• Published 3rd Oct 2017
  • 607 Views, 4 Comments

A Perfect World I Almost Ruined (Vol. 2) - Metatoda42

The Tree of Harmony may have fallen, but everything turns out okay in the end. The Changelings are on their side, the Foundation is getting stronger everyday, and the TARDIS is ready to bring hope... Then, why are they still fighting for Equestria?

  • ...

Filler Chapter: Twilight Botched Another Spell

Author's Note:

This is a very, very, very short filler after my (not so long) Hiatus. I also took time to watch some of the Equestria Girl special and start thinking up some new plots.
Like for example: How in Equestria do I make Sunset Shimmer go to the human world without the Elements of Harmony to steal?
Answer: Tirek

Bruce Gunderson lies down on a giant fluffy sofa inside the Crusader's Clubhouse. How does a giant sofa fit inside a small wooden clubhouse? Just like a certain time-traveling blue box, the clubhouse is much bigger on the inside.

The interior of the clubhouse is filled with many types of furniture. There are three small couches and a sofa which Bruce is lying down on, three different wooden cupboards filled with many tools and gadgets for all protagonizing needs, and a huge circular table in the middle of the room with a 3D holographic replica of Ponyville in the middle of it.

Currently, three red dots blinked near the the Ponyville Schoolhouse. A purple dot blinked near the Golden Oak Library, and a blue dot blinked right in the middle of the Clubhouse itself.

Bruce looked to his left and saw a Falcon resting on a perch near the window. The Falcon has brown feather and obsidian black eyes. He wore a lightweight vest with a spy camera strapped in the middle of his chest and a small booster behind his back.

The human sat up from his position. “Hey Skywalker, wake up buddy.” Bruce snapped his fingers and the falcon opened its eyes lazily. “Can you check on the Crusaders for me?” He asked him nicely.


Bruce narrowed his eyes. “Hey! I’m not lazy, I have work to do here.” The Falcon gave Bruce a falcon’s equivalent of deadpan look. “Look, I’m just tired, all right? Come on pal, help me out here. Please?” Skywalker rolled his eyes in response before pecking a small button near the window.

The window opened and Bruce Gunderson smiled gratefully. “Good boy Skywalker!!!” He exclaimed as the falcon took off to find the Crusaders. “You can have my fish sticks if you want!”

Then, Bruce snapped his fingers and the ceiling above him opened. A monitor descended down from the ceiling and Bruce took out his remote. “Now, let’s see...” He pressed a button and he can see Twilight Sparkle tidying up the Golden Oak library. “Nope.”

He pressed another button and he can see his empty room in the second story of Fluttershy’s Cabin. “Wow, thanks Fluttershy...” He said to himself when he realized that his room isn’t a complete shipwreck he left it as. “I really need to make it up to her somehow.”

He pressed another button and he can see a live footage of the whole Ponyville from above the sky. “Ah! Finally.” It is Skywalker’s Spy Cam. With it, he can do an aerial patrol of the whole Ponyville Village from the comfort of the sofa. He can easily contact the Crusaders to dispatch trivial matters, contact Twilight AKA Mare Do Well to dispatch minor threats, or just get out and deal with some major problem if he really has to.

A few minutes later, Skywalker made it towards a stage near Ponyville Schoolhouse. He watched in confusion when he saw Rainbow Dash and Daring Do watching the Crusader’s flag-carrying routine for the Equestria Games when in reality they should waiting for the Doctor near Fluttershy’s Cabin.

Skywalker soared down towards a branch nearby and the human realized that it is almost time for Crusader’s performance. He put a hand over his earpiece and start talking. “Look up Crusaders!” He said.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked up. “Look! It’s Bruce’s Pet Eagle!” Apple Bloom waved at the camera, followed by her friends. “Bruce! Are you getting this?” She asked him. “Can you go here and see our routine?”

“First of all, Skywalker is a Falcon, not an eagle.” The Crusaders rolled their eyes when he said that. “Second of all, I’m a bit busy here with something.” The fillies groaned when they heard that. “Don’t worry, Skywalker will record it for me if I miss it.”

Apple Bloom nodded and walked closer towards the cam strapped on Skywalker’s chest. “Do you think we’ll make it?” She asked him. “Rainbow Dash said that a special guest has arrived to judge our performance.” The filly pointed at Daring Do standing beside Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo stepped forward and sighed. “We’re really nervous Bruce, do you think we’ll make it?” She asked with a hint of hope in her eyes.

Bruce nodded in response although the crusaders couldn’t see it. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll make it.” He said.

