• Published 18th Sep 2017
  • 358 Views, 0 Comments

Money Shot - FlareFlarerp

After being out of the DNI machines for six months and rescuing vinyl and octavia, they must train for the biggest operation yet.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Back at HQ, Diamond Tiara sighed as one of the agents knocked on her door,

“Come in” She said as a agent in black and white suit with black sunglasses walked in with a folder

“Ma’am. You might want to look at this. This just happened only two hours ago at one of the safe houses.” He said handing Diamond Tiara the folder.

Diamond Tiara took the folder and opened it. Her eyes widen as she saw pictures of the safehouse that Flare Flare was in and there was flames coming out of it. She looked throughed the papers franticly and came across Flare Flare face and next to her photo it show the words, “Status” and under it it said “K.I.A.”. A tear ran down Diamond Tiara’s cheek as she slammed the folder down on the table as she started to cry. She buried her face in her arms and broke out in tears more as she cried loudly. The agent reached into his pocket inside her suit and grabbed a disc and took it out. He placed the disc on her desk and walked out of her office,

When Diamond Tiara picked her head up and saw the disc, she grabbed it and put it into her computer as Flare Flare face went on every TV in the base,

“Hello everyone or whoever is watching this not knowing if this will be mean anything. But if you are watching this...then I’ve either been killed, I died in an explosion or so on with many other deaths I could’ve died of. I want you all to know, I want you all to make it worth it. Avenge me, avenge my death. I have trained you well, show them all what you can do.” Flare said as the TV’s turned off.

Diamond Tiara exhaled as she wiped the tears off her face,

“Okay let’s do this.”

But what no one knew was that Flare wasn’t dead, not yet anyway. Flare Flare could feel a cold sharp hand dragging her as she slipped in and out of consciousness. She woke to a familiar voice calling her.

“Flare, get up. Don’t leave her alone, at his mercy.” She heard, with each word becoming clearer. She woke with a start, looked down and her wound had seemingly healed, it only felt a little sore.

“Welcome back to the land of the living, wow poor choice of words in my case.” Necromorph said as he realized he wasn't dead.

“What the hell do you want. Come to gloat?” She said as she reached for her gun.

“Looking for this, your sig” he said holding up Flare’s side-arm

“How did you get that?” she asked

“From your body, you were unconscious after all.” He sneered

“If you are going to kill me, just do it.” She croaked

“Have you already forgotten why we still hunt him? This is no longer retaliation for killing one of our friends, it has become something much more. We fight him because those dear to us will die if we don’t, so are you ready to give up on her?” He said with rage in his voice

“Look I-” She started but she was silenced by a slap by Necromorph

“PATHETIC. I thought you cared for her. She thinks you’re dead, she cried her eyes out. And you will simply let her continue like that? You are less than trash, you are less than dirt, and it was a mistake to train you” His words cutting like daggers.

“Then how come I got the suit and the swords?” Flare asked blinking a couple times

“It was a mistake. Or am I wrong, if you lay there and die, I won’t be able to protect everyone-they will die. But, if you follow the first thing I ever taught you and view this defeat as a learning experience, you’ll be ready when they find us. And make no mistake they will find us.” He said with words like cold steel.”

“I don’t understand, I thought they thought I was dead.” She said

“Filthy Rich is an asshole. But he is a crafty asshole, he has the specialists searching for your body as we speak. If I can you train well enough, we can attack them. Waste my time and we’ll be waiting for a mortal body destroying massacre, which you have by the way. So are you going to grovel in the dirt, or are ready to kick some serious ass.” He said with very confident sounding pretty confident. There was an awkward silence for a few moments

“And if and I had a mic, this would be the part where I drop it” He said making a motion like he was dropping something

Flare smiled as she chuckled,

“Glad to have you back Necromorph.” She said.

Three days later, Flare Flare was a total ass kicker, she could even keep up with Necromorphs amazing speed.

“OK, you are ready, let’s do this” He said pulling out a flare gun (Wink wink) and firing it into the air. In a small clearing, the specialists all looked and ran toward it.

The flare (Wink wink) lead them to a frozen lake, where Flare Flare’s (Wink wink) body was lying,

“Easy pickings” The man with the kick ass futuristic hulk hands said

“No wait, this seems too easy. How did she get hurt, why is nobody helping her. See those trees perfect for a sniper.” The robot looking samurai said

“You think Flare set this up” The kickass green arrow said

“Flare? Don’t make me laugh. Whoever set this up is a straight up assassin” He said looking around with narrow eyes.

“But wait, if this is an actual tactic, wouldn’t they know that you’d able to tell right away?”

“No… you’re overthinking it that be just.” The robot looking samurai said.

Then, in that instant they both heard beeping beneath their feet as they both looked down and there were land mines,

“Ridiculous” The samurai said with a face palm

“Oh Fu---” The kick ass green arrow said as the they blew up. The explosion threw them into the freezing water, where they would more than likely die.

Flare Flare rolled over on the ice as she got up as Necromorph came out from the ice, breaking it. Flare Flare panted as she was on the ice for a very long time. Necromorph got out of the frozen water and onto the ice,

“Can I ask you something?” Flare Flare said looking up at Necromorph

“What is it my young padawan?” Necromorph said

“Why the hell did we train for three days when we could’ve done what we just did in the first place?” Flare said in a smartass tone

Necromorph then got in Flare Flare’s face,

“Because you would’ve gotten your ass kicked again and you will be wasting you time with them. We have to get back home. Come on.” Necromorph said.

Necromorph started to walk away as Flare Flare got up and caught up to him,

“We’ll need a ride.” Necromorph said in a serious tone

“I know a guy.” Flare Flare said with a smirked smile