• Published 12th Aug 2011
  • 6,953 Views, 24 Comments

Scootaloo's Big Adventure!!! - frostedWarlock

  • ...

1 - Story Time!

Scootaloo's Big Adventure!!!
Chapter 1 - Story Time!

You are Scootallloo! Your the best pony!! What do you do!!!

> Find Rainbow Dash.
> Find your best pals, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle!

Oh no!!! You were esposta go crusagin for your cutie mark with your frenns today! but Raindow Bash (who is the bestest pony) maight be doing something radicalnastyawesome!! who should you visit???

> Twilight Sparkle.

twilight sparkle is worst pony


you found rainbow dash!!! you might be best pony but she is bestest pony all the way

but how to get her attenshin???

> Scream.

yay! randow dash came!! what to do now?

> Sloppy makeouts perchance?

makeouts are GROSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will never make out ever forever not even with a pony as awesome as rainbow dash


dear celestia no

> Make out a little, just to check.


Rainbow Dash: Uh...kid? Are you alright?

Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash, why do I keep thinking about makeouts?!

Rainbow Dash: ...oh. Oh boy...uh...

> Rainbow Dash: Uh, sorry, I accidentally left my house on fire, gotta go bye.

Rainbow Dash: ...well I think I left my house on fi--

Scootaloo: SCOOTALOVE!! The punchline is Scootalove!!!

Rainbow Dash: ...oh! It was a joke! That was kinda good, but if you ever wanna get as good as me, you're gonna hafta REALLY work on your delivery.

Scootaloo: Of course...hehehehe....anywaymovingon...

> Ditzy: Make a "delivery".

Scootaloo: Hey, what's a delivery?

Ditzy Doo: TIMING!

Rainbow Dash: Hey Bugeye.

Huh? Who's this pony?

> Ask her what's in the bag.

Scootaloo: Ooh...what's in the bag?

Ditzy Doo: Mail! For Dashie, the latest issue of Playco..... Playco. A toy catalog.

Rainbow Dash: Yes. A toy catalog. Thank you for giving this to me in person instead of at my house.

Ditzy Doo: Sorry, Dash, but I'm not going into a burning building just to deliver mail.

Rainbow Dash: ...WHAT?!

Scootaloo: Anything for me?

Ditzy Doo: Yeppers! A package from your parents!

Scootaloo: Yay! Thanks Mailmare! You're a good pony!

Rainbow Dash: Wait...your parents?

Scootaloo: Yeah. My parents travel a lot, so they thought it would be better if I just stayed in Ponyville. I don't mind, because if I traveled a lot, I wouldn't get to see you and my other friends!

Ditzy Doo: D'aww.

you wonder whats in the package...?

> Get your friends, so you can all open it together.

You thank the mailmare and leaf Raindow Dash to take care of her cloudhouse shomehow being on fire. You went to find her friends! Which friend did you find first, and where were they?

> She found Applebloom, at Fluttershy's cottage first.
>> Obviously she thought she'd find Applebloom at Fluttershy's cottage, but instead she stumbled upon Rarity.

you went to fluttershy's cottage to see if Applebloom would be there to helop open the package!

sadly, she was not

> Chat Fluttershy up.
>> Ask her if she's seen Apple Bloom.

you decide to chat up fluttershy! she is the cutest pony ever and no one can even cpmpare i mean look at here she is the cutest foreverandever ands tuff!!!

Scootaloo: Hey, Fluttershutter! What's new?

Fluttershy: Oh hello, Scootaloo! I was just talking to Rarity about some floral patterns that she might use for some season-themed scarves that Hoity Toity wanted her to design. You see-

Scootaloo: Bored now. Any idea where Apple Bloom is?

Fluttershy: Oh...well, I know she's not around here. For some reason, she was trying to get a cartography cutie mark by making a map of the Everfree Forest! I managed to get her out before she got hurt. She scampered off to somewhere in town soon afterward.

Scootaloo: Huh. Alright, thanks Fluttershy!

> Ask Rarity where Sweetie Bell is.


yeah no lets just go look for applebloom. where toi check next?

