• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 1,468 Views, 12 Comments

Dr. Steve Brule Checks Out Equestria - BurningDownAForest

After being sent to Equestria by a freak accident, Dr. Steven Brule decides the show must go on...

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Check it Out!: Science

Check it Out!: Science

"Uhhh... I dunno about this guy Danhy he looks like a a real... Mumbo Jumbo nut job..." Steve mumbled under his breath.

His producer sighed.

"Listen Steve, the network is really interested in this episode. We just need to finish up this segment and then we can all go home." The producer said.

Steve shook his head.

"What's so cool about all this scrience anyways?" the host said kicking the ground.

"For the last time Steve. It's Science."





"I know." Steve said, nonchalantly.

Danny slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Just go!" The producer said shoving him onto the set.

The bright light stung Steve's eyes as he stumbled on to the set.

"OW! Danhey!" he screamed in pain.

After he refocused his vision he saw his next guest sitting calmly in a chair. The man had a smug grin and was wearing professional style shades and a white lab coat. His grey hair was combed over his receding hairline. Steve sighed and stomped over to his chair, sitting down with a hard plop.

"5, 4, 3, 2..." The camera man said, counting down along with his fingers.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Steve Brule and we're here with another...." Steve said but trailed off.

All of the crew face-palmed as they knew what was coming next.

Steve flinched and tried to restate his previous line.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Steve........... Hi, Steve here.....I'm.... We're here with Doctor to Doctor.....Hi." Steve restated his lines over and over again.

After several minutes of trying, Steve was finally able to get past his introductory line.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Steve Brule, and we're here with another segment called, Doctor to Doctor."

The crew sighed in relief as Steve continued. The host turned to his guest.

"We're here with Dr. Grayngle Floemst...er."

"It's uhh... Gareth Forester." The man in the lab coat said nervously.

"Alright then Garren, what have you brought here today?"

The scientist straightened his tie and pointed towards his machine.

"Here we have the inter-dimensional wormhole creator."

Steve yawned and closed his eyes. "Mhm." He grunted.

"This device is capable of letting you travel to different worlds."

Steve's eyes instantly opened.

"Travel to different worlds?!" The host asked in disbelief.

The scientist simply nodded and smiled at the camera.

"Dahney this guys a crazy hunk, somebody's gotta get him back to the looney bin, he's just the stupidest..." Steve shouted, slowly trailing off.

The guest began to get enraged as Steve continued spouting insults.

"Well then, Mr. Big T.V show man, how about we try it on you?!" The scientist shouted, getting up from his seat.

Steve jumped out of his seat and away from the man.

"...Or are you too scared?" The scientist asked with a sinister grin.

Steve's expression became determined.

"I'm only afraid of two thrings, and that's prupets, and my mom's new husband."

Steve approached the scientist until they were inches from eachother's faces.

"Strap me in."

* * * * * * * * * *

After a few moments, Steve was secured into the machine, metal clamps holding him to it. Danny slowly approached the machine as the scientist began working at the controls.

"Are you sure about this Steve?" The producer asked nervously.

"C'mon, you really thing this scrientist can send me through space and time and all that hippy mrumbo jumbo?!" Steve replied.

The scientist simply rolled his eyes and continued working. Danny nodded.

"OK, ready on set!" He said.

The producer walked behind the camera as the operator started counting down yet again.

"5, 4, 3..." The camera man counted again.

"Hi, Dr. Steve Brule here again with Grarend Flam-Stabber. How's it goin' Grarry?" Steve said, looking back at the scientist, who had a sinister smile.

"It's going great my dear friend."

"He's a creepy guy." Steve said with a laugh. "Why don't you tell them why the heck I'm strapped to this stupid thing."

"With pleasure." The guest scientist said, turning to face the camera. "Here we have an Inter-Dimensional Wormhole Creator..."

The host moved his mouth mockingly to the words the scientist was saying.

"It's capable of sending any human being into.... into a...." The scientist started trailing off and watched Steve who continued to mock him.

"Can you stop that?!" The guest shouted, annoyed.

"Stop what? I'm not the one tralking." Steve said.

The scientist's face began to glow red hot.

"Fine, whatever! Let's just get this over with!" The scientist threw his arms in the air and went back to the controls.

"Whatever you say Mr. Lunatic Science Hunk Man."

The scientist sighed loudly and pressed the final button needed to activate the machine. A bright purple ring appeared over the talk show host.

"Woah, that's cool." Steve said.

The purple ring began growing even brighter and a strong gust of pulling wind emitted from it and began to pull the doctor. The crew shielded their eyes from the light and watched in terror as the purple ring began to move closer to the host.

"Uhhh, Dahney, shut, shut it off! I DON'T WANNA DO SCRIENCE NO MORE!" Steve screamed as the glowing purple ring began to take shape around his body. The scientist laughed maniacally.


