• Published 4th Dec 2011
  • 1,528 Views, 24 Comments

The Last Party - Prony Boy

Storm Stripe is new in Ponyville, and wants to help everypony out. Even if that pony is Pinkamina.

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Chapter 3.5

~Note: This chapter contains a lot of OC's belonging to other people. So if you have no idea who anypony is, don't worry, it's not essential to the story~

Storm Stripe trotted inside, surveying the club. There were a lot of ponies here tonight. He remembered the first time he had even been to a club. Bright Wing had invited him to one of more popular ones in Cloudsdale, and it took her long time to convince him to even go through the club doors. But once inside, Storm Stripe had begun to enjoy his time there, especially with Bright Wing. He never said it to her face, but he considered the the whole night a date. He blushed at the thought, as he looked back to the club. Almost all the usuals were there. Vinyl was up on stage, working her magic on the turntables. Behind her, Storm Stripe could see the sleeping form of Amando, snuggled in a sleeping bag. On the dance floor, He could see Derpy and Colgate dancing, although it looked more like Derpy was doing all the dancing. Colgate was moving like she had two left hooves. Over at the bar, He could see Sugar Rush, hitting on not one, but two mares, and was succeeding, by the blushes on their faces. Storm Stripe chuckled, but quickly remembered what he was here to do. He saw Ducks chatting with Soda, Lost Echo, and Butterscotch about sea ponies, looking rather hysterical about the topic. Storm Stripe trotted over to behind the bar and began polishing some wine glasses. He spotted Syral sitting at a table with Rainboom, playing with a lighter, smiling every time he lit it. Rainboom looked at him nervously. Storm Stripe was about to confront Syral with a long speech about fire hazards when Twilight Sparkle and Red took a seat on the stools right in front of him. They both looked drunk, especially Twilight, who was having trouble staying on her stool. Storm Stripe grinned awkwardly.

“I see you two have started drinking without me...”

Red leaned in, his face dangerously close to Storm Stripe’s. “Well you were late, so we helped ourselves! Right Twilight?” Storm Stripe winced. Red’s breath was full of alcohol.

Twilight, who had finally managed to seat herself on the stool, slowly turned to face Storm Stripe. Her eyes were a tad bloodshot, and her movements were just as sluggish as her speech.

“Oh yesh! You a tardy pony Stormy! Tardy to the party!” She laughed, nearly falling of her stool again. Red laughed at her horrible joke, and Storm Stripe just groaned. He was used to this, he really was, but he didn’t want to get distracted from what he was really here for. Even if the thought of it made him sick. He looked down at his polished wine glass, and suddenly had an idea. He put on a fake smile.

“Yeah, I’m tardy. But lemme make it up to you! The rest of the drinks are on me, for the rest of the night!” He waited for the reaction of the two ponies, knowing exactly what to expect.

“Woo~ That’s more like it Storm!” Red turned to face the rest of the club, and yelled “Drinks are on Storm tonight! Everypony cheer!” The ponies in the club yelled and stamped their hooves in joy, causing Storm Stripe to blush a little. He turned to offer Red a drink, but he found him lying underneath one of the beer fountains, tap turned, drinking the the river of Whiskey that poured out. Storm Stripe didn’t bother trying to stop him, as he wanted everypony to get as drunk as possible tonight. He stood back and watched as Red continued to guzzle the whiskey, Twilight cheering him on. Some of the other ponies had trotted over, some looking in disgust, others joining in on the cheering. It wasn’t long before Red challenged Twilight to a drinking contest consisting solely of straight shots of vodka, which had attracted an even larger crowd. Storm Stripe unconsciously smiled evilly. This was almost too easy. He began serving drinks as fast as he could, and a few hours, more than half the club was drunk. And that’s when things got weird.

Storm Stripe was trying to pick up Syral, who had passed out on top of the counter, when he saw a group of ponies giggling over in a corner. He spotted Twilight, Red, and Sugar amongst them. Watching curiously, he saw them trot into the Colt’s Room, and close the door tightly behind them, the “Occupied” light coming on. Storm Stripe wouldn’t have thought much of it until he heard loud moans and thumping noises coming from inside the bathroom. Rather than look horrified, Storm Stripe face hoofed. This was certainly not the first time someponies thought sex in the bathroom was a good idea, and it wouldn’t be the last. Storm Stripe thought for a moment, his features becoming solemn. Between the party ponies, and the drunk ponies, He decided it was time to do Pinkamina’s task. Checking to make sure the knife Pinkamina gave him was still underneath his folded wing, he casually trotted over to the bathroom door, and tapped it twice.

“Hello? Anypony home?”

A sweaty, gasping Red poked his head out the door. He took one good look at Storm Stripe, grinned, and pulled him inside. Storm Stripe only had time to squeak a bit before the door closed behind him. What happened next would haunt Storm Stripe for years to come, but despite how violated he was, Storm Stripe unfolded his wings and pulled out the knife.

