• Published 30th Jul 2017
  • 2,158 Views, 45 Comments

In Good Hands - StoryWeaverKP

Anon is hired as an assistant event planner for an upcoming festival.

  • ...

Chapter Two - A Stage Magician's Delight

Chapter 2 – A Stage Magician's Delight

“Well,” you say. “I guess I'm here.”

You're standing on the edge of Ponyville, about a fourth of a mile beyond the last building. A small purple wagon with yellow borders, light blue wheels, and a light blue roof sits beside a small cluster of trees. Star and moons have been painted along the shutters of the windows and on the roof. A pair of stairs extends off of one side of the wagon while a horse hitch stretches off of the other side.

There's a small camp fire several feet from the stairs, and a small black pot is currently cooking over the tips of the flame. Delicate scents float on the air, and its quite inviting.

“Hello?” you call out. “Is some bo-,” a small chuckle escapes you. “Is some pony here?”

The window opens, and a light blue unicorn with a light blue and white mane peeks out. At first, there is a sparkle in her eyes, and her face is creased with clear delight. Once she really sees you though, she frowns.

“Oh...” she lets out a humph. “Its you.”

You chuckle nervously. “Um, yes, it is. I'm sorry... have we met before?”

The mare closes the window, and then trots out from the back of the wagon a moment later. Her cutie mark is a magic wand with a star point, and a sliver of magic twirling out from it.

The mare sneers. “You have not had the pleasure of meeting the Great and Powerful Trixie, but she has heard of you.”

“She?” You ask. “So is Trixie still in the wagon then? And who are you?”

The unicorn groans. “Ugh... great, a plebeian.” She places her hoof on her chest and stands as tall as she can to gaze up at you. “You are speaking to Trixie.”

“Oh...” your lips had become quite dry ever since the unusual mare started speaking, and so you lick your lips to moisten them.

Trixie narrows her eyes. “Don't try to seduce Trixie with your otherworldly charms. Its not going to work! I'm too amazing to be swayed under your cruel and demented spells!”

“Spells?” you ask. “What are you talking about? I didn't even do anything.”

Trixie simply rolls her eyes. “Whatever. What is it that you want?” She gestures to the pot. “Can't you see that Trixie is busy?”

Your skin starts to crawl a little, and just being around this unicorn makes the pits of your stomach start to bubble a little. What could you have done to piss her off? You had never seen her at the spa, nor had you ever bumped into her at the market or anything.

The longer you remain quiet, the more perturbed Trixie is getting. Her brow crests over her eyes all the more menacingly, and her snout is starting to turn into an almost bestial growl.

“I'm here on city business,” you say.

“City business?” Trixie says. She lets out another humph. “Trixie has already told that dirty old mayor that she will have the bits to pay for her permits after the end of the month. Honestly, why is it that she insists on pestering Trixie. Its not fair.”

You reply, “No, I'm not here for that. I'm wanting to book you for the Creative Spark Festival. Mayor Mare really wants you to perform.”

In an instant, her demeanor alters. A smug smirk appears on Trixie's face, and her eyes take on the calculating speculative glimmer that one might expect from a super villain. She even lets out a slightly ominous chuckle as she starts peering you up and down.

“Oh she does, does she?” Trixie's joy soars higher. “And Trixie supposes that its your job to make sure she agrees to perform?”

Dread pools in the back of your throat. “Yes...”

A brief moment passes before she says, “No. Trixie will not perform. Good day to you.”

Instant chilling tension crawls up your insides. “What do you mean?! Why not?”

Trixie stops and peeks back over her shoulder. “Because you slighted Trixie.” Her grin remains, and she locks eyes with you... waiting.

You ground your teeth together. “Is there anything I can do to un-slight you?”

She bats her eyes. “You really want to make it up to Trixie?”

Another long moment passes. “Yes..., Yes, I do.”

She gestures to her wagon. “Great! Then go inside and wait for Trixie to return. You will make it up to Trixie when she gets back.”

“Get back?” You ask. “From where?”

“Trixie didn't ask for you to speak!” Trixie's face grows hard. “You will wait for Trixie to return INSIDE her wagon.” she pauses briefly. “And don't touch anything. Trixie works very hard to keep her wagon perfect.”

She trots off toward Ponyville as you climb the steps to her wagon. Because it is made for ponies, its slightly smaller than what a human wagon would look like, so you have to slump down a little to get inside.

The interior is quite cozy.

A small bed sits on one side of the wagon, which leaves a walkway for the back of the wagon, where a large vanity mirror is nailed to the far wall. A small dresser with an assortment of things is nailed just below the vanity mirror.

The bed isn't made, and the purple sheets and blankets are piled together in a disheveled fashion. Purple pillows are at the far end of the bed. A small, stuffed, white bear lays beside the pillows. The bear has been worn down with time, and there are several spots where it had been stitched and restitched.

You move over to the vanity mirror, and several pictures are tapped along the sides.

A sudden, chilly, but slightly pleasant tingle flickers in your heart. One by one, you study each of the pictures, going from the bottom right, up, across, and down the bottom left.

A tiny baby Trixie is smiling at the camera while waring an over sized purple wizard hat. The hat has stars of varying colors spread across it. A quick glance through out the wagon reveals that there are a few coat racks nailed into the wagon near the foot of the bed. You missed them before. A purple, star covered hat and cloak hang from several of the little racks.

