• Published 11th May 2018
  • 437 Views, 4 Comments

A Changeling's Christmas Catastrophe - AizakkuHorooee

When Carve is prompted to come to Wisconsin, Carina is experiencing something that is putting holiday celebration on the line.

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Chapter IX - Low Supply

A little while after I enter the skies of Equestria, I suddenly see two pegasi coming in quickly. Examining the coats and manes, I realize these pegasi are Trace Light and Rusty.

“Tracey! Look out!!”

When the two pass by, I end up spinning in circles as the two zip past, barely avoiding collision with me. Finally facing a stationary direction after a good couple of seconds, I shake my head to clear up my vision. Looking around, there’s Rusty and Trace Light, heading where just went through.

“Rusty! Trace Light!”

The two stop, then turn around, only to see me.

“There you are! Where have you been, Pane?!?”

“I took Carina home when her health declined.”

“Look. Carve probably told you what was wrong with taking Carina home early if she and Aita managed to get there, but that’s not important right now. Tracey and I want to make sure Carina’s alright.”

“I’ll come with you two then.”


When Aita and I arrive at the vet, at the end of our flight, we see Jon’s car coming up behind us faster than an average pony can. Finally, Jon parks the car and gets out. He proceeds to point to the entrance as he opens the door to get Carina.

“Okay... Aita, Carve, I’ll have you two hang in the waiting room in case I need you.”

“Jon, please. I know this is dire, but you don’t need to overwork yourself. Carina lives with Roman, right?”

Jon pauses.

“Wait, you know about my friend?”

“I got the impression Carina lived with him when he had her send me his letter.”

“Oh. Roman’s currently staying at Sophie’s because it’s getting so close to Christmas.”

“Oh. So Carina lives with Sophie?”

Aita nods at me. I guess that means-

“I do too.”

“Okay then. I guess I should find a way to contact Roman and Sophie about the situation.”

“Nonsense, Carve. I’ll just call Sophie.”

Nonsense? Look who’s talking!

“Erm, Jon?"

Jon takes out what looks like Carina’s phone a bit, and pokes onto it about ten times. Then, he gives it to me. For about fifteen seconds, I hear two tones off and on. Then, a high trebled voice comes from Jon’s possession for the three of us to hear.


“Hello?” I answer back. “Who’s there?”

“Wait, who’re you?”

“It’s Carve.”

“I don’t think I know anyone with that name.”

“I’m one of Carina’s friends. I’m in front of the vet right now, with Aita and Jon.”

“Oh, okay. Uncle Roman! Did you send a letter or something?!?”

Hmm. I guess that’s Sophie.

Yeah. Carina sent a letter I wrote the other day.

“Okay, I’ll be right with you guys. Stay put, sound good?”

“Um, yeah?”

“Good. Be right over.”

Suddenly a sine wave at four hundred and forty hertz blares out of the thing and causes me to drop it. Luckily, it stays intact after landing on the sidewalk. Jon proceeds to grab it and press one of the buttons on the side.

“So, Sophie’s coming,” Jon shrugs.

“Wait a second. Do you hear that?”

“What is it, Carve?” Aita asks.

I listen in to three familiar voices that are coming from the sky.

“I think my friends are here.”

Jon tries to listen in too, but it seems he can’t pinpoint the voices, which I can see why.

“Which friends?”

“The ones from Las Pegasus?”

“So, that includes Rusty and Pane?”

“Yeah. It does,” says Rusty’s voice close behind me. I turn around and see him, Pane and Trace Light together, prompting me to hug all of them.

“What’re you doing here, Rusty?”

“How’s Carina? Is she alright?”

Jon proceeds to show the three Carina’s state.

“Oh no! Not already!!” Trace Light exclaims.

“Look, she should be okay as long as she gets the care she needs. Now, follow me.”

The five of us follow Jon into the vet.

But then comes hours of waiting while Carina is rushed off to get the care she needs as Aita and I struggle to stay awake. Following the close call is a vet calling me and Aita to “help her out”. At first no one has ANY idea what the vet means, but the directions are cleared up when Aita and I see what’s in Carina’s room. There appears to be two needles on the table besides Carina, which suddenly causes a thought to pop up in me.

“Um... Jon, I think I should send Chrysalis a letter. I think I know what the vet needs done.”

“But she’s all the way at the hive. There’s no wa-”

“Jon, if there’s anyone she’s going to trust the most, it’s me. I need to send a message to her.”

“How are you going to do that?!?”

“She may not be in Wisconsin at the moment, but she will arrive here within minutes. The hive is already asleep based on me and Aita’s struggles to stay awake, so she won’t have so much to worry about at the moment back home.”

“Just send her the message then, Carve.”

So, with reluctant permission from Jon, I proceed to write Chrysalis the emergency letter with only my horn, and with the letter in Lingo.

Queen Chrysalis,

I’m over at Wisconsin with Carina’s family. Rusty, Pane and Trace Light are all here as well. Carina has gone unconscious from her spitting spree today, and based on what is next to her bed, she’s low on blood, and she needs all the help she can get. I am aware that this means that I’ll have to watch the hive for you tomorrow, so I’ll get standing in as soon as I can when you arrive.

Your subject,

Well, time to send the letter now. I sure hope this won’t put a damper on the festivities tomorrow at the hive. That wouldn’t be good.

As each minute passes, my anxiety for Chrysalis doubles, soon regretting I ever sent the letter, reconsidering the fact that I should have supplied Carina blood.

But my blood’s track record is quite shaky. Not only did I lose a lot of it, but it was replenished with pony blood instead of changeling blood.

Suddenly, all of my thoughts get put to a halt when I hear the door open.