• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 781 Views, 4 Comments

Shadows into the Light - Kagemoon

Three Canterlot intelligence agents move to Ponyville in order to keep watch the Elements of Harmony

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Mission Impossible

Shadows into the Light
By: Kagemoon

Jotting Shadow strolled through the halls of Canterlot Castle. It had been a while since Luna, Princess of the Night had called on him to see her personally in her office. The brightly decorated tapestry’s of the Day Halls gave way to the more subdued, but no less spectacular ones of the Night Halls. Jotting saw Lethe and Doctor Hooves, fellow members of the Night Watch outside the Lunar Princesses quarters.

Lethe was a dark-purple coated pegasus with a lighter violet mane and tail with a cutie mark depicting a red medical cross with a white one inside it. His mane was short cropped, almost military like. Lethe was flamboyantly excitable, but at the same time, one of the Night Watch’s best spies due to his ability to be overlooked as an infiltrator due to his ability to stand out and act foalish.

If Lethe was overlooked for his ability to not look the part of an intelligence officer the Doctor was overlooked by being as plain as plain can be. The Earth pony’s tan coat and brown mane allowed him to blend into any crowd. The hourglass cutie mark seemed out of place for the physiologist, but as Hooves had explained to Jotting time and time again cutie marks did not always signify jobs or even hobbies, just a pony’s special talents.

Jotting looked down is dark blue fur to his own mark. A quill and dagger crossing, the blasted thing may as well have been a red flag for in own profession as a Night Watch officer. He really was a writer though. In his spare time between missions he had more than six published works, all adventure novels. It made a good cover story for the mark at least. In reality Jotting was one Equestria’s premiere intelligence gatherers and most likely the fourth most powerful unicorn in the country. Something he kept close to his chest.

“JT,” Lethe greeted him as Jotting grew close using the nickname the Night Watch had given him. “You got called too?”

“Guess so. Any idea why the Princess would call the three of us?”

“Another tribalist revolt maybe.” Doctor Hooves put forth.

JT shook his head. “Not a chance. I put down a unicorn conspiracy just last week and except for your everyday groups there’s nothing I can’t think of on the map.”

The ornate doors behind them opened with a glow of blue-black magic. Stiffening to attention the three stallions marched instep into the darkened room. The walls, so to speak where mainly bookshelves stuffed end to end. At the opposite end from the door was a wall sized window where the Moon Princess Luna stood regarding the three as the approached.

“Gentlecolts. I realize that this is somewhat surprising, but believe me when I say that this meeting of the utmost important,” the Alicorn said. Her night-blue mane flowed with unseen magic as she turned to meet them.

The Doctor and Jotting bowed deeply while Lethe simply nodded with a bright smile.

“First and foremost, I congratulate you all on your actions during the recent changeling attack. Lethe, it was due to your medical talents that many ponies, including two Wonderbolts will be able to live normal lives after nigh fatal injuries. Doctor you single hoofly protected an entire shop from a full wave of the insects.”

“I was simply eating when everything happened, majesty,” The Doctor said hoping to downplay is role in the defense of the city.

“Nonsense, few would have done what you did. As for you Jotting Shadow, protecting a school full of children? If I remember correctly you dislike foals.”

The dark blue unicorn reddened in embarrassment under the teasing smiles of his coworkers. “I was asked by the teacher to come in a talk about being an author in hopes of getting her students more interested in books, Princess.”

Luna smirked at her charge’s blush. “And yet since then you have been lauded as much a hero as the Element Bearers and the new royal couple. My sister has received no less than forty letters from students and parents requesting a statue in the schoolyard.”

Lethe suddenly burst out laughing, knowing his friend’s penchant for disliking crowds and attention. The stallion even hated signing autographs for his new books. The thought of him at a statue unveiling would be a hilarious sight. Even Hooves chuckled at the image.

“Nevertheless, you three are heroes and fine examples of the Night Watch. As such, my sister and I agree the three of you are the best choices for a very important and possibly permanent mission.”

The three stallions were paying complete attention to the princess, their eyes full of surprise and determination.

“In the last few years the Element Bearers have fought some of the greatest threats to ever grace Equestria. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Changelings not to mention parasprites and all manner of beasts. As such they and their friendship is the kingdoms best defense against destruction. We, by which I mean Celestia and I both agree that the six mares must be protected and watched over more closely. In secret, at least for now. To that end, you three are to relocate to Ponyville under various guises, and keep an eye on the Bearers.”

“So what, we’re getting demoted,” Lethe spoke out of desperation. “No more face to face with the bosses. No more putting out social fires. No more—“

“What my colleague means Princess, is why take us away from what we we’re trained to do actively and put us in a more passive role?” the Doctor cut in as he shot a warning glare at the amped up pegasus.