In the next picture, Trixie is a little older, and she is standing with an older, blue stallion unicorn. This stallion is wearing the same purple hat and cloak.

Trixie is older in this one, and she is standing on stage with the same stallion as before. They both are so happy.

The sudden mood of the pictures starts to change when you start looking at the photographs along the top of the vanity.

Trixie is perhaps a teen in this one. She still appears younger than she does now. She is standing beside the hospital bed of the stallion from the other pictures. The stallion looks more haggard and beaten down by life, but despite that, he is smiling. Even from the stillness of the picture, your souls shivers in the presence of such warmth. Trixie has a smile on her face too... but her eyes are haunting. They are red rimmed, and the aura Trixie pours out is so much more somber than the stallion's.

There is another photograph of Trixie and the stallion on stage. Trixie is wearing the hat and cloak, and the stallion is standing beside her. Pride itself is manifested on the stallion's face. Like before, Trixie grins at the camera too.... but there is still the unspoken sense of torment, just behind the irises.

The last picture along the top of the vanity is crushing.

Trixie is standing beside the stallion, only the stallion is sitting in a wheel chair. The stallion is so nestled in that chair, as if he lacks the strength to rise from it. Despite the hollowness of his eyes, the stallion is still smiling with the same degree of warmth and vitality. Trixie and the stallion are gazing the ocean, only Trixie's attention isn't on the sea, but on the stallion. Tears trail down her cheeks, captured forever.

As you start to go down along the side of the mirror, your soul crystallizes in a casing of icy despair.

Trixie is standing alone on stage, perhaps after a show or something. She has a grin between her cheeks, but her eyes reflect the true feelings behind the stage mask. Her eyes are empty and in pain. That picture is at the top of the left side of the vanity.

There is only one other picture, at the very bottom corner of the left side.

Trixie is standing beside none other than Starlight Glimmer. This time, Trixie's smile is just as bright as what the stallion's had been. Her eyes radiate with the splendor of the sun, and there is just the hint of moisture on the bottom edges of Trixie's eyes. Starlight is wearing Trixie's hat, and clearly enjoying it.

“Alright you!” Trixie calls out. “You had better not be messing up any of Trixie's stuff. “Come out.”

As you move toward the door, you hear Starlight's voice.

“Who's in there?” Starlight asks.

Your heart clenches tightly, just as you emerge into view.

Starlight's eyes open wide.

“A-anon, what are you doing here?” Starlight asks.

You reply. “I'm working for the city now, and I'm trying to book Trixie as one of the entertainers, but I slighted her some how.”

Starlight peeks over at Trixie, who is smiling wide, and then returns her attention to you.

You continue, “I asked her if there was anything I could do to un-slight her, and she told me to wait here.”

Starlight says, “Trixie said she had a surprise for me, and asked me to come with her.” She turned to Trixie. “What's going on.”

Trixie steps between you and Starlight. “You are my best friend, and he hurt you. So now he's going to apologize.”

Starlight's face brightens as red as Big Mac's skin. “Oh no... Trixie.... please...”

You frown. “I hurt you? How? Was it during that horn job?” You wince. “I thought it made you feel good.”

Starlight averts her eyes. Her mouth clamps shut.

Trixie steps closer to you. “You didn't hurt her physically, you hurt her emotionally!” she shook her head. “Trixie sees that men of all species are dumb AND thick.”

“But how did I hurt her emotionally? Is it something I said?” You ask.

Trixie replied, “You chose that white unicorn over her.”

The air grew heavier, and the desire to throw up gripped you hard.

“Wait...” you say. “Did you like me?”

Trixie groans again. “It doesn't matter now, but you have to take responsibility.”

This entire time, Starlight kept her attention off of you, and she appeared on the verge of weeping.

You step closer to Starlight.

“I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings,” you say. “I didn't mean to. Honest. The thing with Rarity and I... just kind of happened. I'm still not sure about things myself.

Great silence saturated the air, and you wait to break the barrier that had formed between you and her.

Starlight finally allows her gaze to meet yours. “I know you didn't mean to hurt me.” she casts a sudden hard look at Trixie. “And you didn't have to really apologize.” She drifts back to you. “But thank you for apologizing.”

Trixie trots closer and nudges Starlight with her shoulder. “Do you feel better now?”

Starlight hesitates, gazes into Trixie's eyes and then grins. “Yeah, a little.”

“Then Trixie is happy too.” She turns her attention to you. “Anon, is it? Trixie will be pleased to perform for the Creative Spark Festival.” She waves her hoof at you. “Now be gone... Trixie's soup is probably burnt by now.”

Starlight glances back to the pot above the fire and giggles. “Why didn't you take it off the flame before you came to get me?”

Trixie nuzzles Starlight's muzzle with her own. “Because you're more important than soup. Want to stay for lunch, if its edible?”

“Sure,” Starlight replies.

You turn around and move back toward Ponyville. As you slide the scroll from your pocket, you can't help but glance back at Trixie, the Great and Powerful. The warmth of her smile is even more splendid in person, rather than captured in stillness for all time.

Coming soon … Chapter 3 – In-cider- Information