• Published 3rd Oct 2017
  • 605 Views, 4 Comments

A Perfect World I Almost Ruined (Vol. 2) - Metatoda42

The Tree of Harmony may have fallen, but everything turns out okay in the end. The Changelings are on their side, the Foundation is getting stronger everyday, and the TARDIS is ready to bring hope... Then, why are they still fighting for Equestria?

  • ...

Chapter One: Daring Do and the Core of Corruption

Author's Note:

BOOM!!! A freaking sequel! Even though I explicitly said that I will not make a sequel in the last chapter.
To be honest, I made a sequel because I failed to get an editor. So yeah, I got bored writing the same old stuff again and again.
Please enjoy and tell me what you like and hate about my story.

She remembered facing a giant metal figure. It could be Bastion, but she wasn't so sure. She also remembered feeling very angry at somepony, but she couldn't quite remember who. "Ugh... Oww... My head..." A splitting headache interrupted her musings. It was Bastion no doubt. What else in Equestria can make her feel like she just got hit by a fifty tonnes metal giant?

The pony blearily opened her eyes and found herself lying down on the ground. The first thing she saw was a pair of bright blue eyes and a whole lot of pink. She moved her head a little and saw the rest of her friends looking at her in worry and a hint of fear. Fear of what? She couldn't quite tell.

"Twilight! You woke up!" The pink pony exclaimed with her face only about five millimeters away from Twilight. The purple pony moved her head back and struggled to stand up. "Ooh! Ooh! Are you feeling any murderous intention at all?" Twilight ignored her for now as she tried to move her hooves. They felt more like jellies than hooves. "Are you still trying to kill us all?" Twilight gritted her teeth, still struggling to get up from her position.

A few seconds later, Pinkie Pie decided to help her. She lowered herself beside Twilight and let the unicorn use her as support. "Thanks, Pinkie..." She said towards her friend with a grateful smile on her face. Pinkie Pie grinned and maneuver her way below Twilight. She raised her body up and Twilight found herself sitting on top of Pinkie Pie. "Whoa!" She exclaimed in surprise. "Okay Pinkie..."

Now, sitting on top of her friend, Twilight can see her surroundings a little bit better. All of her friends, including Bon-Bon, Lyra, Doctor Whooves, Trixie, and a mare that may or may not be a changeling in disguise stood in front of her. She waved at them all with a sheepish look on her face. "Uh... hi everypony! What happened?" Everypony looked down and start poking on the ground with a nervous expression on their faces. She sighed and looked at Pinkie standing below her. "Pinkie, do you know what happened?"

The Earth Pony smiled and nodded vigorously. "Yep! I know exactly what happened!" She pointed at her surroundings. On their right is a certain blue police box sitting near Fluttershy's Cabin. Right in front of it is a huge pile of rusted scrap metals and the ground all around it is covered with craters and scorch marks.

"First, we stood in front of the TARDIS to celebrate your arrival." She pointed at few tents and a couple of party tables full of snacks sitting behind them. "Then, you walk out of it being super angry at Bruce and you start zapping him all around Fluttershy's Cabin." She pointed at the pile of scrap metals sitting in front of the TARDIS. "Bruce asked for Bastion's help, but you destroyed Bastion by turning him into dust using a very powerful age spell." Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy's Cabin. "Then you shot Bruce with an eradication spell and almost killed him if it wasn't for Trixie and Discord."

It took Twilight twenty seconds to process what Pinkie Pie just said. Exactly twenty seconds later, she jolted off Pinkie Pie's back and looked at everyone else in disbelief. "I DID WHAT?!" She yelled in shock. Everypony cringed at her sudden outburst and took a few steps back. "Wh-what happened? The last thing I remember was..." She looked down and think hard about what happened. "I was going on that trip back in time to get the Kontron Crystal and..." Twilight closed her eyes and sighed. "I can't remember anything!"

Twilight looked at her friends and saw them shifting away from her gaze. Her breath hitched when she saw a look of fear flashing on her friend's face. "Wh-why are you looking at me like that?" She walked towards her friends, only to have them looking down nervously. "A-are you scared? Of me?" They all shook their heads and walked towards her.

"Look, Darling..." Rarity spoke with a barely noticeable stutter in her voice. "We are not afraid of you. We are just a bit worried that the spell doesn't work." She sighed and put a hoof over Twilight's shoulder. "But since you're not screaming for his blood then we can all safely say that the spell worked wonderfully."

Twilight looked at the rest of her friends and saw them nodding in agreement. She sighed in relief before looking back at the cabin. "Is... Bruce all right? And why in the hay would I want to kill him?" Before anyone could answer her question, the cabin door opened, revealing a familiar earth pony.

His usual dark blue mane has strands of red at the side of it and his bright blue coat looked a bit paler than usual. His Atom Cutie Mark lost a bunch of electrons and his sparkling obsidian eyes dulled a little. However, he still hasn't lost that huge grin on his face. He smiled at Twilight and waved his hoof around. "Heya! Are we cool or should I start running?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood.

The unicorn slowly walked towards him with a regretful look on her face. "Bruce? Why are you a pony? What happened to you?" She took a closer look at the earth pony and gasped when she saw a gash at the sight of his torso. "D-did I do that?" Her eyes welled up and she took a step back in disbelief. "Wh-what have I done?"

The Pony smiled at her comfortingly. "Call me Atom and don't worry Twi, I've been through worse." Then he sighed and looked at his body. "First of all, that eradication spell was very effective. If it weren't for Discord and Zecora I would've been deader than dead. But they managed to save me with an unholy combination of chaos magic and poison jokes." Then he smiled at her and put a hoof on her back comfortingly. "Relax Twilight, I'm all right, I promise I'll turn back into a human better than ever in the next chapter."

The unicorn shook her head and looked at her friends. The fear in their eyes replaced by a relieved expression. "Phew! Now, we can know for certain that the spell worked." Rainbow Dash said in relief. "You were cursed by the way, Atom said that it was some sort of an ancient curse that made you go berserk." She explained.

