• Published 22nd Nov 2017
  • 3,008 Views, 7 Comments

Careful What You Wish for Aria - Leviathan Jaeger

Aria has been dealing with Sonata's stupidity for years, and she's finally had enough, resulting in a argument, but what follows is something Aria would've never actually wanted.

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A wish to take back

Sonata walked through the Dazzling's house, holding the prize possession of her older sister Aria, her brand new cellphone. Aria had asked Sonata to go grab her phone from her room, since the blue siren was already upstairs. As she happily trotted through the house, she looked down at the piece of technology, admiring it's purple case and gripping texture. As she stared down at the phone, she failed to see the fold in the rug on the floor as she entered the kitchen, resulting in her tripping. As her foot hit the fold, she fell forward, thrusting her arms out and hands flying open. When her hands extended open, the prized phone flew out and forward, landing right into the sink filled with water. Sonata fell face first into the ground, and groaned as she looked back up from the floor. As she stood back up, she rubbed her face with her hand, and suddenly realized the phone was no longer in her possession. She started frantically looking around to try and find it, before thinking back on the fall and piecing together where it went. Horror filled her body when she looked towards the direction it went, right towards the sink. With quick breaths, she dashed over to the sink and frantically looked around in the water for it. Once she found it, she tried turning it back on, and when that failed, she started freaking out.

"No, no, no...no, no...come one, work with me!" she pleaded, trying her best to turn on the phone, but to no avail. As she kept pressing the power button, Sonata trembled at the thought of what Aria will say. Her sister had paid the majority of her money for this phone, and now it's broken. Sonata stiffened up and stopped breathing for a few seconds when she heard Aria's voice come from the living room.

"Sonata, that you in there? Did you get my phone?" Aria entered the kitchen and looked in the blue girls direction. "Well, do you have it?...Sonata?"

Sonata took a deep breath and recovered her courage to own up to her mistake. She turned her head to talk, "Aria, please don't freak out, it was just a accident."

Aria looked at her confused and watched her turn around, just for her look to be replaced with horror when she saw her phone laying in Sonata's soaked hands. She quickly ran up and snatched the phone out of her hands, frantically pressing the buttons to see if it still worked. "What the hell did you do!!" Aria yelled at her.

Sonata winced at the volume of her yell, and quickly tried to explain. "I was bringing it down from your room, and I tripped on my way into the kitchen, and it flew out of my hand into the sink. I'm really sorry Ari, I'll buy you a new one I promise."

Aria stood there, gripping her now broken phone tightly as the anger started building within her. Sonata's stupidity had been a constant annoyance to Aria her entire life, and over the past few weeks, she had screwed up multiple times. Spilling burning coffee on her arm, disturbing her sleep multiple times, scratching her car, breaking her bed, and that was only a few. Aria's anger had been repressed for to long, and now it was coming out.

"I paid $600 dollars for this phone, and you just broke it!!" she yelled even louder than before.

"I-It was an accident I swear!" Sonata pleaded.

"Do you know how much I worked for this, of course you wouldn't, cause you don't even have a job!"

"I've been trying to get one."

"Well your never going to get one, cause all you do is screw things up Sonata! You've screwed up my stuff, my sleep, my life, and I'm sure Adagio's life as well!"

Sonata could feel a few tears form just under her eyes. "Ari, I'm really sorry."

"Sorry isn't going to cut it!! Why don't you do us a favor and just lock yourself in you room, so you don't mess up anyone's lives anymore!"

"W-Why are you being so mean?"

"Because you've been nothing but a bothersome brat our entire lives, both here and in Equestria! Your pointless Sonata, no one cares about you!"

Sonata could feel a few tears escape her eyes. "I thought we loved each other...as a family?"

"We're not family Sonata, I don't love you, I never have!"

"B-But Adagio-"

"Adagio doesn't love you either! No one does Sonata, you've just been a sad little tag along the whole time!"

As tears moved from her eyes and down her face, Sonata could feel her own anger building up. "Well you know what, no one loves you either Aria!"

Aria moved her head back a little at the surprise retort. "Excuse me?!"

"You think your so much better than me, well your wrong! All you ever do is complain and make situations unpleasant! You take everything people enjoy about life and ruin it! All you are is a bitch!"

Aria's only emotion running at this point was anger, and with this state of mind, she couldn't control herself. She lifted up her hand and slapped Sonata hard across the face, knocking off her balance. "How dare you call me that!"

Sonata moved her head back to face her, her left cheek turning red. "It's true Aria, no one cares about you either! I tried being nice to you, but there's no reasoning with you is there, and I thought we could actually be a family."

