• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 577 Views, 3 Comments

A Not So Proper Courtship - BibiG

Rarity refuses to love anypony not proper and perfect enough for her. After all, she only deserves the best! But, of course, it's a certain farm mare who starts showing her affections. And Rarity then starts giving requirements for a proper courtship

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Unique Ways to Do Things

Rarity have not forgotten the little gift requirement she have told Rainbow Dash to deliver to Applejack, oh no. But that have been a while ago, a week almost, and it appeared Applejack really have given up after hearing Rarity's request. So she have left to treat herself to a wonderful meal at an outdoor cafe, maybe a suitor who will be fine with being told to do something will come by!

Rarity flashed a dazzling smile at the young waiter with her drink, who smiled nervously back. "Thank you. My goodness this looks good! I may not need anything else!" She slid the drink closer as the waiter set it down with a startling wobble. Thankfully, nothing spilled, and Rarity waved as the waiter left. She always loved those sweet little workers, they never asked for a tip, she always gave one of course, why wouldn't she, but it was good that she never felt pressured to!

She took a sip of her drink, eyes closed in bliss as the fruity flavor danced through her taste buds. Truly, this was perfect, nopony around was being crude, the sun streamed down onto her name just right, and the drink was delicious! The only thing that could make things better was a perfect suitor too...!

And, as her mind was tempting fate, a blue blur shot right past her, stopping on top of the canopy of the cafe, a familiar drink held in it's hooves. "Rainbow Dash! I have told you countless times, you must ask before you have some of my drinks, it's only polite!"

Rainbow Dash took a loud, obnoxious slurp from the fancy looking cup before calling back down at Rarity. "Ok, can I have this super fruity drink!? And plus, somepony you'll wanna see is coming down that road right there!"

Rarity, whipped her head every which way, thoughts racing and voice warbling excitedly. "Oh, is it a famous designer!? Royalty perhaps?" Still a nagging thought that maybe, just maybe, it was Applejack stuck to the back of all her thoughts. But it couldn't be, it's been nearly a week, she must have given up!

Rarity was proven completely wrong as an orange mare turned a corner, holding yet another bouquet, if it could be called a bouquet, it appeared to be a straw hat held upside down with bundles of flowers placed carefully inside. Still, it was obviously Applejack, and for some reason, Rarity felt a slightly annoying sense of relief. And she felt just the smallest bit panicked too, as every pony nearby turned to see Applejack too, no doubt alerted by Rainbow Dash.

Applejack sped up as she caught Rarity's eye, skidding to a stop at the fence of the outdoor cafe. She seemed more unruly than ever, legs covered in mud, mane held in a loose sort of ponytail instead of something tighter, and she even had dark circles under her eyes. But even then she held the makeshift bouquet over the fence with her usual smile. Rarity couldn't help but feel guilty as she stood up and took the gift, if only so Applejack could drop her hooves.

"Phew! Ah finally found ya! Thought y'all be eatin' somewhere, just couldn't figure out where the heck!" Applejack sounded just as cheery as usual despite her tired appearance, deepening Rarity's feeling of guilt.

Rarity placed the flowers on an empty table next to her, looking between it and Applejack, a question on the tip of her tongue. "Why a hat? And why tiny flowers?"

"Why, those wildflowers! Dug 'em up straight off a mah farm, a few are kinda wilted and stuff, but those ones are a few days old. And that hat is mah old hat, needed a use for it anyways!"

Rarity blinked a few times, unsure what to say, unsure what to feel. Applejack have actually listened to the requirements, in a strange way yes, but listened. And Rarity couldn't deny this was a nice gesture, just as she couldn't deny she may or may not have been hoping to chase off Applejack from any more affectionate gestures. So she decided to stay neutral, and so, nodded towards Applejack, slow and steady. "I give my thanks Applejack. This is an appropriate gift."

Applejack leaned forward, eyes searching before backing away, smile turning sheepish. "Oh, Ah... Ah haveta admit, Ah was hopin' for a little more than that, honestly, but that's alright." She gave a small nod as well then continued on the sidewalk, steps slower and quieter than she ever really is.

Rarity flinched as a loud, rough voice from up above interrupted the scene, clearly upset. "Boo! I can't believe I have to say this but that was mushy. Like, cute mushy, and I never say that!" A grumble of agreement came up, a few mares and stallions glaring straight at Rarity.

Rarity wrinkled her muzzle, one hoof raised at Rainbow Dash. "What do you suggest I do, ask her out on a d-date?" She stuttered on the last word, a nervous flush going right through her whole body as soon as the word left her mouth.

Rainbow Dash spread her hooves, even the one still holding the rapidly emptying drink. "Uh, yeah, duh!" That answer was simple and simply stated, but it caused a embarrassed Rarity to trot in place, away from where Applejack left, and towards it.

"Oh fine! But I will ask how I wish to!" Despite this attempt to appear impartial, Rarity still rushed after Applejack, mind trying to justify that she was moving quickly to get this over with. Yes, that was the only reason. Truly.

"Applejack, dear! I have decided, as a reward for the gift of course, that you will be allowed to take me out on a date tomorrow." Rarity was expecting the loud whoop, and felt a smile creep it's way onto her face at the sound, but didn't expect the surprisingly powerful hug, even it was Applejack.

Applejack quickly spun the lighter Rarity around, setting her down while still moving. "Aw, Ah shoulda known those flowers would have won you over! Don't worry you're head Rarity. Ah, know you all fancy and want more fancy stuff, our date will be that! Lemme just prepare!" And just like that, Applejack took off, way more happy, and hooves clopping loudly even from a distance.

"Ooh! I smell a success for her and craziness for you! You want me to take these flowers away too?" Rainbow Dash have followed, holding the bouquet tightly in her forelegs.

"No!" Rarity's shout surprised even herself, but her message have obviously came across so Rainbow Dash passed the flowers to her, and she held the flowers extremely carefully afterwards.

Rainbow Dash smirked. "From what I see you like her. You, fancypants queen, likes Applejack!"

Rarity pursed her mouth, nose up. "I like her as a friend. She will have to do so much more to even be considered by me. You will have to deliver my new requirements again, I'm sure you're aware."

"Yup, I knew you'd say that, just don't be too harsh, mare gave you a bunch of flowers in the way you asked! That's marefriend material right there! So... what's all the requirements?"

Author's Note:

Well, posted another chapter! Doubt I'll post this fast the whole time but let's see!