• Member Since 20th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2019

Nomad the traveler

Comments ( 8 )

Interesting so far, I have a feeling that we will see more of the wolf pack in the future. Also wondering how you will interact with the stuff that will happen in The Commonwealth stories.

I stood on a stage; side by side with my fellow ranger recruits in an ornate dress uniform. The uniform consisted of a green jacket with a variety of pins and medals. The ranger’s patch, a bear reared up on its hind legs with a star in front of its belly, was sown on the right sleeve. There had been fifteen of us when training started but now there were only three. I didn’t know exactly how long it had been; the days and nights seemed to blend together after the first five days. But here I was, standing next to my fellow graduates as Chief Hooflon spoke into a microphone, giving a speech that I didn’t pay much attention to. A ranger didn’t need fancy words. We were described as “quieter than a shadow and more ferocious than a hellhound.” An accurate description.

Reminded me of this song, not sure that was the intention.

If you get the chance I'd recommend going through and read it again. A few mistakes and sentences that may be a bit incomplete.

Another neat chapter. Color me intrigued.

Definitely enjoying this.

Rough start to the mission. I would suggest going back through and reading through.
The story is great but may seem a bit rushed.

His corpse continued into the house and took my rifle with it, but I had my Sequoia. I lined the sights up with the pyro unicorn's head and fired. The sack he wore over his face did nothing to stop the .45-70 round as it traveled through his head and exploded out the back in a glorious display of blood and skull fragments.

What a great gun. I love the mod for the game that adds it to Fallout 4. Neat way to introduce The Abernathys.

"Cuddles! What happened to you?! Did Ack-ack put those on you? Oh, I am going to skin her alive. And your legs! Who did this to your legs?!" Oh, this was her pet. I shot her pet.

This got a chuckle out of me.

I do hope you continue this story. It's quite an intriguing concept.

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