• Published 21st Nov 2017
  • 835 Views, 15 Comments

Twilight Finds a Gun in the Park - LegendaryHumanLeatherHat

While taking a stroll in the park, Twilight stumbles across a gun laying on the grass. Confusion ensues.

  • ...

"I wonder what would happen if I push down on this thing."

Twilight has been sitting in the same chair for 18 hours straight, signing document after document, completely blocking out everything else in existence. Nothing mattered to her at that moment except finishing off this colossal skyscraper of wasted time. Ever since she became a princess all those years ago, she neglected all the stuff that most ponies would consider a natural part of life. Some ponies would say her lifestyle was unhealthy, but Twilight wasn't bothered by it. She knew that a few hours of her time translated to years of good fortune for her subjects and that encouraged her to keep going. "Twilight?" Spike prodded Twilight's flank with his finger.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked, her voice masked with a thick grogginess. "I've got a lot of work to do."

"I can see that." Spike sighed. "You need a break. Remember that one time when you worked for so long that you went into cardiac arrest for like ten seconds? No one knew that was even possible until you did that." Twilight blushed.

"Please don't remind me of that. I've been reprimanded enough by the princess. I don't want to hear about it anymore."

Spike rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just cool off for a bit. I'll make sure Owlicious doesn't shit on your desk while your gone."

"Spike! Have you been reading those adult comics again?!" Twilight angrily inquired. Spike slapped his claws over his mouth and started apologizing profusely while sprinting up the stairs. Twilight heaved a heavy groan and got up from her chair. She glanced at the clock. It was 2 in the afternoon. "Spike is right, it would be a shame to waste such a beautiful day inside. I'm going for a walk." She opened the front door and headed towards the park. It really was a gorgeous day. So many ponies were out and about while she was busy doing boring paperwork. It was almost weird, not having your nostrils filled with dust and ink fumes. The sound of birds chirping and bees buzzing almost seemed alien to her. "I really need to get out more." she muttered. "It's not like I'm going to live forever. I'm not that kind of alicorn."

She plopped down on the warm grass and laid her back against the tree. "So this is what I've been missing all this time." A big smile spread across her face as she stared off into the distance. As she relaxed, her hooves slid down onto the dirt and she felt something rough and hard that gained her attention. She looked down at the bizarrely shaped black thing on the ground. "What is this?" She picked up the device. It was loosely shaped like an L and it had some sort of mechanism on the bottom with a thin cover on it. She eyed it thoroughly as she tried to figure out what sort of purpose it had. "Oh! It says something on the side!" she squinted, trying to read the tiny lettering. "Made in Austria." She lifted a hoof to her chin. "Austria... That small town south of Germaney? Why would they need something like this?" Her curiosity was growing. She had to learn what this thing was so she got up and made her way back to the library.

She entered the never closed front door and sat back down in the chair she swore to stay away from. "Clock Inc." She misread. "This is a clock? It doesn't look like a clock. Is the manufacturer called Clock? That's rather strange." Suddenly, a stick shaped object fell out of the bottom as she accidentally pressed a button on the side landing on the floor with an audible 'thunk'. She picked it up and looked it over. It had a yellow thing at the top a bunch of holes at the back. Worried that she broke it, she quickly put it back in and laid it down on the table and left to get a drink. "This is going to take a while." She went over to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of apple whiskey to help improve her cognitive capabilities. "Spike! Where did you put the magnifying glass?!"

"It's under the sink!" shouted down from upstairs. Twilight rolled her eyes wondering why Spike would choose to put it there of all places. She opened up the sink, grabbed the desired item and made her way back to the table.

"Alright, my little enigma. It's time to learn what you're capable of." She turned the device over and zoomed in closer to reread the text of the side. "Glock... Apparently, I read that wrong. So this is a Glock then. I still don't know what it does though and I intent to figure it out before I go to bed." She pulled the top back revealing another yellow thing in a hole. "What is that?" She let go of the top and it slipped back shut as if she never touched it in the first place. She began to grow frustrated because she couldn't figure out what this thing was supposed to be used for. She went over to the bookshelf to see if she could find something that would solve this conundrum for her so she can finally get some sleep. After about an hour of frantic searching, yielding absolutely no results, she slumped her face into the open book and growled impatiently. "It's no use! I'll never be able to figure this out!" She ran back to the table and picked up the tool and started shaking it in the air. The lack of sleep was getting to her. "Come on you piece of junk! Tell me all of your secrets." She forced herself to calm down. "Maybe if I look it over again, I'll figure it out." Just then she notice a hole in the front. She looked inside the hole to get a better look at whatever's inside there.

She accidentally pulled the trigger.

Comments ( 15 )

If you ever find a gun, stop!
Don't touch!
I can't remember the whole little song that went with that VCR tape the teachers would show us in Elementary school, so that's as far as I go.

Don't touch!
Leave the area!

I only know that from Red Letter Media's Wheel of the Worst.

No! Twilight! Oh no.....

Yiu should have just left it alone or put it somewhere locked away ...... like Tartarus!

Never make assumptions about an machine you don't know. Just assume it can kill ya

At least Twilight didn't find a Nuke.

If she did, there won't be a season 8 of mlp due to a large smoking crater were Ponyville used to be.

You mean a Large Bomb right? A nuke would have taken out aaaaaalllll of equestria...

Then confetti shot out of the gun, and Pinkie thanked Twilight for finding her mini party Canon. Why do I feel that would actually happen in the My Little Pony universe?


And that's how Fallout Equestria began. :pinkiehappy:


If you ever find a gun it's:

1: Collect gun.

2: Check ratity color.

3: If less than blue, find nearest Marcus Munitions machine and sell it.

... Well can't argue with that.

Tfw someone can only remember one more line then you XD

Okay, what the hell is tfw? I see it everywhere but don't know what it means.

It means the feeling when

It would have worked great if it was a complete story. This is an incomplete story, awkward.

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