• Published 29th Nov 2017
  • 587 Views, 23 Comments

A New World, A New Way of Life. - Polaris Solarmoon

This is a story that will feature a whole new Au Called: The New View Universe

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A New beginning

A New Beginning

Princess Solarwind was sitting alone in her room reminiscing about the times when herself and her younger sister Princess Aurora were ruling side by side together, however those days have since been passed and now she rules alone,having been forced to banish her sister to the moon when she had turned evil and tried to bring forth eternal night.

"My dear sister, I do miss you so..." Solarwind mutters to herself as she gets ready to raise the Sun on a new day.

As her Sun rises,Princess Solarwind trots over to the balcony and looks over her kingdom.

She then sighs and heads to the throne room.

"Today is the day isn't it?" Princess Solarwind says to herself as she walks down the hallway leading to the throne room.

She stops for a bit,then says,"It's been one thousand years..."

She then continues her trip to the throne room.

"Good morning your highness." A guard says as she passes by.

"Good morning." Princess Solarwind says without even looking in the guard's direction.

This repeats about three more times before Princess Solarwind eventually reaches the throne room.

"*Sighs* I wonder how my student is doing?" Princess Solarwind says.

Shining Twilight was busily cleaning up her home in Canterlot with some help from her assistant Spine.

"Okay everything seems to be in order, what do you think Spine?" she says as she puts away a book.

"I think you should really gets some friends, staying inside by your lonesome isn't healthy." Spine said.

"Spine, you and I both know that I don't have time for that! Besides I have you don't I?" Shining Twilight said.

Spine pondered that for a bit and then said " That's true and all, but it'll be better if you had more pony friends."

"Oh be quiet and..." Shining Twilight had stopped herself when she noticed that a particular book was still out of place.

("Odd, I don't remember putting that book there...")She had thought to herself as she picked it up with her magic.

"Spine?" Shining Twilight says in an attempt to get her assistant's attention.

Sure enough,it did, as Spine says " What's up Shining, did you find something?"

"Yeah, I did. So,do you know where this book came from?, Because I don't remember seeing this one." Shining says as she inspected the odd book that she had found.

"Hmm, look at the title, The Mare in the Moon , do you think it means something?" Spine said.

"I'm not sure, let me see if..." Shining Twilight says before opening the book with her magic,not realising that reading it was going to change her life.

She reads it for a little while, then says "Oh no..."

"Shining? What's wrong?" Spine says worry evident in her tone.

"Spine,I need you to send a letter to the princess immediately! I need to let her know that the mare in the moon is about to return tomorrow! Can you do that?" Shining Twilight said.

"Already on it Shine." Spine says as she sends the letter with her fire.

"And now we wait." Shining Twilight says.

Fortunately she didn't have to wait very long because Spine had belched up a scroll that har the Royal seal of the Sun Princess on it.

"Oh wow,that was fast what does it say?" Shining Twilight said.

"Dear Shining Twilight, You should really go out and make some friends. Do not worry yourself with what was written in that book as it is nothing more than an old mares tale. With that out of the way,I'm also putting you in charge of the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. Please make sure everything is in order for my arrival -Princess Solarwind."

Spine read the message and was happy that the Princess had responded as quickly as she did.

"So, what did it say?" Shining Twilight said.

"It says that you shouldn't worry about what was written in that book we found,and for you to go to Ponyville and make some friends,as well as making sure that everything is in order for the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow." Spine said.

"What!? Are you kidding me!?" Shining Twilight says in disbelief.

"No Shine,That's exactly what it says."Spine says.

"Argh, fine let's go Spine!" Shining says as she storms out of her dorm and heads over to a nearby chariot that was set up for their trip.

"Right this way madam." A guard says as he directs the two friends into the back of the chariot.

Once they were settled in, the chariot took off. It's destination... Ponyville.

"Are we there yet?" Spine says as she impatiently waits for the chariot to reach it's intended destination.

"I'm not sure, but I believe that we should be there soon." Shining Twilight said.

It was a long flight but the chariot eventually landed in Ponyville.

"Ugh, finally land sweet land," Spine says before she kisses the ground.

"Spine stop that, ponies could be watching!" Shining Twilight said.

"Sorry Shine." Spine said.

"Ok now that we're here I think the first thing we should check is the food, what do you think Spine?" Shining Twilight says as she looked at the list that was given to her before she had left.

"I'd say we go make friends first." Spine said.

"What did I just tell you Spine! We have no time for that!" Shining Twilight said.