Twilight nodded in conclusion. "Did I hurt anyone else?" She asked again.

Everypony shook their heads. "Don' you worry sugar cube, while you did try yer' darnest to kill Bruce; you didn' hurt any of us." Applejack said comfortingly. Then she pointed at the pile of scrap metal sitting in front of the TARDIS. "Maybe Bastion, but Bruce said he can rebuild him from scratch so he doesn't count." She explained.

Comforting words, but still not enough to remove the guilt. Twilight looked down and took a deep breath. "Look everypony, this-oof!" A pleasant group hug interrupted her from her musings. A smile slowly stretched upon her face and she hugged her friends back in joy. "I missed you all so much..." She whispered. "It felt like it's been years since we've met..."

"PARTY!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted randomly. Everypony let go of the hug and looked at her in confusion. "Come on everypony! I've prepared a welcome party for Twilight remember?" She gestured at the decoration the tents all around her. "Nopony is leaving until we have a party." She said with 5% amount of threat, 20% amount of creepy, and 75% amount of excitement in her voice. 'BOOM' she shot out a DJ table, two giant speakers, and DJ PON3 with her party cannon. 'BOOM' She shot out a stage complete with all of Trixie's magical tools. "NOW LET'S PARTY!!!" She shouted.

DJ PON3 fired up the speaker and funky techno music started booming through the whole place. In just a few seconds, everypony start nodding and stomping their hooves with the beat. In just a few minutes, everypony start dancing with the music. Cheerful laughs and chatterings followed shortly after and everypony start smiling and dancing together. "Mission Accomplished!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a proud smile on her face.

Atom who is still standing in front of Twilight just shrugged. "Say Twi, I always wondered, how do ponies dance?" He asked her. "Can you show me?" The Unicorn chuckled and start shaking her body around. She stood on her hind hooves and spun around. Then she balanced herself on one of her front hoofs and start kicking the air like a pro.

"Whoa, Twilight! I never knew you can dance like that!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in amazement. She watched as Twilight start kicking and hoof punching around expertly at an invisible target. 'Bzzt' The Pony teleported a few feet up into the sky and landed back onto the ground on her front hooves. Then she started spinning around like a helicopter, making everypony cheer at her.

"I don't know, but I'm not complaining!" Twilight exclaimed. She stood on her hind hooves and backflipped straight at Trixie's stage. Then she started to moonwalk on the stage, followed by a Pinkie Pie-worthy break dance. She did a backflip and gently lowered her horn onto the floor. A purple aura appeared all around her and the unicorn start spinning like a top on her horn. "Woohoo!!!" She shouted, followed by an applause from Equestria Girl Pinkie Pie and cheers from the ponies.

Soon, however, Twilight ended her performance before walking down from the stage. She watched as all of her friends kept on cheering her in excitement. "Hey!" She exclaimed when she realized that Atom's Pet Falcon was recording her performance with his spy cam all this time.

"This'll get me enough bits to rebuild Bastion!" Atom exclaimed as he watched the Falcon's recording. Then his eyes widened in realization. "Oh, and by the way, the spell I used to stop the curse was a memory spell. So you might retain some muscle memory from our trip." He walked towards her and pat her horn once. "What was the last thing you remembered?"

Twilight thought about it for a second. "We were going to retrieve the Kontron Crystal for the TARDIS. Then I met..." A huge smile spread on her face. "Oh my gosh!!! YEARLING!!!" She yelled in excitement. "Is this 23rd August yet?" Atom nodded and Twilight teleported right beside Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash!! You have to come with me!"

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash walked through the dark woods somewhere in Equestria. Each one of them wearing only their armor saddlebag filled with some food and water. If anything goes FUBAR, they will use the Walkie Talkie to summon the TARDIS.

"What are we doing here again Twilight?" Rainbow asked as they walked deeper and deeper into the dark untamed jungle. She looked around the forest, feeling a sense of familiarity like she has heard of this place before. "Who is this Yearling person anyway?" She asked again.

The Unicorn chuckled and looked at Rainbow in amusement. "Come on RD, the woods, the branches, the dark untamed jungle." The Pegasus looked around once more and a nagging feeling started to appear behind her head. "Are you sure you've never heard of this place before? Perhaps, from a certain book?"

Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks. Her eyes widened and her mouth slowly gaped open. She looked at Twilight in disbelief and she started hyperventilating in excitement. "Whoa, whoa, hold on a second! A-are you saying that..." A permanent grin formed on her face. "Daring Do is a real pony? And she lives in this forest?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Twilight pointed at a pony standing in the distance. 'Whoosh' Rainbow Dash vanished in a blur of rainbows. "Fangirls..." Twilight walked closer towards the figure and saw a very familiar pony she met across Time and Space. "A.K Yearling!" The Unicorn greeted her.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Daring Do walked towards her and hoof-bumped with her. "Exactly 20 years later at this spot just like he said, looks like I owe him 100 bits." Then she smirked. "Or at least in my perspective, Mrs. Time Traveler?" Twilight smiled sheepishly and saw Rainbow Dash sneaking on a bush nearby.

"So, you told me that there's somepony you wanted me to meet?" Rainbow Dash's ears perked up when she heard Daring said that. Could it be that Twilight told Daring Do about her? She doesn't want to put her hopes up too high, but the thought about it makes her feel like the happiest pony in all Equestria.

"Yeah, she's a stuff of legend." Daring Do raised an eyebrow in interest. "She caused one of the most amazing phenomena in all Equestria." Twilight explained grinning as the adventurer tried to figure out what she's talking about.

Yearling rubbed her chin and looked down in deep thought. "A Phenomenon... A legendary phenomenon..." She looked up to the sky and a smile graced her face. "Oh, I see... Well, I cannot wait to meet her then." She observed the area around her and smirked. "You can come out now! I know you've been listening!"

Rainbow Dash gasped and jumped out of the bushes. She walked towards her hero with stars sparkling in her eyes. "H-how did you know?" Then a look of realization appeared on her face and she put a hoof over her face. "No wait, of course, you know, you're Daring Do!" She exclaimed.

