• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 5,197 Views, 5 Comments

A Day in the Life of a Surrogate Nerd - Pacificside18

Moon Dancer's surrogate pregnancy had made her bigger than the program anticipated. But her friends are there to keep her company.

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A Day in the Life of a Surrogate Nerd

Dawn breaks upon a reconstructed Canterlot cottage. It had gone into disarray a while back but circumstances recommended that it’d be cleaned up for its sole residence there. Inside the cottage, a wind-up clock begins to rattle around on top of a nightstand, only for it to be grabbed and thrown against a beaten-up part of the wall, collapsing into pieces which land into a convenient trash can of other clock parts.

“Note to self..,” the sole owner yawned, “buy a new clock…again.”

She rubbed her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. What was once covered in moss and spider webs was restored and held the roof stronger than before. But the house was the last thing Moon Dancer could think about. She then raised her head and looked down at her biggest concern; the massive girth stretching from her body outward.

“Still not up yet. Good,” Moon Dancer whispered, “Gives me time to prep before the strains begin.”

Moon Dancer carefully rolled her enlarged body to an upright sitting position, legs with swollen ankles dangling off the side of the bed. She heavily sighed and patted herself knowing the responsibility she had given. Almost a year ago, Canterlot’s science division were testing a magically enhanced surrogacy that would pay greatly to who-so-ever donated themselves for their experiment. Moon Dancer, whose home was near ready to collapse around that time, accepted the test and become impregnated for the science division. But what she nor the scientists realized was how well their experiment worked. Her body had adapted itself to take on carrying eight surrogate children. And now coming down to the beginning of the final month, she would hopefully soon be able to see her feet again.

She lifted herself off the bed, wearing the largest-sized PJs that she could wear, and even then her size wouldn’t allow it to cover the bottom of her huge stomach. She waddled on over to the dresser, hoping for anything else that can fit before being forced to move a size up. Again.

Moon Dancer first pulled out one of her maternity T-shirts and began to try them on one by one. She attempted to pull down the shirts in hopes of at least one fitting her, but they would risk ripping apart. Every pair she went through had unfortunately stopped too short around the chest region. She tossed the all the old T-shirts aside, at least until the pregnancy ended.

Moon Dancer then moved onto the maternity dresses. These she had hoped should stretch all the way to the ground. To make sure, she tried her largest size out. Once she let it drop down, she felt a draft coming from underneath. Her dress had unfortunately stopped to the top of her legs, exposing her underwear to the public. She blushed at the embarrassing thought and threw them aside as well.

Moon Dancer’s dresser was unfortunately lacking the proper size to sport her womb. All except her default sweater she kept on the back of her bedroom door. Tired of going back and forth on clothes (and standing around), she grabbed her standard attire and attempted to put it on, first with the sweatpants. Sitting back on the bed, she inhaled and started stretching out towards the feet she hadn’t seen in months until she felt the pants wrap onto her. She pulled up and felt the tightness of them as soon as she pulled them up. Moon Dancer was confused about the tightness, but a look at her behind was all that was needed to answer. Her body had cushioned itself for her babies during the pregnancy. She rubbed her backside, hoping she’d feel a bit slimmer when this all blew over.

Next was the sweater itself. It had thankfully been the only piece of clothing that had kept her warm and secure, not to mention large enough for her body. Moon Dancer slid on the sweater, popping her head out of the collar and her arms through the sleeves. Those parts were the easiest, but pulling down was tougher. She grabbed what hadn’t been put to use and pulled down as hard as she could. She had to physically get up in order to accomplish this, but even still, the sweater still couldn’t reach the bottom of her massive body, but it was still covering more than what her other attire could do. This was probably the last time she could wear it before she’d accidentally rip it. She stretched the buttons, hoping this wouldn’t be the day they burst off her as the experiment had physically changed her in more areas than her enlarged womb. She snapped them into place and waited for any reaction…thankfully, they stayed on. For now.

After putting on her glasses and tying together her mane, she then stared at the mirror the sweater and pants were covering on the door and marveled at how big she had become. So much so that she couldn’t even fit her body into its frame now.

“The things I do for living,” she grumbled to herself, “Had I known this surrogacy caused THIS much fertility, I would have backed down and kept whatever health I had left. THIS…”

She sighed off the complaints.

“This still saved me from being either homeless or crushed by the support beams. I have to give it to them, at least. But I swear, one more growth spurt, and I won’t be able to escape my house again!”

She carried herself out of the bedroom and into the kitchen and living room, now looking much cleaner and welcoming than before. The science team supplied her with the nutrition needed to carry out the experiment, all the oats and greens she’d need. But this morning, all she needed was a cereal. She grabbed a box and poured herself a bowl, filling it with milk and lied herself awkwardly into the couch. She made use of the extra girth and placed her cereal bowl on top and started eating away slowly.

