• Published 18th Jul 2012
  • 582 Views, 4 Comments

Power of Discord - Jesusophile

A lone pony seeks the help of Discord

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The Bargain

The times of old were drawing to a close. The ponies, led by Princess Celestia and her sister Luna, have founded the nation of Equastria. Indeed, a new era dawned but outside the peaceful land, was the domain of a demon. Banished by the princess of the day and the lady of night, he sought his own kingdom to shape as he saw fit.

A lone pony could be seen traveling through the domain of chaos. He sought the power to obtain order in his existence and for his love. He knew his destination and the power that was inside it. Order is born from control and control comes from chaos and he knew this. He was young and handsome with a light gray coat, a very long black mane that hung in strands, and a horn that was barely visible. He had green eyes and looked very fit. A cloak covered his back and his cutie mark but he did not have his hood on. A feeling of sorrow hung around him like a shroud. He had nothing but his journey ahead, he had nothing behind. He walked on.

He traveled the old roads; paths long forgotten and have slid into decadence. The evergreen trees that once filled the lands were now scattered stumps and layers of ash. He passed by fields of lava, the darkness of shadows, valleys of rainbow colored boulders that looked ridiculous. However they were still dangerous as one fell and nearly crushed him. The land varied from looking like a children’s book to something out of a horror movie and never the same thing twice. It was a land that resembled a checker board but with no repeated colors. Dragons occasionally flew overhead though they never stopped flying. The pony approached steps. He could not see the end of the upward climb. Without hesitation, he moved forward.

After a tedious climb, he reached a summit. Beyond him was a temple. Craved into stone, it was a sight like no other. Great pillars stood high above, each with a shape and pattern unlike the others. The pillars held an arch which stretched across the sky blocking the sun. He ventured into the entrance hall in which the only light was a small candle further in. The candle was only a few steps away and the light that came from it was the only refuge from the dark. He trotted forward, his hooves making a small noise that turned into loud acoustic echoes.

"Well, what do we have here?"

Beams of light sprang from every corner shining towards an fountain. The fountain was surrounded by walls, forming an enclave. Eight statues of varies creatures stood against the walls, pointing inward towards the fountain. The pony walked forward without fear.

“Step right up, don’t worry. I won’t bite.”

A shapeless vapor appeared, hovering slowly above the fountain. It’s voice was piercing and made it seem as if he mocking his “guest”.

“Would you care for refreshments? How about some wine?”

Dark red liquid poured out of the fountain. The unicorn, emotionless, watched on.

“No? Would you like some chocolate milk?

A milky brown fluid started to flow from the fountain. Still, the unicorn stayed silent.

“What’s the matter? You ignore my hospitality but I have not yet introduced myself. I am Discord. May I ask for your name?”

After a brief pause, the unicorn spoke.

“My name is Wander and I have come for your help.”

Discord paused then laughed, “But we just met; we should spend some time together first. Maybe we could play hopscotch or tag.”

“I have been told that you have great power.”

At the end of the word power, the mist turned red.

“I once had power but those fools cast me down!” The vapor’s sudden anger startled Wander but he did not change his expression. “I have little strength now. As for helping you, I would if I could but I can’t.”

Wander said nothing.

“Uh you are an absolute bore.” The vapor lazily moved towards Wander’s left side.

“You know what; if you help me then maybe I will help you.”

To which Wander automatically responded as if he knew what to say before he said it “What do you need?”

The vapor hovered back to its original position.

“I have some errands that need to be run and since you’re here, you can do them. Don’t worry, they’re not hard. Well actually, they are hard but that’s beside the point. If you do them, I might be able to help you but before you go. What is your request?”

Wander paused, and then said. “I want to have order”

Discord Laughed “You mean you want freedom from disorder. Well that is something I could help with after all, I am the expert.”

Discord hovered closer, the mist turning blue. “Now, there are ten titans scattered throughout my domain. I want you to kill them.”

At the word kill, Wander flinched. It was a very subtle show of emotion that no pony would have seen. However, Discord was more wise, more observant and powerful than ponies.

“Well are you going to help me” inquired Discord. Though he already knew the answer before Wander spoke it.

“I will”

At that moment, Discord let out a loud obnoxious laugh that seemed to have shaken the very foundations of the

Suddenly, the mist rushed into Wander, sinking into his skin, knocking him back.

“Excellent, we should celebrate.” At that moment, a tree sprouted from the stone. Squids hung from every branch. It was a strange sight to behold.

“Enough of your petty games” shouted Wander.

Discord, taken back by this outburst, quickly removed the trees. The tree shot up, smacking into the ceiling. When they hit, they transformed into a green liquid that painted the ceiling. The squids started to fall but, in a wisp of smoke, turned into cheeries. The cheeries landed in the fountain, each making a small plop.

“Now, to the business at hand, the titans” Discord exclaimed in a regal manor. “Thy first foe lies in stones that are among the plains of brown grass, got that?”

Wander simply nodded yes and turned around.

"Remember. You need to kill it." Discord yelled but then muttered to himself "fool".

The sunlight hit Wander like a sword. As he started down the stairs, he thought nothing of what could happen, only what must happen. He could see hundreds of miles around him but the beauty of the land did not matter to him. Nothing but his task was on his mind.