• Published 19th Aug 2017
  • 869 Views, 13 Comments

Sugar Bombs - Bookpony579

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Chapter 1

It was a beautiful afternoon with the sun shining brightly and hardly a cloud in the sky. It was the perfect day for baking, which was exactly what was happening at Pinkie's house.

Pinkamina Diane Pie (Pinkie for short), lived on a rock farm not far from Sweet Apple Acres with her parents, Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quarts Pie and her three sisters. At this moment she was in the kitchen with her friends Applejack and Fluttershy, getting ready to bake some treats for the upcoming bake sale at their school.

"Alright ya'll, let's get bakin!" AJ said enthusiastically.

"What exactly are we baking?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't you worry about that!" Pinkie reassured her. "I've got recipes for everything!" She then produced a stack of recipe cards and placed them on the counter. There were so many, they almost reached the ceiling. Fluttershy and AJ felt a little overwhelmed at the sight. "I've got recipes for cake, cookies, brownies, brownie-cake, brownie-cookies, cookie-cakes..."

"Um...I think it's best if we just stick with simple sugar cookies." AJ interrupted. "Y'know, cause we have to bake a whole bunch by tomorrow..."

"Sure thing!" Pinkie pulled out a random card from the stack, somehow without causing the whole thing to fall over. "I've got one for sprinkle sugar cookies that's gonna knock your socks off! Well, not really, cause that would be really mean and I like socks, their warm and comfy and good for hand puppets!" Pinkie then produced a sock puppet from....somewhere that was pink with balloons on it and had a pair of googly eyes glued on.

AJ and Fluttershy just blinked at their friend's strangeness before shrugging it off, it saved them a lot of headaches in the long run. They then got straight to baking, measuring ingredients and mixing up the batter until it was nice and gooey. Finally, it was time to add the sprinkles. Thankfully, with all her baking and party planning, Pinkie had TONS of sprinkle cases handy.

Fluttershy was adding sprinkled to her bowl when the case she was using ran out.

"Pinkie, do you mind handing me some more sprinkles please." She asked politely.

"Sure thing!" Pinkie then grabbed a handful of sprinkles and tossed them to her. However, after they left her hand they began to glow blue, and before anyone could react....


Fluttershy screamed and AJ covered her face. When it was over, cookie batter was now splattered everywhere, on the floor, the counters and even the ceiling was dripping with the stuff. Everyone just stood there for a moment, trying to process what just happened.

"What happened!?" Limestone Pie, Pinkie's eldest sister, stood at the kitchen entrance. She had been out working and had rushed back inside upon hearing Fluttershy's scream. Behind her was Marble Pie, Pinkie's younger twin sister by a few minutes, who had also heard the noise and had come to investigate.

"That's what we're tryin' to figure out." AJ said, turning towards Pinkie for an explanation. She was smiling as though nothing was wrong.

"I was just tossing sprinkles to FLuttershy when all of a sudden they glowed blue and exploded!" Pinkie then proceeded to copy what she did before, and sure enough the exact thing happened, causing even more of a mess. Limestone and Marble couldn't believe what they just saw.

"What the heck?!" Limestone exclaimed. Marble just covered her mouth with her hands in shock....she wasn't much of a talker.

Fluttershy and Applejack looked at Pinkie in shock as realization dawned on them.

"Ah think we need to call the others...."

"Just as I thought." Twilight said, nodding. The girls and Principals were now gathered in the Lair and were looking at the glowing Element of Laughter. Earlier, AJ had called everyone and they agreed to meet at the school to confirm their suspicions.

"Well Ms. Pie, it appears you just discovered your power." Luna said while looking at the Element.

"Yippie!" Pinkie cheered, bouncing up and down.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow groaned before noticing the dirty looks the others were giving her. She gave a nervous cough before putting on a nervous smile. "I mean...way to go Pinks..." She half-heartidly said, though Pinkie didn't seem to notice.

"Wait a minute." AJ said, holding up a hand. "So Pinkie's power is...making sprinkles explode?"

"Maybe it's not just sprinkles." Twilight pondered. "Maybe we could test it on some more objects to see what happens."

"You mean like these marshmallows?" Pinkie pulled out a bag of marshmallows from her hair and pulled one out. Before anyone could stop her, she tossed it and just like the sprinkles, glowed blue and exploded, causing a huge mess in the Lair.

"Yes. But I was thinking about doing it outside." Twilight said, slightly annoyed.

"Oopsie!" Pinkie said with her usual smile.

After cleaning up the lair, everyone was gathered in an open clearing. They had gathered various object for Pinkie to test her ability on.

"Alright, now the purpose of this test is to see which objects reacts to Pinkie's magic, see if there's a pattern so we can have a good idea how and when Pinkie's power will activate. " Twilight explained. She now donned a white scientist lab coat and clipboard for taking notes. "Pinkie, you will throw these object one at a time while we observe back there at a safe distance, ok?" Pinkie nodded eagerly and Twilight went to join the others.

"Alright, let's begin!"

Upon hearing those word, Pinkie got started. Pinkie thew each of the various object carefully and in full view of the others so Twilight and the others could see. While some did explode into dust, most just dropped to the ground with a thud with Twilight making careful note of each of them.

Once she had gone through all of them, Twilight looked over notes. After spending a few minutes making calculations before revealing her findings.

"Well, it looks like Pinkie can combust anything with a high sugar concentration."

"Uh..what?" Rainbow asked.

"It means Pinkie can only explode sweets or any sugary products." Celestia clarified.

"Ah..." Rainbow nodded. " That sound awesome!"

"Wheee!" PInkie said. This was so exciting! Who knows what she could do with this?

"Yes. But it's also very dangerous." Luna said in a foreboding voice. 'Especially for someone who spends most of her time around sugar like you."

"What do you mean?" Pinkie asked, the excitement draining from her voice and dread crept in. Everybody began shifting around nervously, trying to look at anything else but Pinkie.

"Well...it's just..." Rarity tried to find the right words. "You can be a bit...excitable darling."

"Yeah, your aren't really the most...responsible person." Twilight said cautiously.

"Hey! I can be responsible!" Pinkie defended herself. "I watch the cake twins all the time! Do you know what it's like to watch twin mage babies who can't control their magic? It's hard!"

"We understand Pinkie." Celestia said. "We're just telling you to be careful is all. You were given a powerful but dangerous ability and we just need to know that you can use these powers with caution."

"Well I'll show you! I'll be the most responsible mage in all of Equestria!" Pinkie declared, punching her fist in the air for emphasis.

The others just look between themselves nervously, still having their doubts.

Author's Note:

So here we go again!

Few things, Limestone is a legal adult and is now working on the family farm and Marble Pie is homeschooled by choice due to her shyness.

Another fun fact: some mages can manifest their powers in infancy, like Twilight for example, though the experiences are like with baby unicorns in the show. Others develop their powers after a few years all the way up until age thirteen.

Have patience Rainbow Dash...your time will come soon... :trollestia: