• Published 2nd Dec 2017
  • 691 Views, 10 Comments

Project: Decepticon. - Something_Wrong

The millennia long war is finally over. And it's all thanks to the the alliance between the Autobots and Decepticons. Only there's no way to keep a 'con in jail forever. the solution? reform them.

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Chapter 3: Equestria

Twilight lead the cons down the corridor, soon they would be outside, and it was clear the four cons were itching to be out of this prison, (actual prison) but Twilight was probably even more nervous than they were, ponies like Rainbow who were convinced they needed to pay for all they did would be begging for a chance to activate the EMP pulser and ponies like Fluttershy wouldn’t care they couldn’t shoot at her, she would still be too scared to keep them under control. It wouldn’t take much for Rarity or AJ to get convinced there was no hope for the four, that didn’t leave many ponies who Twilight could be sure wouldn't be unfair with this.

A few turns later they were outside, it was sunny, painfully sunny, barely a cloud in the sky, it was hot too. The air was thick and felt heavy in their lungs, today was not a day for yelling. As soon as they stepped outside the four mechs optics darkened, adjusting to the lighting in seconds while the pony’s all started squinting
“Ok! Let’s head off to Twilight’s castle so we can explain how this is gonna work” Rainbow said mustering up as much enthusiasm as she could bear to fake as she started flying towards the castle, Starscream and Thundercracker gave each other a look that said they thought she was faking and Knockout rolled his optics. “Well, it was worth a shot.” She muttered to Fluttershy who responded

“I thought you were pretty convincing.”

Fluttershy and Pinkie slowly fell back until they were next to Knockout
“Don’t you want to talk to your friends? You're free!” Fluttershy asked the red mech. Knockout rolled his optics

“Those flying brats? We’re not even sort of ‘friends’. And I'm not free. At least prison was entertaining. Megatron and Starscream we’re at each other's throats just as much as when they were on the ship. Blaming each other for losing the war. Except Megatron couldn’t kick his sorry aft(ass) when he said one word too much.” Knockout replied sarcastically

“Starscream got beat up?” Pinkie asked

“Yeah. A lot actually. That’s what happens when you’re a backstabbing traitor who’s more two-faced then a triple changer. I’m surprised you never heard about it. But regardless, I'm not friends with those 3.” Fluttershy frowned at what Knockout said.

‘I guess Decepticons don’t do friends’ she thought.

Once they got to the castle Twilight led them through the corridors that were just a few clicks to short. She led them down the halls until they came to a large room with 6 chairs surrounding a crystal table that seemed to double as a map of Equestria. On the ceiling, there was a large wooden chandelier with multi-colored crystal charms hanging from it. The ceiling in this particular room was higher than the others, if the chandelier wasn’t there they might have been able to stand up straight.

“Ok, you can all take a seat on the floor I suppose,” Twilight said into a megaphone. She was flying now, into the middle of the room where she hovered in the air near her friends. “Our main goal throughout this,” she sighed “5-year program,” she forced out “is to teach you to live in Equestria in peace with us pony folk so you don’t have to be in jail.” She could already see them snickering. “We will all be specializing in a specific thing. Fluttershy will teach kindness, Rarity generosity, Applejack honesty, Pinkie being nice, Rainbow dash loyalty” the seeker trine started snickering and Skywarp even laughed for a minute. “And I will be teaching you about things that you used to be able to do that you can’t anymore. Overall though we ALL will be teaching you about the magic of friendship”

Twilight smiled for 2 seconds before frowning as the 4 cons burst out laughing hysterically.

“That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!” Knockout laughed.

“It’s more than that it’s outright stupid!” Thundercracker chuckled.

“How could anyone take this stuff seriously!” Starscream managed to say in between laughs.

“AHEM! HEY!” Rainbow shouted hijacking Twilight’s megaphone “It really isn’t as dumb as you’re making it out to be! And it’s not as funny either! Now Twilight’s used her magic to expand 2 rooms so you can use them. You 3 can room together and Knockout can get the other. I trust you won’t go wandering since you can’t really fit in many rooms… now, why don’t you stop insulting our culture and go into the only 2 rooms in this building you're actually welcome it.” Rainbow finished and put the microphone down as Applejack led them to their rooms. They were all basic. One had a berth (bed) big enough for 3 mechs, the other had a berth big enough for one. Overall, this wasn’t going as bad as it could have so far.