Daring Do just chuckle in response. "To be fair, I didn't know where you are. I just said that out loud to trick you into revealing yourself." She pats Rainbow's back with a friendly grin on her face. "Word of advice, don't fall into an obvious trap."

The Blue Pegasus just nodded mutely with a huge grin on her face. She couldn't believe it. Here it is, her life-long hero, the coolest most, awesomest pony ever existed standing tall and proud in front of her. If this is a dream, she hoped that Tank would eat the alarm clock again. Chocking hazard be damned.

"So uh... you haven't told me your name." Daring Do said while watching the awestruck pegasus in front of her. "Hello? You okay there?" She waved her hoof in front of her face.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and took a deep breath to regain her composure. "Uh yeah! Don't worry, I'm okay. My name's Rainbow Dash!" She said. Then she leaned closer towards Daring Do. "I really love your books..." She whispered to her.

Daring Do just chuckle when she heard that. "I'm glad to hear that." Then she looked around warily and start walking deeper into the forest. "Come on, it's almost noon, my home is just up ahead." Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle followed close right behind her.

The forest is much different from the Everfree Forest. The wildlife is much more natural than the ones in the Everfree Forest. The trees looked like normal trees and the animals looked more like actual animals than mythological monsters. Too bad Rainbow Dash is too busy admiring Daring Do to notice anything.

A few minutes later, they made it in front of a wooden cabin in the middle of a small clearing. "Here it is, home sweet home." Daring Do walked took out her key and narrowed her eyes when she realized that the door is unlocked. She opened the door and everypony gasped in shock.

"Who would do something like this..." Rainbow Dash whispered in disbelief. She took a double take on the house. The floors are filled with pieces of ripped papers and books. The furniture is broken beyond all repair, leaving the only thing left standing is a wooden shelf sitting on the corner.

Daring Do sprinted into the house and grabbed a book from the shelf. She opened it, revealing a hidden compartment with a golden ring inside it. "It's safe..." She sighed in relief. Then she walked towards the ponies and smirked. "Pop Quiz, what am I holding?" She asked them while twirling the ring with her hooves.

"Oh, it must be the..." "The Ring of Scorchero!!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, cutting Twilight off.

Daring Do smiled and walked back to the shelf. "Seems like you really like my works." She took out another book from the shelf. "Here, the hidden prequel of my books. Daring Do and The Kontron Crystal." She gave the book to Rainbow Dash who looked like she was about to faint in sheer happiness.

The Blue Pegasus looked at the cover and gasped. There's a picture Daring Do and Twilight Sparkle stood side by side in front of a huge Tatzlwurm and a pack of Timberwolves. There's also a picture of Ahuizotl jumping from a cliff towards the TARDIS flying at the corner. "Twi-Twilight... Is that really you?" Rainbow Dash whispered in disbelief. "B-but I thought you were dealing with political issues in the past..."

Daring laughed when she heard that. "Political issues? Twilight Sparkle and that human barged into my house and demanded that I gave her my Kontron Crystal." She sighed and looked at Twilight who just looked at her with a sheepish smile on her face. "Of course I refused, but then Ahuizotl jumped in and took the crystal away from us." Then she pointed at the book. "Well, just read the book if you want to know more."

Suddenly, a knocking sound came from the door. Followed by a loud masculine voice yelling at her to get out. "Looks like we got some company." The adventurer walked towards Rainbow and gave her the ring. "Here you go, Rainbow Dash." She put the ring around RD's neck. "Keep them warm for me okay?" She winked at her before stepping out of the cabin to welcome her guests.

Daring Do stood in front of a bunch of henchponies and Dr. Caballeron himself. She watched each and every single one of them with a confident smirk on her face, knowing for certain that they are no match for her. "Caballeron my good old friend!" Daring Do exclaimed like greeting an old friend.

Caballeron gritted her teeth in frustration. "That's Doctor Caballeron to you!" He exclaimed angrily.

Daring raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh I'm sorry, 'Doctor,' but I need to reschedule my appointment." She looked at her nonexistent watch. "I'm free next Sunday four p.m. How's that sound?" She asked Caballeron, earning a growl from the stallion.

"ENOUGH!!!" He yelled. "Give me that ring Daring Do!"

The Pegasus checked on her pockets and shrugged. "Oh, how silly of me, I must've misplaced it somewhere in this vast forest." She pointed at a tree nearby. "Of course, I certainly did not hide it inside that huge tree over there." Two henchponies actually walked towards the tree to check if there's a ring in there. 'Woosh' 'Thump' They fell down into trap hole hiding under the tree.

Daring Do stifled another laugh. "Really? Well, I certainly did not put it near that creek full of Piranhas over there." Two henchponies walked towards the creek. They all looked around warily, expecting for some traps. 'Splash' They slipped into the creek and found themselves surrounded by hundreds of hungry piranhas.

Daring Do held back a chuckle. "I told you, I didn't put in there!" She pointed at a bunch of bushes glowing in neon green lights nearby. "And I definitely did not put it near those radioactive bushes over there." Doctor Caballeron motioned his henchponies to check on the bushes. 'Thud' The two henchponies fell after touching the poisonous bushes. Daring Do struggled to hold back a laugh. "What did you do that for? I told you I didn't put it in there!"

Then, Daring Do pointed at her hut. "And I certainly did not hide it inside my home." She said with a smirk on her face. Dr. Caballeron gritted his teeth when he realized that none of his henchponies dared to check on the house. "Good to see that you've learned," Daring said before walking back towards her home.

"Not so fast Daring Do, you are not getting away so easily." Dr. Caballeron said. "Get her!!" The Henchponies nodded and lunged at the pegasus. 'Smack' She knocked away three stallions with a single roundhouse kick and floated a few feet up. Some pegasus henchponies tried to test their luck against the adventurer. 'Crack' They fell back to the ground with sprained wings and a killing migraine.

"Look Caballeron, I've fought an entire army and won," Daring said with a deadpan look on her face. "So come back later when you have an army on your own," Caballeron smirked and stomped his hooves. A Dozen giant cats emerged from the trees, each one of them baring their fangs threateningly at the Pegasus. "All right, guess you did learn from your lesson."

