• Published 1st Nov 2017
  • 2,719 Views, 14 Comments

Halloween Get Together - Rose Quill

The girl's have a little get-together on Halloween night.

  • ...

Nightmare Night

I grinned as I looked around the living room at my closest friends. We were all gathered around dressed in our costumes for some fun, no worries cheer despite the rainy weather. Well, everyone but Pinkie, who had left with Indigo and Lemon to grab more food.

Twilight came over and wrapped her arms around my waist. The bells on her hat jingled merrily as she leaned in and nuzzled me. "Enjoying yourself?" she asked.

I reached back and slid my hand up the nape of her neck, feeling her shiver a little at the sensation. "Always do with my friends," I replied. "Though I notice Fluttershy isn't here."

"She seemed a little anxious about it," my wife replied as she came around to stand before me. She looked great, and it wasn't hindered by the fact that she was obviously showing at six months along. My wife was carrying our first child, and that only made me love her more.

If that was even possible. I tugged at my jacket, feeling it start to ride up a little. I was never a fan of boleros, personally, despite having worn one at my wedding. But that had been made by Rarity, and this was an inexpensive thrift purchase to complete my Jedi warrior costume. It had been the cheapest part of my costume because the most expensive piece hung at my waist: a custom crafted lightsaber hilt. It had taken the machine shop a couple of different attempts to transform my sketch into the cylindrical object hanging from my belt.

"She is coming, darling," Rarity said as she strolled over to refill her punch. "She's just a trifle nervous. She's never been keen on a holiday built around scares and horrors." She adjusted the sleeves of her regalia, seeming to be the very image of Queen Victoria.

Twilight smiled as she pulled out a chair and eased down into it. "As long as she's comfortable coming, we'll be glad to have her," she said with a breathy sigh of comfort. "She knows we only want what she's willing to do."

Rainbow and AJ wandered over, the soccer player with her wings out and a little fez on her head. She had taken off the multi-colored vest off earlier. "I'll bet she doesn't show up in costume," she said. "Despite it being a costume party."

Applejack adjusted her gingham skirt and gave Dash a small glare. "What my flying monkey meant to say," she drawled. "Shy may just come as she is."

Adagio's giggling shriek pulled my attention to the Siren as Sandalwood pulled her into the center of the living room to dance along with the music playing. I felt a bit of melancholy at that. Twilight was easily exhausted now, despite the fact that she got plenty of rest. I knew this was part of being pregnant - and as much as it amused me at times to see the normally precise and organized Mrs. Shimmer being scatterbrained - it bothered me. I could intellectually know that she was fine and this was just part of being with child, my worrying heart refused to think logically. It was as though my wife was two different people.

"Sunny?" Twilight said, touching my arm. "You're fretting again."

I shook my head and grinned sheepishly. "Sorry," I said, getting a good grip on my end of the bond we shared. "Just a lot on my mind."

AJ grinned and waved her hand dismissively. "You've got a youngun' on the way," she chuckled. "It's natural for you to feel distracted. Ah know Ah would if our spots were reversed."

Dash scoffed. "You just know that you'd have the most awesome wife taking care of you, of course."

"Unless it was you carrying," the farmer said, a warm smile on her face as they carted out the usual joking argument. I could feel the love flowing between them, not a trace of anger to be felt. I closed my eyes, opening the bond with Twilight so we could both bask in the warm feeling of love that saturated our condo, and we sighed.

And that's when I felt it. A cold wave of fear that was clustering at my door. I sat up, my gaze flying to the entrance as the handle squeaked and began to swing open. As the door revealed the dark-garbed form beyond, a bolt of lightning split the night, backlighting a winged form. The figure stepped in, a long and form-hugging dress slithering over the slim body of Fluttershy. Her wings were out and sheathed in a membranous coating and her pony ears were strangely tufted. Her eyes were red and long fangs protruded from her lips.

"Hello, everyone," she said in a seductive voice. She opened her mouth to speak further when the crack of thunder tore through the air and a frightened squeak escaped instead. As she stood there with a sheepish grin, we all laughed at the sudden change of demeanor. Rarity walked over and gave her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"What on earth are you wearing?" the fashionista asked. "It's so...salacious!"

"And how'd you get that stuff on your wings?" Rainbow asked. "That's totally awesome!"

Fluttershy blushed and chuckled. "I wanted to do something a little different, kind of step out of my comfort zone," she looked up at Rarity through her lashes. "And maybe see if this is something I could get used to."

I nodded. "I like the look, Shy," I said. "But you didn't have to all this. You could have just come by to enjoy the company."

"But it was a costume party on Halloween!" she protested. "And I wanted to. I realized that as long as I took control of the way I went about it instead of letting it control me, I could enjoy it as much as I want."

