• Published 9th Nov 2017
  • 3,874 Views, 45 Comments

The Equestria That Never Was - desertbat

What if you had the opportunity to go to Equestria and realized, too late, that it wasn't what you dreamed of? That it was nothing more than an elaborate illusion.

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Chapter 6 - An Understanding

The cavern's exit was within sight, Discord was telling the girls about our adventure getting here, and I thought things were looking up from here; yeah right. Turns out Discord thought it was smart to tell Violet what he told me about how Equestria got to its current state. As I expected, she tried to kill him; I don't blame her though. Luckily, Posey begged for the violence to stop and let him speak when they made it back to there home; she stood down afterward.

Finally, we were out and I could, once again, feel the cool, fresh air flowing all around. It had gotten dark, but I had begun to learn that it meant little when telling the time. Everyone stood around, looking at each other with awkward stares," So." I started, "Discord told you pretty much everything. Please tell me you're not going to try to kill him again?" Violet gave Discord an angry stare, but then saw the expression I was carrying.

"Ok, fine," She then directed herself to Discord again. "but just remember that I'm only sparing you my wrath because of Posey and Dessie. If I think you're doing something suspicious, I'll make sure you have the same fate as Taurus. Do I make myself clear?"

Discord nervously shook his head in agreement. "I promise you, I will do whatever I can to help you and little Dessie..."

"Also, from now on, only I'm allowed to call him that! Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." He shook his head rapidly and came over to whisper in my ear. "Your girlfriend's scary, Des."

This put a large smile on my face. She was a bit awkward and shy at times, but when it came to those she loved, it didn't matter how powerful the adversary was - she struck fear in them. "What's the matter, scared of a beautiful mare? No wonder you're still single." All I got for a response was a pout, which caused me to chuckle. Violet was watching our little banter and decided to walk over; nuzzling me lovingly. It felt nice and I did the same for her; I didn't find out till later that she gave Discord a gloat of victory from behind my back.

The three of us noticed Posey, still wearing the element of kindness, talking with some woodland creature - a few bats and rabbits - and then approached us, with a smile that seemed so innocent. "Guess what? These little critters know the direction back to Ponyland." I didn't ask what that was, but by the obvious name, I assumed it was a colony with nice ponies like Posey; probably where Violet ended up too."

"Wow, Posey, that's wonderful. You really are amazing." Yeah, she was definitely sent there, and would probably tell me more about it on the way. Violet trotted closer to me all lovingly and pointed towards Posey. "Alright, lead the way."

Getting to Ponyland took about two hours. Discord and Posey were up front, talking to one another and having a friendly chat. From the joyous expression, I could tell Discord felt this pony was his second chance with Fluttershy, but I was wondering if this happiness would be able to last in him.

Violet spent a majority of the trip explaining to me what happened to her when we got separated. Apparently, my assumption was correct about Ponyland - it was a colony of kind ponies and she woke up on the outskirts of it. Walking for her was confusing like it was for me, but she quickly picked up on it, so she made it inside and was surprised by the sight of all the ponies that she fainted. She told me Posey noticed her and was brought back to her nice cottage to rest. She got to see the village, meet Posey's other friends and was shown what she thought was pure peace. It wasn't until she had a vision about me and the cavern that she began to realize that this world wasn't as peaceful as she thought. This made me wonder, how sheltered from the world were these ponies? Are they just ignoring Equestria's problem - hoping it will go away?

I lost my train of thought when Violet tapped me on the shoulder with her muzzle. "I want to know something. Why are you trusting Discord? How do we know this isn't an act? He admitted to being the harbinger of Equestria's destruction and you act like he's your best friend? You saw what happened when we took down Taurus too, right?" I nodded my head in agreement. "What if he's tricking us into restoring his powers?"

Despite what I believed, I couldn't deny her cautious thinking, but I figured I would try to help her understand my own feelings in this. "I was too focused getting out of the cavern, so I want to know, did Discord tell you what happened when we met?"

She shook her head worryingly. "No, he said you would bring it up when you felt ready."

Somehow I wasn't surprised he wouldn't tell her. "When I first got here, I thought this wish of ours brought me here without you. I thought the pendant only granted the wish for me.

Then I saw that Equestria was in ruins. The sisters battling with their armies to the death. I saw a battlefield with dead soldiers littering the field - half of them the size of a colt or filly. Discord showed up shortly afterward and told me what he did, but I was in denial.

I ran away to find anything that could help, but I soon found myself almost killed by a timberwolf. I was struggling, but I slowly lost hope and was accepting my death, until Discord rescued me.

Discord tried to help me up, but just like you, I wanted to kill him. I attacked and he let me hurt him - he thought he deserved it. Do you recall him trying to fight back when you attacked him?"

She thought about it and to her disgust, she realized he pushed Posey out of the way and made sure her blasts were in less dangerous areas. "No, he just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally cave us in."

We stopped, and I placed my head on hers for comfort. "I was losing hope that I would never see the only thing that made my loser life worth living for, but Discord told me he sensed your presence. He said that he had faith that us being here was destiny and that somehow we could help restore Equestria, so instead of leaving me to die out in the Everfree Forest, he decided to risk his own life and help navigate me to you." I moved my head and looked Violet in the eyes. "I'm not asking you to trust him, I'm just letting you understand that I'm grateful he reunited me you." While she was blushing from my comment, I leaned over and planted my lips on hers; it had been a while since we last did that.

As we finished, we held on to each other close - not wanting to let go. Ever since we met we never hid from each other; she was the only one I would ever share all my feelings with, and she knew it. "It will take some time, but I promise you I'll try to see who he is and not who he was. But I swear if he ever even thinks about hurting my boyfriend, I'll use my magic to rip off his tes...."

"It's okay," I interrupted, " believe me if he harms this beautiful girlfriend of mine, I'll see if bat ponies drink blood."

My comment managed to give Violet a little chuckle. "Oh, you really are a silly little pony, Dessie. I love you, my hot vampire stallion." She looked at me with her smug face as I tried to hide the embarrassment; I always seemed to unintentionally add more material for her flirty pet names.

"Oh, my." Our attention turned to Posey and Discord spectating our flirting and causing us both to become really embarrassed.

"Well isn't this so cute?" Discord playfully said. "Though I can assure you, Violet, I have no intention of harming your boyfriend. He's become a dear friend of mine and I also value my tes..." Before Discord decided to finish that sentence, he looked at Posey's confused expression and thought it would be best not to bring it up around innocent ears. "Well...you know what I mean. Anyway, we just want you both to see that Ponyland is just up ahead, but please, don't let me interrupt your...moment. Come along, Posey, I need to speak to your empress."

They went on ahead and I could tell by what he said that he had been here before. It made me wonder what his relationship with the ponies really was; Posey never seemed as scared as I thought a pony would be of him.

Looking at Violet, I could tell she was having similar thoughts as me. "So...shall we go on? Might as well see what Discord's doing together. That is what you're wondering, right?" With a nervous chuckle, she lead on and up ahead, I could see Ponyland.