Sugar Bombs

by Bookpony579

First published

Pinkie Pie explodes stuff. Oh boy...

Pinkie Pie loves parties, making and eating sweets, her family, but most of all...making people laugh. However, when she discovers her...unique power, what will she do?

Have fun, of course. But the others feel it's too dangerous and try to discourage Pinkie from using it. Can Pinkie show them that she can handle her power responsibly before it's too late?

Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful afternoon with the sun shining brightly and hardly a cloud in the sky. It was the perfect day for baking, which was exactly what was happening at Pinkie's house.

Pinkamina Diane Pie (Pinkie for short), lived on a rock farm not far from Sweet Apple Acres with her parents, Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quarts Pie and her three sisters. At this moment she was in the kitchen with her friends Applejack and Fluttershy, getting ready to bake some treats for the upcoming bake sale at their school.

"Alright ya'll, let's get bakin!" AJ said enthusiastically.

"What exactly are we baking?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't you worry about that!" Pinkie reassured her. "I've got recipes for everything!" She then produced a stack of recipe cards and placed them on the counter. There were so many, they almost reached the ceiling. Fluttershy and AJ felt a little overwhelmed at the sight. "I've got recipes for cake, cookies, brownies, brownie-cake, brownie-cookies, cookie-cakes..."

"Um...I think it's best if we just stick with simple sugar cookies." AJ interrupted. "Y'know, cause we have to bake a whole bunch by tomorrow..."

"Sure thing!" Pinkie pulled out a random card from the stack, somehow without causing the whole thing to fall over. "I've got one for sprinkle sugar cookies that's gonna knock your socks off! Well, not really, cause that would be really mean and I like socks, their warm and comfy and good for hand puppets!" Pinkie then produced a sock puppet from....somewhere that was pink with balloons on it and had a pair of googly eyes glued on.

AJ and Fluttershy just blinked at their friend's strangeness before shrugging it off, it saved them a lot of headaches in the long run. They then got straight to baking, measuring ingredients and mixing up the batter until it was nice and gooey. Finally, it was time to add the sprinkles. Thankfully, with all her baking and party planning, Pinkie had TONS of sprinkle cases handy.

Fluttershy was adding sprinkled to her bowl when the case she was using ran out.

"Pinkie, do you mind handing me some more sprinkles please." She asked politely.

"Sure thing!" Pinkie then grabbed a handful of sprinkles and tossed them to her. However, after they left her hand they began to glow blue, and before anyone could react....


Fluttershy screamed and AJ covered her face. When it was over, cookie batter was now splattered everywhere, on the floor, the counters and even the ceiling was dripping with the stuff. Everyone just stood there for a moment, trying to process what just happened.

"What happened!?" Limestone Pie, Pinkie's eldest sister, stood at the kitchen entrance. She had been out working and had rushed back inside upon hearing Fluttershy's scream. Behind her was Marble Pie, Pinkie's younger twin sister by a few minutes, who had also heard the noise and had come to investigate.

"That's what we're tryin' to figure out." AJ said, turning towards Pinkie for an explanation. She was smiling as though nothing was wrong.

"I was just tossing sprinkles to FLuttershy when all of a sudden they glowed blue and exploded!" Pinkie then proceeded to copy what she did before, and sure enough the exact thing happened, causing even more of a mess. Limestone and Marble couldn't believe what they just saw.

"What the heck?!" Limestone exclaimed. Marble just covered her mouth with her hands in shock....she wasn't much of a talker.

Fluttershy and Applejack looked at Pinkie in shock as realization dawned on them.

"Ah think we need to call the others...."

"Just as I thought." Twilight said, nodding. The girls and Principals were now gathered in the Lair and were looking at the glowing Element of Laughter. Earlier, AJ had called everyone and they agreed to meet at the school to confirm their suspicions.

"Well Ms. Pie, it appears you just discovered your power." Luna said while looking at the Element.

"Yippie!" Pinkie cheered, bouncing up and down.

"Oh come on!" Rainbow groaned before noticing the dirty looks the others were giving her. She gave a nervous cough before putting on a nervous smile. "I mean...way to go Pinks..." She half-heartidly said, though Pinkie didn't seem to notice.