All morning long, the sun slowly moved from behind the castle towards the top of Canterlot Kingdom, lighting up the day brightly. Moon Dancer had finished her cereal some time ago and kept herself busy with a new volume of The History of the Wagon Harness. However, the end of the peaceful morning would soon be interrupted, by a loud growl shaking herself and the couch she lied on severely.

“Oooh…..not now…”

The experiment had a couple of rather unfortunate side effects. Unlike normal pregnancies, Moon Dancer’s unborn children were extremely active. All of their stomachs combined hungered out for food and Moon Dancer felt them reach out towards the edges of her womb to have her take notice.

“UGH! And I just gotten comfortable!” she yelled. But having no other choice, she carefully lifted herself off the couch and towards the kitchen again. She had been tipped to leave leftovers behind in order to keep the babies sustained for the time being. Luckily, she had plenty of Hay Fries left to snack off of. She reheated the food and smeared a side of ketchup and quickly started eating them, in hopes of the growls and kicks to subside.

Moon Dancer’s eating pace slowed as the kicks had started to subside now that their mother had brought their meal. She could now take a heavy sigh of relief as she wouldn’t be interrupted so abruptly…however those fries were one of her favorites. She looked back at the fries and picked another one out, dipped it in ketchup and ate it. There were still a plenty amount of fries to go, but she didn’t mind.

“I don’t think I mind this one bit. If it keeps you guys calmed and me well fed, who am I to complain?”

She brought the fries back to her couch, picking them one by one from her bag and smeared them in ketchup before stuffing them in her mouth. She couldn’t say “no” to a delicious plate of Hay Fries, could she? And without realizing it, she started picking up the eating pace, spreading ketchup around her mouth with a satisfied look on her face.


“Aaaand this just keeps getting better…”

She grabbed her hay fries and waddled to the front door. She unlocked the door hinges and swung it open to a bright afternoon.

“Good Afternoon Moon—uh, you have a little, uh…”

Moon Dancer had realized her unfortunate mess of salt and ketchup stained on her face, as well as leaving a good amount of food stuffed in her mouth. She swallowed the contents and wiped her mouth clean using the back of her free hand.

“Uh, come on in, Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship was the first to hear the news about the chosen surrogate participation and was ecstatic for her friend. That subsided as the months went by and was shocked to see her size growing much further than it should. Moon Dancer moved aside and allowed Twilight to enter the cottage before closing the door.

“My…,” she tried to start, “You’re looking very…healthy today.”

“Oh, knock it off, Twilight,” Moon Dancer said, her face still slightly red from her lunch display, “THEY were asking for food just now!”

“Now, now, Moon Dancer, I’m not here to talk about your eating habits every time I come to visit.” Twilight had been visiting her friend weekly since the abnormal growth, being a representative for the science division to keep track of her friend.

Moon Dancer had washed her hands and threw the paper bowl away. “Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure things would be exactly the same if you were the surrogate. Love to see ketchup smeared on yourself, too.”

Twilight knew what she was talking about and threw the thought out of existence.

“So…how have you been feeling for the past week?”

“Twilight,” Moon Dancer started, “I’m as big as my cottage now. The fact I can still escape my front door is still a shocker to me. And considering this is the final month, who knows if these things are going to come out.”

“You’ll know when they will once you begin to feel a shift in weight, Moon Dancer. I think Minuette put it best; ‘Once you feel those babies dropping, it’s about time to start p—‘ “

“PLEASE don’t finish that sentence, I’m still trying to get that sentence out of my head since the first time she said it last month.”

Twilight giggled from the request. She went to her bag and pulled out a small tape measurer. “Alright, time for this week’s measurements. Hold this, would you?”

Moon Dancer grabbed the end of the tape as Twilight attempted to measure her size…but Moon Dancer had gotten so big, she had to literally walk around her to do so. However, the measuring tape came short.

“Oh…whoops,” Twilight noticed.

“Oops, what?”

“You’ve outgrown my measuring tape, Moon Dancer, I can’t make the appropriate measurements anymore…”

Moon Dancer gave back the tape measurer and walked over to a nearby desk. She opened the top drawer and pulled out a much bigger tape measurer.

“If I’m as big as a house, might as well use the tools that measured it at this point, huh?”

Twilight held her laughter back as hard as she could as she grabbed and stretched the tape around her, marking the spot for recording.

“Goodness. 147.5 cm.”

Moon Dancer blushed at the thought of literally being a size larger than the largest beach ball in stores. Twilght returned the tape back to the drawer, sat down and recorded the size.

“Anyway, anything new in the last week? Cramps, health, etcetera?”

“Nothing but a belly the size of the Smokey Mountains here, Twilight.”

