• Published 18th Sep 2017
  • 358 Views, 0 Comments

Money Shot - FlareFlarerp

After being out of the DNI machines for six months and rescuing vinyl and octavia, they must train for the biggest operation yet.

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Chapter 2

All three arrived at the airport as they went through a private gate that was own by Diamond Tiara herself. The airport was busy this time of year with the upcoming holiday coming up. The hangar that she owned had a plane the size of Air Force One. The pilots knew Diamond Tiara since she was a child on her first time on an airplane. As the limo was pulling up to the hangar The Little Einsteins Theme song (Remix) came on and Necromorph and Flare Flare started jamming as they started to sing the lyrics,

“We’re going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship.” They both said in sync

“How in the hell are we going to do our job when we have these two?” Silver Spoon said crossing her arms.

Flare Flare and Necromorph were too busy jamming to the beat of the song to hear Silver Spoon,

“You mean how are we going to deal with these two on the flight to Manehattan?” Diamond Tiara said as she crossed her arms too.

“ZOOMING THROUGH THE SKY, LITTLE EINSTEINS. WE’RE ON A MISSION, START THE COUNTDOWN 5..4..3..2..1!” Necromorph said as the song loopped

The limo stopped near the entrance of the plane. The plane was painted in a Purple & White color as those were the colors of Diamond Tiara’s hair colors. All three boarded the plane and when they got on it was half full, they weren’t the only ones flying on Riche airlines today. Flare Flare & Diamond Tiara took their seats near the back of the plane as Silver Spoon and Necromorph sat near the middle of the plane. The plane then went through the whole annual “Explain all safety and regulation” shit. Diamond Tiara and Flare Flare just sat back and held each other’s hands tight. The plane began to move out of the hangar and onto the tarmac and made it’s way onto the runway. When the plane reached the runway, the pilots double checked their instruments as the captain went over the radio,

“Tower 21 this is Riche Airlines flight 3454 permission for take off.”

“Copy Flight 3454 takeoff permission granted. Turn left heading 35.5 right. Over.” Air traffic control said.

“Copy that tower 21.” The captain said

The pilot took a hold of the throttle as he looked over at the captian. The captain nodded his head at the pilot. The pilot nodded his head and looked at Flare Flare and nodded his head. Flare Flare nodded her head and turned her head to Diamond Tiara and nodded her head. Diamond Tiara nodded her head and turned her head to Necromorph and nodded her head. Necromorph nodded his head and turned his head to a random passenger and nodded his head. The random passenger nodded his head and turn his head to the pilot and nodded his head. The pilot nodded his head as he pushed up on the throttle as the plane gained speed quickly. The plane lifted off the tarmac and the gear went up as the plane turned right heading towards Manehattan.

It was only twenty minutes into the flight and all was going good. Diamond Tiara looked at Flare Flare and nodded her head. Flare Flare acknowledge the nod as she got out of her seat and clapped her hands as the whole plane turned into a base of operations with high tech stuff, computers, TV screens, maps, the whole nine yards. Flare Flare put her earpiece on,

“Testing everyone hear me?”

“I hear ya.” Diamond Tiara said

“Over and Out.” Silver Spoon said

“Carlos Spicy Wiener here.” Necromorph said

“Okay people I want eyes on Filthy Rich. Track his every movement. Pilot what’s our altitude?” Diamond Tiara said

“30,000 and holding Ma’am.” The pilot said

“Okay keep her there. Diamond where is Filthy?” Flare asked

“I have him and looks like your informant lied Necromorph he’s not in the crystal kingdom. He’s in Canterlot inside a hotel room...Wait now he’s leaving the hotel.” Diamond Tiara said.

“OH HELL NO” Necromorph shouted as he brought the guard back to life

“YOU LYING PRICK, I’LL MAKE YOU WISH YOU COULD DIE! YOU FUCKING JACKASS!” he screamed as he beat the shit out of the guard

“HA YOU FELL FOR IT, YOU DUMB BITCH” The guard said in between beatings.

“NECROMORPH, RELEASE HIM! We need him alive, maybe we can get him to tell us the truth.” Flare Flare said while pulling Necromorph off of the guard.

“Excuse me, where did you say you found this guard?” Silver Spoon asked sweetly, but her voice had a hint of… malice?

“We found him underneath a car, we think it was the limo that brought you to the mansion that night” Flare said confused

“I see. Could I have a moment alone with him? I am the unofficial team medic.” Silver Spoon said in that malice voice again

“Be sure to give him a bandage for each time Necromorph tears his limbs off” Flare said, but a little worried this time

“I’ll make sure he keeps him alive.” Silver Spoon said as she rolled her eyes

Silver Spoon and Necromorph went into a back room as Flare Flare took out a toothpick and put it in her mouth, cleaning her teeth

“Put me on with Director Celestia.” She said

“Yes Ma’am” A black suit said as he started pressing buttons on a console

Necromorph threw the guard into a chair as they turned on the only light in the room. The guard now had multiple bruises on his face and upper chest. Necromorph circled around him as Silver Spoon tended to the guard’s wounds. Silver Spoon had been trained not only with a gun but with medical supplies too which Necromorph taught her for three months. It was a thing that Necromorph didn’t need training for but it was more of a thing he just knew.

Silver Spoon took out some alcohol wipes and went to the guard and wiped his face with it. He flinched at the pain at first as he kept one eye closed as Silver Spoon wiped his wounds. Necromorph stood in the darkest corner of the room as he watched Silver Spoon tend to the guard’s wound’s. After a few moments he then stepped into the light and looked down at the guard,

“Your lucky that we get to keep you alive. I would’ve turned you into ash by now and devoured your soul.” He said

“Then why keep me? I’m no use. You killed my whole family.” The guard said

“I’m keeping you because my best friend told me too. I could’ve killed you right in front of her but I decided to keep you alive to hear the truth from you.” Necromorph said going down to the guard’s height

The guard sighed as he sulked his head and then looked back up at the draconnequus,

“Filthy Rich is building an army. His wife is the main leader of the resistance against any source of government including the princess. They’re raising an army near a place called Netherlot. That’s all i know.” The guard said

“Thank you.” Necromorph said

The light went out and it went dark again as the guard screamed and then the room turned red as a alarm went off. The guard looked around as the cargo bay door opened and the sound of strong winds were heard as he looked behind him. He struggled but then noticed his arms were tied to the chair. Silver Spoon walked up to the man and put her foot onto the chair leaning it backwards towards the exit,

“One of your friends will die.” The guard said through blood clenched teeth

“We’ll see about that.” Silver Spoon said

Silver Spoon kicked the chair and the guard went flying out the plane as he yelled. Silver Spoon stood there for a few seconds and then walked back inside, walking past Necromorph. Necromorph pressed a button and the cargo bay door closed. Both of them regrouped back in the main floor area as Flare Flare was talking to Director Celestia,

“I don’t care what you said about me blowing the royal budget Celestia. I’m doing my job.” She said

“I know you don’t care Flare, but you got to think of how your doing this. We’re talking about Filthy Rich here. He’s got an army. You’ll run out of bullets before he runs out of men.” Director Celestia said

Flare Flare turned around to see Necromorph and Silver Spoon. She turned back to Director Celestia and sighed,

“I’ll try to be more careful Celestia. Flare Flare out.” She said disconnecting her from the call

Necromorph approached Flare Flare and placed his hand on Flare Flare’s shoulder. Flare Flare looked up at Necromorph,

“As your mentor and good friend. I swear we will end this.” Necromorph said

“Thanks Necromorph. I really appreciate that.” Flare Flare said with a smile