• Published 3rd Aug 2017
  • 846 Views, 3 Comments

Roseluck's Lucky Roses - RDDash

"Gardener", "Writer" and "Trickster". This is a story about a single day that might have happened. This is a story about the lives of 3 different mares.

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Chapter 2

"You would be great dentist they said," grumbled Colgate. She sighed, then moved on. She was about to check with the receptionist to find out who was her next patient was. Why though? Is that because of her name? She could never understand it, her cutie mark was an hourglass. What an hourglass has anything to do with dentistry? And there was another thing, every single time she sneezed something strange would happen.

"Miss Colgate? Miss Colgate? Is everything alright?"

Colgate blinked "Oh I am sorry. I did space out a bit. Now let's see," Colgate looked at paper work, and then she noticed a name "Oh Miss Luna how lovely to see you today."

Princess Luna smiled nervously "Oh um, everything is fine," said the Princess, remembering a dream she did have on the day she and Celestia once again had another foolish argument. A dark room, mirror, Princess Luna surrounded by a group of foals.

"Why don't you want us to go on the school field trip?" they asked.

"I do," she remembered saying, next moment she knew, she felt something in her mouth, about hoof dozen teeth fell on the floor. "I mean, I."

Was the whole thing had been a lie?

Twilight's new, first and only student Starlight had been visiting this weekend, the cutie marks had been switched. That mare was getting really dangerous. From what Luna remembered in Twilight's report, Starlight had been found like in the middle of nowhere. From her psychological profile, it was obvious that the mare had some issues. She had been hanging up on a childhood relationship that wasn't even there anymore. Twilight you don't even aware of a danger you are in. Luna thought sadly. Anyway, guard reports mentioned something about figurine. Said figurine suspiciously looked like her sister's former student. Twilight would never admit it, but to create that figurine she made a wish upon a rose. The same type of wish giving rose that started the chain of events that led Princess Luna to the doors of a "Canterlot Dentistry". Must be fear mixed with paranoia. Luna thought the whole idea of wish giving rose was amusing, but she still wanted to prank Celestia. Who knew, Daybreaker was Celestia alter ego. Luna giggled, yes, the whole thing was worth it.

Colgate smiled. "Very good. Now please come into room number 12. I'll be right back."

Luna went into a room, sat on a chair. In front of her was a small crystal television that has been hanging on the wall. On a side of it, the laser engraved, Made in Crystal Empire .

Based on a treaty between Crystal Empire and Kingdoms of Equestria it was agreed that Empire would supply the crystal made electronics. Although electronics were nothing new in Equestria, Princess Luna's wide collection of entertainment equipment had been proved to that. The main material that had been used was silicone. Infusing crystal into the same technology made things much better. The computer power multiplied by the power of 100,000, as been theorized by various scientists.

Colgate came back "Okay now we just need to make x-ray pictures," she put a heavy blanket on Luna, took a tube that what attached to the wall and insert it into Luna's muzzle.

"Now just please hold it for a sec.. and... perfect. Now we just do it a couple more times."

The whole process was uncomfortable, but what are you gonna do?

Colgate looked at the display "Oh dear!"

Princess Luna looked worried "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I mean no. There are about a dozen shuttered teeth, and, It just, the whole thing could have been much worse."

Princess Luna paled. Colgate as if noticed Luna's reaction quickly backpedaled "Princess, please don't worry, we can fix this," Luna relaxed.

Colgate beamed "Great Now we just," suddenly Colgate heard a weird buzzing noise, her nose itched, she sneezed. A scalpel fell on the floor. Princess Luna cringed when she heard the noise.

Meanwhile, in the Princess Celestia's room, Princess Celestia had been preparing to deal with today's paperwork. So far so good. 10 seconds later Princess Celestia noticed something, that something she thought had been dealt with. The spider had been looking at her. Celestia's eyebrow twitched, the magic on her horn pulsed. Spider quickly dashed on a tip of her horn, eyebrow twitched twice. The sky flashed red, Sun fell, the night started. One of the many crystal windows that had been portraying the events of the Equestria's mighty heroes shuttered.

Next morning came, a very confused unicorn woke up. "Wait for what? Oh no! No! not again!" said Colgate, voice full of confusion. "I sneezed, again."

In Ponyvile a sky blue pegasus woke up. "Uh, my head, Spitfire what have I been doing?" Rainbow blinked, barely remembering the dream she was having. Something about her being a butler, and what is that, cat ears? "That never happened!" Rainbow screamed with embarrassment.

At the same time, a filly by the name of Scootalloo grinned, "Finally, maybe today I will be able to fly."

Roseluck grinned in her sleep.

Colgate remembered where she was, a night train Canterlot - Ponyvile, one of the sleeper cabins. Was the whole thing a dream? Colgate sighted, "It looks like this is my stop, I guess I better move before I get kicked out."

15 Minutes later Colgate exited the platform, she passed a couple of streets, one particular shop caught her attention.

"Roselucks's Lucky Roses," mumbled Colgate curiously. Maybe, that's what she was looking for. Maybe, she could change her destiny, change her strange cutie mark, perhaps. The only problem was, the time right now was 6 am and the store opens at 8. Colgate has two hours of nothing to do.

Suddenly the loud sound of wubs had been heard in the neighborhood.

"Celestia damn it, Vynil!" screamed Twilight Sparkle" I hate you."

"What?" said Vynil, someponies just can't appreciate wubs in the morning.

Octavia whacked Vynil on the back of her head. "Ow...What?" Vynil questioned, Octavia just stared at her.

Colgate giggled, somehow the whole exchange didn't wake ponies who lived in Ponyvile. Colgate guessed that they got used to shenanigans of wacky musicians couple. With nothing else to do Colgate went into the local park, she sat on the bench and waited. Her eyes closed, she slept a little.

Colgate woke up, stretched her head and went back to the shop, just in time to see the shopkeeper flipping a sign from closed to open. Shopkeeper noticed Colgate and smiled.

"Would you like to buy a lucky rose?” In her hoof there was a rose, the petals sparked a bit of rainbow.

“Why yes, that would be lovely,” beamed Colgate happily. Lightning flashed in the sky.

"Ow!" flinched Rainbow and sighted, that was 1,897 weather related mishap that happened on the job. Mayor Mare wouldn't be happy, and thanks to that bye bye this month bonus for a good job performance.

Author's Note:

Colgate's magical ability called "Writer."

Princess Luna's magical ability called "Trickster"

The credit for spider and Celestia goes to BrutalWeather

A Little Incident

The credit for Vinyl morning hobby goes to Aligator Tub Productions

Musicians of Ponyville

Thank you, everyone, for reading this chapter.

Comments ( 3 )

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

Comment posted by RDDash deleted Aug 14th, 2017


I think its because I tried to make the protagonist insane/crazy, but later realized that Crossover tag/folder might have worked better.
Its nothing to extreme, there are no blood or anything like that

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