> The Pink Switch > by unleashedtwilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sonic! Wait for me!” I yell as I try to keep up with him and the others… I finally stop when I realize that they are too far ahead of me. “Ugh… he always does this!” I yell to myself. “Why couldn’t I be born as fast as Sonic…?” Hi, my name is Amy Rose… future wife of Sonic the Hedgehog. I am a 12 year old girl and I have known Sonic for pretty much all of my life… I love Sonic… but unfortunately, I don’t think he feels the same way about me… No matter how hard I try to get closer to him in a relationship, he always gets caught up on his adventures. But I will never give up! I will find a way for me and Sonic to be together forever! “There must be some way that I can keep up with him…” I say to myself. I then looked over and saw Angel Island… and then it hit me… the Chaos Emeralds! I can use those to help me catch up with Sonic! As I’m running toward Angel Island, I accidentally bump into Cream on the way. “Oohh…” I say on the ground. “Oh my gosh Amy, I’m so sorry; I didn’t see you coming!” Cream said apologetically. “It’s alright Cream, it was sort of my fault too…” I said getting up. “Why are you in such a rush anyway?” she asked. “I’m on my way to Angel Island… I’m gonna use the chaos emeralds to help me be faster!” I say to Cream. “What?? But Amy, you’ve never used the chaos emeralds before… what if something goes wrong?” she says with worry. “Relax, Cream. I think I can handle it… Besides, what could possibly go wrong?” I ask. “I don’t know… but just please be careful Amy.” Cream said still worried. “Don’t worry… I’ll be fine Cream. I’ll see you later!” I yell as I run in the direction of Angel Island again. It took long enough to get there but I finally made it to the Island… and to no Surprise, I saw Knuckles guarding the master emerald as usual. “Hey Knuckles.” I say to the red echidna. “Amy? What the heck are you doing up here?” he asks. “What? I can’t visit a friend once in a while?” I said. “Amy…” Knuckles said annoyed. “Alright, fine. I came here so I could use the emeralds to help me be faster… so if you’ll excuse me…” I say walking toward one of the emeralds. “Whoa whoa whoa! I don’t think so!” he said stepping in front of me. “The chaos emeralds should only be used in times of need!” “Well I NEED them to help me be faster so I can keep up with Sonic!” I yell. “Amy, I can’t let you do that! The emeralds have to stay where they are!” he says. “Oh yeah…?” I say as I pull out my Piko Piko hammer. “Woah woah woah! Easy! Easy!” He yells. “So can I use the Emeralds then…?” I ask about to swing. “Alright! Alright! You can use them, just put that hammer away!” he says. “There, now was that so hard?” I say putting away my hammer. I take the chaos emeralds one by on and bring them off of the island. I then start walking home with the emeralds. But when I get home with the emeralds… I have no idea how to use them… “Come on, Amy, think!” I say to myself. “How did Sonic activate their power…? Hmm… oh! That’s right!” I turn to the emeralds and… “CHAOS CONTROL!” I yelled. At first nothing happened… but then the emeralds started flashing brightly… and then flashed bright enough to a point where I was blinded and couldn’t see a thing! “What’s going on!?” I yelled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “So Twilight, you need my help with what again?” I asked the purple unicorn pony. “I told you Pinkie… I need your help to test out a spell that I’ve been studying.” Twilight said. “If it works… it should allow another pony to see other worlds, even unknown to us!” “Is it safe?” I ask. “Of course it’s safe! I wouldn’t be testing it on you if it wasn’t.” Twilight said. Hello everypony! My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everypony calls me Pinkie Pie! I have many friends here in Ponyville. I LOVE making new friends… but what I love more than making new friends is throwing a Party for those new friends! Of course I mostly hang out with my best friends; Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy… and my best friend of all time… Rainbow Dash! They are a group of ponies that I can always count on. “Are you ready to test it out Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked. “Okie Dokie Lokie!” I responded. “Good… now this may hurt a bit.” She says as her horn glows. Magic aura surrounds my head. “Oooo….” I said. “Do you see anything?” Twilight asked. “Nope. Nothing yet.” I responded. “Oh! Oh! Wait! I do see something!” “Really? What do you see?” she asks. “I see a blue spikey thing running really fast… I see a fox with 2 tails… A bunny… and a big flash of ligh- AAHH!!” I screamed. “Pinkie Pie!?” Twilight yelled. Suddenly everything went white! I can’t see anything! I couldn’t even hear Twilight’s voice anymore! Twilight! Where are you…!?... eventually I could start to see again… but… where was I…? This doesn’t look like Twilights house at all! The room was smaller… wait… why do my hooves feel funny…? I looked at my hooves… but I saw no hooves! “AAAHHH!” I yell. “What are these!?” I feel my head “and what happened to my mane…? And my tail!?” I yelled still in confusion. “SOMEPONY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ugh… finally… the emeralds are stopping… wait… where are the emeralds…? And… where am I!? This isn’t my house! I tried standing upright, but I fell forward. “Huh…? I can’t get up? That’s weird… hey how come I can’t feel my-“ I stop as I look at my hands… they were hooves! Wh-What’s going on!? I run around on all fours and I finally find a mirr- “AAHHH!!!!!!” I scream as I look at myself in the mirror. “W-What happened to me…!? I’m a pony!?” then it hit me… “Oh no… what if the chaos emeralds did this!?... if that’s true… then that means… I’m stuck here!!” A/N Hello everypony, I really hope you like this new story. And don’t worry; just because I’m working on this story, it doesn’t mean I’m going to stop working on the MLT sequel. > Stuck in Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This has to be a crazy dream… it just has to be! There’s no way this can be real…! Why would the chaos emeralds send me here…? And turn me into a pony!?...wait… “My hammer…” I said as I tried pulling it out. “My hammer’s gone…! Oh how could this day get any worse!?” “Pinkie Pie?” a voice called out from the door way. “…Pinkie Pie?” I think to myself. Then to my surprise I see a… a… purple unicorn walk in the room! But… did she really just call me Pinkie Pie? “Oh, thank Celestia you’re awake…” the unicorn said. “I’m sorry… but who are you?” I asked. “Huh…? Pinkie Pie, it’s me, Twilight.” She said. “Okay, just because I’m pink, that doesn’t mean it’s my name. Plus, I’ve never seen you before in my life.” I said. “What??” Twilight said. “But… we’ve known each other ever since I moved into Ponyville… and what do you mean your name’s not Pinkie Pie?” “It’s not! My name is Amy Rose!” I yell. “Something is definitely wrong with you… come on… let’s go see Princess Celestia for advice…” Twilight said. “Princess Celestia…? Who the heck is that?” I ask. Twilight just froze and went wide-eyed… as if she thought I was crazy when I asked that question. “We really need to hurry…!” Twilight said. “Okay…? Well then where is this princess and how do we get…” I was interrupted when Twilight put a hand… er… hoof on me, and out of