> Check Sugarcube Corner!

you suppose youll try checking at Sugarcube Corner, though pinkie pie...

...kinda scares you

> Better just drag Apple Bloom away from...that thing.

Scootaloo: Hey Apple Bloom...

Apple Bloom: Well heya, Scootaloo! Ah thought ah might've seen ya around here today! Whassap?

Scootaloo: I kinda... got a package from my parents. I wanted to see if you and Sweetie Belle would wanna open it with me.

Apple Bloom: Aw shucks, that's mighty sweet, but wouldn'tcha wanna wait until later to open it?

Scootaloo: Not really...

Apple Bloom: Well alright then. Seeya later, Pinkie Pie! Remember what I tolja!

You and Applebloom quicky get out of there thank Celestia... now where to find sweetie delle?

> Twilight's house.

you head over to twilight sparkle's place! sweeitie belle! hmm...whats she holdin?

>The Big Book of Dumb Fabrics.

Scootaloo: Hey Sweetie Belle! Whatcha carrying?

Sweetie Belle: It's a book! I borrowed it from Twilight's library. Word of advice, don't go inside. Spike made me Pinkie Pie swear to be super quiet because Twilight was... what does "hunover" mean?

Apple Bloom: Isn't that a holiday?

Sweetie Belle: Really? Huh. I guess Twilight is being all...religulous. Anyway, I managed to get this book out of the library before Spike kicked me out. Apparently my clip-clopping was giving Twilight a headache.

Scootaloo: That's even sillier!...what book is it anyway?

Apple Bloom: The Bibble... The Bi...The Blible...oh Day...The Big Book of Dumb Fabrics? Man, this author is even worse at spellin' than Scootaloo!

Scootaloo: AY.

Apple Bloom: 'Ay is for 'orses like mah brother Big Macintosh. And ah don't see a stallion snout on your face.

Sweetie Belle: Apple Bloom, that's not nice! ...wait...

Sweetie Belle: ...what's with that box?

Scootaloo: My parents sent me a package! I wanted us to open it together! Maybe even get cutie marks!

Apple Bloom: Cutie Mark Crusader Great Unboxers!

Sweetie Belle: Do you really want a cutie mark for an ability to open presents?

Apple Bloom: As long as the job keeps givin me free presents to open!

Scootaloo: That sounds like the dream job! You get your cutie mark and people keep giving you stuff! It must be how Silver Spoon lives!

Apple Bloom: ...on secon' thought, ah think ah'd rather get a cutie mark in another field...

Sweetie Belle: ...but we're in a town.

Scootaloo: ...

Applebloom: ...


so where did they go next

> To the clubhouse!

time for all secrets ever to be realvealed !! stunning plot turns and giant freaky side stories all meet at the single point!!! WHAT IS IN TEH BOX??????

>Open box with reckless abandon.

A sketch pad and a box of crawyons!!! and a note from your parents!!!

Hey Scootaloo! This is Mom and Dad! We're trying really hard to make it to you on your birthday this year, but you know how our schedule is. In case we don't make it, we wanted to make sure we knew what our little girl was up to anyway! We sent you some drawing materials. You should draw a big adventure for us, showing the stuff you do with your friends! That way, even though we don't get to see you, we'll know what our little girl is like.

Love, Mom and Dad

> You can't draw anything for your parents if you don't have an adventure to draw!




Apple Bloom: Scootaloo? You okay?

Scootaloo: ...well...not really. I mean...my parents want to see an adventure from me, but have we ever had an adventure?

Sweetie Belle: What about that time we entered the talent show?

Scootaloo: That's not an adventure... I want to show my parents something awesome! Something that shows that I'm just as awesome as they think I am!

Apple Bloom: Aw shucks, is that all? All we gotta do is have an adventure now, right?

Sweetie Belle: Yeah! We've got nothing but time!

Scootaloo: ...you guys think we can have a Big Adventure?

Applebloom: Of course!

Scootaloo: ...yeah! What the heck was I thinking! Of course we'll have an adventure! Now we just have to think of one!

All: Cutie Mark Crusader Adventurehavers YAY!
