• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 644 Views, 11 Comments

Dire Vale: Say Goodbye - SymphonicSync

The windigos came back, Equestria never happened, life sucks.

  • ...

Prologue: Dire Vale

Author's Note:

Please feel free to message me to offer criticism and ask questions or leave both in the comments below. I want to improve this story in any way possible. The title for the chapters are open to change until I find one that fits it more; I am terrible at titling my writings. If you have any recommendations, let me know.

This chapter is the prologue to the main story.

Some grounds rules for this fan fiction is that though history is changed, everypony that should have lived has and is. However, apart from ancestry, the events of their lives and when or where they die has probably been changed dramatically. So basically expect everything apart from canonical parents and children to be free game to change.

A mare stood on a balcony overlooking the vast crystal city that spread in to the distance. Nestled behind a barrier that shielded them from the furious tundra of the outside world, all that she saw was the capitol of ponykind's survival. Shades of amber, amethyst, opal, and quartz studded the landscape of lush green glass and gray stone streets. On any given day, the sight would have captivated her mind and soul but this evening was different. As the day turned to dusk, the city was bathed in the orange glow of living flame. It could have been the fading light of the sun cascading off the crystal walls of the buildings in the streets below. It could have been cast by the ranks of chimeras and phoenixes that patrolled the city's borders under her command.

Or it could be caused by the bonfires lit haphazardly about the city and the rage filled eyes of all those that had sparked them.

From where she stood, the pegasus could see barricades of wooden carts and stone partitions surrounded with armed and armored stallions behind it and a horde of earth ponies to the front of them. The elite guard of the royal family, all mature and able bodied unicorns, had built a perimeter around the castle in an attempt to protect the noble-blooded at all costs. Their efforts would likely be in vain as flaming bottles hurtled through the air and shattered on and around their makeshift walls, splattering flaming debris in all directions as the guards struggled to block the projectiles with hasty spells. Soon enough, the outnumbered unicorns were overwhelmed by the mass force of the Earth ponies. As the crowd broke through the border and rushed towards the castle, both sides were met with attacks from the flocks of pegasi that were perched throughout the city. The winged ponies picked their targets as a raptor would pick fish from a stream, knocking over the old and young, colt and filly, earth and unicorn alike, pelting the crowds with rocks dropped from the skies and unleashing their flying fury on the ponies bellow.

What lay before the mare's eyes was best described in a single word.


The door behind her rattled and then splintered all over the balcony in a flash of deep aubergine light. A white stallion clad chain-mail cantered through the door, flanked by dozens of royal guards adorned in gold plates. As they fanned out in a semi-circle across the balcony, the fluttering of feathered wings paired with a gush of wind announced the arrival of pegasi soldiers wearing slick black armor. They formed a 'V' pattern in front of the pink mare who still looked out over the city unfazed by the commotion centered around her. A shout rang out over the city, unheard in the din bellow but audible to all that stood or hovered in the area. "General Mi Amore Cadenza!" left the mouth of the unicorn that stood as the keystone to the arch of the royal guard. He continued to yell "Command the pegasi to stand down and aid us in quelling the earth revolt! How can you let such madness befell our empire after we have rested in peace for so long? Restore the order, as you have been commanded by King Sombra!"

The mare stood in silence as one of the pegasi captains barked a response "The Princess doesn't have to listen to you! She has more royalty than half of your court! Why don't your unicorn colt scouts stop playing hero for onc-". The pegasus's words were cut short as a spear, directed at his pinfeathers, was launched by one of the guards nearest to the white stallion. After a dodge to the side, the pegasus was poised to launch a dive at the perpetrator before the head unicorn stomped his hoof and roared "HOLD YOUR FIRE, YOU FOOLS." As all the guards rose to attention, the stallion looked forward once more. "Cadenza," he pleaded "You have hardly given your presence at any council meetings for the past half-year, the others are beginning to doubt your commitment to our survival. This fiasco isn't helping and they will only doubt your authority even more. Please, I beg you, do the right thing." As the stallion took a step forward, one of the pegasi shot down and cut him off. Standing boldly in from of him, a breeze from the pegasus' path fluttered the robes which General Cadenza wore.

Disturbed from its slumber, the cry of a newborn foal rang out over the balcony as all that surrounded the three ponies froze in place. The pink mare turned, and as the fore hoof that had been blocked from view lowered into sight, that guards could see a nearly white foal clutched to the General's chest.

"I- I thought that it was forbidden." stammered one a guard as he dropped his javelin. "She has born an heir." said another in an equal state of shock.

The white stallion stood in awe, unable to fully comprehend what had just happened. "Cadence" he whispered, "How could you have kept this secret?"

The pink mare broke her silence. "Don't you see, Shining Armor? We've never been safe." As her head turned to glance over the chaos in the streets, she continued to say "This empire, it isn't a haven from the tundra. Just look at what one windigo breaching our borders has caused?" Locking her eyes with Shining Armor, she jived "We've just sealed our hatred away for them to patiently wait to be revealed. The empire is nothing but a feral beast encased in amber to them."

The stallion's voice rang out to plead with the Princess "Cadenza, come with my men and I, maybe we can explain what happened to the council." He brushed past the pegasus and rose his arm in an open offer to the Princess.

She turned away and spoke only a single sentence to her kindred that hovered above her. "Spread the order, return to your posts. Do not look for my guidance anymore." Though they all shared an unsure look the pegasi flew off in different directions, leaving the Princess alone on the edge of the balcony. Placing her free hoof on the railing and stepping up, the mare looked first at the light pink foal in her arms and then to the stallion that stood near her. "Don't you understand it yet, Shining? There is no hope. Not here. There never was. Not for you, and not for me..."

The stallion pleaded once more "Please, come with us, maybe they will be lenient on your sentence once a sire is named." His eyes looked to the mare, begging her to accept his aid.

She didn't so much as meet his gaze before sending herself over the balcony to plummet into the crowd of ponies gathered below.

"NO!" He screamed, diving to the edge with his horn erupting into a blaze of furious light. The baby foal, swaddled in grey robes and crying with no stop, was soon lifted over the edge surrounded with in an auberine aura as it was pulled close to Shining Armor. He cradled it in one foreleg and looked back at his men. "We have the heir. Half of you stay with me, half of you go join the ground forces. We must maintain order in the absence of the military leader." As some of the guards filed out, the stallion glanced down at the newborn foal.

Her coat unmistakably pink but nearly white in complexion. Her baby locks of mane were mostly purple as was her mother's. But there was a streak of light, piercing blue, the same icy tone shared with her eyes. As the remaining guards started to leave, Shining Armor looked down as he began to trot behind them. He spoke in a low whisper that seemed to comfort the child, as with his question came a renewed silence as the foal drifted off to sleep.

"I wonder, who is your father?"