nowhere, we appeared in a castle! “We’re here… come on Pinkie…” Twilight says. “How did-.. how the-…what did you-…” I was interrupted when Twilight put a hoof covering my mouth. “Come on… let’s go…” she said and I simply nod. As we’re walking through the castle looking for this ‘Princess Celestia’ I still can’t help but wonder how we got here so quickly…! Did she teleport us or something…? I thought that was only possible with the chaos emeralds…! While I’m thinking to myself, I notice a big white horse ahead of us… but it has a horn… and wings!? There are flying ponies here too!? “Hello Twilight… and hello Pinkie Pie.” The white horse said. “Hello Princess Celestia.” Twilight said. I just went wide-eyed and yelled “That’s Princess Celestia!?” “Pinkie? Is something wrong?” the princess asked. “That’s kind of why we came here Princess… she’s been acting very strange… I mean more than usual.” Twilight said. “Strange? In what way?” Celestia asked. “Well… she doesn’t even remember me… plus she says her names not Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said. “Because it isn’t my name!” I yelled. “I told you, my name is Amy Rose!” “You see?” Twilight said. “Can you figure out what’s going on with her?” “When did she start acting this way?” Celestia asked. “Well… it started pretty much after I tested a spell on her that allowed her to see into other worlds.” Twilight said. “And it did work at first… though the things she saw were pretty strange…” “What did she see?” Celestia asked. “It weird but she said she saw a blue spikey thing… running…” Twilight started. Blue Spikey thing running…? “A bunny… and a fox… with 2 tails…” Twilight said. Bunny…? Two-Tailed fox!? “What did you just say!?” I said grabbing Twilight. “A blue spikey thing running!?” “Pinkie Pie what’s wrong!?” Twilight asked nervously. “That blue Spikey thing running… it was Sonic!” I yelled. “Wait, who’s Sonic!?” Twilight asked confused. “He’s Sonic the Hedgehog…! Fastest thing alive…!” I paused…”*sigh*… and the one who barely notices me…” “I think I understand what’s happening…” Celestia said. “Really? Because I’m still confused…” Twilight says. “What ‘Amy’ says is the truth… she’s not Pinkie Pie… Amy is from the world that Pinkie Pie saw…” Celestia said. “W-what…? So then… wait… then where’s OUR Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “Think about it… if Amy is in Pinkie’s body… then that means…” Celestia said. “That means she’s in my body back on my world…” I said sort of in shock. “Wait a second… um… Amy… Pinkie Pie also mentioned something about seeing a bright light… can you tell us what that was?” Twilight asked. “Bright light…?” I asked… then it hit me… “Chaos control!” I yelled wide-eyed. “Wh-what control??” Twilight asked. “That bright light she saw… it must’ve been me when I tried using chaos control with the chaos emeralds…! That must be why we switched bodies!” I yelled. “and… that means... unless Pinkie knows how to use their power… We’re going to be stuck in each other’s worlds… forever…” “You mean… we might never see the real Pinkie again…?” Twilight asked. “I don’t know for sure but… it’s possible… I’m really sorry Twilight…” I said looking down. “If only I hadn’t tried using those emeralds… none of us would be in this mess…” “Those emeralds you were talking about… you called them chaos emeralds… wouldn’t that mean they were bad…?” Twilight asked. “Well… that depends on the user… the chaos emeralds can be used for both good and bad purposes… “ I said. “So then… what were you trying to do?” Twilight asked. “I was… trying to use their power to help me keep up with Sonic…” I said. “If I figure out how to use them correctly… I can use chaos control... and pretty much teleport to any place he is… hey that reminds me… how did we get here so fast, Twilight?” “Well… I used my magic to teleport us here…” Twilight said. “Don’t you use magic in your world, Amy?” “No… in my world there’s no such thing as magic or… unicorns or flying ponies.” I said. “Then who raises the sun and the moon on your world?” Twilight asks. “Umm… no one…? They do that on their own.” I respond. “What?? What about the clouds and the weather??” Twilight asked. “Same thing… You all really rely on ponies with all that stuff?” I ask. “That’s how it’s always been…” Twilight said. “Your world kind of reminds me of the Everfree forest.” “Everfree forest…?” I ask. “Yeah… it’s a creepy dark forest where the clouds and weather happen on their own…” Twilight said. “It’s unnatural…” “Unnatural…? It’s totally normal in my world… but it’s not always dark though…” I said. “Hey… how about we talk more about this in my library…? And maybe after, I can give you a tour of the town?” Twilight asked. “Sure… that sounds like a good idea…” I said. “Put a hoof on me.” She said. I did and in an instant we were teleported back to Twilight’s library… I honestly don’t think I’m gonna get used to that… “So… what else do you want to know about me?” I ask. “Well… what type of creature are you on your world?” Twilight asked. “Well… normally I’m a pink hedgehog… red dress… boots… oh, and I always have my Piko Piko hammer with me.” I said. “A… hedgehog with a red dress, boots… and a hammer??” Twilight asked. “Yeah, why-… the hedgehogs in this world are smaller, aren’t they…?” I asked. Twilight nodded. “*sigh*… well for another thing, we walk on two legs… not four…” I said. “And another thing… we have hands… not hooves…” “Hands?” Twilight asked. “You know… things we use to pick up things… uh… oh, you know monkeys, right?” I asked. “Yeah…?” Twilight said. “Kind of the same thing that monkeys have… hands” I say holding my hooves up. “Oh, I see…” Twilight said. “What’s your world called?” “Mobius… really great place… when Eggman’s not trying to conquer it…” I said. “Pardon?” Twilight asked. “Who’s… ‘Eggman?’” “Dr. Eggman is an evil scientist who always tries to find a way to take over the world and launch his ‘Eggman Empire’… but Sonic always stops him in the end.” I said. “He’s also someone who would misuse the chaos emerald’s power…” “Have you ever seen him?” Twilight asks. “More than I wanted to… He’s captured me a few times in the past… even when I was only a little kid…” I said. “I’m… sorry to hear that…” Twilight said. “Hey… when you’re me, you get used to it…” I said. “I think that’s enough questions for now…” Twilight said. “You want a tour of the town now?” “Sure, sounds like fun.” I said. “Wait…” Twilight said. “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Your mane… it’s flat…” Twilight said. “Huh…? You mean Pinkie’s hair wasn’t always like this?” I asked. “No… it’s always been poufy… kind of like cotton candy.” Twilight said. “Poufy…? How can she manage that?” I ask. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “Never mind… let’s just go…” I said. “I’m sure no one will care if I have a flat mane” As we’re walking through town I see a lot of interesting houses… and ponies as well… I even see ponies moving clouds around in the sky. Of course I see other unicorns too… ugh… this has got to be the weirdest day of my entire life… While thinking to myself, I notice we’re getting close to a farm with an orange pony… bucking apple trees. “Does she always do that?” I ask. “Applejack? Yeah, that’s her job.” Twilight said. “Must be a lot of work…” I said. “Yeah… and she can get stubborn when somepony asks to help out.” Twilight said. “Why’s that?” I ask. “It’s a pride thing… she prefers to work alone mostly…” Twilight said. “Huh… kind of reminds me of some knuckle head I know on my world…” I say to myself. “Well howdy there Twilight, howdy Pinkie.” Applejack said. “Um…” I was interrupted when Twilight started whispering in my ear. