• Published 1st Dec 2017
  • 1,243 Views, 13 Comments

The dates - BronyAugustus

A recently divorced Filthy rich goes on a date. With Button's Mom. On the same night that Button has a date. At the same restaurant. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Well, this is awkward...

Button knew something was wrong as soon as he entered the living room. The thing that tipped him off was an unusual scent: perfume.

"Uh, mom? What's going on?"

Her voice came from the kitchen. "I've been asked out on a date!"

She walked into the living room, and Button's jaw dropped. His mom was in a pink sweater and matching beret that she hadn't worn since his father died. She was also in makeup, which she almost never wore, even before his dad's death. Finally, she was wearing perfume. And not the obnoxious cheap stuff. No this was the even more obnoxious expensive stuff. It told Button all he needed to know.

"So, Rich finally got up the nerve to ask you out."


"Come on. It's been 10 months since he and Spoiled got divorced, and he's had his eyes on you since. I'm honestly surprised that it was 10 months, not 10 minutes."

The ponies in town had started to see him differently after his divorce. His willingness to give up most of his money so that he could have Diamond Tiara proved to many that he was better than his reputation suggested, and since then he had begun to change. Free of Spoiled trying to make him into a ruthless businesspony, he was a much better and more respected Stallion. They had even started calling him Rich instead of Filthy, even privately.

She smiled. "How did you guess it was him?"

"Your perfume gave it away. Even with Spoiled taking most of his money, he's still the richest pony in town. I'm surprised that he didn't buy you an expensive dress."

"Oh, he tried!" she laughed. "It took about an hour for me to convince him that I didn't need it. By that point, I had decided that the perfume was a lost cause."

They both laughed. "Where's he taking you?"

"I don't know. He said it would be a surprise."

"Well then."

Button glanced at the clock. "Shoot! I'd better get going. Sweetie Belle's waiting on me at the boutique. Good luck on your date."

"You too!"

As he ran out of the door, Love tap smiled and sighed. Her little colt wasn't so little anymore. He had grown up so much in the last year, mentally and physically. He was practically an adult, complete with a cutie mark of a D-pad, from when he won a contest for best original story for a video game. He was so happy!

He was taller than her now. Of course, that was to be expected with how much he took after his father. He was becoming a handsome one, and she knew she was going to have to fend the fillies off with a stick. Although, she could see that he was going to be unavailable for quite a while, if he really did feel for Sweetie Belle as much as he seemed.

She looked up at the clock, and also jumped up. "I had better get going too." She grabbed her bag and ran out of the door.

The Prench kitchen. A few minutes later.

"Sweetie Belle, this place is great! How did you get a table here?"

"I may have asked Rarity to call in a favor." She did her best impression of Rarity "It's the least I can do, darling."

He laughed. "Good, but put a little more emphasis on the darling, and extend the ar."

They both smiled.

They were in the restaurant, sitting in a booth against the wall. From here, they could see the whole restaurant. The candle lit tables, the currently empty stage, his mom and Filthy Rich walking in...

Wait, what!

"Oh my gosh."


"Uhh, take a look at who just walked in."

She turned around, and when she turned back, she seemed dumbstruck.

"You didn't get in trouble, did you?"


"Then why is she here?"

"I think she and Rich are out on a date."

"Finally! Everypony in town has been waiting on them to get together since he and Spoiled got divorced. " she leaned in, returning to her imitation of Rarity. "In fact, darling there are rumors going around, just rumors, mark you, that he divorced Spoiled so he can get to be with your mom."

Button smiled. "Well, at least we know the truth. It's funny though. She had no way of knowing back then, but she was exactly right about them. It's almost like somepony was guiding our lives, had already decided to get my mom and Mr. Rich together, and decided to make her think that just to add a bit of irony"

He held the serious look for about ten seconds, and then they both started laughing.

"Good one, Button." Sweetie Belle started, wiping a tear from her eye. "But why are Rich and your mom here!"

"Bad luck, I guess. I doubt either of them knew we'd be here."

They watched the maitre d seat the two within earshot of Button and Sweetie Belle, so close that they caught a snatch of Prench as Button's mom spoke to the maitre d.

"I didn't know your mom spoke Prench!"

"I didn't either."

"Let's listen in. Maybe we'll find out more."

They tuned back in as Mr. Rich was talking.

"This is probably the best place to eat in ponyville. You are going to love their spinach alfredo."

"It sounds good."

"The alfredo is hoof made, and the spinach is locally grown, it's great."

"You sound like a sales pony."

"Sorry. Force of habit"

They both laughed.

"So, what do you think about my outfit. Is it better than that dress you wanted to buy me?"

"You look great. Those clothes look incredible on you, and pink is a great color for you. Although..."

"Although what?"

"It's just... well, I think you look better without the makeup."

She smiled. "Oh thank goodness! I hate wearing makeup."

"Then why did you wear it?"

"Because I wanted to look good for this date."

Filthy put on his best seductive voice. "Honey, why would you ever want to cover up your own beauty?"

Button's mom smiled. "Aww, you're so cute when you get cheesy."

They started to kiss.

Button gaged, and Sweetie Belle laughed at his reaction. But maybe she laughed a little too loud.

"Ahem! Rich, I think we have a pair of eaves droppers." Button's mom said playfully.

"Sorry! We couldn't resist!" Sweetie Belle responded.

"Well, I'll let it slide, On one condition: you get what ever you want off of the menu. We'll pick up the bill. Won't we, Rich darling." She looked at Rich, and nudged him. "Sure." he said.

"Okay then. Thank you." answered Sweetie Belle, before Button could protest.

They sat back down.

"Well, that was strange."

"Not as strange as my mom knowing Prench."

"Yah, I know. Weird huh. I wonder where she learned it."

A voice nearby shouted: "A semester abroad in Prance. My favorite semester in college"

"Now who's eaves dropping." exclaimed Button.

Everypony laughed, and continued on with their romantic dates.

Author's Note:

Thanks to all those who read and like Grief. This one's for you.

Comments ( 13 )

Very good! However, it did feel a tad short.

Thanks. It is kind of short, but I wasn't ready to write a proper sequel.

"Come on. It's been 10 months since he and Spoiled got divorced, and he's had his eyes on you since. I'm honestly surprised that it was 10 months, not 10 minutes."


He was taller than her now. Of course, that was to be expected with how much he took after his father. He was becoming a handsome one, and she knew she was going to have to fend the fillies off with a stick. Although, she could see that he was going to be unavailable for quite a while, if he really did feel for Sweetie Belle as much as he seemed.

a stick is not much of a weapon ,try an axe

"Finally! Everypony in town has been waiting on them to get together since he and Spoiled got divorced. " she leaned in, returning to her imitation of Rarity. "In fact, darling there are rumors going around, just rumors, mark you, that he divorced Spoiled so he can get to be with your mom."


"This is probably the best place to eat in ponyville. You are going to love their spinach alfredo."

jeez ,i never heard of this dish and it sounds expensive

Nah, an axe is not that long, try a Heat Seeking Missile Turret with upgraded load, and a Mini Gun with extra bullets.

dude .really .you want to commit mass genocide ?

A mass genocide?! Nah. Too weak. Try slaughter and extinction event.

your profile pic clear depics your mental makeup

Combined with my username, reveals my reaction to those who grovels at my feet asking for salvation or help from my unending slaughter and fun.




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