• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 1,302 Views, 76 Comments

The Tail of Robin Jack - CartoonNerd12

An Equestria Girls AU. When Prince Blueblood raises the taxes on everyone in the kingdom it's up to one girl and her merry band to help.

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To Steal or Not to Steal, that is the Question

"…So that's the lowdown, y'all. We need to think of a better way to help our town without us losing resources that help us survive out here. Any ideas?" Applejack asked her band at the breakfast table.
The girls pondered on it as they contemplated over what Applejack told them about not being able to feed the people without starving themselves.
Rarity voiced, "That is a toughie. We don't want the people to suffer yet we'll just hurt ourselves by not having enough to eat…"
There was a pause until Rainbow suddenly declared by standing up, "I got it! We steal from the rich and give to the poor! It's perfect!"
But the shocked expressions on everyone's face told her otherwise. Applejack got out of her shock first as she got up with a scowl and made her way to the rainbow-haired girl while saying in a low tone.
"Let's get one thing straight… We ain't stealin' from nobody! Because stealing is wrong no matter the conditions. Good or bad."
Fluttershy meekly responded, "I… I have to agree…"
Rarity nodded, "And so do I."
Pinkie mentioned, "Your heart is in the right place, Dashie, but if we start stealing then we'll look like the bad guys when we're supposed to be the good guys!"
Rainbow frowned at that and muttered, "Yeah… I guess you're right…" then asked, "Well what are we suppose to do then?!"
The girls' exchanged looks not sure how to answer that.
Apple Bloom then raised her hand and said, "I think I might have an idea."
Applejack turned to her sister, inquiring, "Yes?"
AB explained, "Well, Rainbow Dash does have a point about the rich being rich and that their money could help the poor, but instead of stealin' from them why not ask them to give their money to the poor?"
The girls' exchanged looks again with Rainbow scoffing, "Like they would do that! Come on, rich people are too stuck-up to help out the poor!"
Fluttershy interjected, "Oh, I'm sure that isn't true…"
Rarity pointed, "Fluttershy is correct. Why Twilight came from a wealthy family did she not? And they helped anyone who was in trouble."
Rainbow winced at the mention of Twilight and admitted, "Okay, fine… but that's only because she and her family were nice enough to people like us, not every rich person is like them though."
AJ said, "That maybe so… but if we can find rich people like Twilight's family we can ask them to be a benefactor to our cause." she turned to her sister with a smile, "That was smart thinkin', Apple Bloom, I'm very proud of ya."
The youngest Apple blushed.
Rarity asked, "So who would be these rich people that could help us?"
Applejack thought long and hard on it, "Well… we can start with Baron Rich whose not far from town. I know that me and the family have done business with him before."
"Baron Filthy Rich?" Rainbow Dash questioned, "You sure he'll help us?"
Applejack stated, "There's only one way to find out."

The estate of the Riches was large and decorative. Proving they were a family of fine taste. The girls wore the hoods of their new outfits and a piece of the fabric that covered their mouths to keep a low profile from the soldiers that were still patrolling the borders of the forest and the village. When they arrived at the estate, Applejack knocked on the door and it was answered by a young woman with raspberry colored hair and a daisy chain on her head.
Applejack gave a tiny smile as she said, "Good afternoon, Miss…?"
"Gloriosa Daisy." the woman made a curtsy, "And whom may I ask is calling?"
"That I cannot say at the moment, but if you could tell Baron Rich that we're here to see him on a personal matter…"
She replied, "I'll see what I can do." she closed the door for a bit before coming back and told them in a dull voice, "The master will see you. This way, please." she had them enter into the large house.
Rarity inquired to Gloriosa, "And how long have you been with the Riches?"
"For about a few years now… and we still have a long way to go before my brother and I can buy our freedom."
The girls were surprised to hear that and Rainbow asked, "Wait-a-minute, you mean to tell us, you're an indenture servant?"
"That would be correct." Gloriosa responded in the same dull tone.
Fluttershy asked, "But why?"
But Gloriosa didn't have time to answer as she led them into a study where Filthy Rich was sitting at a desk. He told her, "You may go, Gloriosa."
She merely curtsied and shut the door behind her as the Merry Mares faced the Baron and took off their hoods.
Filthy went, "Ah… Miss Applejack, I was must say this is quite a surprise."
AJ addressed him, "Baron Rich, we've come to ask you a favor."
He furrowed his brow and started talking smoothly, "Well, now… That would require some major reimbursement, considering how there's a price on your head along with the rest of your family… I could get arrested just for talking to you right now."
RD clenched her jaw and demanded to him, "You can't be seriously thinking of turning in Applejack?!"
Rarity frowned and stated, "I would think you would be willing to help her given how much business her family has given your family! If anything, you own her!"
Pinkie and Fluttershy agreed behind her.
Filthy touched his chin in thought and admitted, "Hm… that is certainly true."
Applejack told him, "Listen, Baron, you know better than anyone that Prince Blueblood has risen taxes among the people of our kingdom. All we ask is that you help give contributions to those in need."
The Baron stood up and began to pace around the room, "I'm afraid what you're asking for is a little out of the question."
Applejack challenged, "Care to elaborate on that?"
Filthy explained, "If I give you money for the poor, I would be labeled a traitor and lose all my lands. I would be ruin and you won't have anyone to help you."
Rainbow complained, "Oh, come on! We're risking our necks here to save our village! Why can't you do the same?!"
Pinkie pointed out, "Especially if it's for the greater good!"
FR shook his head, "It was your choice to become outlaws with Miss Applejack, ladies, now you have live with it."
"At least they became outlaws for a reason!" a small voice called out.
Everyone turned their heads to see Diamond Tiara in the doorway. Filthy scowled and scolded his daughter, "Diamond Tiara, how many times do I have to tell you to never eavesdrop?!"
"But Daddy! The Apple family became outlaws all because their land was taken! That could've been us if we couldn't pay our taxes! At least they're trying to prevent that from happening to others!"
The girls were speechless while Filthy was fuming.
Diamond continued to speak, "Apple Bloom was my friend… I want to help her by us helping her sister and her friends… Please, Daddy… We got to do something…" she had big blue eyes.
They turned their heads toward Filthy whose face seems to have softened by his daughter's pleads. He sighed, "I never could refuse my little princess…" he sighed again, "Alright… I will make those donations, but I still don't know if it's a good idea to give you the money outright. If I was ever found out…"
Applejack thought on it before her eyes lit up, "Unless… What if it was made to look like you were the victim of stealing…?"
"WHAT?!" the girls screeched at her.
Even Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara were confused by this.
Applejack elucidated, "Hear me out on this, since you can't be found out of you giving the money to us, what if we made it look like we stole from you!"
Rainbow mentioned, "Just so I get this, we're stealing but not really?"
AJ exclaimed, "Exactly!"
Filthy pondered on it before he declared, "You know what? I like it!"
Applejack inquired while holding hand out, "So do we have a deal then?"
The Baron proclaimed, "It's a deal!" they shook on it.

"Whoa…" uttered Apple Bloom when her sister and the band came back to camp and told them what happen. She was especially surprised that Diamond Tiara spoke out like that to her father just so he could be the benefactor.
Applejack stated, "Yup, without your influence on her, I don't think we would've have gotten the Baron to cooperate with us."
Rarity smiled, "We are very grateful to you, darling."
AB shook her head, "It wasn't just me… Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo befriended her too after she was having a hard time at home." she sadly sighed and started going to the table to help Granny.
Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash exchanged looks before nodding in sync.