Daring Do jumped back and dodged a swipe from a tiger's claw. She hoof punched the cat in the face and kicked away a panther that was about to sneak up on her. She looked around and saw a couple of Jaguars circling her from all sides. The Jaguars lunged at her, and she jumped up to dodge the attack.

'BAM' The Jaguars hit each other and Daring Do body-slam their heads for good measure. Then she looked at a couple more tigers and panthers surrounding her from all sides. "Bring it!" A tiger lunged at her and Daring Do returned the favor with a left hook. A Panther followed the tiger's lead and found itself soaring towards the radioactive bushes.

She smirked at the rest of the big cats. "Is that all? Because I need to get back in writing." She said, causing Dr. Caballeron to growl in anger. "Hey, good stories are hard to come by, especially with some crazy neighbor like you all." She ducked from a strike from a little kitten and looked at Caballeron with a flat look on her face. "Really?"

"Enough!" A voice appeared from the forest. "You've humored me enough Dr. Caballeron. I will take the ring myself." A huge hulking primate beast emerged from the woods. He growled threateningly at the Pegasus and clapped his hands. A pack of lions emerged from the woods and trudged slowly towards the Pegasus.

Daring Do's eyes widened at the sight of the lions. She quickly flew twenty feet up to assess the situation. There are almost thirty big cats surrounding her from all sides and Ahuizotl himself stalking her from the ground. A soft smile appeared on Daring Do's face. She closed her eyes, clamped her wings shut, and let her instincts take over.

Two lions lunged at her and she met their claws with her hooves. Then she kicked the lions back to the ground, sending them and a few more lions sprawling onto the ground. A soft whistling sound appeared from behind her and she held up her hoof to block a strike from Ahuizotl. Finally, she landed right on top of a lion and start riding it like a rodeo.

Ahuizotl narrowed his eyes and looked at the cabin. An evil grin appeared on his face when he saw two ponies looking out the window with one of them wearing the golden ring on her neck. The ponies quickly hid away inside the cabin while Ahuizotl started to walk towards the cabin with a cruel smirk on his face.

'BANG' Ahuizotl kicked the door open and saw a Unicorn and a Pegasus looking at him with a terrified look on their faces. The beast walked towards the Pegasus and held out his hand. "Ring." He said threateningly.

Rainbow Dash whimpered and gave him the ring. "Good girl..." Ahuizotl walked away from the house and smirked in victory. "That's enough boys! I have the ring." He showed everypony the golden ring he got, followed by a victorious cheer from doctor Caballeron and his Henchponies. "Now we shall rule the world in an eternal heat!!!"

Daring Do watched as the primate and his minions run away from her house. She looked back to the hut and saw Twilight walking out of it with a sly grin on her face. "Don't worry Yearling, they can have it." A golden ring floated up from her saddlebag. "I got a better one."

Daring Do peeked out of the bushes near the giant temple. She observed the henchponies and tribe ponies guarding the perimeter of the temple. She looked behind and saw Twilight Sparkle looking at her with a confident look on her face. "Are you sure you are up for this?" The pegasus asked.

Twilight nodded and her horn started to glow brightly. In a flash of light, Twilight turned into a perfect copy of Daring Do; minus the hat and her vest. "I'm always ready." She walked towards Daring and took off her hat. "If anything goes wrong, Rainbow Dash will summon the TARDIS."

Daring Do took off her robe and gave it to Twilight. The unicorn turned pegasus took off her saddlebag and gave it to Daring Do. Her horn glows brightly for a moment and Daring Do turned into a perfect copy of Twilight. "Now you should be able to use my saddlebag. Without the magical enchantment of course." the pegasus turned unicorn put on the saddlebag and pressed the button.

"Okay, here goes nothing, wish me luck everypony!" Twilight ran out of the bushes and start making her way to the center of the temple. "OVER HERE!!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!" She yelled. The Guards saw her and quickly marched down from the temple to capture her. "Yeah! You can't catch me! I'm too fast for you!" Twilight yelled.

Meanwhile, the real Daring Do and Rainbow Dash sneaked around the temple. They went to the opposite direction Twilight went and slipped towards the back entrance of the temple. There, they found three henchponies 'Bonk' 'Pow' 'Smack' standing, lying down in pain in front of the stone entrance.

They walked closer towards the entrance and realized that it is locked from the inside. "I have an idea, but I prefer to use it as last resort." Daring Do said while observing the double stone door in front of her. "If you can somehow open 5 tonnes of a magically enforced stone gate, don't hesitate."

Rainbow Dash thought about it for a second. "I do have one." She took out the Sonic Screwdriver from her saddlebag. "Bruce told me you can open any locks and doors with this." She walked towards the door with the Sonic Screwdriver in her mouth. She pointed it at the door but nothing happens. "He forgot to tell me how to use this..." She muttered.

Daring Do took the Sonic Screwdriver from RD's mouth and held it with her hoof. She pressed a button on the side of it and it started to glow brightly. "Let's see.." She pointed it at the sides of the door and the whole place starts shaking. Rainbow Dash gaped at Daring Do in disbelief. "Here, thanks." Daring Do put the Screwdriver back into RD's mouth with a smirk on her face.

With that, they stepped into the temple. The first thing they saw was a huge corridor filled with ancient drawings decorating the walls and torches glowing in crimson fire illuminating their path. "Do you know what this means Twilight? I mean Daring Do?" Rainbow Dash asked, momentarily forgetting that the pony beside him is Daring Do in disguise.

Daring Do took a closer look at the ancient drawings. "There's this dark orb depicted as the Core of Corruption." She pointed at an illustration of dark orb sitting on a pedestal. "Then a powerful Unicorn, possibly Starswirl the Bearded, separated the orb into five pieces." Daring Do carefully wipe some dust off the walls. "Two pieces of the orb corrupted the two princesses. But Starswirl interferes and turned them into his prized pupils. That way, he can postpone the corruption process."

