• Published 3rd Nov 2017
  • 1,516 Views, 39 Comments

Starlight and Robbie Rotten Have A Communist Experience - Dellinger

Starlight and Robbie Rotten go on a magical Communist adventure.

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The experience

Ponyville had always been home to creatures of different shapes, sizes and backgrounds, although most of the residents were ponies. Most of them had to be, can't have a place not filled with ponies be called Ponyville after all, that would just be fucking retarded silly. However, on this day there was a very strange creature manning an ice cream stand, a creature the likes of Equestria had never seen before.

It just so happens that our hated favourite purple pony was walking through the same market that this creature had set up shop. No it's not Twilight you stupid silly goose, its Starlight Glimmer, out and about on a nice sunny day.

As she walked closer and closer to the area in which this strange creature was working, she noticed many of the town's residents were trying to avoid something. Starlight picked up the pace to see what had gotten everyone so nervous.

After a few moments, she heard an unfamiliar voice call out to her. "You there! The purple unicorn! Would you perhaps be interested in an ice cream?!" The creature called out in an energetic and enthusiastic voice.

Starlight turned to the creature and raised a brow. It appeared to be some kind of tall, bipedal, hairless monkey wearing striped purple clothing with slick black hair and a slightly hunched back. He also seemed to be wearing a fake twirly moustache and some sort of hat that resembled those that she had seen in photographs of military officers. Walking up to his ice cream stand, Starlight looked over the flavours.

"Um, sure, I'll take a scoop of mint please." She answered with a smile.

"Alright, coming right up." The creature laughed as he prepared her cone.

Starlight took the cone in her magic and gave the treat a lick, it was the best mint ice cream she had ever tasted. "Wow! This is delicious! How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing, it's for free." The creature said with a grin.

"Free?" Starlight asked looking at the treat. "But why?"

"Because of communism!" The creature exclaimed with pride and joy, causing many ponies around to walk further away or go on a rant about politics to their friends and family.

"What's communism?" Starlight asked with wonder filled curiosity.

The creature gasped dramatically and leaned forward with a shocked expression. "You don't know about communism?" He asked in a low voice.

"Afraid not, can you teach me?" Starlight asked with hopeful eyes.

"Why gladly my dear purple pony!" The creature exclaimed as he scooped her up and held her under his arm. "Everyone is welcome in communism! Hahaha! Except for the gays and capitalist pigs..." He muttered in a low dark tone before he began skipping towrads the edge of town. "My apologies my colourful comrade, I didn't introduce myself, I am General Robbie Rotten! What is your name?" He asked as he bounded down the dirt road.

"Oh, I'm Starlight Glimmer, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too! Now, let us go! A wonderous communist adventure awaits!" Robbie yelled as he clenched his ass cheeks and leapt high into the air, placing Starlight on his back and spreading his arms out like an aeroplane, his moustache spinning like propellers as they soared through the sky. "You see Starlight, communism is a wonderful ideology where everyone is equal and everything is shared, no one pays for anything! We all share our food, our shelter, our clothes, everything! No one is better than anyone else! Except for our glorious leader, Joseph Stallion in Stalliongrad!"

"That's a...weird name for a pony."

"This coming from the pony who's name is just a different version of her mentors." Robbie muttered as he weaved around a group of clouds.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Now, look down, what do you see?"

Starlight looked down and saw the streets of Canterlot. "It's just Canterlot."

"Yes! The filthy capitalist city! All the rich pigs spend their money on fancy clothes they wear once, or tiny meals that they never eat! It's just one big contest of who has more money! It's a disgrace!" Robbie exclaimed in fury. "How can these lazy, gossiping ponies have so much more than the farmers, the miners, the doctors and the simple shop owner, who all work hard for their country be receive so little?! We should all get the same!"

"Wait, shouldn't somepony get more if they do more work? Why let others do most of the work and others doing very little and having them all receive the same amount?" Starlight asked with a raised brow, her wonderment slowly diminishing as she actually thought about it.

"Enough thinking about the tiny details! Let's go make a statement shall we?!" Robbie exclaimed as his moustache stopped spinning and he landed in the middle of the busy shopping district of Canterlot. "You all are evil capitalist mules! None of you have ever worked a day in your life! What did you do to deserve such privilege while the farmers, the miners and the doctors all receive so much less and are in harsher conditions!?"

Starlight started to back away from Robbie as he pulled out a bottle of vodka and started kicking his legs out in some sort of dance, trying to attract attention to himself.

"We must all work and receive the same! Dance with me! Dance for the glory of communism and mother Russia!"

"Yeah...on second thought, I don't think I want to know about communism." Starlight said with a nervous chuckle as she backed away nervously.

Robbie glared and scoffed. "Fine! Fall like the rest of these capitalist pigs! Praise be to Marx! Glory to Stallion!" He yelled in anger as he pulled a comically large bomb out of his hat. As he grabbed the fuse to light it, Starlight blasted him with her horn, knocking him backwards into a wall. As he tried to get up, a group of guards surrounded him and Celestia herself appeared in a flash of bright light. "Well well well, if it isn't the big white slut with the big round butt, I've been trying to get your attention for months!"