The Crusaders nodded before saluting Bruce with a determined look on their faces. “We’ll make you proud Protector!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Bruce saluted at them from the Clubhouse. “I know you will Crusaders. Now go and show the world who you are!” He cut off the connection and smirked to himself. “Now let’s see if Daring Do and Rainbow Dash is late for the Doctor’s appointment.” He muttered to himelf.

Then he picked up his Quantum Walkie-Talkie lying down beside him. “Hey Doc! Is Daring Do and Rainbow Dash with you?” He narrowed his eyes. “Hmm, you sure they’re not a changeling?” He asked him again. “Okay, thanks for telling me. I better go.”

Bruce stood up from the sofa and walked towards his bag lying in the corner. He wore it and the backpack unfolded itself into blue and black body armor with a couple of electric blue wings with white crack-like patterns behind it. “Looks like some changelings forgot rule number one...”

Meanwhile, at that exact time, Daring Do and Rainbow Dash stood in front of the TARDIS near Fluttershy’s Cabin. The doctor is about to send Daring Do back home and it’s time for them to say goodbye. They hoof-bumped and smiled at each other. “I’ll see you later Daring Do.” Rainbow Dash said with a wistful smile on her face. “I hope Ponyville isn’t too boring for an adventurer like you.” She added.

Daring Do chuckled and shook her head. “Don’t worry Dashie, with ponies like you here; nothing’s gonna be boring.” Then she looked at the Doctor standing inside the TARDIS. “Okay Doc, I’m ready to go back home.”

‘Bzzt’ A flash of white light appeared in front of them, they all took a step back warily as a Stallion suddenly appeared from the flash. The Stallion has grey coat, hourglass cutie mark similar to the doctor, and black floppy mane. He wore a red fez on his head and a red bowtie around his neck. He smiled and waved at everypony around him.

“Hey! Tenth Doctor!” The newly arrived doctor exclaimed after noticing the Doctor staring at him inside the TARDIS before anyone could say anything. “Damn I looked good!” Then he realized something and he moved his attention to the Pegasus.

“Yearling! Oh you looked so young!” He took out a black watch-like device from out of nowhere. “Here, I fixed your Time Vortex Manipulator!” He gave her the device before anypony could say anything. “Don’t worry she got a new one.” He showed her another one of those watch around his left front hoof. “Good Bye!!!”

The stallion stood on his hind hoof and pressed a button on his watch. ‘Bzzt’ He disappeared in a flash of white light, leaving three confused ponies in his wake. “What just happened?” Daring Do asked while inspecting the watch in her hoofs. “And what is this thing?” She asked again.

The Doctor took a closer look at the watch in front of him. He whipped out his Sonic Screwdriver and scanned the watch. “For some reason after another, my future-self decided that it is wise to give you a Time Vortex Manipulator.” He said in total confusion. “I really don’t get it, why would I make this thing anyway? This’ll just lead to more troubles!” He exclaimed.

Daring Do’s eyes brightens when she heard that. “Did you say Time Travelling Device?” She asked in excitement. “You mean I can travel back in time with this?”

The Doctor nodded. “I suppose so, but don’t get your hopes up. Even I don’t know how to use this.” He said. “It might take you years just to master basic teleportation with this device let alone travelling back in time.”

‘Bzzt’ The doctor from the future appeared again in a flash of light. This time, he is holding a mop on his left hoof and a piece of paper in his mouth. “Oh! I almost forgot! Here’s the manual!” He said, giving Daring Do a piece of paper. “Trust me, it’s not as hard as it looks.” He winked at her before disappearing again in a flash of white light.

“Well...” The Doctor looked at Daring Do and Rainbow Dash for a moment before sighing. “Since I’ve installed a Paradox prevention matrix all across Ponyville, you can go whenever you want without creating a paradox.” The two Pegasus just blinked owlishly at him. “Or in layman’s turn, go nuts.”

Rainbow Dash and Daring Do grinned at each other. “What do you say partner? Discord’s first tyranny? The Battle of Sun and Moon? The Birth of the Tree of Harmony?” Daring Do fiddled for a moment with the Time Vortex Manipulator. “What will it be?”

Rainbow Dash thought about it for a second. “Umm... how about an hour ago?” She asked her with a sheepish look on her face. “I promised Ms. Harshwhinny to become the judge of Ponyville flag carrying routine for the Equestria Games. But you were there so... You know the rest.”

Daring Do chuckled. “All right then, you know the drill right? Don’t let your past-self sees you.” She looked at the manual and nodded. “Let’s see... Shouldn’t be too hard, put your hoof on this fancy little watch and we are good to go!” Rainbow Dash put a hoof over the watch around Daring’s hoof.

Daring Do pressed a button and in a flash of light she and Rainbow Dash found themselves standing around in the middle of a clearing. Then they all looked around and saw dozens of ponies staring at them in shock and disbelief. Daring looked behind her and saw the Ponyville Schoolhouse in the distance. “I might’ve missed the destination a little...” Daring Do muttered. “Come on, let’s see when we are.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and followed her idol’s lead. She looked at the ponies around them and waved sheepishly. “Uh... Twilight botched another spell!” She exclaimed. The ponies oohed in realization before going about their business. “Works every time...” She muttered with a smirk on her face.

Soon, the two Pegasus made it towards the Ponyville Schoolhouse. There, they saw the Crusaders standing around with some fillies and Ms. Harshwhinny waiting for them. “Rainbow Dash! You came!!!” Scootaloo exclaimed in excitement. “See? I told you she’s coming!” She said towards her friends with a smug look on her face.

Ms. Harshwhinny walked towards them and narrowed her eyes. “Weren’t you just here telling me that you couldn’t come?” She asked with a steely look in her eyes. “And who is that cosplayer?” She pointed at Daring Do standing beside Rainbow Dash.

“Well that’s new...” Daring Do muttered while holding Rainbow dash back from obliterating the mare in front of her. “And no I am not a Cosplayer; I am A.K. Yearling the writer of the Daring Do series.”

Ms. Harshwhinny smiled at her. “I always knew you based your character over yourself.” Then she looked back at Rainbow Dash with a flat look on her face. “And since you’re here, now I can go and deal with more important matter. Good bye.”

Ms. Harshwhinny left the Ponyville Schoolhouse, leaving Rainbow Dash with a bunch of performance to judge. “Okay, now let’s see all of your flag carrying routines.” She said with a smile on her face. “Who wants to go first?”

“I do.” A voice suddenly appeared right behind them. Rainbow Dash turned around and saw Bruce looking at her with a flat look on his face. “Would you please explain to me how you can be in two places at once?” He folded his arms in front of his chest. “Or are you not Rainbow Dash at all? Rule Number One remember?”

Rainbow Dash just looked at him in confusion. She looked at Daring Do and saw pressing her hoof against her forehead in realization. “Umm, what’s going on?” She asked the Adventurer. “Do you know what’s happening?”

Daring Do nodded and looked at Bruce. She held up her left hoof to show him the Time Vortex Manipulator. “The Doctor gave this to me. It lets time travel and teleport.” She pressed a button and disappeared out of existence. She reappeared 10 seconds later behind Bruce.

“Oooh... So that’s how you can be in two places at once.” Bruce said in realization. “Well I trust the Doctor, just make sure you don’t rip this world apart okay?” Then he looked at the students who were staring at him in confusion. “Twilight botched another spell.” He said.

The students nodded, satisfied by the excuse.

Meanwhile after Daring Do and Rainbow Dash left...

The Doctor walked into the TARDIS with a very exhausted look on his face. Already, he could feel the incoming headache from the stunt he'll do in the future. He still has no idea why his future self would build another time travelling device, let alone giving one to some random pony. If only he could go and ask him about it.

He looked around and realized where he's standing in right now. "Right... I do have a time machine..." He walked towards the TARDIS and prepare himself for some journey. Starting with setting the destination, priming the Helmic Regulator, unlocking the temporal lock down switch, and finally...

'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' 'Vworrp'

The Doctor pulled the lever and The TARDIS took off. The whole place shook beneath his feet but The Doctor doesn't even flinch. Right now, he only wants answers, answers that can only be answered by himself. "Where did I get that Time Vortex Manipulator?"

Soon, the TARDIS arrived at his destination. Before the Tenth Doctor could walk out of the TARDIS, the Eleventh Doctor walks like he owns the place. "Why did you build it?" Tenth asked his future counterpart. "What kind of horrible danger forced you to create another Time Travelling device?"

The Eleventh, still wearing that fez and that bow tie just shrugged. "I didn't build that device." He replied with a knowing smile on his face. "In fact, it wasn't even created. It exist on its own." The Tenth Doctor gasped in realization. "Eeyup, the Ontological Paradox." Eleventh said.

"Are you saying that... The Time Vortex Manipulator you fixed is the one you just gave Daring Do." A huge smile slowly grew on the Tenth's face. "Now this, is fascinating! An actual impossible particle stuck inside an infinite loop of time with no point of origin or destruction!"

The Eleventh nodded in agreement. "I know right? In a few decades or so, I still can't keep track of the time. Daring Do would broke his watch and I will fix it then build a new one. After that I will give the fixed Time Vortex Manipulator back to Daring Do and repeat." He explained. "Mystery that can never be solved... Where did that thing comes from?"

The Tenth sighed and looked at his counterpart with knowing smile on his face. "I have a theory..." The Eleventh nodded and smiled back at him. Of course, he already knows what that 'theory' is...

"Twilight botched another spell."