Daring Do stepped back from the wall and looked back at Rainbow Dash. "That's all I can decipher... The rest is... Well here, take a look." She said. Rainbow Dash walked closer to the walls and saw rough scratch marks covering the drawings. "Looks like Ahuizotl doesn't want us to find out what he's planning..." Daring muttered.

Then they walked deeper and deeper into the temple. More and more scratch marks covered the ancient writings and the two pegasuses decided to focus on stopping Ahuizotl. Soon, however, they found themselves standing in front of tiled patches of a floor with many different symbols above it.

"Oh, look, a riddle." Daring Do tried to fly over it and realized that she is a unicorn now. "Right, I don't have any wings..." She looked at Rainbow Dash. "You mind solving this riddle for me Rainbow Dash?" She asked her.

Rainbow Dash gulped and flew a few feet up. She has seen this trap pattern before, it's similar to the one found in the third Daring Do novel. Apparently, there's actually an ancient company who sells deadly traps for a very low price. Most of the traps can be easily bypassed, but Ahuizotl seemed to order a special made.

The airborne pegasus took a deep breath when he realized that the trap is made in a standard storytelling format. "Uh... you can step forward." She put a hoof over her face as Daring Do stepped onto the first tile. She sighed in relief when nothing happened. She looked at the choices, the traps are usually easy to bypass if you know the password so the next tile shouldn't be too far.

"Umm... The ship of Equus sailed through the waters of..." There are four different tiles. Sun, Moon, Tree, and Apple. "Celestial Sea? The sun, I think?" Daring Do hopped onto the tile calmly, unlike Rainbow whose biting her hoof in fear. "Okay, the discovery of the..." She pressed her head with her hooves in frustration. "Aah! What was it? The..." She hoof punched herself and a bright smile appeared on her face. "Tenochtitlan Basin!! The Crusader of Equus discovered the Tenochtitlan Basin when they arrived in Equestria!"

Daring Do hopped onto the illustration of the said Basin. She looked up and cringed a little when she realized that Rainbow Dash is sweating bullets in a nervous wreck. "Okay!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, taking a deep breath to regain her composure. "The Basin then... They discovered the uh... No! They were attacked by the Ketztwctl Empress!" Daring Do hopped on to the next tile and realized that there are only two tiles left.

Rainbow Dash starts hyperventilating as she tried to figure out what's next. "Okay! The next one is..." She gasped in shock when she realized that all the next tiles are identical. "Uh... Lucky number four?" Daring Do raised an eyebrow and jumped onto the fourth tiles from the left. "No, wait! It was five mountain peaks!!!"

'Click' The Pegasuses eyes widened and a bunch of arrows shot out of the walls around them. "NOOOOO!!!! DARING DO!!!" Rainbow Dash yelled in panic and anguish. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell down to the end of the puzzle. However, Daring Do just jumped two feet up and landed on the puzzle tile floor. She looked at Rainbow Dash lying unconscious in front of her with an amused smile on her face.

"Huh, this armor is amazing..." Daring Do muttered, after realizing how easy it is for her to jump through the puzzles. She gently woke up Rainbow Dash. "Come on Dashie, I don't like it when my partner slacks on the job." Dashie blearily opened her eyes and looked around.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened when she realized where she is. "No, you are not dreaming. Now come on, let's go find Ahuizotl before Twilight is forced to blow her cover." The blue pegasus just nodded mutely before following her hero deeper and deeper into the temple.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle disguised as Daring Do was strapped on a wall inside a small chamber that's slowly filling up with water full of hungry piranhas. She struggled against the bindings and tried to resist the urge of teleporting away out of existence before her friends saved her. "Surrender now, Ahuizotl, or I'll be forced to take you down!" She exclaimed.

Ahuizotl just laughed arrogantly. "Oh, Daring Do, I will so miss your amusing laughter-jokes." He turned around and walked back into the temple. "Now, I must leave to commence the ring-placing ceremony to unleash eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat!"

Twilight gritted her teeth as she tried to pull against the bindings with all her might. She used a subtle magic to make the stone lighter and managed to free one of her hooves. "Ugh... Where are they..." She grunted in exhaustion. "Can't believe Daring Do actually has to deal with this on daily basis..." She freed one of her hind hooves.

"Ouch!!!" She looked down and saw one of the piranhas chewing one of her hooves. "Get off of me you!" She kicked the fish away from her hoof and accidentally freed her other front hooves. "WHOA!!!" She lost her balance and she found herself hanging on her hind hoof face first on the water below her.

A Piranha bit her nose and Twilight start moving erratically in panic. 'Splash' Her bindings gave in and she fell into the water. "AAAAHH!!! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! GAME OVER! I'M OUT OF HERE!!!" 'Bzzzt' She turned back into a unicorn and teleported away to safety. "Ugh... Daring Do makes it look so much easier..." She muttered while shaking off all the water from her body.

Ironically, Daring Do and Rainbow Dash arrived just a few minutes later. "You're late..." Twilight muttered with a deadpan expression on her face. "What took you so long?" Rainbow Dash and Daring Do said nothing. They just pointed at Twilight mutely. "What?"

"Umm... that, on your left ear." Rainbow Dash said. The unicorn narrowed her eyes and conjured up a mirror right in front of her. She gritted her teeth when she realized that there's a piranha munching on her left ear. 'Smack' She slapped it away harshly from her ear and zapped it away into ashes. Love and harmony be damned.

"Come on... I have something to say to Mr. Ahuizotl about his choice of death traps..." She muttered darkly.

Rainbow Dash leaned closer towards Daring Do. "There was a time where I was forced to save my enemy's life from my own friend..." She whispered to her.

"I get it... Yeah, I'll make sure she doesn't fatally hurt Ahuizotl..."

After navigating through the temples, the trio arrived in the middle of the palace. The rhythmic sounds of thudding drums through the air as Ahuizotl began the ceremony. The beast held up the fake ring up to the sky and laughed in victory. "Finally!!! With the ring of destiny, I will summon the powerful Day Breaker and rule the world in 800 years of scorching heat!!! AHAHAHA!!!" He laughed in mirth.

