• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 568 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Star Butterfly 2: The Runaway Bride - Omegathyst

Star escapes from her planned wedding in Mewni to confess her feelings to Marco and become a student in Equestria once more. But when he rejects her, will she return to her old ways? Or will she find true love?

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Movie Retelling: The Attack of Tempest

Star felt like she was supposed to be scared, but she felt her hooves shake in excitement.

"Oh really? There's only one of you, and hundreds of us." Celestia growled, standing her ground.

"I'm so glad you chose to be difficult about it." Tempest snickered, black and white monsters appearing behind her.

They leaped everywhere, and suddenly every pony was running away in the chaos. Star turned and looked at her ex-husband in the distance, expecting him to stop it.

Instead, she saw Discord grab their daughter and Sweetie Belle into his arms and teleport away. No, he could've stopped this!

"Cadence!" Celestia cried, watching her pink alicorn niece turn into an obsidian statue. "Luna, quick! Go south past the Badlands and find the Queen of the Hippogriffs...what're you doing standing there?! Get flying!"

"Huh, if you really cared about saving your dumb land. You'd do it yourself." Luna shoved her face into her sister's. "Sound familiar? I'm not Princess just so I can do your chores for you."

"This isn't some dumb mare that you supposedly 'loved' a thousand years ago, this is Equestria that we're caring about! So hurry!" Celestia demanded.

"Dumb mare?! You're the dumb mare for just standing there, you bitch!" Luna shouted. Tempest was standing there, laughing the whole time.

"Neither of you even tried to fly away!" Tempest cackled, tossing her obsidian orbs at both sisters. Celestia and Luna were both turned into statues, and Star's eyes widened.

Princess Luna!

If Twilight was caught, Star knew that Equestria would be screwed. She tried to look for Twilight when Marco bumped into her and knocked her over.

What a selfish asshole, he doesn't even care about what happens to me.

Star practically ate her words once she realized that Marco ran towards Twilight and the others heading towards the bridge. Where were his foals?

Star looked behind her and saw Angelo in a Storm Creature's claws. Then her heart really started going all over the place. Would Marco ever forgive himself if something happened to his son? Would Fluttershy ever forgive him?

Star charged towards the monster, not caring if she didn't have wings or a horn. But then she felt teeth grab her scruff and lift her off the ground. When she turned around, she saw that it was Tempest that grabbed her.

"That stupid fourth princess and her friends may have escaped, but I will find them!" Tempest decided. "You could be useful in finding them. Tell me, what is your name?"

"S-Star Butterfly. I'm more than happy to obey you, just don't kill the colt please." Star begged. Tempest looked at her for a few seconds, then she dropped Star and nodded.

"Very well, take that colt into one of the cages." Tempest decided. "Anything else?"

"I...he has a sister, she's an aquamarine filly with a lavender mane and heterochromic eyes. Please keep her safe as well." Star added.

"Are they yours?" Tempest asked.

"No, their father is my best friend." Star admitted. Tempest narrowed her eyes.

"Fine, but keep in mind that he probably won't care that you did this for him." Tempest told her. "Having friends will only hurt you."

Star was in disbelief over calling Marco her best friend. Maybe Tempest was right, maybe her friendships were only hurting her. Tempest gave her a hard look for several moments before her face softened, exposing some of her weakness.

"You're really gorgeous you know." Tempest admitted. "I truly don't know if you can help me find those wretched ponies, but I just needed..."

A friend, Star realized. Many people hated being around other people, and the same could apply to ponies.

But it's in our blood to want the company of others. It's a curse. I think many of us just want to walk alone, but we can't. We need each other.

"A lover? Someone to cuddle maybe?" Tempest spoke to herself, looking away. "Nothing that those Storm Creatures can provide."

"I understand." Neither Star or Tempest would admit that she was asking for a friendship. Star didn't even run away, knowing that she was safer here on the good side of Equestria's enemy.

They walked towards the Canterlot castle while the princesses' rock bodies were also carried inside by several Storm Creatures. Tempest used a potion spell to communicate with the Storm King.

Star, who was at the corner of the building, could barely hear what they were talking about. But she managed to hear the last bit of the conversation.

"I better see all four princesses here in three days then. Bye." Storm King growled. The little hedgehog that introduced Tempest ran into the room.

"It seems that the fourth princess and her friends have landed in the river near the desert to Klugetown." Grubber explained. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, we leave now." Tempest decided.

When the Storm Creatures and Grubber walked ahead, Star briefly kissed Tempest on the lips. When she pulled back, Tempest looked at her in shock.

"I admitted all of those weird desires, but I didn't think that you'd actually..." Tempest kept eyeing Star's lips in disbelief. "You don't have to do this you know, I only asked for your company so these beasts don't drive me crazy."

"Oh believe me, I want to enjoy the intimacy of a cold-hearted commander like you." Star stuck her tongue out playfully. "I've done some pretty manipulative things myself. When I used to have a wand, I brainwashed the Princess of Friendship into doing my bidding."

"Really?" Tempest asked. "Maybe you could be useful in helping me catch her. Let's run ahead and lead the others, I don't want them to wonder what we're talking about."

Star ran after Tempest until they were in front of the group of Storm Creatures and Grubber, who was staring at Star with contempt. They stood over the waterfall that the Mane 6 presumably fell past and Tempest jumped.

"Are you kidding me?" Grubber groaned. "Storm Creature, hold me in your claws so I don't have to jump by myself!"

"What? Afraid of a little water?" Star teased. Grubber blushed and jumped in the monster's arms before it jumped down the waterfall. As Star jumped, she felt a sickeningly happy feeling in the company of Tempest and her minions. A feeling of belonging.

But as they got farther away from Princess Luna, Star started to miss her and everypony else. What if Tempest failed, and ponies try to imprison Star again for helping her?

They never trusted me, and they were right not to.