• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 805 Views, 16 Comments

Chasing Sunshine - UltraCombo

Ultra has everything at the moment: friends, nice house, an awesome job. But he is missing something

  • ...


"So, wait, y'all are sayin' yah've NEVER been to the Winter Solstice?"

"Nope. Never really saw the point."

Ultra, Applejack, Joystick, and Applebloom were on their way to the Winter Soltice Festival in the town square. In all his years that he had spent living in Ponyville, he had only ever watched the other residents participate in the games and events, and it was very nice to be able to go with friends.

The company was all bundled up for the cold, as it was more chilly than usual, seeing as the sun was already setting. Ultra was never a fan of winter. He much preferred the summer. But, Joystick seemed to enjoy it, so he had to at least pretend to. Applejack and Ultra kept chatting while Joy and Apple Bloom chased each other around playfully.

"Well," Applejack said, "Y'all're in fer a good time! Lots of games and events, and even a visit from Princess Luna herself!"

"Sounds like a great time!" Ultra replied as they entered the town square, where there were indeed many events set up. Almost instantaneously, Joystick and Apple Bloom bolted towards the commotion. "Hey! You two be careful, okay?!"

"We willlll!" Joystick called back before disappearing into the crowd. Ultra and Applejack proceeded to look around. Ultra was deep in thought, however, thinking about what he had done since adopting Joy.

After working for almost a year on Sweet Apple Acres, Ultra had finally aquired the resources to open an arcade in Ponyville, getting into contact with High Score, the owner of the old arcade he used to hang out at when he was a colt, and purchasing most of his cabinets. Now that he was living his foalhood dream, and he had his little sister, his best friend living with him, it couldn't get any better, right?...Right?

Yes, even though he had seemingly cleared up every loose end in his life, there was still something missing. Even though Ultra was surrounded by some of the best friends he could ever have, he felt almost...lonely? No, that couldn't be right. That would make no sense. Unless...

"Applejack?" Ultra said, breaking his own train of thought.

"Yes, sugarcube?" Applejack replied.

"Have you ever...thought about looking for your special somepony? You know, somepony you...love?" he asked her.

Applejack was taken offguard by his question. "Why're ya askin' 'bout that now, Ultra?"

"I dunno..." Ultra said, "Just...been thinking, y'know? I've just...I...I really don't know...I feel...incomplete. And I know that sounds selfish. I mean, I have so many wonderful friends willing to do anything for me, and a beautiful sister that I love so much. I have a stable, well-paying career, and my life, by all means, should be considered PERFECT...but..." Ultra peetered out, unable to find words for how he was feeling. Applejack sighed and put a hoof around his shoulder.

"Well, I wouldn't worry too much about that. Life has it's mysteries, and yer very special somepony is one of 'em. I believe everypony has one and everypony will meet their's sometime in their life." Applejack turned and pointed at two mares walking side by side, one mint-colored and the other cream-colored. "Just look at Lyra and Bon Bon. Look how happy they are. That's how you will be when you meet yers. Happy as can be, sugarcube. All you need is patience." She shot him a friendly smile, and he returned with another one.

"Thanks AJ. You always know just what to say." he thanked.

Just as AJ was about to respond, Joy and Apple Bloom bounded into view. "Hey! Princess Luna is about to arrive!" Joy cried, and as quickly as you could see them, they were gone.

"Good heavens! Wouldn't wanna miss that, now would we?" And with that, they galloped after the girls.

She's right. Ultra thought, My special somepony could be right around the corner.


The lavender colored unicorn gazed out her one window, dust particles shone through the dull light, and she sighed. Everypony was walking to the winter solstice festival while she still debated whether or not to attend. She shifted her gaze to her unfinished painting and wondered if it would just be another dusty canvas up against the wall, inspiration lost, dead and dull, like the rest of them. She sighed and set her front hooves on the creaky wooden floors, looking over her small apartment.

She had just paid the rent, so she had some extra bits to attend the festival if she pleased. The unicorn shifted her weight from hoof to hoof, should she go? It would be dark... she wouldn't be noticed. A soft white glow emitted from her horn, it enveloped her bit bag and she carefully slid it over her neck. The bag was white, and had her name embroidered on the inside hem: Whispers.

White fluffy earmuffs flew from her closet, as well as a white saddle to keep her back warm. They weren't the utmost top quality of clothing; the color had faded to an off white. She adjusted them to fit just right, constantly checking herself from every angle. She sure cared a lot about appearance when she would rather hide from other ponies. She removed a scarf from atop a cage and flung it over her shoulders.

Two black rodents stood up, their small claws on the cage bars, tiny noses twitching. She smiled at her guinea pigs, leaning in to see them. They were sleek and black, the smaller one, Nicholas had a white diamond on his forehead. The fatter of the two, Prince, had fur that covered his eyes.

"Goodbye my piggies, I'll see you later tonight." She kissed the bars and headed out the door.

She walked down the flights of stairs to the lobby of the apartment building. The owner, Livin Quarters, stood leaned over the counter, flirting with the receptionist. That stallion made her sick, he was such a dirty little swine. She went to leave through the front doors but he spotted her and called her name, "Whisper-baby!"

Her gut wretched and she stopped moving. She could smell the vile alcohol off his very presence, "Where are you going sho late shweetheart?" His speech was slurred.

"The winter sol-"

"The SOLSTICE!" He laughed, his breath was nauseating. "Have fun." He winked.

She left as fast as she could. Oh, how she hated that pony.

The cold air hit her face, nipping at her nose. It was colder then the past couple nights, and her breath fogged infront of her. Whispers watched the ponies parade in crowds in front of her, heading to the square for festivities. She slipped in easily and walked with them, magic stilling her bit bang to cease the noise of jingling bits. If she was silent, she wouldn't stand out, and if she didn't stand out, no one would look at her.

Ponies bothered her, certain ponies more then other. Her first impression of ponies often stuck hard and fast, unmoving. She was shy, extremely shy. A nervous kind of shy. She didn't like to speak, she didn't like to disagree, she just wanted to either be liked or unnoticed. A head full of secrets, and a mouth that almost never opens.

She questioned her actually being at the festival. If she didn't like crowds, why would she go? She has managed to slip into most events silently and unnoticed in her two years in Ponyville. She left home at age 16, lived with an aunt for a year, then set out for Ponyville. Whispers lied about her age to get an apartment at that shifty old building, and had been there since. She was 19 now.

She strolled about the square, the sun had set, and the lights had turned on. They cast their glows of many colors onto the plaza below. She considered buying something once the ponies had gathered to hear their Lunar Princess speak. As the crowd gathered she shrunk back to the many surrounding vendors. A friendly stallion at a hot chocolate stand smiled at her as she walked up.

"Can I interest you in a hot cocoa to warm you up Miss?"

Whispers voice ceased up, her eyes wide, she could never mentally prepare herself enough to talk to strangers. A simple nod was her reply.

He poured the hot chocolatey smooth liquid into a mug, handing it to her. She took it with her magic, setting 5 bits infront of her.

"Thank you, enjoy!"

She nodded and sipped her mug, letting it warm her up a bit. Something caught her eye and she turned her head sharply, her bit bag jingling. She looked around, but nothing was found. Her heart raced, she hated the feeling of thinking something, or somepony was around her, and she didn't know it. She shook out her brown curls and found a spot to watch the Princess where she would not have to deal with so many ponies. She stood by a building wall along the outside of the square.

She heard a rush of movement behind her. Her ears perked, and she turned again. Whisper's heart raced, she was sure there was something there now. Her hooves shifted uncomfortably. She didn't know what to do, if somepony was following her would moving be her best option? Staying surely wasn't! She moved to take a couple steps forward, the crowd cheered as Luna finished her speech.

Something grabbed her tail and she felt herself being forcefully tugged backwards. She screamed, but a feathered wing stuffed her mouth, muffling it halfway through. The being brought her back into an alley, snow crunched beneath their feet. She looked down, tears brimming in her eyes. She saw talons. A griffon?

The winged creature violently turned her around, slamming her head up against the cold bricks. Another muffled scream. A pony emerged from the dark, flanked by another griffon. His eyes were dark and cold. She shook in terror.



Ultra didn't know what the sound was. All he knew was that nopony else had heard it but him. As Applejack and company cheered on Luna as she exited the stage. His curiosity got the better of him, and he approached the source of the sound.

As he got closer, he could swear he heard the sound of a muffled voice. He followed the voice until it led him to an abandoned alley. Cautiously, Ultra peeked into the alley. His eyes widened and his heart started beating rapidly as his eyes gazed upon a large pony and two griffons mugging an innocent, lavender unicorn. The griffons had her overpowered against a wall as the pony was attempting to steal away the bits in a pouch around her neck.

Ultra turned to get help, but stopped. He knew it would be too late if he went to get help. He needed to act, and he needed to act now.

Ultra readied himself for attack.


He beat his wings, trying to stop shaking.


All fear was gone. He was ready.


With one magnificent burst of energy, he rounded the corner and dashed towards the unicorn's assailants, never looking back.