Nirn—by a mortal!"

Xalxorkig smiled even wider. "And that'll be an extra shift scathing for telling such a hornless lie. Now march, Zzedenkathik," he shouted, thumping me with his truncheon. "Left, right, left, right, left, right …."

I hate it when Xalxorkig smiles. Kynreeve or not, his name's going on my list.

Twlight was in awe. "Wow, Maybe I should try the spell some time."

Comments ( 4 )


you miss wrote Starswirl

All u did was copy and paste a Skyrim book and change some names and add a few things, really dude really:facehoof:

Yes, and it's from the Elder Scrolls Online

Going to be harsh.
Come back when you write something. This submission is a 99.9% match to the elder scrolls book by the same name. The few words you changed are even mispelled.

How about a ponified dremora gets summoned for study and learns friendship includes tasty treats for behaving during lab tests? Don't mention who the summoner is directly, just use crude descriptors of the horrific pony, and the minions that visit.

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