Sonata smiled and leaned forward on the couch, pushing back the red hood of her costume. "You totally look killer in that dress, Flutters," she said. "Where'd you get it?"

"There's this store uptown that sells them," she said, ducking her head slightly when she saw Rarity's face contort in horror.

"You...you bought...you bought off the peg?" she squeaked. She looked as though she were about to faint. "Why didn't you let me make something like that for you?"

Fluttershy leaned over and wrapped her arm around her love's waist and lowered her face.

"I wanted to surprise you, silly," she said.

That's so sweet, I heard through the bond. Why don't you do things like that anymore?

Because last time I tried, you complained about feeling bloated like a whale and shoved me across the room with your telekinesis. I returned with a flash of memory.

I love you?

I love you too. Still paranoid though.

We shared a giggle at the silliness of the thought process in time to see Rarity hoist up on her toes to kiss Fluttershy.

"Yes, Mistress," she said in a teasing tone, making the slimmer girl blush furiously.

"What'd I miss?" I asked.

Aria adjusted the dark blue hood of her costume as she crossed her white-clad legs.

"Shy just asked if Rares liked the look on her," she said, face slightly shadowed."I think we know who is calling the shots tonight!"

"Aria, please!" Rarity sniffed. "Everything we do is equal!"

"Equally adorable," Sonata beamed before pouting. "SO jealous."

I stood up and raised my glass, prompting everyone else to do the same.

"Happy Halloween, everyone," I said. "And happy Nightmare Night." I added with a grin towards the SIrens.

"Happy Halloween!"

Author's Note:

Costume list:
Sunset - Mara Jade
Twilight - Star Swirl the Bearded
Applejack - Dorothy
Rainbow - Flying Monkey
Rarity - Queen Victoria Regina
Sonata - Little Red Riding Hood
Aria - Raven from Teen Titans
Adagio - The Little Mermaid
Sandalwood - Prince Eric
Pinkie - 1920’s flapper
Indigo Zap - Punk Rocker
Lemon Zest - Snow White
Fluttershy- Flutterbat
Flash Sentry - Sir Not Appearing In This Fiction

Comments ( 14 )

The bells on her hat jingled merrily as she leaned in an nuzzled me. "Enjoying yourself?" she asked.

You accidentally a thing.

that was cute :D I didn't see any of the shadowbolts tho?

A very nice touch with the feelings of melancholy about Sunset and Twilight not being able to display their love as much as they would want with the latter being pregnant. I also adored Fluttershy's effort at being scarily theatrical.

Wait a minute...something's wrong. Pinkie Pie did not take part in this conversation. :ajsmug: What is the infamous party planner up to?

Adorable!!! All the best ships.

I don't know much about this universe, but I can still appreciate this cute little vignette.
There were a few parts (specifically, the mind parts) that I couldn't understand whose thoughts they were, so that was a bit distracting (might be good to know for future fics) but other than that, fun and cute :raritywink:


It’s a link between Sunset and SciTwi. It formed (headcanon) in Friendship Games and developed slowly in Homecoming and blossomed into the whole mind link in Cruising. The continuity listing links to the timeline. I’m still deciding on where precisely to place this one

I so approve of this costume setup. :raritywink: :heart:

Flash Sentry - Sir Not Appearing In This Fiction

Flash has best costume. :pinkiehappy:

"And happy Nightmare Night." I added with a grin towards the SIrens.

That line got me thinking just now. I bet the Sirens enjoy having that bit of extra camaraderie with a fellow Equestrian on this side of the mirror. Lovely little story as always. Thanks Rose.

This was some nice one shot halloween fun

If that was even possible. I tugged at my jacket, feeling it start to ride up a little. I was never a fan of boleros, personally, despite having worn one at my wedding. But that had been made by Rarity, and this was an inexpensive thrift purchase to complete my Jedi warrior costume. It had been the cheapest part of my costume because the most expensive piece hung at my waist: a custom crafted lightsaber hilt. It had taken the machine shop a couple of different attempts to transform my sketch into the cylindrical object hanging from my belt.

Nice costume sunset. :derpyderp2:

And that's when I felt it. A cold wave of fear that was clustering at my door. I sat up, my gaze flying to the entrance as the handle squeaked and began to swing open. As the door revealed the dark-garbed form beyond, a bolt of lightning split the night, backlighting a winged form. The figure stepped in, a long and form-hugging dress slithering over the slim body of Fluttershy. Her wings were out and sheathed in a membranous coating and her pony ears were strangely tufted. Her eyes were red and long fangs protruded from her lips.

Looks like flutterbat has returned!!!

"But it was a costume party on Halloween!" she protested. "And I wanted to. I realized that as long as I took control of the way I went about it instead of letting it control me, I could enjoy it as much as I want."

Good for you fluttershy. :twilightsmile:

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