• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 645 Views, 11 Comments

Dire Vale: Say Goodbye - SymphonicSync

The windigos came back, Equestria never happened, life sucks.

  • ...


Summoning her best imitation of the elite's own spell, she lobbed two of the bolts back at the nearest unicorn to her. They both glanced off the elite's armor, having no effect against the enchanted mail. With her next two bolts, she targeted the ground beneath their hooves, causing their leg to be partially submerged in a pool of liquid crystal. Enraged, the guard answered her trickery with another volley of magical daggers. As she rolled to the side, one of the belts about her sleeve was severed and fell to the ground. Picking it up, she polarized the buckle and slung it across the ring. It tapped against the breastplate of the guard before their muzzle met it's gut and gauntlet, the makeshift magnet wrapping the unicorn in to a ball of metal plates.

Three more guards remained.

A volley of blades sunk through a wall erected by Flurry, which she then vaulted over and began a sprint towards the elites. A blue frame had wrapped itself about her leg, forming a makeshift splint to grant her quicker movement. Sliding underneath the first guard she encountered, she propelled him in to the air with a kick. The splint faded as she stood and greeted another elite with a barrage of punches from her able leg. The guard blocked her attacks while it staggered back, it's hoof finding a patch of glass made earlier in the fight. As its leg slid and the guard lost their balance, Flurry cast a blast towards the ground behind it. Pulling the guard closer, she pushed the guard away as they reappeared in the spray of sand flung into the air. The immense heat produced by the teleportation encased the guard in glass.

Upon the sound of metal shifting behind her, Flurry ducked as the onyx-clad hoof meant for her head drilled itself into the chest of the now frozen guard. Small slivers of glass from the resulting cracks fell in to Flurry's mane as she dived away from the same hoof thrust at her new position. The guard's onslaught continued as she weaved to the left and right, drawing the elite directly to where she wanted it to be. Scooping a hoofful of sand up from the ground, she tossed it in to the guard's visor and ignited a burst of ethereal flame from her horn. The blinded elite began to thrash about wildly, searching for it's target through an opaque layer of singed glass.

As the last uninhibited guard moved to strike her out of a charge, she crouched and wrapped the elite over her shoulders. Unable to carry the weight, she shifted it's momentum and flung it towards the blinded unicorn. Like a feral beast the guard attacked its ally. Before long both were brutalizing the other to no effect, neither could damage the other's armor or exhaust their newfound foe. As they sprawled in the sand, the blinded guard came to rest over the other, repeatedly pounding their head in to the ground as it pinned it down. Like a machine the guard let loose strike after strike, alternating hooves as the divot in the sand grew deeper with each punch. Sand began to topple in to the hole the pair created, and without much effort Flurry prepared an incineration spell that imploded over the chest of the guard pinned in the sand. Both became trapped in a puddle of molten glass.

Stopping to sigh, a series of cracks cut her refrain short as Flurry turned to see the one of the elites from earlier in the fight freeing itself from their compromised shell. As it started to shamble towards her, Flurry shouted with unrelenting force as the world was washed in an azure hue "ENOUGH!". The guard halted it's advance, held in place by a series of spells that kept it in stasis. With a snarl, a chasm as deep as the bottom of the pit ripped open underneath the guard. The stone belly of the room was swathed in darkness as Flurry's eyes ceased to glow, the wards holding the guard in place disbanded.

Both the guard and Flurry fell, one to be engulfed in a tidal wave of sand, the other to be enveloped in sleep as consciousness slipped away for the second time that day.

As her eyes slowly closed, her fevered dream began early. It seemed as if one of the elites around the arena broke rank and walked towards her.

But that couldn't be. She'd made no mistake before... befo-...

Author's Note:

Please feel free to message me to offer criticism and ask questions or leave both in the comments below. I want to improve this story in any way possible. The title for the chapters are open to change until I find one that fits it more; I am terrible at titling my writings. If you have any recommendations, let me know.

This chapter's word count is a little under what I commonly shoot for in my writings, but since the action is a lot more prevalent (At least I hope it came across in that way) I decided that those two values would balance out. The next chapter will be a little slower paced and will contain more dialogue.

Thank you for reading my work until this point. I hope to see you again in the future.