"Wait a minute." AJ said, holding up a hand. "So Pinkie's power is...making sprinkles explode?"

"Maybe it's not just sprinkles." Twilight pondered. "Maybe we could test it on some more objects to see what happens."

"You mean like these marshmallows?" Pinkie pulled out a bag of marshmallows from her hair and pulled one out. Before anyone could stop her, she tossed it and just like the sprinkles, glowed blue and exploded, causing a huge mess in the Lair.

"Yes. But I was thinking about doing it outside." Twilight said, slightly annoyed.

"Oopsie!" Pinkie said with her usual smile.

After cleaning up the lair, everyone was gathered in an open clearing. They had gathered various object for Pinkie to test her ability on.

"Alright, now the purpose of this test is to see which objects reacts to Pinkie's magic, see if there's a pattern so we can have a good idea how and when Pinkie's power will activate. " Twilight explained. She now donned a white scientist lab coat and clipboard for taking notes. "Pinkie, you will throw these object one at a time while we observe back there at a safe distance, ok?" Pinkie nodded eagerly and Twilight went to join the others.

"Alright, let's begin!"

Upon hearing those word, Pinkie got started. Pinkie thew each of the various object carefully and in full view of the others so Twilight and the others could see. While some did explode into dust, most just dropped to the ground with a thud with Twilight making careful note of each of them.

Once she had gone through all of them, Twilight looked over notes. After spending a few minutes making calculations before revealing her findings.

"Well, it looks like Pinkie can combust anything with a high sugar concentration."

"Uh..what?" Rainbow asked.

"It means Pinkie can only explode sweets or any sugary products." Celestia clarified.

"Ah..." Rainbow nodded. " That sound awesome!"

"Wheee!" PInkie said. This was so exciting! Who knows what she could do with this?

"Yes. But it's also very dangerous." Luna said in a foreboding voice. 'Especially for someone who spends most of her time around sugar like you."

"What do you mean?" Pinkie asked, the excitement draining from her voice and dread crept in. Everybody began shifting around nervously, trying to look at anything else but Pinkie.

"'s just..." Rarity tried to find the right words. "You can be a bit...excitable darling."

"Yeah, your aren't really the most...responsible person." Twilight said cautiously.

"Hey! I can be responsible!" Pinkie defended herself. "I watch the cake twins all the time! Do you know what it's like to watch twin mage babies who can't control their magic? It's hard!"

"We understand Pinkie." Celestia said. "We're just telling you to be careful is all. You were given a powerful but dangerous ability and we just need to know that you can use these powers with caution."

"Well I'll show you! I'll be the most responsible mage in all of Equestria!" Pinkie declared, punching her fist in the air for emphasis.

The others just look between themselves nervously, still having their doubts.

Chapter 2

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When, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy got back to Pinkie's house, they decided to get straight back to work making cookies.

"Alright, but I've got my eye on you." Limestone said threateningly, keeping one eye open and focused on them as she walked away.

Once she was out of eyesight, AJ turned to Pinkie.

"Now Pinkie...maybe you should let Fluttershy and me handle most of the work."

"How come?" Pinkie asked before narrowing her eyes. "You don't trust me to keep from blowing stuff up, do you?"

"Yes. I-I mean no! What I mean ta say" Applejack was now sweating nervously until Fluttershy saved her.

"What she means is, just until you got it under control."

"But I already have it under control!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Listen, sugarcube, it took me a while to figure out mah super strength, ah'm just figurin' it's gonna take a while for you to control your power. We ain't saying you can't help at all! You can help get the eggs and set the oven, stuff like that." AJ explained.

Pinkie sighed, figuring she wasn't going to win this argument. "Alright..." she uttered, and she noticed AJ and Fluttershy relax a little.

And so it went on like that, with Pinkie helping in any way that didn't involve her coming into contact with sugary substances.

The next day didn't fare any better for the pink girl. She had spent most of the night before learning how to use and control her power until she was sure she had the hang of it. However, when she told her friends this, they didn't look very convinced.

