• Published 30th Aug 2017
  • 1,184 Views, 10 Comments

The light of the Traveller - MLP_Thundersky

[Destiny 2 Crossover] A Guardian lands in Equestria after the Red Legion invaded, and now has to face new problems.

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8 End of an Empire and a new home

We set down in the hangar two where Twilight and the others waited.

I left the ship first, Rainbow after me. She cleaned most parts of the Cabal blood oil out of her fur, but the burnt spots were still clearly visible.

Twilight shared a hug with her:”That was literally the dumbest idea you ever had.”

“Yeah but it worked out, right?” Rainbow looked at me, expecting a yes.

I sighed:”Not really.”

“WHAT?“ all ponies almost yelled, except Fluttershy.

“It's weapon is probably destroyed, but the Almighty is still active.” I activated the main battery's over my holopad.

“So what's the plan now?” Applejack asked.

“I have to get to the bridge. Maybe focused fire will destroy it.” I stepped on the elevator to the bridge and activated it.

We reached the bridge and I sat down on the commander's seat and took back control over the ship.

“Twilight, Radar.” I showed her her place next to me.

“Rainbow, AAA.” I showed her the way up to the control center.
“Pinky, Rocket Defence system. When you see a red dot on the screen press the button.” she sat down next to Twilight.

“Rarity, ship repair. When we get hit try to fix it.”

I didn't say anything to Fluttershy, because I thought that it would be better for her to do nothing.

I took aim at the centre of the Almighty, deactivated the cloak and fired a first barrage of smaller artillery.

It did absolutely nothing.

Now the Almighty activated it's own ADS and fired a barrage of rockets. Pinkie stopped them before they hit us.

Now two cruisers attacked us. The first one didn't came in firing range before it got shredded by the artillery fire. The second one could barely fire a few rounds which missed, before it got destroyed by Rainbow Dash with the AAA.

I fired now continues with everything I had on one spot, damaging the hull but nothing more.

“Sky you should see that.” Twilight said with a frightening undertone.

I looked at the Radar and what I saw wasn't good. The whole front was covered in red dots.

“Rainbow hold them back as good as you can!” I yelled up to her.

“I will try!” she yelled back.

Half of the Harvesters got destroyed by AAA fire, the rest came through and slowly got destroyed as well.

Now the Almighty fired another time and Pinky missed it because she was too focused on the Harvester rockets.

The rockets impacted and took down the shields to 10%.

“We aren't doing enough damage.”

Twilight jumped up from her seat:”The...The Weapon they found a way to repair it. I..I can feel the energy flowing through it.”

“If this doesn't work we're doomed.” I plugged in the Warsat controller Rasputin gave me before I left his bunker last time.

I tried eight different satellites, eight times a red screen.

As I looked up I saw the core of the Almighty light up.

I punched the console, and laid my head on it, knowing this was the end.

Suddenly the screen went green and showed:

>>>War-Sat 15587 <<<

User: Guardian Sky
Access code: 1944659234885
Access: Granted

Activating Voluspa Protocol 4

Control regained

Satellite Eraser ready

Firing laser on marked position

>>>Your Welcome Sky<<<

“You goddamn old Russian.” I stood up from my seat.

“What?” everypony asked, Rainbow flying down the ladder to the AAA.

“Enjoy the firework.”

A Warsat teleported right over us and activated its weapon systems. It fired its main weapon at seven different spots, ripping giant holes in the ship and making it explode in a giant fireball, destroying all Cabal forces around it.

I received a group hug, and kneeled down on the pony's height.

“You did it. You really did it. You saved Equestria where we couldn't.” Twilight had tears of joy in her eyes.

“Let's head back down.” I stood up and turned to the controls.

The ship only took a few burnings from the re-entry in the equestrian atmosphere.

I hovered the Orobas Centaro about hundred metres over the gardens of Canterlot Castle.

We went down to hangar one where my ship waited.

It was a bit crowded, but it was still enough place there. We set down in the gardens, where I landed in a open spot.

Princess Celestia and Luna awaited us with a few guards of their own. As we left the ship they both and their guards bowed down, not before Twilight and her friends, they bowed down before me, because as I looked back Twilight and her friends bowed down as well.

I responded with a short salute, giving them a signal to stand back up.

I stepped forward to Celestia:”The Almighty is no more.”

“You saved Equestria where the Elements couldn't. Me and my subjects want to thank you for that.” Celestia levitated a small chase up to me.

I opened it. In it was a small shard of the Traveller.

“I think it be belongs to you.” Celestia gave me a friendly look.