“Your talents and training make you more than adequate for this mission. Hooves, haven’t you wanted a private
practice for a while now instead of speaking to traumatized soldiers and prisoners.”

The Doctor looked away, embarrassed that something he thought was a secret was known to his boss.

Luna smiled gently at the hovering winged pony. “Lethe, this is more of a promotion than a demotion. You will be sending reports directly to me, not your captains. Also, Ponyville is in need of another physician, their hospital is sorely understaffed.”

The pegasus landed and apologized for his outburst, albeit under his breath.

“As for you JT, you are very late on your latest novel, are you not?”

JT huffed. “Kinda hard to do with all my work lately. I mean Earth Only rising in Appleosa. The Bladed Wings along the border towns. Not to mention the old aristocracy here in Canterlot.”

“Exactly,” Luna said with a smile. “You’ve been working five years straight without a vacation. Your job in Ponyville is to make your editors happy and the rest of your fans as well.”


Luna placed a hoof on the unicorns shoulder. It may take twelve ponies to do the job of you three, but this is a personal request from myself and my sister. If you truly wish, you my turn the mission down, but please think on this.”

JT looked over at his fellow Night Watch agents. Both had pleading looks in their eyes. Though the three only worked together on rare occasions he was closer to them than most of the other ponies in their group. Him leaving would put a damper on the mission, plus he did want to finish the series he had started writing years ago and get started on a new one.

“Alright Princess, I am yours to command.”

Luna clapped her hooves together like a giddy filly. “Excellent. I will have your living and work arrangements in Ponyville made within a day. You three get packing and read these mission briefs. Oh what fun this will be. Weekly reports just for me,” the alicorn princess practically danced to her desk humming a bouncy song and the stallion agents backed out of the room.

Out in the hall Lethe was mimicking the Princess’s mood. “Look guys,” he said pointing at the first page of the briefing folder. “We’re hereby promoted to special agents. Oh, look at the extra bits we get. And look, free housing. And here, only one of the princesses can give us orders anymore. Luna wasn’t kidding, this is some promotion.”

JT laughed. “Calm down Lethe. You have a bit more work to do than me and the Doctor when it comes to cutting ties in Canterlot.” The pegasus gave him a quizzical look. “How many coltfriends are you going to have to say goodbye to?” the unicorn gave him a hint.

“Hey, I’m a one colt pony, Agent Shadow,” Lethe said in all seriousness. “I just have a bunch of very close friends,” he finished with a smile.

The Doctor sighed heavily. “He is right though Lethe. While Jotting and I are woefully unattached to any mares, while you have at least two full little black books. I just need to inform my parents and captain. For JT, just his editor, a few fans, and his own captain. You on the other hand have many people to say farewell to.”

“It’s one and half books and you two are single because you’re both sticks in the mud. You never join me at the clubs. You only go to hole-in-the wall bars or snooty restaurants. When was the last time you had marefriends anyway?”

JT and Hooves looked away from their outspoken friend, both realizing that some of what he said was true. For Hooves it was due to his constant work and his, somewhat abrasive nature. He had been told on many occasions he was all too blunt in his observations and conversations, chasing away the occasional date. JT on the other hand avoided such situations all together. With his friends the unicorn was friendly, funny, and insightful. With strangers, excluding targets, he was quiet and withdrawn. Hooves suspected past dating trauma before the two had met contributed to his friend’s mindset.

“Anyway,” JT bellowed hoping to deflect the conversation. “We may as well inform our captains—“

“Former captains,” Lethe cut in with a bright smile.

“Former captains,” the unicorn corrected with a thankful nod. “Of our reassignments. The file says just to say we’re under the direct orders of the princesses now and hand them the transfer papers. In and out.”

“I wonder if they’ll miss us.” Lethe pondered as the approached the headquarters of the Night Watch.

“No,” the Doctor and Jotting said together with a laugh.

As the small side building to castle came into view Jotting waved at the two black armored door guards. They in turn nodded and allowed the three stallions to pass. Inside was a complete contrast to the unimposing exterior. Huge maps lined the windowless main room, each with different marks and colored pins decorating the parchments. Pegusai zipped around the building small dome, avoiding the crowed floor. Unicorns carried pony tall stacks of folders in magic auras beside earth ponies who gathered around tables reading and re-reading the papers.

In unspoken unison the three stallions split from each other and headed straight for their respected superior officers offices. JT knocked loudly on Watch Captain Thornside’s door and entered when a heard the grumble of the Earth pony’s voice.

“What’d the Princess want Agent Shadow?” the red and white earth pony asked gruffly. Without a word Jotting pulled the transfer paper out of the folder with his black glowing magic and floated it to the captain’s desk. Thornside read it over and his face darkened more, somehow. “Well, some of your lessers will love to see you go, but I on the other hand have to find someponies half as talented as you to take your place. Might try out Kay’s two ponies per mission initiative,” he mused.