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to tell anypony who you really are just yet…” Twilight whispered. “It might cause some sort of panic.” I simply nod. “Hi… Applejack. How is everything here?” I ask nervously. “You feelin’ alright, Pinkie?” AJ asked. “I’m fine… why do you ask?” I said. “Well… your mane… it’s flat…” AJ pointed. “Well… I just wanted to try something different for a change… nothing wrong with that… right?” I said smiling sheepishly. “…Alright… what’s goin’ on here?” AJ asked. “Why would something be wrong?? I just thought I could have my hair done differently!” I yelled. “…Twi… what’s wrong with her?” AJ asked Twilight. “Alright… promise me you won’t tell anypony about this…” Twilight said. “Ah promise, now y’all better tell me what’s goin on.” AJ said. “This… isn’t the real Pinkie Pie…” Twilight said. “What…?” AJ said confused. “My name is Amy Rose…” I said. After we explained everything to Applejack, she started to finally get the idea of what was going on. Applejack’s actually really nice once you get to know her… And the one thing I noticed was that she was really honest with us… hmm… I wonder what Pinkie’s other friends are like… speaking of Pinkie… I wonder how she’s doing on my world… > Party at Mobius > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHY IS NOPONY TELLING ME WHAT’S GOING ON!? This place is so different than Ponyville…! Hmm… maybe if I go outside I’ll get some answers… as I’m walking outside, I look up and see the clouds moving… thank Celestia… Pegasus ponies. “Hello??” I call out. “Can anypony here me up there??” I kept calling out but I didn’t hear an answer… wait… the clouds are… moving on their own!? Am I in the Everfree forest…!? Wait… no… this place is too open… and not as scary… hmm… if this isn’t the Everfree forest, then where am I…? “Amy?” A voice called out. “Oh! Is somepony there?” I asked looking around… but all I saw was a pretty big rabbit… “Oh my gosh, you are so cute!” I said hugging the bunny. “Amy…? Are you ok?” The voice asked. “Hello…? Is somepony there?” I asked looking around. “Amy… you’re holding me.” The voice said. “Huh…?” I said looking at the bunny. “Amy… are you ok?” the bunny asked. “OH MY GOSH! A talking bunny!!” I yelled. “Amy! Please let go!” the bunny said. “Oh! I’m sorry little bunny…” I said. “Amy… you’re acting very strange…” the bunny said. “My name isn’t Amy little bunny, It’s Pinkie Pie.” I said. “Pinkie… Pie?” the bunny asked. “Eeyup! What about you, little bunny? What’s your name?” I asked. “Um… Cream… but um… ‘Pinkie Pie’ I’ve been your friend for a long time…” Cream said. “You have…? But I just met you.” I said. “W-what?” Cream said. “Amy… did you hurt yourself or-… the chaos emeralds…! Amy, I told you to be careful!” “I told you, my name is Pinkie Pie! And I don’t even know what a chaos emerald is.” I said. ”Also, I don’t even know how I got here!” “How you… got here?” Cream said. “Yeah… I was helping my friend Twilight with a spell-…” I was interrupted. “Spell?? You know how to use magic??” Cream asked. “Not me, my friend Twilight… and other unicorn ponies of course.” I said. “Your friend’s a unicorn!?” Cream asked surprised. “Not just friends… one of my BEST friends!” I said. “Um… continue your story please.” Cream said. “Let’s see, where was I…? Oh! Right! The spell that Twilight was testing out would let other ponies see into other worlds-… HEY! WAIT A MINUTE!” I yelled. “You! I saw you from Twilight’s spell!” “What?? What else did you see??” Cream asked. “Well… I saw a two-tailed fox… a blue spikey thing running really fast… and a big flash of light…” I said. “Do you know what those were…?” “You really aren’t Amy if you don’t know who Sonic is…” Cream said with worry. “Sonic?” I asked. “He’s that blue thing you saw before.” Cream said. “He’s one of the fastest hedgehogs we know.” “Really?” I said with a bright smile. “He reminds me of my friend Rainbow Dash.” “Who’s Rainbow Dash?” Cream asked. “Only the FASTEST FLYER IN EQUESTRIA!” I yelled jumping in the air. “And my best friend ever!” “There are flying ponies too??” Cream asked. “Of course!” I said. “Wait… Pinkie… did you say something about seeing a flash of light…?” Cream asked. “Mhm… after I saw it, everything went white… I couldn’t hear Twilight’s voice anymore… and when I could see again I found myself in this… weird body.” I said. “I think I know what happened… but just to be safe… we better go see knuckles…” Cream said. “Who’s knuckles…?” I ask. “He’s a red echidna who protects the master emerald… speaking of emeralds, we should bring those chaos emeralds too…” cream said getting the emeralds. “Ooo… those are pretty… my friend Rarity would LOVE these! She loves working with gems.” I said. “So where do we go?” I asked. “Angel Island” Cream said. “It’s over there, see the floating island?” “Wow… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a flying island before…” I said. “We don’t have much time to explain Pinkie… now let’s go-…” Cream was interrupted when she saw me more than halfway there. “How did… she do that…?” Cream asked to herself. When I get to the Island, I see a huge gem behind this red thing with spikes one his hooves… that must be knuckles… then I hear creams voice behind me… guess I should have waited for her… “Pinkie Pie… why didn’t you wait for me?” Cream asked. “Sorry Cream! I was just really excited about meeting Knuckles!” I said. “But how did you get here so fast?? One second you were right next to me and the next, you were already almost there!” She said. “It’s something normal for me… I can’t really explain it.” I said. “But-… I-… *sigh*.. I’ll ask later…” Cream said. “Okie Dokie Lokie…” I said. “Kunckles!” Cream called out. “Huh?” the red echidna said. “Cream? What are you and… Amy doing up here…?” He said looking at me annoyed for some reason. “This… isn’t Amy, Knuckles…” Cream said. “What do you mean that’s not Amy?” Knuckles asked. “My name’s Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you!” I say with a wide smile. “Uh… Cream? What the heck is going on…?” Knuckles explained. We spent a couple of minutes explaining the situation… and then… “SHE DID WHAAAT!?” Knuckles screamed. “GRRR I knew this was a bad idea!” “Knuckles! Please calm down! I’m sure we’ll figure something out!” Cream said. “We don’t even know how we can find this world! How can you expect me to be calm!?” Knuckles said still yelling. “STOP YELLING!!” I yelled into a megaphone. “…Where did she get that!?” Knuckles said. “I don’t know… just please don’t question it…” Cream said. “Ugh… well at least we don’t have to worry about a certain hammer…” Knuckles said. “Hammer?” I asked. “It’s this special hammer she has when she flicks her wrist.” Cream said. “You mean like this?” I said flicking my wrist, when I do a red and yellow hammer appears. “Whoa! Is this a party hammer??” I say swinging it around. “Wait! Watch where you’re swinging that thing!” Knuckles yelled. “Pinkie Pie! Stop!” Cream yelled. A/N Well… Pinkie Pie sure is fitting in well, now isn’t she? For now I think we should leave these three alone… as for the next chapter… we find out how Amy is adjusting in Ponyville… hopefully better than Pinkie Pie. > Sonic Rainboom? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So… which of Pinkie’s friends should we meet now…?” I ask. “Well… there is Rainbow Dash…” Twilight said. “Who’s that?” I ask. “She’s a Pegasus… she’s probably one of the fastest ponies in Equestria.” Twilight said. “Really? How fast is she?” I ask. “Well… she’s able to perform a sonic rainboom.” Twilight said. I froze when she said that… Sonic Rainboom…?? Is it really possible for someone in this world to be as fast as Sonic?? I mean I can understand Shadow… but a pony?? “I want to meet her… now.” I said. “Huh? Is something bothering you Amy?” Twilight asked. “As a matter of fact, there IS something bothering me! There is no way this pony can be as fast as Sonic!” I said. “Speaking of Sonic… can you tell me more about him…?” Twilight asked. “Sonic… the hedgehog who stole my heart…” I said starting to go in a daze. “…focus!” Twilight yelled. “Oh, right… sorry.” I said blushing. “Continue…” Twilight said. “Sonic is pretty much a well-known hero on my world… he’s stopped Dr. Eggman many times with his plans to take over the world… as I told you before, he’s the fastest being on our world…” “Well… do you know how fast he can go?” Twilight asked. “Well… if the sonic rainboom is similar to the sonic boom… that’s what he can do… a burst of speed; moving faster than the speed of sound!” I said. “That’s amazing…” Twilight said. “Please… continue.” “He can go even faster…” I said with a grin. “What?? How’s that even possible?” Twilight asked. “The chaos emeralds…” I said. “He knows how to use their power properly…” “How many times has he had to use them?” Twilight asks. “Only at times that we really need them… Sonic’s pretty much the only one who knows how to use their power pro-…” I was interrupted when I was tackled by a different pony… “Oww…” I say on the floor. “Oops… sorry about that Pinkie Pie.” A Pegasus said. “ugh… it’s fine… nice hair by the way…” I say looking at her rainbow colored mane… wait… rainbow colored…? “Umm… thanks? But my mane’s always been like this…” the Pegasus said. “Are you… Rainbow Dash?” I asked “Yeah…? Why are you-…” she stopped when she looked at my hair. “Uh… so… how’s rocky, Pinkie Pie?” “…Who??” I ask. “I don’t even know…” Twilight said. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash but… I’m not Pinkie Pie…” I said. “…right…” Rainbow Dash said. “What?” I ask. “Okay, why are you acting this way Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow asked. “I told you, my name isn’t Pinkie Pie!” I said getting annoyed. “Oh yeah? Then what’s your name?” Rainbow asked. “My name is Amy Rose.” I said. “Rainbow Dash… she’s telling the truth…” Twilight said. “Wait… what…?” Rainbow said confused. “Pinkie Pie is… in my body on my world…”I said. “Whoa whoa, wait a second… you’re saying Pinkie Pie’s on another world??” Rainbow asked. “Yup…” I said. After we explained everything I told Twilight and Applejack, she started getting the idea of it too… I just didn’t tell her about Sonic… yet. “Your world sounds pretty cool, Amy… you know, besides that Egghead guy…” Rainbow said. “Is it Egghead?” “No, but I think I’m gonna start calling him that more often now.” I said. “If it wasn’t for Sonic… things would probably be a lot worse in our world…” “Who’s Sonic?” Rainbow asked. “Oh no… please, Amy… Don’t tell her… she can get very competitive…” Twilight said. “Tell me what? Who is this guy?” Rainbow asked. “Well you remember how I told you I was a hedgehog?” I said. “Yeah?” Rainbow said. “Well… so is he… but…” I paused. “He’s the fastest… thing… alive.” I said with a grin. “What did you say…?” Rainbow said getting irritated. “You heard me… fastest thing alive… and yes… faster than you.” I said. “WHAT!?” Rainbow yelled. “Amy! Please stop!” Twilight yelled. “Listen! I am the fastest thing in EQUESTRIA!” Rainbow yelled. “I know… in Equestria… I said fastest thing alive; as in the universe.” I said smiling. “Gee… I sure am getting hungry… I think I’ll just leave you two alone…” Twilight said backing away. “If he’s so fast, can he perform a sonic rainboom!?” Rainbow said. “Nope… he can perform a sonic boom… which is just as fast… AND… he can go even faster than that…” I said. “Ok, you are starting to tick me off more than Trixie right now!” Rainbow yelled. “Well there is one thing that’s different though…” I said. “Oh yeah? And what’s that?” Rainbow asked. “You’re the fastest thing in the air… Sonic’s the fastest on the ground…” I said. “He doesn’t fly…?” Rainbow asked. “Well… most of the time but no, he usually doesn’t fly.” I said. “I told you he was a hedgehog, didn’t I?” “Oh… right…” Rainbow said. “Wait a second… you said most of the time…” “Yeah… he only flies when he transforms into Super Sonic with the chaos emeralds… those gems I was telling you about earlier…” I said. “So those gems help him fly?” Rainbow asked. “Not just that… but it also increases his speed and power.” I said. “Whoa… that’s insane…” Rainbow said. “The chaos emeralds have really come in handy in the past…” I said. “But they’ve sometimes been trouble…” “You mean like being sent here?” Rainbow asks. “Well… this actually isn’t the first time the chaos emeralds have sent me to a different world… but the thing is… last time I wasn’t alone… Sonic and the others came too…” I said. “Wow… must’ve been hard being stuck on a different world with nopony to turn to…” Rainbow said. “It wasn’t all bad actually… I made a lot of new friends on that world… kind of like how I made friends with Twilight and Applejack…” I said. “There was even a time when one of those friends visited our world…” “How did he do that?” Rainbow said. “He was really smart… he was actually one of the first friends I made on that world…” I said. “Hey… is everything alright with you two?” Twilight asked walking over to us. “Yeah… we’re just talking about some stuff…” I said. “Hey why don’t the both of us talk more about this at Twilight’s Library?” I asked. “That sounds like a great idea.” Twilight said. When we get to Twilight’s place, I start telling them about all the adventures we went through on my planet and on Earth… they both just sat and listened. “So Sonic had to beat this giant monster made of water with the emeralds before?” Rainbow asked. “Yup… that monster’s called chaos by the way but… it’s not really a monster anymore… after Sonic beat it, Chaos actually was peaceful.” I said. “So what other times did you have to use them?” Rainbow asked. “Well there was this one time when we were in space-… *sigh*” I said looking down. “Something wrong, Amy?” Twilight asked. “This one time in space… we were trying to save the galaxy from creatures known as the Metorex…” I said. “You guys saved the galaxy?? That’s awesome!” Rainbow yelled. “Wait… if you saved the galaxy then… what’s wrong?” Twilight asked. “Because… we lost a friend that day…” I said. “Cosmo…” “What happened? Did she turn on you or something?” Rainbow asked. “No… she sacrificed herself… to help save the galaxy…” I said as a tear went down my face. “Oh my goodness…” Twilight said. “Tails… he loved her…” I say as more tears flow down my face. After saying this, Twilight and Rainbow couldn’t help but start crying themselves… “Amy… we’re