Meanwhile, the trio watched the ape with an amused smirk on their faces. "Oh, just think about the look on his face when he put that ring and nothing happened." Rainbow Dash said with a victorious smile on her face.

Twilight, however, felt like something very wrong is about to happen. She took a closer look at the tower where Ahuizotl put the rings and narrowed her eyes. "Huh... That almost looked like a magic transmitter..." She muttered. "Impressive how old civilizations have already discovered old technology far before we do right?"

"What's a magic transmitter?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's a technology used to focus a huge amount of magic using special magic conducting items such as gold and crystals..." Twilight's eyes widened and her face paled in realization. "Just like the perfect copy I made..." They all watched in horror and confusion as Ahuizotl put the last ring into the tower.

'Vwoosh' A huge column of orange light shot out of the tower. The sun above them turned crimson red and the sky turned orange through the sheer heat. "Finally!!! Victory is mine!!" Ahuizotl exclaimed. He watched in glee as the column of light turned into a huge ball of light and fire, forming into a white and red mare.

The mare has a red and white coat with a red sun cutie marks on her flanks. She has crimson fires flowing on her head and fire burning inside her eyes. A huge wave of fire shot out of her body and the altar lit up with flames. "AHAHAHA!!!" She laughed maniacally. "Now, time for the big premiere..."

The flaming pony flew up to the sky and floated above the sun. Tendrils of crimson flames shot out of the sun and soared through all edges of Equestria. "EQUESTRIA!!!" Her voice boomed through the entire world. "Your weak and pathetic Princess Celestia has fallen." Waves of fire shot out to the sky, forming into an image of red sun. "Replaced by the rightful ruler of Equestria, The Greater, Powerful, and More Beautiful version of her." Another columns of fire surrounded her. "DAY BREAKER!!!"

'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' The TARDIS materialized right beside the three ponies. The door opened, revealing The Doctor and Trixie walking out of it with a panicked look on their faces. "What in the name of TARDIS is going on here?" The Doctor yelled in disbelief. "The whole Equestria is in chaos and Princess Celestia has gone missing!!!"

"WHERE'S BRUCE?!" Rainbow Dash and Twilight exclaimed at once.

This time, Trixie stepped forward with a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry, but Bruce is in no condition to fight." She looked at Twilight. "Your... Eradication spell did a number on his physical body." Then she smiled confidently. "But don't worry, Trixie has another plan." The unicorn took off her head and pulled out a Discord out of it.

A relieved look appeared on everypony's face. Now that they have a reality warper on their side, they should be able to defeat the Day Breaker. "Oh, my! Is that the Day Breaker?" Discord said in amazement. "I can see why Swirly asked me to put all corruption into Luna instead of Celestia." He said with a very intrigued expression on her face. "I too prefer Nightmare Moon over Nightmare Star..."

The Draconequus walked towards the Day Breaker, ignoring the flames all around him. "Ahem, good afternoon Day Breaker. Would you please..." 'BOOM' A huge beam of crimson red and yellow magic shot out of the mare's horn, cutting him off. The spell lasted for twenty seconds and everypony shuddered at the sight before them.

A huge trench filled with molten lava was all that remains from one side of the temple. "Hey!!! That was a priceless ancient archaeological site you just destroyed there!" Discord exclaimed right behind the Day Breaker. 'BOOM' She shot another beam of magic at Discord, destroying half of the temple in the process. "Are you kidding me?"

Discord snapped his fingers and all damages done to the temple reversed. Save for the fact that all ancient writing was replaced by a fifty thousand words long poetry and song telling about how great Discord and Trixie is. "There we go, everything back to normal." Then he shuddered. "Can't believe I just said that."

He snapped his fingers and a giant fire extinguisher appeared right in front of him. "Now, time to put down the fire." He shot Day Breaker with the fire hydrant and the mare retailed with a huge wave of scorching fire. "Phew, you really need to chill down." He snapped his fingers and ten more fire extinguisher appeared all around the Day Breaker.

"AAAAHH!!!" The Day Breaker yelled in agony as the waves of Carbon dioxide smothers her flames. A look of rage appeared on the mare's face and the flame turned into plasma. 'Poof' All fire extinguisher disappeared in a puff of smoke. "You will regret this!!!" Day Breaker exclaimed.

Discord narrowed his eyes. "Plasma eh?" He snapped his fingers and a bucket of liquid nitrogen appeared above Day Breaker. 'Sshh' The liquid nitrogen vaporized without damaging the pony. "Huh... that's odd..." He snapped his finger and a swimming pool filled with liquid oxygen appeared above them.

'Vwoosshh' It vaporized in an instant, sending fresh air to the whole area. "Do you really think you can douse the sun itself?" Day Breaker asked mockingly. "I am nothing like Princess Celestia, and you are no match for my power!" She shot Discord with another beam of magic again and Discord appeared behind her again.

"I can do this all day. You see what I did there? Day Breaker? Ahahaha!!!" He laughed in mirth. A giant marshmallow appeared on his hands. He held it above the fiery pony's head and smirked. "Wow, I never knew you are great for roasting marshmallows!!" Discord exclaimed, enjoying the pissed off expression on Day Breaker's face more than the taste of the marshmallow.

'Vwoosh' Day Breaker shot out a huge wave of fire towards the Draconequus. The fire dies down five minutes later, revealing Discord with some clothing hanging beside him. "You're also great for drying my laundry!" He exclaimed while putting the clothes into a basket. "I wonder what else you're good at?"

A cruel smirk appeared on Day Breaker's face as her horn glows brightly. "Oh, I am quite skilled in destroying the ones you love!!!" She aimed her horn at the ponies and shot them all with her magic before Discord could react. When the beam dies down, the only thing left is a huge crater filled with molten lava.

"TRIXIE!!!!" Discord yelled out in panic. 'BOOM' The Day Breaker shot him in his moment of vulnerability. "GAH!!" Discord yelped in pain as the scorching hot magic hit him dead on. The Draconequus could feel the magic burning away his physical form and his magical form. He closed his eyes as he felt his body stiffened and slowly turning back into stone.

