• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,865 Views, 95 Comments

The Pink Switch - unleashedtwilight

Pinkie Pie Amy Rose Sonic the Hedgehog mane six Cross Over the pink switch

  • ...

Stuck in Equestria

This has to be a crazy dream… it just has to be! There’s no way this can be real…! Why would the chaos emeralds send me here…? And turn me into a pony!?...wait…

“My hammer…” I said as I tried pulling it out. “My hammer’s gone…! Oh how could this day get any worse!?”

“Pinkie Pie?” a voice called out from the door way.

“…Pinkie Pie?” I think to myself.

Then to my surprise I see a… a… purple unicorn walk in the room! But… did she really just call me Pinkie Pie?

“Oh, thank Celestia you’re awake…” the unicorn said.

“I’m sorry… but who are you?” I asked.

“Huh…? Pinkie Pie, it’s me, Twilight.” She said.

“Okay, just because I’m pink, that doesn’t mean it’s my name. Plus, I’ve never seen you before in my life.” I said.

“What??” Twilight said. “But… we’ve known each other ever since I moved into Ponyville… and what do you mean your name’s not Pinkie Pie?”

“It’s not! My name is Amy Rose!” I yell.

“Something is definitely wrong with you… come on… let’s go see Princess Celestia for advice…” Twilight said.

“Princess Celestia…? Who the heck is that?” I ask.

Twilight just froze and went wide-eyed… as if she thought I was crazy when I asked that question.

“We really need to hurry…!” Twilight said.

“Okay…? Well then where is this princess and how do we get…” I was interrupted when Twilight put a hand… er… hoof on me, and out of nowhere, we appeared in a castle!

“We’re here… come on Pinkie…” Twilight says.

“How did-.. how the-…what did you-…” I was interrupted when Twilight put a hoof covering my mouth.

“Come on… let’s go…” she said and I simply nod.

As we’re walking through the castle looking for this ‘Princess Celestia’ I still can’t help but wonder how we got here so quickly…! Did she teleport us or something…? I thought that was only possible with the chaos emeralds…! While I’m thinking to myself, I notice a big white horse ahead of us… but it has a horn… and wings!? There are flying ponies here too!?

“Hello Twilight… and hello Pinkie Pie.” The white horse said.

“Hello Princess Celestia.” Twilight said.

I just went wide-eyed and yelled “That’s Princess Celestia!?”

“Pinkie? Is something wrong?” the princess asked.

“That’s kind of why we came here Princess… she’s been acting very strange… I mean more than usual.” Twilight said.

“Strange? In what way?” Celestia asked.

“Well… she doesn’t even remember me… plus she says her names not Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said.

“Because it isn’t my name!” I yelled. “I told you, my name is Amy Rose!”

“You see?” Twilight said. “Can you figure out what’s going on with her?”

“When did she start acting this way?” Celestia asked.

“Well… it started pretty much after I tested a spell on her that allowed her to see into other worlds.” Twilight said. “And it did work at first… though the things she saw were pretty strange…”

“What did she see?” Celestia asked.

“It weird but she said she saw a blue spikey thing… running…” Twilight started.

Blue Spikey thing running…?

“A bunny… and a fox… with 2 tails…” Twilight said.

Bunny…? Two-Tailed fox!?

“What did you just say!?” I said grabbing Twilight. “A blue spikey thing running!?”

“Pinkie Pie what’s wrong!?” Twilight asked nervously.

“That blue Spikey thing running… it was Sonic!” I yelled.

“Wait, who’s Sonic!?” Twilight asked confused.

“He’s Sonic the Hedgehog…! Fastest thing alive…!” I paused…”*sigh*… and the one who barely notices me…”

“I think I understand what’s happening…” Celestia said.

“Really? Because I’m still confused…” Twilight says.

“What ‘Amy’ says is the truth… she’s not Pinkie Pie… Amy is from the world that Pinkie Pie saw…” Celestia said.

“W-what…? So then… wait… then where’s OUR Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“Think about it… if Amy is in Pinkie’s body… then that means…” Celestia said.

“That means she’s in my body back on my world…” I said sort of in shock.

“Wait a second… um… Amy… Pinkie Pie also mentioned something about seeing a bright light… can you tell us what that was?” Twilight asked.

“Bright light…?” I asked… then it hit me… “Chaos control!” I yelled wide-eyed.

“Wh-what control??” Twilight asked.

“That bright light she saw… it must’ve been me when I tried using chaos control with the chaos emeralds…! That must be why we switched bodies!” I yelled. “and… that means... unless Pinkie knows how to use their power… We’re going to be stuck in each other’s worlds… forever…”

“You mean… we might never see the real Pinkie again…?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know for sure but… it’s possible… I’m really sorry Twilight…” I said looking down. “If only I hadn’t tried using those emeralds… none of us would be in this mess…”

“Those emeralds you were talking about… you called them chaos emeralds… wouldn’t that mean they were bad…?” Twilight asked.

“Well… that depends on the user… the chaos emeralds can be used for both good and bad purposes… “ I said.

“So then… what were you trying to do?” Twilight asked.