After Storm Stripe had cleaned himself up, he trotted out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He took a seat at table by the dance floor, his face a mixture of horror and satisfaction. Nopony had noticed it yet, but blood was seeping out from underneath the bathroom door, coating the floor in dark red liquid.

Storm Stripe was deep in thought, when a white unicorn with a beautiful purple mane sat next to him. Storm Stripe was completely caught of guard, and nearly fell out of his seat. The unicorn mare giggled at him before helping him up.

“My, seems like somepony has had a little too much to drink I see!” She smiled at him, and took a sip of her Jack Daniels. “Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Rarity!” Storm Stripe was expecting her to curtsy or something, but instead, she just took a long sip of her drink. Storm Stripe smiled weakly.

“ Pleased to meet you! I’m Storm---”

“Stripe, yes I know.” Rarity cut him off. “Twilight told me all about you.” She stared at him, batting her eyelashes. Storm Stripe cringed, both from the mention of Twilight’s name, and the fact that this unicorn was clearly hitting on him. He was about to question her, when she took an extremely long swig of her Jack Daniels. Her mood suddenly changed.

“Oh, whyyyyyyyy must I come to these places, with all these drunken party ponies?” She threw her hooves in the air. “Every time I come here, I just drink and drink, and then I try to flirt with ponies like YOU” She poke Storm Stripe’s nose to get her point across. He frowned.

“Why are you whining? Your the one who came here in the first place, and got yourself drunk!”

“That’s not whining! Thiiiiiiissss issss whiiiiiinnningggggg!” Rarity yelled so loud that some ponies were beginning to give both of them strange looks. Storm Stripe groaned and covered his ears.

“Please, stop! Ponies are staring at us!” He tried reasoning with her, but Rarity was too drunk and sad to listen to reason.

“But I thought you wanted whiiiiiinnnninggggggg!” She was sobbing hysterically , and Storm Stripe was getting annoyed. He unfolded his wing and took the knife out. Nopony noticed as he hugged Rarity tightly, pushing the knife deep into her stomach as he did so. Rarity’s face was a look of shock and sheer horror. Storm Stripe watched as the blood drained from her soon-to-be-lifeless face and onto the seat as she slumped forward. He removed the knife, cleaned it off, and moved to another table.

The party was beginning to die down. Vinyl had put on Strobe, which was usually the song she played to wind things down. Storm Stripe sat by himself, sobbing quietly. He thought he’d be a lot more sad about the fact that he killed three of his friends, and one annoying unicorn, but he felt rather empty about it, as if it was no big deal. He was silently cursing himself, when he saw Ducks go out the back door, drinking a bottle of AppleJack (An alcoholic apple cider drink). Storm Stripe narrowed his eyes. He got up, and trotted after him.

Ducks wanted a small breather, so he had taken his bottle of AppleJack, and stepped outside into the alleyway. It was dark outside, and the moon offered little light. It also allowed Storm Stripe to sneak up on Ducks undetected. He was about to lunge at Ducks, but he tripped over an empty rum bottle, and fell forward into Ducks. They both went down. After pushing him off, Ducks got up and stared at Storm Stripe.

“Easy there Storm, you scared the crap outta me!” Ducks took another swig of his drink when he saw the Knife in Storm Stripe’s hoof. He sprayed his drink out in surprise.

“Woah! Why the hell do you have that?” Storm Stripe didn’t respond, but instead pointed the knife at Ducks. His face was expressionless, unlike Ducks, who looked at Storm Stripe like he was insane(At this point, he almost was).

“What the hell are you doing?! Are you cra---” Ducks didn’t have time to finish, as Storm Stripe thrust the knife at him. Ducks barely dodged it, as it grazed his cheek, causing blood to trickle out. Ducks eyes were wide with fear, but he was sober enough to fight back, even against a (now former) friend. He broke his bottle of AppleJack against the wall, splashing the contents onto the ground. He pointed the jagged end at Storm Stripe.

“Come at me Brony!”

They both lunged at each other, weapons raised. Storm Stripe found himself on the receiving end for the first time this night, as Ducks dealt him numerous cuts and stabs. One of them cut his face, leaving a long gash across his cheek. Storm Stripe growled, and kicked Ducks off of him. He wanted to end this quickly. He got up and charged at Ducks again, and grabbed him by the stomach. Ducks furiously beat him over the head with the broken bottle, but though the pain, Storm Stripe raised the knife, and stuck it in the side of Ducks’ neck. Duck’s shuddered a bit for a bit. The broken bottle fell from his grip, and fell to the ground. Storm Stripe released Ducks from his grip, and watched as his lifeless body slumped onto the ground. He stared silently for awhile, but suddenly burst out laughing. He didn’t even now why, but he just started laughing, almost falling over. He had killed his friends, friends he had known for almost a year, and yet, he didn’t feel as sad as he should be. Stifling his laughter, He removed the knife from Ducks and put it underneath his folded wing. Not even bothering to clean the knife or himself, Storm Stripe trotted silently odd into the night, heading for Sugarcube corner, and Pinkamina.