Aria slapped Sonata again, knocking her to the side harder. "Shut up!"

"You shut up!" Sonata yelled back at her.

"I WISH YOU WAS DEAD!" Aria screamed at her, her mind not even properly functioning anymore.

Sonata freely cried now, tears openly flowing down her cheeks. She ran past Aria and headed for the door. She figured if no one wanted her, why live with them. She bolted out the door, with Aria watching her run off from the doorway.

As she entered the road, she rubbed some tears from her eyes. Through all the pain and tears, she failed to see the approaching truck. As she crossed to other side, Aria watched in horror as the truck slammed into her, knocking her down on the road. Her body laid still as the tires ran her over, the full weight of the vehicle crushing down on her. When the truck moved on down the road, Aria looked out at the unmoving body of her sister.

"SONATA!!" Aria cried, running out into the road and over to her side. She carefully pulled her onto the side of the road, holding her head in arms. She looked down over her body, noticing that one of her arms and legs were bent in ways no human could achieve on there own. The top of her head was already bruising badly, and some blood was already sliding out of her mouth. "Sonata! Sonata! Sonata, stay with me!"

Sonata slowly opened her eyes, and looked up at the worried face of Aria Blaze. "A-Ari..." she quietly forced out of her mouth.

Aria moved her head down and brought her closer. "Yes Sonata, I'm here."


Aria pulled up her shirt to look at her side, and moved a hand to her mouth when she saw that her entire side was a dark shade of red. Something either was ruptured or punctured inside her body, and it looked really bad to Aria. "Sonata, you going to be alright, your going to be fine!"

"Ari...I'm...I'm sorry...for being a failure to you..." Sonata muttered, before letting out her final breath. Her head slumped back into Aria's hands, her eyes turning lifeless.

"Sonata? Sonata? Sonata!" Aria cried, gently shacking her body in a vain attempt to bring her back. Tears streamed down from her eyes and fell onto Sonata's lifeless body as she pulled her closer to her, her crying now audible in the air. "No...SONATA!!" she cried, lifting her head in the air.

Aria shot up from her bead, her breathing quick and raspy. She quickly looked around her room, before putting a hand on her chest as her breathing slowed. "Just a nightmare," she said, wiping some sweat from her head. She crawled out of her bed and looked at the clock by her bed, seeing that it was nine-thirty in the morning. As Aria moved out of her room and down the hall, she thought back on her nightmare. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Sonata standing over by the stove.

When Sonata heard someone approaching, she quickly turned around to see that it was Aria. She formed a smile on her face and waved to her. "Good morning Ari! Did you sleep well?"

Aria stood in front of her, tears starting to form in her eyes. She quickly pulled Sonata forward and into a tight hug, the tears now escaping her eyes. "I'm sorry..."

Sonata stood confused and uncertain about what was happening. "Sorry for what?"

"For everything I've ever done or said to you. I know I've been really mean to you your whole life, and I'm sorry for it. I want you to know that I think your the best little sister anyone could have, and that I love you."

Sonata smiled and hugged her back, nuzzling her head onto Aria's shoulder. "I love you too sis."

Adagio walked into the entrance of the kitchen and looked at what was happening. A smile formed on her face at the sight of her little sisters bonding together. She walked over and put her arms around the two, creating one big group hug.

"I love you all, just our little family," Aria said, smiling into the hug.

Comments ( 7 )

This is possibly one of the sweetest, and most relatable fics I have ever read. Nicely done.

I'm really happy you enjoyed it.

I rather liked this. I particularly appreciated that Sonata shouted back, and gave as good as she got.

Good to hear you enjoyed it.

*sniffs* alright, who the hell is cutting onions here??!! :flutterrage:

"You think your so much better than me, well your wrong! All you ever do is complain and make situations unpleasant! You take everything people enjoy about life and ruin it! All you are is a bitch!"

Sh*t, Aria would have to fight me.

As she entered the road, she rubbed some tears from her eyes. Through all the pain and tears, she failed to see the approaching truck. As she crossed to other side, Aria watched in horror as the truck slammed into her, knocking her down on the road. Her body laid still as the tires ran her over, the full weight of the vehicle crushing down on her. When the truck moved on down the road, Aria looked out at the unmoving body of her sister.

Damn, that driver didn’t give a f*ck.

"Ari...I'm...I'm sorry...for being a failure to you..." Sonata muttered, before letting out her final breath. Her head slumped back into Aria's hands, her eyes turning lifeless.

Imagine that being someone’s last words.

"I WISH YOU WAS DEAD!" Aria screamed at her, her mind not even properly functioning anymore.


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