“Sorry Captain Thornside. Look at it this way, no more listing to me grumble about being overworked,” Jotting joked.

“I’d rather listen to you complain than deal with possible failure Agent,” the old pony sighed. “Are all your mission ops and observations in your file?” JT nodded. “I’ll have some of the Lt’s pick me six good ponies to take your place. One for each tribe. Hope you’re not expecting a transfer party or nothing, you’ve made me too busy.”

“I’m good Captain. Just tell them I said goodbye. And really six? Luna said three.”

Thornside smiled. “I stretched you thin for the fun of it. That and you never let me down. Gonna need to hedge my bets with anypony else.”

“Thanks captain. That means a lot,” Jotting said earnestly.

“Bah. Get out of here before I try to deny a direct order from Princess Luna and keep ya here.”

With a laugh JT gave a final salute to his former officer and left the office.

Inside Captain Bleakapple’s office Doctor Hooves had just handed over his own transfer orders. The gray and green earth pony across the desk had her head in her hooves. “I don’t suppose I can convince you to stay?” she asked hopefully.

“Not unless you can convince both princesses there’s someone better than me for a physiological oriented mission,” Hooves said somewhat proudly.

“No, I can’t and you bloody well know it. Any suggestions on who can take your place here as head shrink?”

The Doctor scowled at the pun. “Sigmund maybe or Fraiser. Not Phil, ever.”

“Fine. I take it you’re leaving soon.”

“I believe we were given three days to pack and prepare.”

“Bring Fraiser up to speed then tomorrow. At least he’ll be happy.”

“Cheer up Bleakapple. Shrinks come and go. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

For the first time the earth pony looked up from her hooves. “I’ve been in this outfit since your parents were in kindergarten Hooves. I’ve served Celestia and more recently Luna for a long, long time. I can say without a doubt you are the best psychologist for these ponies I have ever seen. They come to you for anything and everything and you fix em right up. No I can’t just replace you, I can put somepony in your place, but you will be missed.”

Doctor Hooves beam with pride a tear nearly forming in his eye.

“You’re still a jackass though. Hope this new assignment teaches you some social manners. Dismissed.”

The mood ruined, Doctor Hooves left the room.

Lethe was unusually quiet as Captain Tools read the transfer paper. No hovering, no looking over the old unicorns shoulder. The pegasus simply sat on his haunches and waited for the yellow and white pony to say something. Minutes passed and Lethe started to fidget. More time went by and he started to tap his foot to a silent tune, causing the captain to finally look up from the parchment.

“You realize this stinks right. I’m short on medics as is and even shorter on air support.”

“Sorry boss, Luna’s orders. If it helps you won’t be the only one losing your best agent.”

“No that makes mean feel like the Night Watch is being diminished.”

“Aw come on Tools, I spent the last three years annoying the heck out of you. My constant hangovers, crying over break-ups, my choice in music during surgeries. My complaint file is a full bookshelf,” Lethe reminded the mare pointing at a large box labeled with his name in the corner of the room.

The old mare chuckled. “Maybe, but it was always the personal stuff that got you in trouble. Not one single pony would say anything bad about your work. I’ve got entire medical team to reorganize now, so out you go. Good luck on whatever it is Luna is sending you on,” she said with a smile.

“Thanks boss. Tell everyone to be good without me. Oh and you should put Barn in charge of diagnostics. He’s a total jerk but he’s really good.”

“I’ll think about it. Goodbye Lethe,” the captain gave a quick hug to her former favorite medic.

The three newly relocated stallions milled about the building saying quick goodbyes to their various colleges. Lethe hugged as many as he could while the Doctor received his fair share of shoulder pats and Jotting his own share of nods. Formal farewells out of the way they left the headquarters for what felt like the last time.

“I’m going to miss this place,” Lethe said sadly.

“I agree, although I’m going to miss my office a bit more. I wonder what kind of places the princess will have procured in Ponyville for use to live and work in.” Hooves pondered.

“Maybe we’ll be roommates?” Lethe cheered happily.

JT shuddered. He had the misfortune to share a hotel a few time with the pegasus and it had left some harrowing memories. “I pray by the full moon that that’s not the case.”

Lethe laughed. The same experience had scarred his friend for life where found memories for him. “Well boys. I have some sad rounds to make. I’ll see you two in a few days.” With that he flew off leaving a purple trail behind him.

“While our friend has his ex’s to speak to I should inform my parents. They’ll be happy when I tell them I’m setting up a private practice.”

“I’ll see you then. My editor, Red Mark, will want to know my change of address. He’ll need somewhere to send whatever is left of my manuscripts after he’s done ruining them.”

They shared a laugh and went their separate ways.