“Well, be prepared for more frequent visits from this point forward, Moon Dancer. The closer to the supposed due date, the more monitoring we’re going to need to do for you.”

“I know, Twilight. And I appreciate all the company you and the girls have done for me. I know I can’t do this alone and any help I can get is welcomed.”

“Oh!” Twilight realized, “That reminds me, Minuette, the girls and I are bringing over a feast from the Tasty Treat later tonight. Would you like that?

“The Tasty Treat? Yeah, I’d be fine with that.”

“Great! I’ll let Lemon Hearts know. But you wouldn’t mind letting me help set up early before I go?”

“Actually, that would be a big help, yeah.”

Moon Dancer and Twilight got to work setting up the tables for the evening.They grabbed a clean table cloth from the back and working together, drapped it on top of the tables, positioned vertically for everyone to have a seat on. Twilight then grabbed the utencils and napkins, aligning them like the perfectionist she is. Meanwhile, Moon Dancer brought in the plates, that she balanced upon her chest, and set them all onto the table.

“That should do it,” said Moon Dancer, “Thanks, Twilight. I’ll get the door for you.”

“Not a problem. See you later tonight!”

Twilight and Moon Dancer tried to hug, but the size different made it a struggle to do so. They laughed at the misfortune as Twilight gathered her things while Moon Dancer opened the door for her, waving back and closing it behind her.

“Dinner night with friends, huh?” Moon Dancer thought, “Hm…this place is still a bit messy. I’d best pick up a few things.

She first noticed her reading material lying on the ground next to the couch from the surprise crave attack. She attempted to pick it up from her stand point…but her size wouldn’t allow it. She turned to her side to reach for it, but didn’t work. She slightly bent her legs but was afraid of not being able to get back up. Then she slowly and carefully got onto her knees and reached over her girth to finally pick up the book.

“Finally…” she said before looking down at herself. Memories from her pregnancy surfaced. She remembered all those shocked faces seeing a pregnant mare as big as her. The whispers, the gossip, the call-outs…they weren’t healthy for her cause. It was those reasons why her friends came in and comforted her during her pregnancy and how thankful she had been.

Closing her eyes, she lifted a hand and reached down at the taut girth. She placed a palm on it, feeling the life rumbling around in her belly.

“I know I complain about all of you,” Moon Dancer spoke, “But know that very deep down I really do love each and every one of you. It’s…hard to explain, really. Must be a motherly, kind-of thing. But I can’t support each and every one of you. I know the team that helped mature you will give you to much more loving parents than I ever could for you. I promise…”

Moon Dancer finally picked herself up and continued to pick up the house one piece at a time.

The evening finally rolled in. And the sound of excited knocks came from Moon Dancer’s Door. She swung the door open to see all her friends who rushed to give her a big hug…one at a time at least.

“Oh, I can’t believe it’s almost time!” Minuette exclaimed, “You’ve been doing so well these past few months!”

“Ha, yeah! You’re one tough mama!” Lemon Hearts proclaimed.

“Now, now, girls, let’s not over-excite her too much,” Twinkleshine asked, “She’s come a long way but she’s still pretty sensitive.”

The noisy growls returned, all eyes were on Moon Dancer’s kicking stomach.

“Ooh!” Minuette gasped, “They’re kicking! Let me feel, let me feel!”

“Uh, uh…”

Moon Dancer was helpless to stop Minuette as she carefully glomped her pregnant friend. Moon Dancer couldn’t help but blush hard from the feeling over another pony wanting to feel her babies.

“Oh…it’s like a hungry ocean inside her, “Minuette explained with an ear to her stomach, “You gotta feel this, Lyra!”

Lyra Heartstrings shrugged and came in to join the rubbing. All Moon Dancer could do was sigh with a red face. There was essentially enough belly for all to go around, which was what the other girls decided to do and crowded her, all except for Twinkleshine who couldn’t help but snap a photo on her phone.

“Uh…so…who’s hungry?” Twinkleshine asked, trying to keep a straight face.

“I am,” Lyra remembered, “Chow time, girls!”

The girls brought in the food bags one by one and supplied it in the kitchen like a buffet. Moon Dancer took her seat in the large, custom-made sofa gifted to her by Twilight, who herself helped Moon Dancer into her seat and pushed it in…or attempted to.

“Uh, girls? A little help?”

They all laughed as they got up and aided Twilight into pushing Moon Dancer in.

“When all those kids come out,” Minuette guessed, “I bet you’ll feel as light as a feather!”

“Pfft, yeah, after I shed off the excess baby fat, I hope.”

“Oh, don’t be like that,” said Lyra as she pulled out the food from the bags, “Think of it as the end of a really long road trip and you’ll finally get the chance to REALLY stretch after sitting around for so long. Takes a while but when you’re finally comfortable, you’ll know the trip was worth it.”