Such as when she was in Home Ec. class with Rarity, their assignment was to bake a cake. However, Rarity took control over the sugar and the batter, saying she wanted to try baking herself for once, though her nervous smile didn't convince Pinkie.

In chemistry, they were each given a little bit of sugar for an experiment.Twilight immediately took charge of it, citing her better grade in science and that she had experience with these types of experiments. Pinkie didn't buy it for one minute.

Finally it all came to a head at the bake sale...

Pinkie, Aj and a group of students had just finished setting up in the gym when AJ suggested that Pinkie should be in charge of the money.

"Why? Your better with it I am." Pinkie questioned.

Applejack shifted in her seat. "'s some experience for ya then! Ah can handle the cookies." At the sound of this, Pinkie's eyes widened before she frowned.

"Hey, wait a minute! Your just scared I'll blow up the cookies in the customer's faces!" Applejack flinched at the angry tone in Pinkie's voice. Her yelling also attracted the attention of her fellow students, who wondered what was going on.

"W-What? No! Ah'm just..." Before AJ could come up with an excuse, Pinkie cut her off.

"I know what's happening! You girls don't trust me do you!? Even after I told you I spent all of last night practicing!"

AJ sighed. "Pinkie we're just tryin' tah be careful is all."

"Oh! Now you think I can't be careful!"

"No! It's just..."

"You know what? Forget it! I'll find a way to show you how careful I am!" With that, Pinkie stomped out of the gym.

AJ could only sigh and put her head in her hands, wondering what she had done.

Pinkie was now pacing in her room, trying to figure out what to do about her situation. She was discussing it with her best listener and familiar, Gummy.

"I can't believe they don't trust me! Even after al the practice I've been doing!"

Gummy did nothing. The only sign he was even alive was the swishing of his tail.

"I know their just worried! And I know my power can be destructive! But don't they trust me to use it responsibly!?" Pinkie continued her one-sided conversation.

Gummy continued to swish his tail.

Pinkie sighed. "I don't know what to do Gummy. How can I get them to see that I am responsible?"

Gummy slowly blinked his eyes.

Pinkie brightened up. "You're right Gummy! I just need a chance to show them I can control my power! But how....?" Pinkie looked like she was waiting for something to happen. This continued for a few minutes.

"Huh. Usually this is where the phone rings and Twilight tells me there's a monster attack or something else that would give me the opportunity to prove myself."

As if on cure, her phone range. Sure enough, it was an emergency text from Twilight informing the others to meet in the Lair."

Pinkie grinned. "I knew it! Now I'll show them who's the responsible one!" Pinkie than rushed out of the room leaving Gummy standing on her bead.

Suddenly she popped her head back in and said:

"It's me, just to be clear."

Then she headed to the school.

Chapter 3

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Pinkie Pie was the last one to arrive at the lair. Once she got herself settled, Celestia stepped forward to explain the situation.

"It appears that a band of rogue orcs have taken up residence near Canterlot." The girls gasped at this, as they had studied them in their magical creatures class.

"Orc!? You mean those ugly, brutish creatures who destroy any village in their path!?" Rarity asked, shaking.

"Now Rarity there is no need for stereotypes." Luna scolded. "Not all orcs are war hungry barbarians from stories, in fact I have met several who are perfectly decent people. These orcs appear to be just a rogue group of bandits who mug travelers in order to make some quick cash."

"Indeed." Celestia joined in. "The authorities have tried to bring them in with no luck. I know this is asking a lot of you girls, even in spite of recent events. We need to to find these orcs and capture them. Is that clear?"

Everyone agreed (some more enthusiastic or reluctant than others) and prepared to head out.

The girls stood in front of their destination: the Everfree Forest which surrounded their city. The forest seemed dark and ominous, even on a bright sunny day such as this. For years people have told stories of this place, full of wild magic and unknown creatures. These stories mainly comprised of travelers going into the forest only to never come back, either by getting lost or being attacked by the mysterious creatures that dwelled within. Aside from a few set paths, nobody, not even the bravest and most skilled warriors and mages, ever dared enter it...until now.

