• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 582 Views, 0 Comments

Rise of A New Sun - Silence

This story follows a mare through her hardships as she lives in a post-apocalyptic Equestria.

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The Games

“Interesting… So Shira’s father is the one who started the uprising against the Princesses right? Would you mind explaining the events that led up to this event and the starting of the uprising, as well as what you remember from it, if that’s not too much to ask.” The doctor asked after she had finished her childhood story. Ren nodded to him and proceeded to explain the events leading up to the rebellion and the rebellion itself.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, I extend a warm welcome to all of you and thank you for attending the Games! We have a newcomer showing up today from the local town of Ponyville. He’s a trained fighter and is determined to battle his way to the top tier, to become the best of the best. Please, give a loud round of applause for Snowstorm!” A quite large pony yelled from the middle of the ring. The crowd cheered wildly, applauding and screaming as Snow stepped into the ring. He smiled at the crowd as he walked. His azure blue mane and tail swished from side to side, trailing his movements. He stood in his corner of the caged in arena and waiting for his opponent to appear. The pony in the ring spoke to the crowd again, hushing them.

“His opponent is also a new fighter to these parts. His birthplace is not known but he has proven himself to be a survivor, making a living on the street for the last 8 years! Give a roar of cheers for Snow’s opponent, Steelhooves!” With those last words, a somewhat small pony walked out, around the age of 16. The crowd cheered just as loudly for him as they did for Snowstorm. The stallion seemed to walk with a bit of confidence in his step. Snow smiled at this, the thought of decimating this kid’s confidence and showing him what true survival was really like filled him with a sickening pleasure. The pony in the middle of the arena tugged a line and darted out of there, a steel door slamming behind him and signaling the beginning of the game. Snow smiled at the kid, using his gaze and body language to tempt him, to confuse him. Slowly but assuredly, the kid cracked and charged at him, lunging himself in the air and kicking downwards. Snow whispered to himself.

“Show time folks.” With that, he summoned a pole of magical ice and slammed the kid with it, knocking him into the caged edge of the arena. Steelhooves’ eyes grew wide with shock and he recoiled off the cage and collapsed against the ground. The crowd roared like hungry dragons, obviously excited that the match was finally picking up. Snow smiled and slipped the pole under the kid, flipping him into the air and driving it straight into his stomach. The kid’s eyes glowed furiously as his horn began to shimmer and his hooves transformed, becoming plated in some form of metal. His slammed a hoof against the pole, shattering it and sending shards of icy shrapnel around the arena. He then drove downwards, slamming a hoof into snow’s stomach, knocking him backwards and driving him into the cage. He stared at the kid dumbfounded as he coughed up a little blood. His eyes of confusion shifted into eyes of determination and a crazy smile became etched on his face, filling Steelhooves with a shudder of fright.

“Kid, those hooves may have helped you outside of this arena, but against me, they won’t do you any good.” Said Snow softly, touching his horn to the kid’s hoof and freezing it. Steelhooves stared in awe and tried desperately to hit his elusive enemy. Snow nimbly launched himself around the arena, dodging the blows and setting a trap that the kid had yet to have noticed. He smiled deviously as his trap was complete. The kid looked at him and charged forward, steeping right into his moat of water that he had been creating while dodging his foolish opponent. He shot a bolt of magic at the water, encasing Steelhooves’ limbs in ice. The kid stared helplessly into Snow’s eyes, unable to shift his position at all. Snow smiled and launched himself at the kid, slamming a hoof into his chest and snapping off all of his limbs with a disturbing snap. The kid shrieked and screamed in pain and torment at the sudden removal of his limbs. This only fueled Snow and his smiled at the kid, eyes glowing bright blue as a spike of ice drove through his chest, piercing through his spine and driving right through his heart, killing him almost instantly. The crowd cheered and roared, a wave of excitement flowing through them. Snow smiled victoriously and laughed. He had started his first miniscule steps to the top of the chain.