I gave it my Ghost and he analysed it:”This explains why the Traveller sent us here and we got our light back after a short time. This small shard holds so much light that I could create about 200 Ghosts or supply one guardian over 20.000 years.”

“That is really strong for such a little shard.” I pulled out a small knife to carve in two more stripes on my DMR,”Also delete ‘Save another star system’ from our list.”


“So what's left?” I finish my carving.

Nothing. Your list is empty.” he answered.

“That means waiting for the next enemy for over a hundred years.” I sighed.

“You could stay here. Weird things happen here all day.” Rainbow sat down next to me.

“Maybe.” I pulled my SR-25 over my back.

Guardian! Are you…” I stopped my Ghost with a simple hand move.

“I said maybe. Besides, we have a job to do.” I looked at Celestia and Luna,”Would you please.”

My Ghost projected a map of Heiros on the ground.

“This is Heiros, a Cabal planet where they build most of their ships, plus it isn't very far away from here so it could become a threat one day for you.” I pointed at a specific spot and my Ghost loaded a new map, this time of the facility itself.

“This facility is known as Calus. Main shipbuilding facility and fuel storage of the Cabal empire. The plan is to take it out.” now my Ghost loaded a 3D map of the facility.

A high ranked guard stepped to us:”Look at those walls! How are you going to bring them down?”

“I don't have too. We have a stolen Cabal command ship, don't forget that. They don't expect to be attacked by one of their own ships. Also the Vex will attack the outposts so they get distracted.” I explained.

“Seems a good plan.” Twilight came up to us.

“Only requirement is that I need people on my ship.” I looked through the round of ponies.

“The equestrian military and Wonderbolts stand completely behind you.” Celestia said.

“30 minutes not later.” I looked at the captain.

“Understood.” he ran back inside.

>>>30 minutes later <<<

The shields were restored and all ponies were on their position. I took off and made a quick jump to Heiros.

The Vex had started their attack so we got escorted to the ground by two interceptors.

Orobas Centaro this is Escort one to your right. We will help you touchdown due to critical circumstances.

“Sky we are in battle range.” a dark blue unicorn said.

I activated the speakers:”All positions open fire!”

Our first target was to destroy the anti air of the base, so we hadn't to worry about that.

After a few minutes of strong resistance we finally took out most of them with 80% shields remaining.

Next off was the shipyard itself. After ten minutes of heavy fighting we only had destroyed only 29 of 324 ships.

“Commander I have an idea.” a yellow pegasus called me over to her.

“What is it?” I took a look at the screen.

“You see those lines?” she asked.

I nodded.

“They are filled with fuel. Damaging them enough could release a chain reaction which could destroy the base.”

“Good idea, what's your name.” I asked the pegasus.

“Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, Sir!” she saluted.

“Good to know.” I turned back to my place,”Rainbow focus your fire on the fuel line.”

Understood.” she gave as a short response.

A few seconds later the fuel lines exploded, destroyed most of the ships and setting the rest of the base on fire.

Sky, I think it was not a very good idea to destroy the fuel lines.” my Ghost sad.

“Why?” I asked, looking down at the firestorm.

Look at the seismic activity. It seems they pulled the fuel from the planet's core. I think you can guess what happens now.”

I opened all channels:”Everyone retreat, the planet is collapsing!”

“Get us out of here!” I yelled over to the flight engineering part of the bridge.

As a response the Orobas Centaro turned and jumped into the orbit.

A minute later the planet exploded.

I caught a cabal signal, it says that the emperor has fallen. You ended a whole Empire, for a short amount of time!” my Ghost said happily.

>>> One day later <<<

Sky you're coming?” Osiris voice sounded through the feed.


The Traveller awoke and I want to turn back to earth with you.”

“I stay here.” I sat on the open front hatch, Rainbow Dash next to me.

WHAT!” Osiris yelled over the comms.

“I thought about it a long time, but yes I'm staying on Equestria. I found friends here and this planet needs protection.” I gave Rainbow a short hug and she left to Ponyville, which would be my new home from now on.

It's not that I'm angry or something, I'm just surprised but OK with it. I will give message to the tower when I'm back. Good hunting Thunderfire 1.

A bright spot showed up in the sky and I knew, Osiris made his jump back to earth.

“Good hunting Yellow 6.”

Author's Note:

And this is the final, but don't worry there is more! I will try to upload two more chapters this and next week, before I go to work experience for two weeks. So stay tuned for more :twilightsmile:

*EQG mirror usage next chapter*

*coughs* Someone said something?