Aww, but what about that guy?" Spine says as she points out a brown earth pony stallion that had a black mane and a question mark for his cutie mark.

"Fine, I'll go talk to him." Shining Twilight says before walking up to the stallion.

"Hello there, my name is Shining Twilight, What's yours?" Shining Twilight said.

"Random Question," he replied.

"What question?" Shining Twilight says thinking that he was going ask her a question.

Surprisingly he laughs for a bit,then says, "That's my name, I wasn't asking you anything. I can't believe I got somepony with that."

"Oh..." Shining Twilight says before walking away.

"Hey wait up, where ya goin' ?" he says but Shining Twilight was already out of ear shot.

"Heh, oh well" he says to himself before leaving.

Shining Twilight eventually stopped herself near an Apple farm and said to herself, "What was with that stallion?"

"I... don't...*pants*...know but...*pant*...can you not...*pant* run like that again?" Spine says clearly out of breath from running.

"Sorry about that Spine." Shining Twilight says.

"It's okay, so who was first on that list again?" Spine said.

" I believe that we're looking for two pegasi twins named Sunny and Moonlit Sky. They help run this farm." Shining Twilight says before walking towards said farm, Spine following shortly afterwards.

Shining Twilight only made it about halfway through the farm before getting tackle hugged by two pegasi.

"Hello!" one says.

"Who are you?" the other added.

"We're Sunny and Moonlit Sky!" they both say simultaneously.

"I'm Shining Twilight, and I'm here to see how the food is coming along for the Summer Sun Celebration." Shining Twilight said.

"Oooo! The food is coming along great!" Sunny says cheerfully.

"Would you like some?" Moonlit Sky says after her sister.

"No thank you, I ate before I left." Shining Twilight says in an unamused tone.

"Aww..." the two pegasi say simultaneously.

"Come on Spine, we're going to find the mare in charge of the weather." Shining Twilight says as she leaves the farm.

"Shine, I'm not going with you until you at least make one friend while we're here!" Spine protested.

"Spine, I told you that I have no time for friends! Now come with me or I'll move you myself!" Shining Twilight said.

"*sighs* I guess I have no choice, sorry you two, but she's always been this way." Spine says apologetically to Sunny and Moonlit Sky.

"That's okay!" Sunny Sky says.

"She'll come around eventually!" Moonlit Sky added.

"Alright then,I guess I'll be going now." Spine says before she leaves the farm as well.

"Bye!" both pegasi say simultaneously as Spine leaves.

Shining Twilight and Spine we're still looking for the mare in charge of the weather,until they accidentally bumped into Random Question.

"Hey there didn' mean bump into ya like that, so where ya goin' ?" Random Question said.

"It's none of your business, so leave us alone!" Shining Twilight says as she passes right by him.

Spine mouths "sorry" before following Shining Twilight.

"Sheesh, harsh much?" Random Question says to himself as they leave.

"Ugh, stallions I swear." Shining Twilight says to herself.

" 'ello down there, howzit goin' " a voice says from above.

Shining Twilight looks up and spots a very odd pegasus mare slowly making her way towards them, she had a light brown coat and a short white mane, her cutie mark is a feather.

"Who are you?" Shining Twilight says to her as she lands.

"I'm Windfeather,but you can call me "Windy"." Windfeather said.

"Windfeather? What an odd name." Shining Twilight says.

"Yeah I know but what can ya do right? I was born with that name, so I got no choice." Windfeather says cheerfully.

"I like you miss "Windy", your not as annoying as that Random Question fellow that I keep running into." Shining Twilight said.

"Oh him, he's the party planner 'round here, so if he's botherin' ya, he's got a good reason to." Windfeather said.

"What!? He's the party planner!?" Shining Twilight said,her temper rising ever so slightly.

"Yep! Got that right, he's a mighty good one too!." Windy says cheerfully.

Shining Twilight's anger was so great that she had blasted a nearby puddle with her magic, accidentally covering herself in mud.

"Gosh darn it!" she says out of frustration.

" 'old on there my friend, I'll get you dry in a jiff." Windfeather says before she took off and then flew circles around Shining Twilight which did get her dry,but not without making her look like if she were a certain pink earth pony from another world.

"Whoops, sorry 'bout that." Windfeather said.

"Ugh, I'm leaving!" Shining Twilight says angrily before stomping off.

"Hey wait for me!" Spine says as she runs up to Shining Twilight.

"Okay now we are going to find the pony in charge of decorations." Shining Twilight said.

"Shouldn't you fix your mane first?" Spine asked her.

