• Published 10th Nov 2017
  • 350 Views, 6 Comments

Through the soul of friendship - ShieldStar

Reed is an avid spelunker in his free time, but lately the dark things that have plagued him all his life have been growing stronger, and now threaten his daily life.

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Chapter 24: To The Stars (final)

Through the soul of friendship
Fanfication by Shield Star
24: To the Stars

There was a long silence, only the soft patter of rain disturbed the air.

"Did it work?" Reed turned to see it was Fluttershy who had spoken. The other five friends where not far behind her. "Not yet." Reed said starting to shake.

Star trotted closer to Reed, digging through her saddle bags. "This is why I came you forgot this in your room." Star said distractedly. After a moment Star pulled out a small wooden box with carved designs of sealing. Reed's veins were starting to become visible as dark lines spread from his heart. The shaking was getting worse and Reed fell to a knee. Fluttershy started to rush forward with her friends and Star. "No!" Reed said quickly waving them back. “get ready to use the elements. Star quick the box."

Star floated the box into Reed's out stretched hand. Reed gripped it hard and focused his aura around it.

"From darkness to light and from light to darkness. I move the mass of evil to this vessel." The dark road map that was showing his veins traveled down his arm and into his hands. Before, like ink seeping from a sponge, the darkness that was Solus spilled from Reed's hands and into the open box. The craved designs began to glow like burning embers. Solus flowed from Reed, on and on, and despite its small size the box never over flowed. The designs glowed hotter and hotter. Starting from the dull glow of embers to the cherry red of hot metal, until they were the iridescent orange of melted iron.

Though Solus was being poured in to the box of sealing Reed was still shaking. He started to loss balance but was quickly stabilized by a small shoulder.

---Star Lance---

On and on the process went, the lines of black flowing and twisting down Reed's arms and into his hand, before being consumed by the box.

Star looked away from the box, at Reed. Blood leaked from his eyes and nose. A fearsome snarl was fixed in place as he concentrated on the box. His skin was sallow and grey, though arcs of yellow energy still jumped across his skin.

A drop of darkness fell from his arm, only to be caught by a few of the arcs and pulled back.

"How can I help?" Star whispered concernedly.

"Keep me up right and believe that this will work." Reed growled as three more drops jumped and were caught.

Star leaned in harder careful not to push him over, and focused on Reed. She focused not on the fact that this was killing him but on the fact that he would be able to seal Solus and they would make it through this.

Despite all her trust and belief a drop escaped. Then another and another. Reed was shaking so hard by now that his head was bouncing, but his eyes never left the box. Star dug her hooves in and did her best to keep Reed stable and to catch the drops with her magic.

"Twilight now." Star barely caught the whisper as it was weak and jerky.

"Twilight the elements! Use them now!" Star screamed.

"Buy you and Reed-!" Reed's hands, which until this point had been steady and firm started to shake as well.

"NOW!" There was a flash of multicolored light, a sense of flying then nothing but that little glowing box and the darkness flowing in to it.


"Now!" Twilight sparkle, applejack, rainbow dash, Fluttershy, rarity, and pinkie pie, all regretted what they had to do. The elements fired the rainbow if harmony at Star lance and Reed. It enveloped them before pinching them in to the sky. A sonic boom bursting from the column of light, the arcs of light rippled out but soon dissipated.

Fluttershy began to cry, Pinkie Pie's mane fell flat and straightened. Rarity rubbed Fluttershy's back struggling not to cry herself. Applejack covered her face with her Stetson. Rainbow sunk to the ground, wings limp at her sides, a look of pain and anger on her face. Twilight sat tears in her eyes, guilt and grief chewing up her insides.

Twilight's eyes darted across the sky as if searching for answers.

"But they'll be back, right? Reed said he wouldn't leave without a going away party." Pink Pie sniffed hopefully.

"Yes. Yes! Yes, they have to come back! The elements of harmony can only banish what is out of harmony. Therefore once Solus is sealed..." Fluttershy stopped crying and looked up at Twilight.

"Then they will come back."

The others looked at her then at each other. They all looked at the sky, colored a bright hopeful blue, with its few clouds. A smile pulled at Twilight’s lips as relief soothed her. Yes, Reed and Star Lance would return. But how long until then?

"Um Twilight? The others are heading back to the inn. Do you want me to wait for you?" Twilight turned to look at Fluttershy.

"That's okay Fluttershy, I was just thinking how this all started."

They shared a smile before turning to join the others.



"Do you think the princesses will let us give Reed and Star Lance a window?" Twilight laughed putting a fore leg over the yellow pegasus’s shoulders.

"I will personal ask them too."

Author's Note:

That's it! Tell me what you all think. I hoped you liked it, I am always looking for constructive feedback.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. there is a squeal planned

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