sorry, we had no idea…” Twilight said. “It’s alright, Twilight… it’s not your fault anyway…” I said. “it must be hard losing a friend like that… I would hate to lose any of you that way…” Rainbow said. “I’m sorry for how I acted to you before Amy… Friends?” I smiled and said “Friends…” A/N Yes… I used a Sonic X reference… but the reason for that was because it showed more personality to me honestly… anyway… hope you liked this chapter everypony. Next chapter… more Pinkie Pie! > Love on a Different World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So… this isn’t a party hammer…?” I ask. “No… and now we have to wait for knuckles to wake up… if you didn’t hit him too hard…” Cream said. “I’m really sorry Cream…” I said with a slight frown. “It’s ok Pinkie Pie… accidents happen…” Cream said. We both just look down at Knuckles completely knocked out when I hit him with the hammer… I didn’t know it would hurt him like that…! “Ugh… my head…” Knuckles said waking up. “Oh! You’re ok!” I said smiling. “Ah!” Knuckles yelled. “Oh… it’s just you…” “Sorry I hit you with the hammer Knuckles…” I said. “It’s fine… just please be careful with that thing next time…” Knuckles said. “I Pinkie promise that I’ll be more careful… cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” I say poking my eye. “…Well that’s definitely new…” Knuckles said. “It’s so great to make new friends like you two…” I said. Wait a minute…! New friends… I need to throw them a party!! It would be SO rude of me if I didn’t throw them a party! I mean I always throw a party for anypony back home… so that shouldn’t change here! “Hey, you two! How about you meet me back at my house in exactly one hour!” I say. “For what, Pinkie Pie?” Cream asked. “I have something special prepared for the both of you…” I say with a grin. “I don’t know… I have to stay on guard, protecting the master emerald, Pinkie Pie.” Knuckles said. “Then why don’t we just bring it with us?” I ask picking it up. Then all of a sudden the Island started falling! “Pinkie Pie! Put it back!” Knuckles yelled. “Sorry…!” I said putting the emerald back, and the island started going back up. “Please! Be more careful Pinkie!” Knuckles said. “Sorry knuckles… I guess you can come over later… but as for you Cream, meet me at the house in exactly one hour!” I said and then ran off in a puff of smoke. “…How does she do that!?” Knuckles and Cream yell simultaneously. I can’t WAIT to get the party ready for Cream… it’s too bad knuckles can’t come though… Even though he can get mad easy… he still looks like a good friend to me. “Now… how to make a good party for Cream…” I said to myself. “I know…! I’ll use my party canon!” I just pull out my party canon and start setting up for the party… streamers… games… cake… and music…! Everything I need for a great party! One hour passes and on schedule, someone knocks on the door. “Oh! She’s here!” I said hopping to the door. I open it and… I don’t see Cream… I see a fox with two tails-… Hey! Wait a minute! “Hi Amy… what are you doing with all the decorations…?” the fox asked. “I’m throwing a party for Cream! Oh, and my name isn’t Amy, my name is Pinkie Pie.” I said. “Pinkie Pie…?” the fox said. “Yup… and you’re Tails, right? Cream told me about you.” I said. “Amy, what are you talking about?” Tails asked. “Tails… this really isn’t Amy…” A small voice said behind Tails. “huh…? Cream?” Tails said. “Her name really is Pinkie Pie… and Amy… is on her world…” Cream said. “What??” Tails yelled. After Cream explained everything to Tails, he just looked shocked at the situation… he also looked really worried. “I sure hope Amy’s okay…” Tails said. “I’m sure she’ll be fine!” I said. “She has all my friends that she can be with!” “Unicorns… Pegasai… Talking ponies…? Amy must be having fun…” Tails said. “Speaking of having fun, come on! I set up this party to PARTY!” I said. “Well… what’s the occasion?” Tails asked. “To celebrate making THREE new friends!” I said. “You set all of this up in an hour…?” Cream asked. “Yup! It was easy with my party canon!” I said pulling the canon out. “Where’d that thing come from!?” Tails yelled. “I NEVER leave home without it!” I said. “But I thought that… your body…!” Tails was interrupted when she put a hand on Tails’ mouth. “Don’t question it Tails… I’ve already stopped questioning it…” Cream said. After about three hours of partying… I decided to tell them about my adventures in Equestria… and I told them about the elements of harmony. “So… let me get this straight… there’s Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Magic?” Tails asked. “Yup!” I said. “And I’m Laughter!” “Hey! Is there a party going on here?” a voice called from outside. “Who was that?” I ask. “That sounded like Sonic.” Tails said. “Sonic…? He’s here!?” I yell. “Sheesh, relax Pinkie Pie…! You’re starting to sound like Amy…” Tails said. I then see that same blue spikey thing I saw running in that vision… so this is Sonic the hedgehog… I wonder why Amy is so interested in him… “Oh, uh… hey Amy… is this your party?” Sonic asked. “Yeah! But my name isn’t Amy… it’s Pinkie Pie…” I said. “Uh… Pinkie Pie?” Sonic said. “Yeah, Sonic.” Tails said. “Pinkie Pie and Amy switched bodies… apparently when she tried to use chaos control…” “Wait, Amy tried using chaos control??” Sonic asked. “What for?” “She mentioned something about being able to keep up with you…” Cream said. “Oh geez… that girl never quits, does she…?” Sonic said. “And now look where it got her!” “Anyways… it’s nice to meet you Pinkie Pie…” Sonic said holding his hand out. “Nice to meet you too Sonic…” I said taking his hand. Why do I feel so strange…? With these other friends I felt fine! But… When I’m around Sonic… for some reason I feel nervous… In fact, I’ve never felt this way around anypony…! What am I feeling…?? “You… feeling ok, Pinkie?” Sonic asked as he noticed I was sort of in a daze. “Huh? Oh… yeah, I’m fine!” I said with a grin. “Well, ok… I should probably get going…” Sonic says. “I’m gonna go for a run.” He then runs off at a fast spend in the blink of an eye! “Whoa… Rainbow Dash would definitely have trouble keeping up with him…” I said. “So where does he normally go?” “Anywhere really.” Tails said. “He doesn’t really care where he-… where’d she go?” Tails asked as he noticed I was gone. Elsewhere with Sonic… As Sonic was running he finally stopped next to a lake… “Man… I can’t believe Amy tried using chaos control…” Sonic said to himself. “I guess it was only a matter of time…” I popped my head out of the lake “Something wrong, Sonic?” I asked. “Yikes! What the… where did you come from??” Sonic asked. “I came from the lake, silly.” I said. “But… you were back at…” He said getting really confused. “Don’t hurt yourself Sonic…” I said with a slight giggle. “Okay… anyway… what are you doing here?” He asked. “I just wanted to see how you were doing… when I saw you running, you were really fast…” I said. “Well that’s what I’m known for.” Sonic said. “You wanna go for a ride?” “what?” I asked. “Just hang onto me.” Sonic said. “Okie Dokie Lokie…” I said holding onto him. “Now… hold on tight… and don’t let go.” Sonic said. “Ok.” I said, and before I knew it, we were speeding through an open field…! This… this is amazing…! We were going so fast… I could hardly believe it…! Is this how Rainbow Dash feels when she flies…? Now I can see