A massive amount of wind pulled one single over-sized microphone towards Steve as a massive white light erupted from the machine. After the light was gone Steve had vanished. Everybody in the crew was awestruck. Their mouths were agape as they stared in disbelief at the spot the host once was.

"Shut the camera off, SHUT IT OFF!" Danny screamed as he ran towards the scientist.

The camera man quickly shook his head and pressed the 'power' button on the side of the camera. Danny quickly grabbed the scientist by the neck.

"Where is he you son of a bitch?!" The producer yelled as he shook the crazed scientist.

"I-I don't know, I sent him to a random dimension!" The scientist replied, worriedly.

Danny threw him off of the stage and frantically searched around the machine.

"Steve...STEVE!" Danny screamed.

After a few moments, The producer turned to the rest of the crew with a blank expression.

"He's.... gone."

* * * * * * * *

Twilight was finishing up her regular bed-time routine as the moon began to rise over Equestria. She levitated a checklist just in front her face with her unicorn magic.

"Put a baby dragon to sleep...check" She said.

A quill scratched a neat check-mark into the box next to a picture of spike. Twilight turned around and examined her bookshelves.

"Re-organize books, 3 times." She said happily as the quill made another check next to a small image of some books. "Check."

Twilight walked over to Owlicious and examined a bowl sitting right below where the animal was perched. The purple unicorn levitated a small bag of Owl Food over to the bowl and poured some in.

"Feed Owlicious, Check!"

She rolled the checklist up with her magic and took it in her hoof as she walked up the stairs toward her bed. She sighed delightfully as she crawled into it and pulled the covers over herself.

"Another perfectly organized day." the mare said happily.

Twilight slowly shut her eyes and began to drift off to sleep, when suddenly a massive crash sounded in the main room of her library. Her eyes shot open quickly.

"What the hay?" She said.

The unicorn swiftly jumped out of bed and walked down a few steps of her stairs. She looked up and saw part of her roof missing. A puzzled look shot across her face.

"OK seriously, What the hay?!" She said in a frustrated tone.

Twilight quickly shot a glance to the middle of the main room as a voice groaned.

"Ahhhh.... Holy Guacamole!" The voice said in a pained tone.

Twilight slowly walked down the rest of the steps and approached the voice.

"Dahney! Who turned out all the lights?" The voice yelled angrily.

The unicorn was caught in pitch black. she quickly used a low-level light spell to create a small glow around herself. The spell quickly filled the room with a soft light.

"Oh, well thanks." The voice said, relieved.

Twilight looked around and saw a nearby crushed table.

"Hey!" She said angrily. "Who did that?!"

"Oh, wha...What?! That doesn't sound like Dahney!" The voice said.

Twilight trotted quickly over to the destroyed table and moved the debris away. To her surprise, under it was an odd creature. It was wearing a greenish suit with a blue undershirt. The creature's hair was large and poofy. It moved slightly as the creature squirmed around. A purple tie was covering its face. A hand reached for the tie and quickly swept it away, revealing that the creature was wearing a thick pair of glasses. Once it focused it's eyes on Twilight it smiled.

"Oh hey, a horsey." The creature said.

"A what?" Twilight asked, confused.

The creature's expression instantly changed to terrified. It jumped up on it's two legs and backed away slowly.

"Dahney! The scrience hunk has a tralking horse!" It screamed, running in small circles.

Twilight approached it slowly with a puzzled expression.

"Who in the name of Celestia is Dahney?" She asked.

The creature only became more worried after Twilight's question. After running in the circle a few more times it fell to the floor, sucking it's thumb and rocking back and forth in a small ball-like formation. The creature started whimpering.

"Hey, are you OK?" Twilight asked worriedly.

She began to approach the creature slowly. It snapped up quickly and waved it's hand in front of it's face.

"Go away evril scrience talking horse thing!" The creature whimpered.

Twilight backed up slightly.

"I'm not evil, I can assure you that." Twilight said in her calmest tone possible.

The creature broke from it's ball formation and got back on two legs.

"But... you're tralking. This isn't... Ohhh!!!" The creature screamed.

It began running in circles around Twilight as it whimpered. Her expression quickly turned to annoyed.

* * * * * * * * * * *

After several minutes of circling, Twilight had had enough.

"STOP!" She shouted.

The creature instantly stopped and thought for a moment.

"OK," Twilight said, calming down. "Now we can-"

The creature instantly started screaming and circling her again. Anger came over the unicorn's face. She caught the creature and pinned it to the ground, holding one hoof over it's mouth.

"Stop screaming! OK?! Stop it!" She screamed in anger.

The creature cringed and closed it's eyes.

"Do I make myself clear?!"

The creature nodded it's head quickly. Twilight sighed in relief and slowly took her hoof off of it's mouth. After a few seconds of awkward silence, The creature swiftly threw Twilight off of it and began screaming and circling her again. She stayed on the ground and face-hoofed.

"This is going to be a very long night..." She said with a sigh.