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Put some restraints on him, and for Faust's sake, make him stop spouting nonsense about that toxic ideology." She ordered her guards as they closed in on Robbie.

"You'll never take me alive you cum coloured Christmas ornament! Communism away!" Robbie announced as he launched himself up into the air until he disappeared with a twinkle.

Celestia just blinked and groaned. "Find whatever portal this thing came from, and when you find that thing just throw it into Tartarus. It's times like this I wish the Elements of Harmony still worked..." She groaned as her guards went to carry out their orders. "And send somepony to get rid of this bomb!"

Starlight slowly walked up to Celestia with her ears flat against her head. "Um...Princess Celestia, are you alright?"

Celestia took in a breath and gave Starlight a weak smile. "Yes, I'm alright, it's just that thing has been causing a lot of trouble recently. Last week I had to put a stop to some 'workers revolution' he had managed to stir up in a village near the badlands."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Celestia hugged Starlight with a wing and shook her head. "Not right now, but when we find him, I'll send for you and Twilight, a powerful unicorn like yourself will come in handy when we try to put a stop to his nonsense."

"But he's right about one thing. How come these ponies earn so much more than the ones that work harder and do more than them?" Starlight asked with curiosity, hoping to get some kind of sans answer from the princess.

"It's just how things are and how our economy works. Most of these ponies actually help with trading and banking, they help keep our nation going, so don't think that all of them are lazy, snobby prudes." Celestia laughed. "Come on now, lets go have some cake, because the Internet says I like it so much."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, let's go, I'm sure this experience has been exhausting for you." With that, Celestia teleported them to her chambers to eat some cake, because you can't have a one shot featuring her without mentioning that.

Robbie stood on a cloud, overlooking the Equestrian countryside. "One day! One day all shall become one with communism! We will all be number one!" With his final cry, Robbie spun his moustache and flew off into the sunset.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I don't know why I made this either.

Eat your veggies kids, or else the terrorists win.

I don't know how to end things.

Comments ( 39 )

A spiritual successor to Rainbow and Sonic have a religious experience.
With Robbie Rotten.
And 4th wall breaking.

It's gonna be one of those days.

This is a literary masterpiece.

Eh, i'd give it a pompeii out of can opener.

Rock out of 196 if i'm generous.

I don't even have to read this to know they starve to death about 100 words in.

1.5k words of this nonsense.

I’m gonna need a drink to get through this, aren’t I?

Never change, my friends. Never change. Have an upvote.

I personally think monarchy's with cannibalistic Monarch's are much better (I am definitely not that potato cannibalizing Monarch it's fake news)

Why was I the first one to like a story about the one true way of government? We should all support the proper way to live to be health and have full bellies at night!

I am creating my own fanfiction and this message keeps popping up...
"You have very few paragraphs. Make sure your paragraphs are separated by 2 line breaks or are indented" :rainbowhuh: how do I structure it properly this is my first fanfiction and I am wondering do I only indent or use 2 line breaks or do I use both? and which should I use indenting or line breaks and is space or tab the key to use for proper indentation and how many times do I press the preferred key? I just have never voluntarily written a story before its always been a school assignment I always delete from my brain right after submission :twilightblush: this story made me laugh so hard btw....thanks I needed that! :rainbowlaugh: great story just wish it was a bit longer

Hello! I don't write stories myself, but seeing as no-one else has replied to you, I'll try to help you to the best of my ability.

Before you write anything, I recommend reading the "Writing Guide", which you can find under HELP on the tool bar at the top of all Fimfiction pages. Also, read the "BBCode Guide" too, which can also be found under HELP; it explains how to do a lot of the things mentioned in the Writing Guide. And last but not least, if you're still confused and would like more advice, I suggest you ask experienced authors (unlike me). You can find these people in groups specifically made to teach about writing, like the group "School for New Writers".

sooooo what if there is only one speaker in a given paragraph? do I just line break every time my character says something alone?

Things get complicated.
From what I've seen, there a a few different ways to do this. I don't have any experience in writing creating beautiful works of art, so I can't tell you how to do it right, or if there's even a right way to do it. The best I can do is to point you in the right direction for information, but not give out that information myself. The Writing Guide does touch briefly upon this subject, but nothing specifically about insane stressed characters talking to themselves. I highly recommend asking experienced authors (like in the groups I mentioned in my earlier comment).

insane? stressed? nope I guess he talks to himself when he's alone kind of as a self comfort thing given the fact that my character is currently single so he's living alone and kind of talks to himself to give the comforting illusion of company and it kind of works...keeps him from going insane I mean we have all had those times where you talk to yourself just to give you someone ANYONE to talk to and also I'm confused....are the rules like the new speaker new paragraph rule set in stone or can they be ignored in place of color coding texts based on who's talking? because I feel like color coding text would be easier and more efficient than starting an entire goddamn paragraph every time somepony opens their mouth because I feel like that rule disrupts the flow of my story quite a bit plus I would have no fucking idea how to structure it aside from how it currently is(6k words and only 12 paragraphs in the first chapter so its wordy but dense as a black hole) goddamn I am so confused

This is glorious to read

About the 'insane stressed' part, I am referring to a story that left quite an impression on me. Also, I do talk to myself, so I know what it's like (sometimes I sound like I've gone mad).