" we really have to go in there?" Fluttershy asked, looking frightened by the prospect of even just being near the woods.

"From the reports and victims statements, it appears the orcs have set up camp somewhere near this area. Far enough to elude the authorities and any hikers, but not too deep that they run into anything too vicious." Twilight explained, even though she herself looked hesitant to step foot in.

"Come on! What are we waiting for!?" Rainbow declared and began to head into the woods. The others shared a nervous glance before following their friend.

The group travelled on, stepping over large roots and around trees. Thankfully the little sunlight that passed through the branches made it possible to see where they were going.

"This is is awesome! We're going to be fighting orcs!" Rainbow said with a near squeal.

"Honestly Rainbow Dash, I don't see how anyone can get excited over fighting some big hulking brutes." Rarity scolded.

"She has a point Rainbow." Twilight said, recalling what she learned about orcs from her studies. " Though in the same group as goblins, orcs are bigger and more brutal. They're also fierce warriors who know how to combat against magic. What they lack in speed they make up for in size and strength."

" exactly are we supposed to beat 'em?" AJ asked skeptically.

"Simple. While orcs are big and imposing, they not exactly, shall we say....the brightest creatures around. Once we find their camp, we can come up with a way to outsmart and trap them."

"Or... I can take them down with my sugar explosions!" Pinkie suggested. Twilight sighed, stopped and turned to the pink girl.

"Pinkie...I know you think you have control over your power, but this is a mission which requires stealth and smarts, not candy bombs that can hurt someone."

"Oh I get it alright! You don't trust me!" Pinkie accused.

"No! I'm just saying that we have to be careful..."

"And you don't think I am careful!"

"I don't think that! It's just that you can be reckless!"

"HEY!" Applejack got between the two girls and pushed them apart. "We can talk about this later, but right now we need ta focus and not let those orcs know we're here first, alright?" Twilight and Pinkie looked away and nodded hesitantly, still steaming.

"Good, not we just need ta find out where their camp is..."

"Um..actually.." Everyone turned to look at Fluttershy, who had a small squirrel on her shoulder. "Xander here says he spotted their camp just a few feet away and can lead us too it. Everyone just blinked at this, surprised at how easy their mission just got.

"Alright then ya'll...let's follow the squirrel."

The little rodent led them to an open area filled with makeshift tents and other supplies that from the looks had been here for a while. The girls made sure to stay out of sight while five orcs sat around the campfire talking and readying their weapons. Standing near the edge of the camp were two more orcs working as lookouts, thought thankfully they didn't see the girls...yet.

"They're even bigger than the books said." Fluttershy whispered nervously.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Rainbow whispered to Twilight.

"Alright, so from the looks of it, there are about seven of them, which means we're outnumbered. But we've got the element of surprise..."

"Oh! Can I have that element too?"

"It's a figure of speech Pinkie."


"Okay, so if we draw them away from their camp, we can lead them to an ambush." Twilight reached into her bad and pulled out a glass bottle with a blue liquid in it. "If we can get them close together, I can use this sleeping potion. It should knock them out almost instantaneously."

"So we won't have to fight them after all?" Fluttershy said with hope in her eyes.


"Sorry Rainbow, but better safe than sorry." Twilight continued. "But you can be the distraction, since your the fastest one here."


"Now all you have to do is get their attention. Once they start chasing you, lead them to the area just north of here. The rest of us will be waiting. We'll try to get them as close together as possible so I can throw the potion at them. I any orc escapes, try to use your magic to restrain them. Is that clear?"

Everyone agreed and got ready to get the plan rolling.

Chapter 4

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Rainbow hid just outside the orc camp, waiting for the signal. Suddenly her phone buzzed and a message from Twilight appeared.

"All set. Ready to go?

Rainbow texted back "You bet I am! Let's do this!. She then strutted to the edge of the camp and shouted, "Hey meatheads!"

This got the bandits attention as they looked up from what they were doing and stared right at Rainbow.

"It's a human!" One of the orcs shouted as they prepared their weapons.

