• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 1,302 Views, 76 Comments

The Tail of Robin Jack - CartoonNerd12

An Equestria Girls AU. When Prince Blueblood raises the taxes on everyone in the kingdom it's up to one girl and her merry band to help.

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Author's Note:

I know these aren't Halloween-related but I felt this my only chance to update them this week, since I'm going to be fairly busy this month getting things done.

Spike huffed as he paced back and fore in the campsite with Sunset watching on concern while Spitfire had her arms crossed and gave a firm expression.

He said, "I should have realized it was all a trick. He was using mind games on me so I couldn't get the chance to arrest him."

"Even if you did, I doubt you have been able to hold on to her forever."

That made Spike stop in his tracks and Sunset looked at Spitfire with shock.

The knight merely replied, "You heard me right, I said 'her'. Robin Jack is a girl and so was her friend."

Spike's jaw dropped before scowling, "And you would know this, why?"

Spitfire sighed as she removed her armor and when she got to the chainmail she removed it as well revealing a very obvious sign of her true gender. Both Spike and Sunset were utterly taken aback by this.

Spitfire declared as she got on one knee and bowed, "I know the penalty of this and I will happily take my punishment like the knight I am. But let me say this before that happens. I believe these bandits to be good, why else would they have let us live after I said we should retreat? They could have done away with us to avoid arrest but no they didn't. You know I'm right, Spike. That Robin Jack made have been a girl all this time but she never once harmed you in your sword fight with her and just now I saw you two were arguing like an old married couple."

Spike could feel heat rising to his cheeks with Sunset looking at him with a surprised look.

Spitfire continued, "You have to admit to yourself, sir, you were bantering with her for awhile there."

Spike sat down feeling overwhelmed by this. One of his knights and loyal friend was a woman this entire time, and there was also the fact that Robin Jack was a female as well and they had been bickering the way Spitfire described it. This couldn't be happening; he couldn't be falling for a common criminal, he was more virtuous then that!

Spitfire proclaimed as she bowed her head, "I'm ready to receive my punishment."

Spike got out of his disturbing thoughts and faced his friend, "You're not going to be punished, not on my watch."

She looked up with wide eyes.

He just smiled at her as he helped her up and explained, "As surprising it was to learn you were a woman, I don't think of you as any less capable as the knight you are now." then he frowned, "But are you sure these bandits are good?"

Spitfire replied, "I'm sure."

He shook his head in disbelief.

Applejack was stomping back and forth in the camp as the girls watched on in concern from a fair distance.

Rarity uttered to them, "How long as she been doing this?"

Rainbow replied, "Ever since we got back from our encounter with those knights."

Fluttershy commented, "Oh my. I hope she calms down soon."

Pinkie motioned, "Doesn't it seem strange she's getting work up over this? And all because of one guy?"

Rarity gasped, "Why Pinkie, you're right!" she turned to the rainbow-haired girl, "Rainbow Dash, I want every little detail of her recent interaction with that knight!"

"Well… they were bantering a lot and they ended up arguing to the point of an old married couple…" her eyes widen, "Oh no… you don't think…?"

The seamstress was grinning like a manic.

AJ was still stomping until she stopped to notice the sly smirks her band was giving off, "Uh, why are all of ya looking at me like that?"

They giggled in response making her more confused.

Rarity came up to her, "Please, Applejack this hatred you're feeling toward this knight is the fact you're falling in love with him!"

"WHAT?!" she yelled in shock. Then retorted, "NO! That's crazy talk!"

Rainbow pointed, "The way you were bickering like that is like a husband and wife would nag each other!"

Applejack gawked and turned away in embarrassment, thinking, It can't be true! It just can't! Sure he's a great fighter and I can respect his skills but that doesn't mean I'm falling for his robust figure, his strong arms, his sparkling green eyes that shine though his visor-

She stopped when she realized in horror, Oh no! She turned back to see the girls still smirking at her making her scowl. "Now you all listen here, I am not falling in love that varmint!"

"I have not fallen for her!" Spike insisted after Spitfire pointed out that Robin Jack could in fact be good and that would make it easier for him to court her.

Spitfire rolled her eyes, "Sure you haven't…" she whispered to Sunset, "From what I saw this afternoon, they were just inches away from kissing…"

Spike bellowed, "We were not going to kiss!"

Rainbow gestured, "But you almost kissed him!"

Pinkie and Rarity gasped excitedly, "Really?!"

"No! We did not- ugh!" Applejack threw her hands up in frustration.

At the exact same moment both Applejack and Spike said, "I would never kiss him/her! Because I don't love him/her!"

Then both Rainbow and Spitfire said, "So in denial…"

Once night came around, both parties in their separated camps settled in for the evening. For Spike he went into his tent to sleep but as he was trying to images of Robin Jack popped into his head. Looking back now, he could see the curve of her female shape and it was a very good shape at that, fit and sexy at the same time.

Upon realizing this unpure thought he slapped his forehead and forced himself to stop thinking like that. But his thoughts soon turned to her other attributes. She was fierce warrior he couldn't deny that, and as much as she had a temper on her she kept a cool head during battle. He couldn't but admire those qualities even though he disliked doing so.

Meanwhile, Applejack was having trouble sleeping herself as she thought more of the mysterious knight that suddenly entered into her life. He was physically attractive she'll give him that and from what she could tell with his personality he was calm if not easily provoked. He valued honor greatly since he followed the knights' Code of Honor. Come to think it, he was one of the only knights to display that since Blueblood took control. Before when Queen Celestia and her sister were here she could remember every knight following it. But now, they were seen as petty thugs following a selfish prince's order.

Well, I'll give this to him, at least he's willing to still follow the Code. She slightly chuckled, Reminds of me of someone I knew long ago… Memories of her saving a young Spike came to her and in turn he had to serve her to uphold his Code of Honor only for him to save her life in the end. It was one of her favorite recollections of the lad she had gotten to know all those years ago. He may have been young and small but he was always determined to do what's right. She sighed.

Will I ever see you again, Spike?

The dreams were back but this time they were accompanied by other moments he had with Applejack. Of them laughing, playing, or just hanging out together. He tossed and turned in his blankets until he was startled out of his sleep and yelled out in fright.

Sunset and Spitfire rushed in preparing to fend off attackers but instead saw Spike panting.

"Spike, are you okay?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah… just… a nightmare…" he lied.

Spitfire said, "Try to go back to sleep, sir, you need all the rest you can get."

He nodded, "Yes, I will. But I thank you two for coming to check on me. That's true friendship right there."

Sunset smiled, "But of course, Spike."

Spitfire added, "We're always here for you."

Then they left the tent.

Upon hearing those words it reminded Spike of the time he and Twilight had to leave for Canterlot. They had just finished saying their farewells to the girls and everyone in the village. And Applejack told them.

"We're always here for you."

Twilight smiled, "We know."

Spike said, "And we're here for you too even though we'll be far away."

Applejack said to him directly, "Far away or not, you'll always have a place in our hearts."

The others behind her agreed before they all moved in for a group hug.

He held his hand over his heart. He couldn't believe he didn't see it sooner, well to be fair he did have that crush on Rarity but to never realize such a strong and caring girl that was in front of him all this time made him feel so dumb! Now he understood what his dreams meant, he had been in love with Applejack all this time and never acknowledge until now.

Well, on the plus side I won't have to think of Robin Jack anymore especially since I already got a girl that l truly love with all my heart. Harvest season or no, I just got to tell her… And it will happen, tomorrow…

He rested his head back down and drew the blankets over himself with a smile.