Anyway, practically all stories follow the 'new speaker, new paragraph' rule. Also, the only story I know of out of the 100 or so I've read that uses color coding based on speaker also follows the rule (it's also a clopfic, not that that has anything to do with this).
Most people don't use it because it's too unwieldy or annoying to have such colors in a sea of black text and a white background. Not to mention somewhat hard to read if one uses bright colors in accordance with the color schemes of ponies like Fluttershy. You can still read it, but some people won't like it. All in all, it's a matter of personal opinion and convenience.

Example of your idea:
"Hi Pinkie! How are you doing?" asked Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie replied, "Oh, just great! I'm having lots and lots and lots of fun today!" "Um, that's good!" said Twilight, "Just wonderful!" "Hey, what are you two doing? Is it something awesome?" said a familiar voice from overhead. Rainbow Dash had flown by, and was now heading towards them.

As you can see, not creating new paragraphs can clutter up a page quickly, and doesn't look very good. The colors are a matter of personal preference, although some would probably prefer them not be there, and others might like it. That aside, most people however won't like the clutter created by not having paragraphs.

By the way, I can review and edit (beta) the story for you if you'd like, though I can make no guarantees on quality, nor with the speed at which I can review.

Then if it is technically within the rules i will boldly go where nopony has gone before and plus color coding is important actually because you can tell at a glance who is talking instead of being like "wait which character is talking now?" Because if a fanficton has like 6 characters talking in rapid succesion in no particular order things get confusing plus my story has kind of a flow to it along with taking commercial break type transitions to later time of day and that flow is HEAVILY distrupted by the new speaker new paragraph rule like throwing giant boulders into a mountain stream and yes i really need somepony(if you are alright with me using that term) to help review my story also you might like my main character

I am okay with the term 'somepony', in fact, I just used a variation in my first ever blog post that I just posted today (care to give it a read? Pretty please? It's here). And I can review your story for you.
By the way, did you see the example of your idea I wrote just for you? I edited the comment that you replied to, so if you haven't, check it down below and see how it is.
Also, the story with color coded sentences is down below, but it's NSFW. You might see from the comments that some people liked the color coding, but some didn't. I for one didn't really think much of it.

[Adult story embed hidden]

I read that story and loved it and one thing.....how am i supposed to have you view the story if its not even submitted yet? That is one thing thats confounding me aside from the solidity of the rules whether they are absolute or whether my story would be okay with straight up replacing one or two with my own system that makes it convenient and more compact and plus i also feel like it makes conversations feel a bit more natural like in your example there isnt like this void between lines which would indicate a pause for processing what has been said and what to say. Because i guess thats the flow i was mentioning it i guess just makes it feel a bit more natural when it comes to conversations between multiple characters anyways something about that new speaker rule just...doesnt feel right now that im writing my own story. After all published novels dont have the format this site has i guess i write my fanfics in novel format

You can click the edit button of your story and set an Unpublished View Password. Once you have done so, you can give me the link to your story and the password at yutaogawapolie@gmail.com

I set up a dummy story to demonstrate this feature. The password for the following unsubmitted story is Yutah123 – https://www.fimfiction.net/story/390757/ff

Aaaah now i understand i will have to get some sleep first i am tired so please hold your reply to this for at least 6 hours

Ok. See you tomorrow (probably), good night.

You will get no answers

Nope, it's just Instant Communism, right there, in your face

Goddammit, I'd hoped Starlight was going to conform fully to Communism.

I mean, I don't care either way, but still.


here is the story so far https://www.fimfiction.net/story/390550/a-strange-relationship and the pass to view it is
Equine after all
in reference to the daft punk song human after all lets just hope it works
edit: did the password thing work? because it is capitalized and without the quotation marks of course and if you already knew that...are you enjoying the story so far?

Wait what? Is he a human from Mother Russia or a pony from Stalliongrad?

Memes never die

But then... why does no-one ever use them after they drop in popularity?

They become forgotten, it is the job of people like me to keep these memes alive, even if people think they are dead

Robbie Rotten, or the human in this story is from a Show called Lazy town

Oh man! I almost forgot about Robbie! I made a new story about memes, but I forgot him!

Here's a little lesson in crippling depression, this is going down in Osteoporosis.-IdubbzTV

Only Grandayy and Cryanek can return We are Number One back to popularity, but they are busy making Big Shaq memes.


I understood it was meant to be a parody and thrown in for jokes, but it was such a distorted view of communist ideology that I couldn't get past half

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