"I'll do that later,let's just get this over with." Shining Twilight says before once again bumping into Random Question.

"Hey there, Shining Twilight right? So how's your day been so far?" Random Question said.

"Don't talk to me..." Shining Twilight says before pushing Random Question out of her way.

Only for him to suddenly appear in front of her.

"Look,I don't know why you don't like me,but I just want to tell you that your invited to a "Welcome to Ponyville Party" that I am throwing so yeah, I'll see you at the library." Random Question says as he leaves.

Shining Twilight was lost for words.

("A party? For me? But I was so rude to him...") Shining Twilight says in her thoughts.

"Shining, are you alright?" Spine says with worry.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just zoned out is all. Come on, let's go find that decorator." Shining Twilight said.

"Okay." Spine says cheerfully.

The two friends eventually find a black earth pony mare setting up some nature themed decorations at the Ponyville City Hall, her cutie mark being a ladybug.

She was so busy with the decorations that she didn't see Shining Twilight behind her.

"Hello there!" Shining Twilight says in an attempt to be a little more friendly.

"Eep! D-don't hurt me!" the mare says timidly.

"Whoa, it's okay I won't hurt you, what's your name?" Shining Twilight asked her.

"M-midnight Serenade." the mare said.

"Wow, that's a beautiful name!" Shining Twilight said.

"T-thank you, what's yours?" Midnight Serenade said.

"My name is Shining Twilight, I was sent from Canterlot to..." Shining Twilight never got to finish as Midnight Serenade squealed with delight.

"Canterlot!? Oh my goodness, I've always dreamed of being there! " Midnight Serenade said.

"Right..." Shining Twilight says in a deadpan.

"Oh my Solarwind, Your mane!" Midnight Serenade says after noticing Shining Twilight's messy mane.

"Don't worry about it. I was planning on fixing it myself." Shining Twilight said.

"Oh no let me, you've been so kind to me, and I want to return the favor." Midnight Serenade said.

"Okay." Shining Twilight said.

Midnight Serenade easily fixes Shining Twilight's mane and then returns back to her decorations.

Shining Twilight then says her goodbyes to Midnight Serenade and then heads over to the library, her assistant following right behind her.

The two friends eventually make it to library but find that Random Question was already there.

"You again!?" Shining Twilight said.

"Hello!" Random said.

"Ugh, just let me by, I've had a long day." Shining Twilight said.

"Okay, but did you have fun?" he says.

"Kind of..." Shining Twilight said.

"And you did make some friends right?" Random Question said.

"Y-yeah I did." Shining Twilight said.

"Heh, and with this party of mine in this library, I'm sure you'll make more." Random Question says cheerfully.

"But... I was so rude to you, why are you so nice to me?" Shining Twilight says in concern.

"Because, I can see that your a good pony, and I think that you'd be a good friend to not only me, but all of my friends as well." Random Question.

"I...*sighs*, I'm sorry if I've been rude to you, I was just so worried about the "Mare in the Moon" that I..." Shining Twilight said but was cut off by Random Question.

"Hold that thought!" Random Question said.

"What?" Shining Twilight said.

"Did you say "Mare in the Moon"?! " Random Question said.

"Um... Yes?" Shining Twilight said.

"Heh, so it begins..., Come inside." Random Question says in a serious tone.

"Okay," Shining Twilight says as she follows him.

The two ponies and one dragon went inside the library and we're greeted by a loud, "SURPRISE!" from all of the ponies in Ponyville.

"Whoa!" Shining Twilight says in shock.

"Cool,right?" Random Question said.

"What is all of this?" Spine said.

"It's your Welcome to Ponyville party, do you like it?" Random Question said.

Shining Twilight was speechless, she only looked around and had noticed all of the ponies she meet during her time in Ponyville.

"Heh,make yourself at home." Random says happily as he goes over to a nearby snack table.

("I think I could relax for today,I guess I can worry about the Mare in the Moon tomorrow.") Shining Twilight says in her thoughts before joining Random Question in his little snack quest.

[to be continued...]

Author's Note:

This story is based off of the very first adventure that Twilight Sparkle had, but it is much more different.

(forgot to mention that Spike and Ember switch places in this Au as well...)

Spine the Dragon: a young and really cute female dragon who is the assistant to Shining Twilight, she is the counterpart to Dragon Lord Ember.

Dragon Lord Xeres: a powerful dragon male who rules over the Dragon Lands, he is Spike's counterpart.

(one more thing, Random Question lives in the cottage by the Everfree Forest.)