"Catch me if you can!" Rainbow said before taking off.

"Don't let her escape!" The orcs then proceeded to give chase. As the chase continued, Rainbow occasionally looked over her shoulder to make sure they were still following her.


Finally she came upon a small clearing and stopped as the orcs caught up to her.

"Alright little girl, we've got you now..." The orcs stepped towards Rainbow, who just smirked at them.

"I don't think so!" Rainbow suddenly turned to the side and shouted, "NOW!"

Suddenly transparent walls appeared around the orcs, each glowing a different color and corralled them together.

"Hey! What's goin' on!?" The orcs struggled against their new cage, to no avail.

From behind the trees, the rest of the girls emerged, hands glowing while trying to keep the wall together, except for Twilight, who was getting the potion ready.

"They're mages!" The orcs continued to struggle, making it harder for the girls to keep the cage up.

"Anytime Twi!" AJ said, starting to sweat from the strain.

"Alright, lets..." Twilight's voice trailed off and her eyes went wide as she got another good look at the orcs. After a moment of mental calculation, she gasped.

"Wait...there's only six!" The girl's eyes widened too, recalling having seen seven orcs at the camp earlier. They mentally counted the orcs they caught and lo and behold, there were only six trapped there.

"Where's the other one!?"

"GOTCHA!" Twilight turned around and standing there, hammer poised and ready to strike, was the final orc glaring down at her. Before Twilight could do anything, the orc reached and grabbed her arm.

"TWILIGHT!" Her friends cried out in alarm as Twilight struggled to free herself without damaging the potion.

"Alright then your gonna get it..." Before the orc could do anything Pinkie spoke up.

"Don't worry Twilight! I've got this!" Pinkie then reached into her hair and grabbed a can of sprinkles. Twilight's eyes widened when she realized her friend was about to do.


Before she could finish, Pinkie broke away from the spell just quick enough to grab a handful of sprinkles and toss them right in front of them. True enough, the orc lost his grip and stumbled back...but so did Twilight who ended up tripping on a root. As she hit the ground, the sound of glass breaking could be heard as the bottle broke and the potion spilled onto the dirt. Twilight looked at the spilled contents with horror before glaring at Pinkie.


The pink girl had the gall at least to look sheepish. She blushed and gave a nervous smile, "...oops."

The orc quickly recovered and went straight for Pinkie. Startled, she accidentally tossed the can of sprinkles straight for the cage. The blast not only knocked away the girls, but had freed the rest of the orcs as well. Pinkie's eyes widened at this.


"Get them!" The bandit leader commanded and the orcs approached the girls.

Applejack managed to use her strength to toss one of the bandits away, but was caught off guard when another orc came up behind her and hit her upside the head, knocking her out.

Rainbow seemed to be doing pretty well holding off her orc with a combination of magical blast and kung fu hits and kicks. However, the orc then pulled out a bolas and managed to get a hit on her. Rainbow tried to break free but they seemed to be enchanted to block magic.

Rarity used her magic to pick up a large branch which she used to hit one of the orcs in the head, dizzying him until one of them pulled out a net which both captured her and cut off her magic.

Fluttershy was trying to hide in one of the bushes until an orc found her and threw her over his shoulder. Poor Fluttershy was too terrified to do much other than scream and whimper.

Twilight was handeling herself pretty well using strong magic blasts that knocked the bandits off their feet and threw them a few feet. That is, until an orc smashed his hammer into the ground, knocking her back a few feet and making her lose her focus. This allowed a few of them to catch her and tie her struggling hands and feet together. Like the bolas and the net, the rope was enchanted and her magic was useless.

The orcs picked up the captured girls and gathered together.

"Think this is all of 'em?"

The orcs tried to think but, as Twilight pointed out earlier, they weren't the brightest bunch.


"Meh. This should be all of 'em. All right boys, lets head back!"

And so the orcs started to head back to their camp, with the girls struggling to no avail.

Watching this from up in a nearby tree was Pinkie Pie, who had decided to get out of the way when the bandits got loose. She felt terrible about what happened.

