• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 569 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Star Butterfly 2: The Runaway Bride - Omegathyst

Star escapes from her planned wedding in Mewni to confess her feelings to Marco and become a student in Equestria once more. But when he rejects her, will she return to her old ways? Or will she find true love?

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The 'Hello, Now Goodbye' Party Part 1


The Changelings viciously tried to destroy the magic bubble Twilight created around herself, and she was desperately hoping that somepony would end Queen Chrysalis's attack. Were they all dead, including her dear friends? Was that why no one had come to save her? Twilight's eyes watered with tears at the thought of her closest friends being torn apart and left behind, and even remembered that Princess Celestia was out there probably trying to destroy the force-field around her. Which would've definitely made her vulnerable to a Changeling or Manticore attack from behind.

"N-no...not my teacher..." Twilight was sobbing so much that she felt her lip sting from the stress, and she was starting to forget to breath. The bubble could barely hold on and it would certainly dissolve if she passed out, but what was she going to lose? Everyone must be dead, it's not like she could tell. The bubble was soundproof.

The sunlight poured into the castle as a beautiful figure of glistening white and rainbow hair broke a window and shot a powerful magical beam that took out at least fifty Changelings. The rest of the Changelings flew at the Princess of the Sun with the intent of killing her.

"NO!" Twilight screamed, willingly letting the magical bubble around her fall as she shot several magical beams at the Changelings. Her heart dropped when she noticed how weak her magic was from holding up the bubble for so long, and now several of the Changelings attacking Princess Celestia turned around to finish Twilight off.

Princess Celestia gave a frightening screech before she shot a beam of magic at the Changelings heading towards Twilight. Twilight rolled out of the way so that the beam wouldn't hit her. Twilight wondered if her wings still had strength, and she used them to get off the ground. Twilight flew to another window unprotected by Changelings, but what was she going to do? Leave her teacher to fight off hundreds of Changelings?

Twilight ultimately decided that Celestia's safety was more important than her own. She flew off the windowsill and zoomed like a bullet into the hoard of Changelings, many of them were killed or severely injured on impact. Princess Celestia looked alarmed that her student had entered the fray.

Twilight's magic was still recovering, so she used the brute strength of her own hooves and head to kill the Changelings while Celestia killed off the rest of the hoard with a few more powerful blows.

After Twilight stabbed the last Changeling with her horn, she noticed the overwhelming need to stop fighting and even her wings were getting exhausted. Her strength finally broke and she closed her eyes and began falling towards the castle floor.

"Twilight!" Twilight could barely hear her former teacher, but she felt something catch her before she could hit the ground. She felt herself being pressed against Celestia's chest and she felt safe in her tired and beaten state.

Even though Twilight was barely awake, she could hear Queen Chrysalis screaming in anger, Princess Candace's voice, and when her eyes fluttered open, she saw her student Star leaving through a portal.

"Do you think she's learned her lesson?" Twilight asked her fellow Princess.

"I should hope so considering that the Queen killed her children." Princess Celestia replied. "Time will tell."

"Celestia...thanks for saving my butt back there." Twilight whispered.

"Why thank me? I was just protecting my favorite student and...yeah." Princess Celestia sounded like she wanted to say more but she cut her sentence off.

"Fav s-student and what?" Twilight felt a major headache coming and she put a hoof to her head. "Could you bring me to my room? My head's starting to really h-hurt."

"Yes of course." Princess Celestia flew her former student to her room and gently tucked her into bed. "Can I get you anything?"

"Pain reliever spell? This all h-hurts like you wouldn't believe." Twilight gasped.

Princess Celestia's horn glowed and Twilight could hardly feel the pain that was starting to become overwhelming before Celestia used her spell.

"Thank you, you probably need to help fix the wreckage out there." Twilight told Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia tried not to sigh as her student was right. Princess Luna was probably still being held in a cage somewhere, and Celestia would have to start a search for her right away. So Candace and her would be the only alicorns able to help right now.

She badly wanted to confess something to Twilight, but she'd have to wait till later in the day as luck would have it.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll get your castle cleaned up too and ponies will check up on you." Celestia nuzzled Twilight's mane and she approached the window near to room, avoiding the sharp glass. "I'll be back before the day ends."

"Thanks Celestia." Twilight closed her eyes and her chest rose and fell slowly. Princess Celestia gave a small smile, the peaceful silence almost convinced her that there wasn't a town in shambles right outside. Princess Celestia turned back to the window and took off.

Present day

Star and Janna waited at the table with their empty plates while Princess Luna was packing her things in her hotel room. Pony Head had already left and Star realized that at some point she'd have to bring up her daughter Marinette to her new marefriend.

"So you brainwashed that purple alicorn Luna said?" Janna asked.

"Oh that. One of my less classier moments in the time I've spent here." Star blushed, trying to play off her serious crime. "I got a little power-hungry and they 'punished' me by forcing me to become a student of friendship. I left to go back to Mewni and since they didn't need me anymore, I came back here and I'm willing to learn about friendship and being a good pony this time. Although the Princess of the moon is teaching me as opposed to Twilight, the Princess of friendship."

"What about that weird snake creature with the animal parts?" Janna asked. "And the pink pony with the paws, who are they?"

"Discord the Element of Chaos and his daughter Marinette...well, our daughter. We were married." Star admitted. "And there were more children too, but a vicious creature and her hoard of minions killed all of them except Marinette."

The shock in Janna's eyes was replaced with sympathy and she reached out to put her dark blue hoof on Star's cyan blue hoof. Star wished that could be brought to tears by it, but all of her deceased children were a threat to Ponyville. She'd never admit it to Janna, but she was grateful that Queen Chrysalis slaughtered them all.

"I've brought all my stuff, it wasn't much." Princess Luna walked to the table with only a decent-sized handbag on her shoulders. "Pinkie should have the party ready by now, you both ready?"

"Yeah, let's go!" Star was more than ready to abandon her past to enjoy a party, and she was surprisingly curious about how Pinkie and her husband were doing, and how the rest of the Mane 6 were doing.

"Marco! Your best friend is having a goodbye party thrown by Pinkie!" Fluttershy announced as she opened the cottage. "I didn't even know she had arrived in Ponyville!"

"Oh, she arrived alright." Marco commented dully as he hand-washed dishes in a bucket of water and soap. "She visited me and she wasn't happy, so I think it's best if I don't go to the party."

"Why wasn't she happy?" Fluttershy approached Marco and she sat, looking at him intently.

"Well, last time you thought she was a threat to our relationship, you were pretty upset." Marco admitted, immediately noticing Fluttershy bite her lip. "She told me that she was in love with me."

Fluttershy remembered when she found out about the Blood Moon Ball and remembered that Marco and Star were destined to be star-crossed lovers. She remembered the horrendously jealous feeling she felt and she absolutely regretted it since she had nothing to worry about. And if Star had confessed her love to Marco before they started dating, Fluttershy might've not given their relationship a try at all.

But they were married, and they had a family. Fluttershy couldn't be more certain of the solid foundation of their relationship, and Star could never get in the way of that.

"I see. You didn't hurt her feelings did you?" Fluttershy asked.

"I obviously didn't try to." Marco sighed. "But you know how ponies are when they get rejected, they get angry and there's no apology or comfort that can change that sometimes. Besides, somepony should be here to take care of our foals."

"Oh, well the party will be quick so I shouldn't be gone too long." Fluttershy pressed her lips against Marco's softly as she almost always did. "I'll be back soon."

Fluttershy left the cottage and began her peaceful stroll to Sugarcube Corner when she saw an angry blonde griffin with green feathers flying around each pony.

"Oh, are...are you alright miss?" Fluttershy asked very cautiously, remembering her first unpleasant encounter with a griffin.

"I'm looking for a Fluttershy!" Was all the griffin said. "You seen her?"

"Maybe, why are you mad at her?" Fluttershy asked.

"She stole my boyfriend!" The griffin snapped. "Now where have you seen her?!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened as she remembered now: Marco told her that two years ago he borrowed a Dimensional Scissors from Pinkie so he could break up with his girlfriend back in America. He did it so that he could pursue Fluttershy in good conscience, but his words earlier about ponies getting angry when they get rejected no matter how many times they apologize made much more sense. This griffin must be Jackie Lynn Thomas.

"Are...are you Jackie?" Fluttershy asked.

The griffin's face contorted with confusion and then realization that Marco must've told this pony about her. And what other reason would he mention her to the pony besides the possibility that she's Fluttershy?

"You're Fluttershy." Jackie narrowed her eyes, giving no indication that she was going to attack just yet.

"Yes I am, and I'm really sorry that you're angry. But Marco let you down as gently as he could-"

Jackie lunged at Fluttershy, her eyes full of fury and pain. Defenseless and unable to outrun the angry ex, Fluttershy fell to the ground and gave a terrified scream, covering her eyes with her hooves.