• Published 30th Aug 2017
  • 1,184 Views, 10 Comments

The light of the Traveller - MLP_Thundersky

[Destiny 2 Crossover] A Guardian lands in Equestria after the Red Legion invaded, and now has to face new problems.

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5 Orobas Centaro and a dead Friend

I walked slowly the way to the main elevator, checking every single corner. I found no enemies what made me suspicious. I entered the elevator and pushed the lever to get up on the bridge section.

I switched to my Gravity Slingshot and awaited a large squad of Cabal forces. The door opened, and as well as in the hangar no Cabal troops in sight.

I entered the bridge only to find it empty. I walked over to the main console and shut down the whole ship.

I started the ship back up and took control over it. I firstly checked the life support system. It was fully intact and showed only me as a life signature.

I plugged in the device I had on my robe and uploaded the new protocols.

All of the monitors went green as the directives were finally installed.

I punched in another code:

RSPTN directives Volusp protocol


“The connection failed, try another frequency.” I observed the main computer carefully.

Which one?” the Ghost asked, working on another computer.

“Try Rus8.” I said, activating the outer lights and sensors.

As I looked out of the main window I saw a good amount of ponies who looked like soldiers and two bigger ones in front of them.

“It looks like Celestia and Luna are here.” I plugged out the device and put it back on my robe.

I grabbed my Shotgun and went back to the elevator.

Before I left I grabbed one of the arm holopads Psion Commanders sometimes had to control the ship from outside.

I walked the short way from the elevator to the ground deck and opened the front hatch of the giant ship.

I walked outside to meet up with Celestia and Luna.

As I stepped outside all guards held up their spears or charged spells. I responded in activating the automatic defense system.

All guns on the underside turned to face the guards. All guards moved closer together forming a living shield for the more powerful unicorns.

The two bigger ones didn't even flinch, and for surprise for the Guards, walked over to me.

“You must be Sky I presume.” the white one said.

“That must be me.” I still had my hand on the fire release.

“Guards stand back!” she yelled back at her guards.

The Guards lowered their weapons and as a response I set the turrets back on flight mode.

“I am Princess Celestia.” she pointed a hoof at the other pony next to her,”And this is Princess Luna my little sister.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Twilight informed you about our situation?”

“We are sorry to hear, thou are stuck in our world.” Luna answered.

“So you know nothing about the Almighty II?” I asked, watching closely the guards.

“Almighty II? What is that?” Celestia asked.

“To summon everything up, you're standing at the edge of extinction.” Luna tried to interrupt me, but I simply continued,”This ship is build to blow up sun's and delete whole star systems from the map. And now it's targeted at your sun.”

“Why not solve this diplomatic?” Celestia asked, and looked closer at the ship behind me.

“Diplomatic?” I gave a short laugh,”Good one. The Cabal are very aggressive, blow up moons for getting in their way.”

At that sentence Luna shrugged a little bit.

“Their whole life exists of war, so more likely. No.” I listened to my ghost, while the princesses talked.

As they turned back to me Celestia began to talk first:”We may not like that method, but couldn't you fight them back with that giant metal thing behind you?”

“The Orobas Centaro? From what I have heard the Centaro is about a one thousand of the size…” before I could finish my sentence Luna had a breakdown.

Two guards sprinted to her and helped her up.

“The...They are here.” she could barely speak.

“Everyone get in the ship! We have to get moving!” I yelled at the guards.

They first didn't move, but as I started the engines they entered the ship as well.

I looked at Luna laying on the hangar floor, completely exhausted.

I ran to the elevator and entered the bridge, Celestia and two guards behind me.

I took over the main control, and showed the two guards what they could do.

One I sent to the coms the other one back down with Celestia to try to reach Twilight to meet us at Canterlot.

As I descended down the ship over the Canterlot Castle, to get the now back opened ground hangar door in reach of the floor.

As I looked out of the main window I saw Twilight and her friends, as well as a heck of a pony army waiting for us.

I left the bridge with the guard and showed him how the holo projector I gave him functioned.

As the last one left the ground deck, walked back into the direction of the elevator.

“SKY WAIT!” Twilight stopped me on my way.

She and the others quickly ran up the ramp to the deck.

“Can we come with you?” Rainbow asked.

“This is definitely not a safe place for six little ponies.” I answered before I left to the bridge.

I heard their hoof clocking in range and closed the hangar door.

I entered the bridge and started my flight in the orbit of Equestria.


As I watch the screens to keep up with everything. I slightly missed the heart beats on the life support monitor.

Sky we're not alone!” my Ghost said.

Now I saw it: six or more heart beats crowded together behind a tank in hangar 2.

I pressed a button and sealed the hangar.

I took the elevator to the hangar and opened the door. The lights were out so I activated the lamp on my shotgun.

I reached the spot where the heart beats were. My radar went completely red and I could hear heavy breathing, probably because the hangar was now air sealed through the security lock.

I peeked around the corner and shot. I heard the shot hit something, not metal nor flesh.

A weak purple light emitted from the darkness, and I shot two more shells in the direction, making the purple light brighter.

After the third shot Twilight yelled:”Sky Stop! IT'S US!”

Before I could do anything, something hit me directly in the chest throwing me a few meters back. Reflexively I did a force field melee and whatever it was got sent to the hangar selling.

A very loud snap could be heard and something fleshy hitting the hangar floor.

Finally the lights went on and I could see what it was: Rainbow Dash laying on the ground, dead.

I stepped over to her and sensed her pulse, but nothing was there.

The others came running over to her, probably sensing she was dead.

“Rainbow?” Twilight asked, tears running down her eyes.


She pressed her head into Rainbow Dash's side.

“WHY?” she yelled at me.

Now the others really realised what happened.

Applejack charged me and threw me on my back.

I could barely hold her hoofs away from my throat. I often fought against Titans in Crucible, but hell Applejack was strong when she was mad, even Shaxx couldn't come near to her strength.

Me still struggling under Applejack’s pressure, my Ghost just appeared and flew over to Rainbow Dash’s lifeless body.

Can this be right?” he splitted up his shell and fired a concentrated light beam at Rainbow Dash.

After a few moments of pure silence Rainbow Dash moved.

Applejack moved aside, letting me stand up.

Everyone looked at her.

“What is wrong girls?” she didn't know what was going on.

All of them ran to Rainbow Dash and gave her a group hug.

“No really, what happened? The last thing I can remember was attacking that guy who shot us and the waking up on the ground.”

I answered before the others could:”First of all that was me, second I threw you against the ceiling, killing you and, don't ask me how, my Ghost revived you.”

“How is that even possible?” Twilight asked.

Somehow you all are wielders of the light, making me able to revive you.” my Ghost answered.

“You mean the Elements of Harmony?” Applejack asked.

Probably.” my Ghost answered, giving Rainbow a closer look.

“Anyways, what were you doing here?” I put the shotgun on my back.

Twilight blushed a little bit:”We were going to help you.”

“So much for help. Come with me to the bridge where we can talk.”

Author's Note:

So, two updates in one week? What's wrong with me.

Anyways this story has not much left before the final (about 4 chapters maybe 5).

After that I will CONTINUE with this story with what happened after the Almighty and with Osiris and the Vex.

Also I take Character submission for those chapters.