"Oh no! My friends are captured and it's all my fault! Twilight was right, I guess I am too reckless." She lamented out loud to no one in particular.

"Duh...I'm talking to the audience."

Wait, what!?

"Yeah, I'm monologuing for the readers so they know how I'm feeling."

But...I can type down your thoughts so they do know how your feeling.

"Isn't that kind of an invasion of privacy?"

Well...yes. But....

"I mean, how would you feel if someone went writing down your thoughts for the whole world to see?"

Okay! Okay! I get it! But right now you have more important matters to deal with!

"Like what?"

The story, the orcs, your friends...? Ring any bells?

"Well I don't hear any bells, but what am I supposed to do? The others were right, I can't control my power. All I'm good for is making a big mess."

Hey, don't be like that. Your Pinkie Pie! Your great at lot's of stuff! And your friends still love you. Besides, what's important now is that they need you and your the only one that can help.

"But how?"

Use your head.

"Use my head..." Pinkie mumbled as she went into deep thought. After a few minutes her eyes widened and she yelled "Brain blast! I've got it! Thanks Miss Narrator!"


"Now to go save the day!" Pinkie declared as she stepped forward...

Wait! Your still.....

It was too late as Pinkie tumbled down the tree, hitting various branches before finally landing in a bush below. She emerged, now covered in scrapes, bruises and leaves.

...on top of a tree.

"Thanks for the warning." She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


Chapter 5

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Back at the orc camp the girls were all tied together around a pole with magic-nulling rope. Applejack was just starting to wake up while the rest of the girls struggled against their binds with no luck. The orcs watching them just snorted.

"Well well well....what have we 'ere? A couple a mage girls snoopn' round our part of the woods?" a large, green skinned one asked, eyeing the captives.

"You won't get away with this. Let us go right now, and the authorities might go easy on you!" Twilight declared, trying not to show her panic slip into her voice. A pale orc nearby just laughed at this.

"Yeah right! You think a bunch of little girls is gonna stop us?"

"Besides..."another orc walked up, placed a finger under Twilight's chin and tilted her head up so he could get a better look. "...I'm sure a couple a pretty and powerful girls like you will fetch quite the hefty price!" The orc walked away, laughing while the girls eyes widened.

"T-Twilight...!?" Fluttershy whispered in alarm.

"It's going to be alright girls..." Twilight reassured them despite not completely believing her own statement.

"If ah could just.." AJ was about to use her super strength to break the ropes when Twilight stopped her.

"Applejack don't! Theres too many of them. Right now our best shot is hope that Pinkie managed to call Celestia and Luna for help." But Twilight couldn't keep from feeling anxious about their situation. What is Celestia and Luna couldn't get here in time? What is they caught Pinkie before she could escape? What if they...?

Twilight felt a hand over hers and looked to see AJ give it a comforting squeeze. "Like you said, it's gonna be alright Twi. Trust me, even the greatest hunter in the world couldn't catch Pinkie!"

"I hope your right..."

The orcs were once again sitting around the fire preparing dinner and laughing over their latest catch. Suddenly the ruffling of leaves could be heard and everyone went silent and looked around, but saw nothing.

"Ya hear that?"

"What is it?"

"Probably a squirrel or somethin'..."

"Or it could be another mage!" An orc picked their hammer and headed towards where the noise came from. "I'm gonna check it out, be right back.." He said as he disappeared into the trees. A few minutes passed an no sign of the bandit came.

"Where is he?"

Just then more ruffling could be heard from a different direction. They turned but saw nothing. Another bandit picked up their axe and headed towards it.

"Alright, this has gotta be an animal or somethin'..." He too disappeared into a the forest. Time passed and neither hair or hind of the two orcs were seen. Finally another orc got sick of waiting and, picking up his sword, got ready to head out.

"Thats it! I swear if those two are just trying to sneak in a nap..."

"Hang on..." Another orc picked up his mace and followed him. "I don't think they're just sneakin' in naps..." The two orcs headed out after their teammates.

Time passed yet again, and there was no sign of any of them. The remaining three orcs were now on edge.

"Where are those knuckleheads!?"