'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' The TARDIS appeared right in front of the reality warper, blocking the beam of magic from petrifying him. The door slammed open and Discord wasted no time jumping into the TARDIS. He looked around and saw everypony including Ahuizotl, the tribal ponies, Dr. Caballeron, and his henchponies cowering in fear inside the TARDIS.

The Doctor walked towards him and start scanning him with his Sonic Screwdriver. "Are you all right Discord? I'm sorry, but Day Breaker has enough power to level the Elements of Harmony. At this moment it would be unwise for you to fight her." The Doctor explained.

"So, what's the plan?" Discord asked.

A voice from the walkie-talkie answered his question. "The SCP shall restrain the Day Breaker." Everypony just narrowed their eyes when they heard that. Each one of them wondering what the SCP has against the Day Breaker. "ETA one minute." Discord shrugged and opened the TARDIS, curious about the Foundation's plan.

Loud whirring sounds appeared from the sky. Everypony including the Day Breaker watched in disbelief as five helicopters soared down from the sky. Each one of them armed with magical explosive and magic rifles, ready to level an entire army. Dozens of Pegasus, all armed to the teeth with magical weapons surrounded the helicopters from all sides.

From inside one of the Helicopter, Princess Luna jumped out. She soared down right towards the Day Breaker and her horn glows brightly. The Moon itself slowly rose from the horizon and shield the earth from the sun, creating the second eclipse in the history of Equestria. "Stop this at once sister! Or I will be forced to strike you down!" Princess Luna exclaimed.

Day Breaker sent a hail of fire, but Princess Luna disappeared in a flash of light. "Very well then..." Princess Luna said from right behind the Day Breaker. "Agents! Secure the main target! Initiate Operation Solar Flare!" she yelled out.

Dozens upon dozens of agents jumped down from the helicopter. Each one of them holding the Sonic Screwdriver in their mouths. 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG' The helicopters dropped down five black stone structures around the Day Breaker. A wave of green light appeared from all around the stone structures and start sucking the Day Breaker's magic.

The Agents landed all around the stone structures and aimed their Sonic Screwdrivers towards the Day Breaker, disrupting her magic and stopping her from escaping away. "Surrender now Day Breaker! Or I will have no choice but take extreme measures!" Princess Luna exclaimed

Day Breaker narrowed her eyes and a huge pulse of power shot out of her body, knocking away all the agents. She wasted no time teleporting away from the stone structures and glared at Princess Luna. "Bring it on!!!" She exclaimed stubbornly. "You and your pathetic toys are no match for me."

Princess Luna narrowed her eyes. "Bring out the Wingless Angel."

A wingless pegasus who looked almost exactly like Rainbow Dash jumped down from one of the helicopters and soared down towards the Day Breaker. The pony wore a full body suit that concealed her whole body save for her rainbow-colored mane. 'SMACK' She punched Day Breaker in the face and kicked her away back to the stone structures.

Day Breaker growled in anger and tried to gallop out of the stone structures. But the agent stood in her way with a determined look on her face. Using the last of her magic, Day Breaker shot out a wave of fire at the agent.

Agent Wingless Angel held up the sonic screwdriver on her hoof and pointed it at the incoming waves of fire. The fire dissipated when it gets near and the Day Breaker start howling in anger. "You insolent mortals!!!" Her horn glows bright, preparing to unleash a powerful beam of magic.

Three agents jumped down from the helicopters and soared down towards the rainbow-maned agent. They all wore the same black suit that covered their whole body safe for their face and mane. They held out their sonic screwdriver and aimed it point blank at the Day Breaker. "Don't even think about it..." Agent Sweetie Drops said while walking closer towards the Day Breaker. "Surrender now Day Breaker!"

"NEVER!!!" Day Breaker unleashed another powerful pulse of magic. All agents aside from an agent who looked like Fluttershy were sent flying away through her sheer raw power. "I am the Day Breaker and no Changeling Magical Stones, Sonic Magical Vibration, and some measly Martial Arts will ever defeat me!" She exclaimed.

"Initiate Interstellar Shower..." Agent Sweet said through her Walkie-Talkie.

All SCP agents in the surrounding area took out their magical rifles. The Helicopters lowered down a little more above the Day Breaker. 'RATATATATA' Flashes of multi-colored lights appeared from all directions as hundred upon hundreds of spells shot down towards the Day Breaker. "AAAHH!!!" The mare yelled in agony. Her horn glows bright and a huge shield appeared all around her.

Day Breaker glared at the agents in front of her from behind her shield. A blinding light appeared from her horn and the sun started to grew bigger and bigger. "Foolish little sister! If you don't cease your attack, I will burn everything with the sun!" She laughed in maniacally as the air grew hotter and hotter.

"All SCP Agents! Disrupt her magic! Stop her from pulling the sun!" Agent Sweet exclaimed. All SCP Agents surrounded the Day Breaker and start breaking through her shield using their Sonic Screwdriver. "The rest of you, remove the magic transmitter before it's too late!!!"

Discord snapped his fingers and teleported himself, Twilight, Trixie, Rainbow Dash, and Daring Do into the magical shield. They stood face to face with the Day Breaker and prepared themselves for a final standoff. "Why hello there Day Breaker! Are you ready for a rematch?" He asked her.

A dozen sabers made out of pure fire magic appeared all around the flaming mare. They soared towards the draconequus, only to be deflected by some floating swordfishes. "En Garde!!!" The swordfish and the solar sabers faced off against each other. Sending sparks of plasma and pieces of fried fish fillets flying in all directions every time they clashed with each other.

An untold amount of magic builds up on Day Breaker's horn. She aimed her horn straight at the ponies and 'BOOM' she shot out a huge beam of magic at the ponies. "Die!!" Day Breaker yelled. However, Trixie's crystal glows bright and an invisible shield appeared all around her. Disrupting the magical beam until it dissipated completely.