“I was… trying to use their power to help me keep up with Sonic…” I said. “If I figure out how to use them correctly… I can use chaos control... and pretty much teleport to any place he is… hey that reminds me… how did we get here so fast, Twilight?”

“Well… I used my magic to teleport us here…” Twilight said. “Don’t you use magic in your world, Amy?”

“No… in my world there’s no such thing as magic or… unicorns or flying ponies.” I said.

“Then who raises the sun and the moon on your world?” Twilight asks.

“Umm… no one…? They do that on their own.” I respond.

“What?? What about the clouds and the weather??” Twilight asked.

“Same thing… You all really rely on ponies with all that stuff?” I ask.

“That’s how it’s always been…” Twilight said. “Your world kind of reminds me of the Everfree forest.”

“Everfree forest…?” I ask.

“Yeah… it’s a creepy dark forest where the clouds and weather happen on their own…” Twilight said. “It’s unnatural…”

“Unnatural…? It’s totally normal in my world… but it’s not always dark though…” I said.

“Hey… how about we talk more about this in my library…? And maybe after, I can give you a tour of the town?” Twilight asked.

“Sure… that sounds like a good idea…” I said.

“Put a hoof on me.” She said.

I did and in an instant we were teleported back to Twilight’s library… I honestly don’t think I’m gonna get used to that…

“So… what else do you want to know about me?” I ask.

“Well… what type of creature are you on your world?” Twilight asked.

“Well… normally I’m a pink hedgehog… red dress… boots… oh, and I always have my Piko Piko hammer with me.” I said.

“A… hedgehog with a red dress, boots… and a hammer??” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, why-… the hedgehogs in this world are smaller, aren’t they…?” I asked. Twilight nodded.

“*sigh*… well for another thing, we walk on two legs… not four…” I said. “And another thing… we have hands… not hooves…”

“Hands?” Twilight asked.

“You know… things we use to pick up things… uh… oh, you know monkeys, right?” I asked.

“Yeah…?” Twilight said.

“Kind of the same thing that monkeys have… hands” I say holding my hooves up.

“Oh, I see…” Twilight said. “What’s your world called?”

“Mobius… really great place… when Eggman’s not trying to conquer it…” I said.

“Pardon?” Twilight asked. “Who’s… ‘Eggman?’”

“Dr. Eggman is an evil scientist who always tries to find a way to take over the world and launch his ‘Eggman Empire’… but Sonic always stops him in the end.” I said. “He’s also someone who would misuse the chaos emerald’s power…”

“Have you ever seen him?” Twilight asks.

“More than I wanted to… He’s captured me a few times in the past… even when I was only a little kid…” I said.

“I’m… sorry to hear that…” Twilight said.

“Hey… when you’re me, you get used to it…” I said.

“I think that’s enough questions for now…” Twilight said. “You want a tour of the town now?”

“Sure, sounds like fun.” I said.

“Wait…” Twilight said.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Your mane… it’s flat…” Twilight said.

“Huh…? You mean Pinkie’s hair wasn’t always like this?” I asked.

“No… it’s always been poufy… kind of like cotton candy.” Twilight said.

“Poufy…? How can she manage that?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Never mind… let’s just go…” I said. “I’m sure no one will care if I have a flat mane”

As we’re walking through town I see a lot of interesting houses… and ponies as well… I even see ponies moving clouds around in the sky. Of course I see other unicorns too… ugh… this has got to be the weirdest day of my entire life… While thinking to myself, I notice we’re getting close to a farm with an orange pony… bucking apple trees.

“Does she always do that?” I ask.

“Applejack? Yeah, that’s her job.” Twilight said.

“Must be a lot of work…” I said.

“Yeah… and she can get stubborn when somepony asks to help out.” Twilight said.

“Why’s that?” I ask.

“It’s a pride thing… she prefers to work alone mostly…” Twilight said.

“Huh… kind of reminds me of some knuckle head I know on my world…” I say to myself.

“Well howdy there Twilight, howdy Pinkie.” Applejack said.

“Um…” I was interrupted when Twilight started whispering in my ear.

“Maybe it’s not such a good idea to tell anypony who you really are just yet…” Twilight whispered. “It might cause some sort of panic.” I simply nod.

“Hi… Applejack. How is everything here?” I ask nervously.

“You feelin’ alright, Pinkie?” AJ asked.

“I’m fine… why do you ask?” I said.

“Well… your mane… it’s flat…” AJ pointed.

“Well… I just wanted to try something different for a change… nothing wrong with that… right?” I said smiling sheepishly.

“…Alright… what’s goin’ on here?” AJ asked.

“Why would something be wrong?? I just thought I could have my hair done differently!” I yelled.

“…Twi… what’s wrong with her?” AJ asked Twilight.

“Alright… promise me you won’t tell anypony about this…” Twilight said.

“Ah promise, now y’all better tell me what’s goin on.” AJ said.

“This… isn’t the real Pinkie Pie…” Twilight said.

“What…?” AJ said confused.

“My name is Amy Rose…” I said.

After we explained everything to Applejack, she started to finally get the idea of what was going on. Applejack’s actually really nice once you get to know her… And the one thing I noticed was that she was really honest with us… hmm… I wonder what Pinkie’s other friends are like… speaking of Pinkie… I wonder how she’s doing on my world…