"I don't like the looks of this.."

"Somethin' funny is goin' on here..."

"'Funny' Is right good sir!" The orcs turned towards the back of camp and the girls turned their heads in suit. There, standing in a hot pink camouflage suit was none other than...

"Pinkie Pie!" The girls cried out at the same time, relieved to see their friend.

"It's another one of those brats! Get 'er!" The orcs raced towards her but just before they reached her she reached into her hair, grabbing a handful of sprinkles. She threw them on the ground and the sound of the loud explosion filled the camp as blue dust covered Pinkie and bandits. When it cleared, the orcs were still there, but Pinkie had vanished.

"Hey! Where'd she go!?"

"RIght here!" Pinkie now stood proudly beside her captured friends. Before the orcs could do anything, she snapped her fingers and a net trap hidden beneath them activated, capturing two of the orcs and hanging them several feet above the camp. Pinkie then proceeded to untie her friends.

"Hey! Stop right there!" The orc prepared his club and charged at them, but the girls were now ready for him.

"Alright girls! Let's show him what we're made of!" Twilight proudly declared before aiming a blast at the ground right before the orc, creating a trail of ice.

"Gaaaaahhhhhh!" The orc slid before tripping on a patch of ground. He quickly got back up only to be met with Rainbow's kung fu kick to his head. He stumbled before stepping on a sewing needle Rarity had placed.

"OUCH!" The orc immediately dropped his club and grabbed his aching foot. He turned his head to the side only to be met with a hard punch from AJ, finally knocking him out cold on the ground. She found a piece of strong rope and proceeded to hog-tie him securely.

With the threats now taken care of, they were finally free to celebrate.

"Yahoo!" Pinkie cheered just as the others rushed up to her with hugs and praises.

"That was amazing Pinkie!" Rainbow gushed.

"You go girl!"

"That was simply marvelous!"


"How did you do it?" Twilight asked.

"Well you see...I was hiding up in a tree totally bummed out about what happened when I started talking with the narrator..."

"Huh?" Rainbow and everyone else just gave Pinkie confused looks.

"...and she told me to 'use my head' which once I realized didn't mean ramming my head into the tree, helped me come up with a plan!" Pinkie smiled and turned towards Twilight. "It's like you said! All I needed to do was outsmart them! So I lured them out and set up various traps until there was only enough left that I could come rescue you and we could fight them together!" Pinkie grinned proudly.

"Pinkie Pie your a genius!" Twilight exclaimed before hugging the curly haired girl.

Pinkie was happy but suddenly stopped smiling and stooped her shoulders. "Yeah..but this wouldn't have happened if I had just listened to you guys and not used my power. You were right, I am a bit reckless."

"No." Twilight put a comforting hand on Pinkie's shoulder and smiled at her. "We were wrong. You are responsible and careful when you need to be. We honestly didn't think you were patient enough to come up with a brilliant plan like this. Plus you are really good with your power, and with a little more practice, you can do amazing things with your power."

"Really?" Pinkie asked, grinning excitedly.

"Absolutely." The others quickly and eagerly agreed with her, and they quickly joined in for group hug before contacting the authorities.

That night, after turning the orcs in and receiving a congratulations from the mayor, Pinkie and the others went home.

She had just shut the door behind her when her family rushed up to her with worried expressions.

"Pinkamina? Arst thou alright child?" Her father asked before gathering her in a hug.

"We saw the whole thing on the news! Did you really fight orcs?" Limestone asked with both worry and excitement in her voice.

"Are thou hurt in any way?" Her mother scanned Pinkie for any wounds or scrapes.


"Oh! Maud heard it too? I'll have to call her back later." Pinkie said while reassuring them that she was fine. Her father could only smile and sigh.

"Of course you are, child. You can be very responsible when need be."

"Yeah, but I can always get better." PInkie said with a smile, thinking over today and knowing that she needed greater control of her powers.

"Hey! I thought we talked about this!"


"It's ok." Pinkie's family just stared as she started yelling into the ceiling before just shrugging it off. They were used to her shenanigans.

After all, they were what made her their Pinkie Pie.