All the other girls agreed.

“Tell that to my ankles,” Moon Dancer requested, “They’ve been screaming for months.”

The shaking growls continued as Moon Dancer started eating her food. They shook the table enough to get the other girls’ attention.

“Uh, we push you in too close, Moon Dancer?” asked Twinkleshine.

“No, I’ve got enough space.” Moon Dancer took a good amount of food and started stuffing herself.

“Just be sure to slowly eat, Moon Dancer,” Twilight brought up, “The children won’t settle down if you eat it all in one place.”

“Got it.”

The “Got it” she gave was ignored as the gravid Moon Dancer chowed down on the food without a second thought. By the time she finished a part of her dinner, all the other girls had only taken a few sips and bites.


Moon Dancer suddenly felt uncomfortable, both for pigging out and something inside her as if she was backed up. She rubbed the spot and started beating it with a fist until a rather loud belch erupted from her stomach. Now she wanted to hide inside her small sweater from the moment.

The other girls uncomfortably giggled as they continued eating on.

“So…once all is said and done, what do you have planned, Moon Dancer?” asked Twilight.

“Plans?” questioned Moon Dancer, “Never really thought that far ahead. This pregnancy business has kept me so busy that I haven’t thought of what to do outside of it.”

“Two words, Moon Dancer: Las Pegasus.” Lyra suggested.

“What?? And gamble away all of her surrogate bits?” Lemon Hearts questioned, “No way, she should take a trip to the coast of Californeigha. Soak in some beach tans and ride those waves!”

“Last I checked, Lemon, that was YOUR fantasy,” corrected Minuette.

The table continued to talk about Moon Dancer’s future until the last bit of food was consumed. Anything else was donated to Moon Dancer’s refrigerator. And as they cleaned up, Minuette came up with an idea as she pulled out her camera.

“So this is Moon Dancer’s last month, right? I say we share some love with the mama-to-be though some photos!”

The girls all agreed.

“Will I even fit?” Moon Dancer questioned, making the other girls burst with laughter. But they went on with the idea.

The next half hour was filled with Moon Dancer and taking photos with the gravid mother and her stomach. They posed with her, shared a rub with her, tried to replicate her size and so forth. The last photo was attempting to get all of them in the same shot, luckily the camera managed to snap all of them into one photo, despite Moon Dancer’s size.

The evening had wrapped up. All the girls had their fun and gave Moon Dancer their farewells, knowing the next time they’d see her, she’d be unrecognizable. Twilight was the last one still there, and pulled something out from one of the bags.

“Sorry I couldn’t get this sent to you earlier. Rarity was having some trouble replicating some fabrics, but we hope this will help.”

Moon Dancer unwrapped the gift revealing a similar sweater but much, much larger than before. She smiled greatly and randomly put it on with the old one on the bottom. The size was perfect and covered her entire girth. She couldn’t help but pull Twilight into a hug, suffocating her with her sweaters and stomach.

Twilight escaped her crushing hug and bid farewell to Moon Dancer and the unborn children. Moon Dancer finally had the chance to breathe again, having the house to herself despite the cleanup work she had to do. It was already dark enough to call it quits for the day. She retired to her bedroom and threw off the sweater and sweatpants, putting back on her pajamas. She used the bathroom, brushed her teeth and carefully plopped into bed. Her weight had started making a dent in her bed, right around the center for obvious reasons.

Moon Dancer untied her mane and put aside her glasses on the nightstand and was just about to hit the night light. But her womb had other plans, as they started to kick up another storm.

“…almost made it to the end of the day…”

She looked down at her stomach. Alien movements could be seen poking out of her belly, but Moon Dancer could reach so far down. She placed a palm where one of the kicks were happening and rubbed the spot softly. She smiled softly and continued playing with herself until her eyelids grew heavy, and finally turned off the night light, descending into Luna’s dream realm in hopes for a bright future.

As she did, she held the new sweater close to her, for that gift paled in comparison to having the loving friends watching over her, even long after the surrogate pregnancy ended.

Author's Note:

Created for LurkerDen, he asked me to create a story starring one of his favorite characters. I'm pretty sure he's happy with the final result.

Comments ( 5 )

Overall a interesting idea, and done so well good work

I enjoyed reading this and wouldn't mind another chapter, if possible. Have a like :twilightsmile:

yeesh, with a belly that enormous, I'm surprised Moon Dancers spine hasn't turned into a noodle.

Gotta admit, I admire those who put the well-being of others above their own. Specifically women who put themselves through the pains of pregnancy to provide a child for couples who cannot. That certainly demands respect.

She tossed the all the old T-shirts aside, at least until the pregnancy ended.

But this morning, all she needed was a cereal.

mama-to-be through some photos!”

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