why she loves it so much! “WOOHOO!” I yell as we’re running. “Having fun?” Sonic asked still running. “This is amazing! I’ve never gone this fast before!” I yelled. “Well hang on… where about to go even faster!” Sonic said. With that, Sonic just went into a burst of speed with a blue trail following him…! It looks a lot like Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom…! “Best day EVER!” I yell. We finally come to a stop near the lake again… that was so amazing… “Had fun?” Sonic asked. “That was the most fun thing I’ve ever done!” I said getting all excited. ”You’re amazing, Sonic!” “Thanks.” Sonic said. “You’re pretty cool yourself, Pinkie.” “Thanks…” I said blushing. “You okay, Pinkie?” Sonic asked. “Yeah I’m fine, it’s just…” I stopped. “Just what?” Sonic asked. “I don’t know but… every time I’m around you… I feel… different…” I said. “Different how?” Sonic asks. “Well… I get really nervous when I talk to you… but whenever I talk to anypony else… I feel fine!” I said. “…anypony?” Sonic asked. “Don’t you mean ‘anybody’?” “Huh…?” I ask. “We’re not ponies Pinkie… so just say anybody… it makes more sense…” Sonic said. “Ok… well, when I’m with anyBODY else, I feel fine…” I said. “Hmm…” Sonic said “How do you feel when I do this?” Sonic asked putting a hand on me. “Um…” I said blushing. Sonic took his hand off. “I think I see what’s going on…” Sonic said. “You do?” I asked. “I think you might be… falling in love with me…” Sonic said. “W-what..? But I’ve never felt this way to anypony!” I said. “…Pinkie…” Sonic said. “Sorry… anybody…” I said. “So you’ve really never fallen in love before…?” Sonic asked. “No… the closest I’ve ever gotten to someone was being close friends… that’s it.” I said. “It’s so weird…” Sonic said. “What do you mean?” I ask. “Different girl… same body… same feeling towards me…” Sonic said. “Except with Amy… she gets a little out of hand.” “heh…” I said nervously. Then after a few seconds of silence… he started to lean closer to me… oh my gosh… is he going to do… what I think he’s going to do…?? But before he could I slowly pushed him away. “I’m sorry… I just don’t know if I should…” I said. “I understand… you know, if it’s your first time kissing someone…” Sonic said. “You just seem… different than Amy… more calm when you’re around me… well more calm than her anyway… you can still get pretty energized...” “I wasn’t always full of energy you know…” I said. “Before I moved to Ponyville… I used to live on a rock farm… it was depressing…” “Well… what made you change…?” Sonic asked. “Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom…” I said. “I didn’t normally see a rainbow on the farm… so just seeing it made me really happy… and I wanted everyone else to feel the same way I did… that’s why I started doing a lot of parties… and that’s also why I’m always full of energy.” “So who’s Rainbow Dash?” Sonic asked. “She my best friend in Ponyville… I guess you could say she’s the you of Equestria.” I said. “So… she’s a fast runner?” Sonic asked. “Nope… fast flyer.” I said. “That’s cool… hey, who knows… maybe one day I could see what your world is like for myself and have a little competition with her…” Sonic said with a grin. “That would be so great if you could come to Ponyville with me…!” I said. “You know Sonic… you’re really nice…” “You too Pinkie Pie-…” Sonic was interrupted when I leant over and I… I kissed him…! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Hey Twilight… do you think you could use that same spell you used on Pinkie to see into my world…? I want to see how Sonic is doing…” I said. “Of course, Amy.” Twilight said and all of a sudden there was a magic aura around my head… “Alright Amy… what do you see…?” Twilight asked. “Let’s see… I see a party set up at my house…? I see Tails and Cream at the party… And I see Sonic kissing me… wait WHAT!?” I yell. “Did you just say… You saw yourself kissing Sonic?” Twilight asked. “Yes… and that means…” I paused. “PINKIE PIE IS KISSING SONIC!?” Me and Twilight yelled simultaneously. A/N Well… this has turned out to be a big twist now hasn’t it? Boy… I feel sort of sorry for Amy right now… SORT OF sorry… you know… since I was the one who wrote it… next chapter, we see how Amy takes in what she just witnessed… > Paths Cross > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I can’t believe what I just saw…” I said. “Amy… I’m so sorry… I never even thought Pinkie would do anything like that…” Twilight said, “I’ve been trying to get with Sonic for years… and she gets with him in a day!?” I yell. “Amy, maybe this is a one-time thing…?” Twilight said smiling sheepishly. “*sigh*… I need to be alone for a while…” I said looking down. “Amy…” Twilight said. “Just leave me alone…” I said going into the other room. “You do realize you can’t go in public all depressed…” Twilight said in the other room. “Pinkie Pie never gets depressed…” “I don’t… care…” I said. “Amy, you can’t stay in there forever…” Twilight said. “Come on… don’t you want to try to get back to Sonic…?” “WHAT’S THE POINT!?” I yell storming through the door. “Sonic loves HER! Not me!” “Amy, you’re not even trying!” Twilight said. “I just want to be alone…!” I yelled… then I just broke into tears. “*sigh*… alright… I’ll leave you alone…” Twilight said leaving the library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I feel so bad for Amy right now… but what I don’t get is… why would Pinkie Pie do something like that…? It’s not like her… “Well howdy Twilight” AJ said as I walked up to her. “How’s Amy doin?” “Not so good… she’s depressed…” I said. “What happened?” AJ asked. After I mentioned everything to Applejack… She couldn’t help but feel sorry herself… “Are ya sure that this is the same Pinkie Pie we’re talking about here?” AJ asked. “It has to be… but still…” I said. “Ah just hope Amy doesn’t do anything she’ll regret…” AJ said. “Yeah… me too…” I said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I still can’t believe that… Sonic would like someone like her… After that argument with Twilight… I think I need to go for a walk outside… as I’m walking outside… I can’t get that image out of my head… “Um… Amy…? Is everything alright…?” A quiet voce said from behind me. I turn and see a yellow Pegasus. “Huh…?’ I said turning around. “How’d you know I wasn’t Pinkie…?” “Applejack explained it already…” the yellow Pegasus said. “My name is Fluttershy by the way.” “Oh… well… nice to meet you Fluttershy…” I said. “Nice to meet you too, Amy…” Fluttershy said. “Would you like to come to my cottage so we can get to know each other better?” “Okay…” I said walking close to Fluttershy. Fluttershy… the way she talks reminds me so much of Cream… she seems very kind… As I’m thinking to myself, we are already getting close to her cottage. “Welcome to my cottage, Amy… oh and this is my pet bunny, Angel” Fluttershy said pointing at a white bunny. “Awww… he’s so cute.” I said. “Amy…?” Fluttershy said. “Yeah Fluttershy?” I responded. “I notice you were really upset… what’s wrong?” she asked. “I don’t really want to talk about it…” I said. “Please? Maybe I can help you feel better…” Fluttershy said. “I really doubt you could help me feel better… my heart is broken…” I said. “Oh my…” Fluttershy said. “Can you at least tell me what happened?” I then explained the whole situation to Fluttershy… Pinkie Pie kissing Sonic… ugh… just