• Published 25th Aug 2017
  • 2,435 Views, 49 Comments

A New Life - Talbert2103

After the Shadow Man was defeated, the origins characters were teleported to a new place for a new life. Rated T for cussing, and etc...

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A New School

A New Life

Chapter 3: A New School

The Entrance of Crystal Prep: 10:17 AM

Coppermane was walking to Crystal Prep with the origins characters, when he got to the entrance of the school he found out that he saw them with weapons, so he stopped them and said, "Uh, before we go in, you need to put those weapons away so that everyone in here won't be scared or anything."

They knew he was right, Dempsey told him, "Well, where do we put them?"

Coppermane replied pointing at a bush, "Put them over there," And so, the four put the weapons they have in the bush.

After they did that, they turned back to Coppermane and he said, "Good, now let's go, the principal of this school is waiting for us in her office."

Dempsey turned to the other three and said, "Alright, here we go, they don't know us so keep it cool, and let me do the talking."

The three nodded and they'd followed Coppermane inside.

The origins characters were walking down the halls with Coppermane, they looked around to other students looking at them, they see other girls looking, but not at Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen, they were looking at Dempsey and every time Dempsey looked at the girls they immediately looked away.

Dempsey said something in his head saying, "Why are those girls looking at me like that?" Dempsey doesn't why but kept moving.

They reached to the principal's office with Coppermane and the other students following them, Coppermane opened the door to let the four characters in. After that he closed and went to the back of a desk with another person next to him, they looked at the one next to him is a girl with the same uniform as Coppermane's.

Dempsey turned to the others and said, "Remember, let me do the talking," the other three nodded and went to the front of the desk, they looked behind them and see two other people at each side of the door.

The origins characters turned back and a chair turned around to reveal another person and said, "You must be four that came out of nowhere right?"

Dempsey replied, "Yeah, that's us."

The women on the chair said, "Good, now take a seat," She said pointing at four chairs and Dempsey and the others sat down and she said, "Now before we talk about how you came here, let's start off with introductions, my name is Abacus Cinch, you guys can call me principal Cinch. This here is Coppermane as you guys know, this girl is named Twilight Sparkle, and those two are Cadence and Shining Armour."

Cinch turned to the origins characters and said, "Now what are your names?"

Dempsey replied, "My name is Tank Dempsey, but everyone calls me Dempsey," Dempsey turned to the other three and said, "This is Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Dr. Edward Richtofen."

Dempsey turned back to Cinch and Cinch said, "Well Mr. Dempsey, can we tell about that magic came out to reveal you four?"

Dempsey replied, "Uh, it's best we can't tell you."

Cadence said, "Oh come on guys, it's not bad in such a way."

Dempsey sighed and said, "Do you really want to know?" Cich and the others nodded which made Dempsey sighed again, he then said, "Alright, but all of you have to promise that what I said must be kept a secret," They nodded and Dempsey said, "Alright here we go, now where do I begin, ah yeah, Northern France."

Dempsey explained them everything they did in Northern France when the zombies attacked, the panzers, the grave of the ancients being turned into zombies, the giant robots, and the steps to open The Gateway to Agartha. After he was done explaining what they did at the excavation site, Cinch and the other's eyes were wide after hearing, but Dempsey wasn't done. He told them everything in The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and finally Revelations. He also told them that they had to kill the original versions of themselves and that Dr. Monty transported them here to start a new life.

After he told them what they were doing and they got here, Twilight broke the silence and said, "So, that's how you four got here?"

The four nodded and Coppermane said, "Wow, I can't believe it."

Dempsey said, "Dr. Monty sent us in this world to start a new life, but the problem is that we don't have any money to buy a house for us to live."

Cinch replied, " Maybe, I can help with that problem, but all the teachers and students have to help us do it,"

Dempsey said, "Well thanks, we appreciate it,"

Cinch replied, "Don't mention it."

Cinch turned to check the time and turned back to the origins characters and said: "Well, we better take care of your problem now," She said while getting off of her chair went to others then said, "We ran out of uniforms, so we have to wait till it gets here so you four have to wear your regular clothes until the uniforms get here," Cinch turned to Coppermane and Twilight and said, "Coppermane, Twilight you are dismissed."

They both nodded and headed out the office, Cinch got back on her seat and said, "Well, I guess that's it, Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, Edward, welcome to Crystal Prep."

Dempsey and the others nodded and got up out of their seats and got out of the office.

The Entrance of Crystal Prep: 3:32 PM

The origins characters were told to get picked up in Coppermane's car to go to their new house they bought, but they live in separate houses next to each other, they got out of the school and see Coppermane outside with his car.

They went to Coppermane and he said, "You guys ready?"

The four nodded and went in his car. Coppermane got in his car, he started the car up, he started backing up and started driving to their new houses. After a few minutes drive to their new house.

Coppermane pulled over to the side and said, "Here we are, your new houses to live a new life."

The four characters got out of his car and went to their new house to live in, they turned and see Coppermane driving off to his house, they then turned back to see the house.

Takeo was confused to which house to live in and said, "Um, which one of the houses we live in?"

Dempsey turned and saw a sign that says his name, he then told them, "Look for the sign that says our name,"

The three nodded and went to the sighs, Nikolai lives on the left side of Dempsey's house, Takeo lives next to Nikolai's house, and Richtofen lives on the right side of Dempsey's house.

The origins characters went to their house to eat and sleep because they haven't been doing those things from killing zombies.

End of Chapter 3