"Not when the Great and Powerful Trixie is around!" The blue unicorn stepped forward and looked at Discord with an excited smirk on her face. "Come on Discord my dear! Let's show this mare why nopony should mess with the Stars of Equestria!!!" Discord chuckled and snapped his fingers.

A bright blue light engulfed the unicorn. She floated a few inches off the ground and start turning into a her Equestria Girl Counterpart. The Crystal on the girl's chest glow brightly and she smirked confidently at the Day Breaker. "Now show me what you got!!!" She exclaimed confidently.

'BOOM' The Day Breaker shot out a beam of magic towards the Equestria Girl. "That old trick again?" The spell stopped just a few inches away from Trixie's body. She put a hand over her crystal and the spell turned into a ball of pure magical energy. "Trixie cannot be defeated with such a weak spell!" She exclaimed.

The ball of pure magical energy shot back towards the Day Breaker and 'BOOM' the spell exploded in her face. The Day Breaker glared murderously at the Equestria Girl and charged towards her. A swirling vortex of magic appeared above her horn as she galloped closer and closer towards Trixie.

'Clash' A purple shield of magic stopped Day Breaker in her tracks. Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, armed with her armor and start rapidly shooting the Day Breaker with her own magic. "Rainbow Dash! Daring Do! Remove those rings right now!" The unicorn exclaimed while dodging a strike from a solar saber.

Daring Do and Rainbow Dash quickly flew towards the Altar. They quickly removed the first ring and a yell of agony could be heard from the Day Breaker. "Note to self, when making a copy, never make it too prefect..." Daring Do muttered while she and Rainbow Dash removed the second ring.

Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what do you think is powering up this magic transmitter?" She asked Daring Do while removing the third ring.

Daring Do think back to the drawings inside the temple. "I think it's the Core of Corruption." She gritted her teeth when she realized that the rings are getting heavier and heavier. "When we removed the last one, the whole temple will fall apart. We need to fly out or escape back into the TARDIS."

Meanwhile, with the rings removed, Day Breaker is getting weaker and weaker. Her fiery mane started to dissipate and her breathing get labored. She looked at Discord and the unicorns standing in front of her defiantly. "You might have defeated me... But you will never get your Princess back! I, The Day Breaker will..." 'SMACK' A powerful left hook, 'BOOF' followed by a roundhouse kick from Trixie knocked her down mid-sentence.

"Now that felt good..." Trixie muttered while rubbing her fist with a smirk on her face. Discord snapped his fingers and Trixie turned back into a pony. "Aww..." She whined at the Draconequus.

'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' The TARDIS arrived near Fluttershy's cabin. Twilight Sparkle, Daring Do, Rainbow Dash, Trixie, and Discord stepped out of it with a relieved look on their faces. They looked around and saw all of their friends standing in front of them with an exhausted look on their faces. "Hello everypony!"

A flash of green flame appeared around a nearby mare and she turned into Chrysalis. The Changeling walked towards Twilight and dropped down in front of her. "Mistress... I have done as you asked... Screwball is sleeping inside the Cabin." She said between her breaths.

The unicorn smiled at Chrysalis and the changeling stood up from the ground. "Thank you Chrysalis. I know I can always count on you." She looked back at Trixie and Discord who were looking at Chrysalis in amazement. "See? I told you she could handle it. Now go and meet your daughter, I need to check on Atom."

Discord and Trixie disappeared in a flash of light. "Rainbow Dash, why don't you give Daring Do a quick tour around Ponyville before The Doctor send her back to the forest?" Twilight said towards the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash grinned and looked at Daring Do. "Sure, lead the way Dash." Daring Do replied coolly.

Twilight looked around and saw a very familiar human standing beside Fluttershy and Rarity. A relieved smile appeared on her face and quickly walked towards the human. "Bruce! Oh I'm so glad you're all right!" The unicorn lunged at him and gave him a quick hug. "I thought you're stuck as a pony forever."

The human however just cringed. He looked at Twilight with a regretful look on his face. "Forgive me mistress, but..." He turned into a changeling in a flash of green light. "Lord Bruce ordered me to disguise myself as him for fifteen seconds." The changeling explained.

Twilight looked at the changeling in disbelief. A hand pat her head from behind and the unicorn quickly turned around. Bruce Gunderson stood behind her with both of his hands inside his pocket and a relieved look on his face. "Sup girl! How's the trip?" he asked her.

The unicorn just chuckled and playfully hoof-punched him. "What was that all about?" She asked him, wondering why the human would abuse his power just to make him hug some random changeling.

Bruce looked at Twilight with a knowing look on his face. "Look Twi, no offense, but I need to make sure the memory block is powerful enough to make sure you don't kill me on sight." He explained. Then he smiled cheerfully. "Of course, since you're not zapping me all the way to the Crystal Empire we can safely say that everything is all right."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Yes... Everything is all right in the end..."

Princess Celestia laid down on a bed beside her throne with an exhausted look on her face. She looked at her sister flipping through some of her paper works with a grateful expression on her face. "Thank you, Princess Luna, I did not expect you to help me with my paperwork."

Princess Luna looked at her older sister with a flat look on her face. "To be honest, I prefer sitting in my room and play the video games my counterpart gave me from the mirror dimension." Then her expression softened. "But I suppose you need all the rest you can get. So I decided to help you."

The princess of the sun chuckled a little before sitting up from her position. "Luna, I'm very curious. Where did you get all those flying vehicles?" She asked her. "Did you asked Bruce to build them for you or..."

Princess Luna shook her head. "Bruce only builds the magical weapons for those helicopters. As for where I get those helicopters..." A smile slowly spread across her face. "Apparently my human counterpart Principal Luna was a high-level general who worked in the military. She doesn't mind borrowing me some of those helicopters from her private collection." She explained.

Princess Celestia nodded before lying back down on the bed. She looked up to the ceiling above her in deep thought. "The Tree of Harmony has fallen..." She took a deep breath. "Just a few hours ago I was turned into the Day Breaker." She closed her eyes and sad look slowly formed on her face. "Is it too late to achieve Peace and Harmony?"