thinking about makes me feel sad and angry! “I’m so sorry to hear that, Amy… I knew Pinkie was full of energy… but I never expected her to do anything like this…” Fluttershy said. “I just don’t understand…” I said. “Well… you still have me as a friend… along with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight…” Fluttershy said. “I don’t know about Twilight so much…” I said. “We sort of got into an argument…” “Hmm…” Fluttershy said. “Have you met my friend, rarity yet?” “No… why, who’s that?” I ask. “She’s a good friend of mine… in fact, we were planning on going to the spa today… would you like to join us…?” Fluttershy asked. “I’m not sure I want to go to a spa today…” I said. “Please? Maybe it’ll help you feel better… take your mind off of things.” Fluttershy said. “Alright… if you say so…” I say following her out of the door. As we’re walking, we see a white unicorn with a purple mane next to the spa entrance… must be her now… “Hello Fluttershy… and hello Pinkie Pie… Are you going to be joining us this evening?” Rarity asked. “Her name isn’t Pinkie Pie, Rarity… this is Amy.” Fluttershy said. “I don’t understand… it looks like Pinkie… then again… her mane is different…” Rarity said. “It’s… nice to meet you, Rarity…” I said. “Wait, then where’s Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy then explained everything to Rarity… and as soon as she mentioned Pinkie kissing Sonic… Rarity was totally shocked. “Gracious…” Rarity said. “I’m terribly sorry, Amy… I would never think of Pinkie Pie to be kissing somepony from a different world…” “…Why do you always say that?” I ask. “Say what, dear?” Rarity asked. “’Somepony’… why don’t you just say somebody…?” I asked. “I… don’t think I understand…” Rarity said. “Never mind… let’s just go inside…” I said. As we’re walking inside, we were greeted by two ponies… a pink one and a light blue one… the pink one had a light blue mane and the light blue one had a pink mane. “Hello, Rarity” one of them said. “Will it be you three today?” she asked. “Yes Aloe.” Rarity said. “The usual” “Right this way…” the other said taking us into the other room. As we’re walking through the room, I get a few weird looks when they see my mane… “YES, MY MANE IS FLAT!” I snapped, then everyone looked away… smooth Amy… real smooth… “Amy… you must calm yourself darling…” Rarity said. “Sorry… I’m just sick of getting stupid looks from others…” I said. “Well… it’s not normal for Pinkie’s mane to be flat…” Rarity said. “I know… Twilight told me that already…” I said. “Now come on you two… let’s enjoy ourselves today.” Rarity said. We were then taken to the mud baths first… I honestly don’t know if I’m in the mood for this… 5 minutes later… “Oh… this feels amazing…” I cooed. “Well if you think this is good, just wait until the massage.” Rarity said. “I’m so glad that you are enjoying yourself Amy.” Fluttershy said. “You two are the best friends a girl could ask for…” I said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “So, Sonic… when you use these emeralds, they make you super strong and fast?” I asked. “Yup, but they also have other abilities.” Sonic said. “Like what?” I asked. “Well… Chaos control for instance… if you know how to use it, you should be fine… but if you mess up it might be bad…” Sonic said. “So… how do you do it?” I asked. “Well… you focus on the power of the emeralds and shout ‘chaos control’… and hopefully the emeralds will work… sometimes they’ve just backfired on us.” Sonic says. “Like this??” I said. “Pinkie! Wait!” Sonic yelled. “Chaos Control!!” I yelled and as soon as I yelled that, there was a huge flash of light again…! But this time I felt Sonic hold onto me… what’s happening?? When the light finally clears, I notice me and Sonic are in a dark forest… it’s so creepy-… “Oh… my… GOSH!!” I exclaimed. “Pinkie Pie… I told you to wait didn’t I??” Sonic said. “But Sonic-…!” I was interrupted. “Come on… I can take us back” Sonic said. “But Sonic, you don’t understand…!” I said. “What??” Sonic asked getting annoyed. “The chaos emeralds aren’t here…” I said. “Wait, what!?” Sonic yelled. “Great, just perfect… and I don’t even know where we are!” “Well, I do…” I said with a wide smile. “You do? Where?” Sonic asked. “Follow me!” I said hopping along the path. “*sigh*… this is gonna be a long day… but man it’s dark in here…” Sonic said. “Pinkie, are you sure you know where you’re going?” “Absolutely!” I said. We then finally find the exit of the forest… I was right! I can see Fluttershy’s cottage! We’re in Equestria!! “Do you know who lives in there Pinkie Pie?” Sonic asked. “Only one of my best friends! This is Fluttershy’s house!” I said. “One of your best frie-... this is your world?!” Sonic exclaimed. “Yup!” I said with a wide smile “Welcome to Equestria!” “So… where do you live then?” Sonic asked. “This way!” I said and dragged Sonic into town. “Pinkie Pie! I can walk!” Sonic yelled. “Oh… sorry.” I said letting go. “*giggles* this is Ponyville, my home.” “Uh… everyone’s… staring at us….” Sonic said. “They must not recognize me… oh well… they will soon. But for now, let’s go to see my friend Twilight and tell her I’m ok.” “Right behind you.” Sonic said following me. Sonic and I then see the Library, Twilight’s house. “There!” I said pointing at the library. “Your friend lives in a big tree…?” Sonic asked. “Come on! I’ll introduce you to her!” I said tugging on Sonic’s hand. “Alright, alright. Take it easy.” Sonic said following me. I then knock on the door waiting for someone to answer… then the door opened and we saw Spike staring up at us, confused. “Uh… hi?” Spike said. “Spike!!” I’m so happy to see you again!” I said hugging the purple dragon. “Agh! Too tight!” Spike said. “Oh! Sorry Spike!” I said letting him go. “Spike…?” Sonic asked. “Yup! He lives with my friend Twilight!” I said. “Do I know you…?” Spike asked. “And how do you know Twilight?” “Does this help?” I asked pulling out my party canon which made Spike go into complete shock. “PINKIE PIE!?” Spike yelled. “Yup! And this is my friend, Sonic!” I said. “So… you’re that Sonic guy that Amy was talking about.” Spike said which made Sonic go wide-eyed. “Amy was here!?” Sonic yelled. “Well she’s not here right now… but she seemed really depressed when she left…” Spike said. “Why is Amy depressed?” I asked. “Why do you think, love birds?” Spike said with a grin which made us both go into shock. “S-she saw us… kiss…?” Sonic stammered. “This is so bad…” he said holding his head. “Why? What would she do?” I ask. “She’s going to lose it!” Sonic yelled. “If she sees you she might actually try to hurt you!” “B-but... I didn’t know…!” I said getting upset. “Don’t worry… if I bump into her, I’ll try to explain everything… as for you, avoid her as much as possible.” Sonic said. “I understand…” I said still a little upset. “I’m gonna go for a run… get a good idea of what this place is like.” Sonic said. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Spike asked. “Don’t worry Spike. Sonic is really fast! He might even be faster than Rainbow Dash!” I exclaimed. “Yeah, no worries. I’ll be back before you know it.” Sonic said and then zoomed off. “W-whoa!” Spike exclaimed. “I told you he was fast!” I said hoping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As I’m running I keep thinking so many questions… How the heck could they possibly build a town like this…? And what’s Amy going to do if she finds me!? What if I-… “Oof!” I said bumping into a light blue pony with wings… wait a second… her hair is rainbow colored… “Ow… sorry about that.” The pony said. “I didn’t see you there… Name’s Rainbow Dash… um… what are you?” “I’m Sonic… Sonic the Hedgehog.” A/N Well I hope you liked this chapter everypony… for the next chapter: Sonic VS. Rainbow Dash!... and on the other end, Amy VS. Pinkie Pie… this should be good. > The Pink Meet Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thanks for bringing me to the spa, Fluttershy.” I said walking out. “Anytime Amy.” Fluttershy said with a grin. “You must join us again sometime.” Rarity said. “I’d love to!” I said smiling. “Oh, Amy!” Fluttershy said. “Something wrong?” I asked. “No, it’s your mane. Your manes back to normal.” Fluttershy said. “Huh…?” I asked. “See for yourself.” Rarity said levitating a mirror to me. “So this is how Pinkie’s hair always loo-…” I was cut off when someone zoomed passed me. I assumed it was Rainbow Dash, but then I saw a second thing zoom past us! “What the heck??” I said confused. “Is Rainbow Dash racing with another pony or something?” “I don’t think so… nopony is as fast as Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said. “But then… who could possibly be keeping up with-…” I was interrupted. “Amy!” Twilight called out running towards us. “Twilight?” I started. “What’s wrong?” “Did you three see those two?” Twilight asked. “I tried to see who they were, but they were going too fast.” I said. “I didn’t see them either.” Rarity said. “Me neither” said Fluttershy. As we’re trying to figure out who we saw speeding with Rainbow Dash, our questions were soon answered… they came speeding back and then stopped in front of us, and who I saw next to Rainbow Dash made me immediately go wide-eyed… “That was a good race…” Rainbow Dash said panting “You really are fast.” “Hey, you’re not too bad yourself” Sonic said. “That sonic Rainboom was incredible!” “Uh… excuse me?” Twilight interrupted making sonic and Rainbow look at us. “Rainbow Dash… who’s this?” “Oh, this is Sonic; the guy that Amy mentioned earlier.” Rainbow Dash said. “She wasn’t kidding when she told me he was fast!” “So, t-that’s Sonic??” Twilight asked surprised. “Yup.” Sonic answered. “Nice to meet you... uh…” Sonic stammered. “Twilight Sparkle…” Twilight answered. “And what’s your name?” Sonic asked looking at me. “…Amy… Rose…” I said glaring at Sonic which made him go wide-eyed. “A-A-Amy…!” Sonic stammered. “So uh… how’ve you been…?” “How’ve I been…? How’ve I been!? How the heck would you feel if you saw the love of your life kissing somebody else!?” I yelled trying to grab Sonic but was being held back by Rarity and Fluttershy. “Amy, please calm down!” Fluttershy said. “I can’t calm down!” I yelled and started to feel tears again. “My heart is shattered!” “Amy, please! Just give me time to explain!” Sonic said. “…Fine… explain why you let Pinkie Pie kiss you!” I said still angry. “Because I was never your boyfriend!” Sonic yelled which made me go wide-eyed again. “But… I thought-…” I was cut off. “Where in your mind did you actually think I was your boyfriend??” Sonic said. “You’re insane and you never leave me alone!” I couldn’t even respond; I was too much in shock seeing Sonic talk to me this way… and then I just completely lost it. “Fine…!” I say with tears in my eyes “If you want me to leave you alone, then I’ll never see you again!!” I said running off crying. “Amy…! Wait!” Twilight said, and then she turned to Sonic. “What is wrong with you!? How could you speak to her like that??” Twilight yelled. “Are you seriously taking her side??” Sonic said. “She loved you Sonic, but you completely broke her heart!” Twilight said. “Even if Amy is the way you were talking about on your planet, it doesn’t mean you can talk to her like that!” “Okay...! I will admit that I was too hard on her but-…” Sonic was interrupted. “No! I don’t want to hear it from you… I have to go find Amy and make sure she’s ok…” Twilight said walking off. ----------------------------------------------------------------- What’s the point anymore…? Why should I even go back to my planet? Sonic hates me… and how do I know the others don’t feel the same way about me?? They all probably thought that way and just kept it from me all these years…! Then a thought came to me… If he didn’t meet Pinkie Pie… grrr… this is HER fault! I don’t care what Sonic says, he’s probably just trying to protect her! If Sonic’s here, then that means Pinkie Pie is too… time for me to give her a little visit. As I’m thinking about what I’m gonna do when I see her, I notice I’m getting close to Twilight’s library again… she must be in there… When I got close to the door I could hear laughing… from both a female voice and Spikes voice… grrrr… I then slammed the door open… and Spike and Pinkie Pie in my body both look at me in shock. “A-Amy!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Oh so you already know who I am…” I said glaring at her. “Amy, stop!” Spike started “I know she kissed Sonic but don’t you think you’re over reacting?” “No! I don’t!” I exclaim. “How could you do this to me!?” “I-... I don’t know! He was going to kiss me first and-…” Pinkie was interrupted. “Wait…” I start. “He was… really going to kiss you first?” I said. “Ye- yeah…” Pinkie said, and a soon as she said that, my hair went flat again. “Oh no… not again.” Spike said. “Why do I even bother…?” I say to myself. Then I felt a hand on me… It was Pinkie, but why would she feel bad for me…? “I don’t like seeing anypony sad… I always try to make my friends happy.” Pinkie said trying to comfort me “I didn’t realize how much Sonic meant to you…” “Well, you’re still the one going out with him…” I said not facing her. “Well… if it means that much to you, then I’ll break up with him” Pinkie said. “Huh…? But I thought-…” I was interrupted. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I do like Sonic but I LOVE making friends more; and that includes being your friend.” Pinkie said. “You’d really do that for me…?” I asked. “Hey, anything for a friend!” Pinkie exclaimed. “And as soon as Twilight figures out how to switch our bodies back, I’ll throw you an official ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party!” “That sounds like a great idea!” I said smiling as my hair poufs up again. “Oh and maybe I can show you something else.” Pinkie said. “Well, while I was in your body, I figured out that I had this.” Pinkie said pulling out my piko hammer. “My hammer!” I exclaim. “Yeah! Before I thought it was a party hammer… and I sort of hit knuckles with it… Eheheh.” Pinkie said rubbing the back of her head. “Who?” Spike asked. “Oh, just one of my friends from my world, and don’t worry about it Pinkie, Knuckles can handle it.” I said giggling. “So since I know how to use your hammer, I just wanted to know if you wanted to know the things I do!” Pinkie said. “Things you do?” I asked “Like what?” “I’ll show you!” Pinkie exclaimed. A/N Hey everyone, sorry about the long wait for this chapter, it’s just that I’ve been really busy with School work and all that. I’ll try to make more time. Next chapter I will get more in depth of the whole Sonic vs Rainbow Dash race. But for now, please enjoy this video i found on the internet.