• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 737 Views, 7 Comments

My Little Pony: The Test of Friendship - McThriller

Another adventure is in stored for the main 6. But this time the cutie map has called all six of them and the next friendship problem is in Ponyville?

  • ...

Chapter 7- A Debt to Pay

Author's Note:

Author's Note: Another chapter is in! Man with all this time not being able to work I've been able to get some ideas to help continue this story. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 7- A Debt to Pay

There it was; the messy yellow and red mane, the crimson red eyes and blue coat. All the traits from her memory fit the pony she once knew. Tears were rolling down her face, a feeling of relief and hope flooded through her entire body. The stallion in front of her was in fact the pony she thought she would never see again. But hearing him call her by her nickname confirmed it. Most ponies who call her by that were those she allowed to, but with him, it was different, and it felt more meaningful to hear it from him.

She stepped forward, wanting to embrace him in a loving hug. She wanted to hold him tightly and never let him go. But her hopeful reunion fell short as the stallion in front of her stepped back and looked away from her.

The look on his face showed regret, ashamed to be in front of her. He never thought he would run into her again and for it to be here of all places. This was too sudden for him and felt that he couldn't face her after everything he did. The guilt was too much for him to bear as he turned away from her.

"I gotta go..." The words Flamebolt spoke were meek and his usual stubborn and confident demeanor quickly changed to a troubled and remorsed one that no pony had seen in him thus far.

He took that first step forward but could hear the pleas from Caring telling him to stop. He tried his best to ignore them but with each step he took, a shockwave of pain shot through his entire body. But in his head he told himself this was nothing, he knew the pain that she was feeling was far worse than what he was feeling. He knew how much it was hurting her to leave right when she had just reunited with him. He couldn't handle seeing her like this or the squeezing pain in his heart. The only thing he could think to do was to run away and not look back.

Before he could make an escape, an enraged Rainbow Dash stepped in front of him , "Are you serious!? You're gonna leave when she's begging you to stay!?"

He wasn't in the mood to deal with her right now, every part of his body was screaming in pain as he tried to wobble around her with a scowl on his face, "This is none of your business Rainbow Dash."

She back stepped into his path, "I may not know what is going on between you two, but I sure as heck know you can't leave in the condition you are now!" she pressed her hoof into his face and then pointed at Caring, "Plus, she's crying and you don't seem to care how she feels!" At this point her blood was starting to boil, seeing how he was planning on leaving while Caring was a complete mess.

"Rainbow Dash that's enough!" Twilight stepped in between the two to diffuse the situation from getting any worse, "We don't have any right to barge in, this is between them and them alone."

"But Twi-!" Dash tried to reason with her but Caring stepped in.

"She's right...*sniff* I appreciate you trying to help Rainbow Dash but I can't force him to stay. He's a grown stallion and has the right to make his own choices..." she tried wiping the tears as best as she could out of her eyes, "Flamebolt...I know you don't want to hear it but please...at least stay and recover. I won't force you to talk to me and you don't have to see me at all. I just want you to be healthy and you can do whatever you want after that."

Hearing Caring say all that was a bit of a shock, after all the effort of wanting to reunite with him to just let him go. "I promise to leave you alone...seeing you in front of me now...is all I could ask for.. Now that I know you're okay...I can be at peace." She took a deep breath and stepped closer to him so he could hear her more clearly, "Just please...go back to the hospital and rest."

Twilight and Dash looked back and forth between the two to see how this would play out. They could see that Caring was being genuine, but Flamebolt just seemed to be standing there, silently staring at the ground in front of him.

In the distance, the sound of hooves clicking were growing louder as a small group of ponies; unicorns and earth ponies, were loping closer to the group. Doctor Horse was leading a group of nurses to the scene, he could see clearly that Flamebolt was safely on the ground now and that Twilight, Dash and Caring were all around him.

Twilight could tell that he was gonna pester Flamebolt so she trotted in front of the group and extended her hooves out to stop them from getting any closer. "Princess you must let us through, Mr. Flamebolt needs to return to his room immediately or his body will-" before he could finish his warning, Twilight shoved her hoof into his mouth to silence him. She turned back towards the others to see if Caring was able to convince him to stay.

After a few minutes of silence, he sighed in defeat and finally spoke up, "...Okay."

Hearing him agree to her conditions put everypony at ease, Twilight told Doctor Horse and all the nurses to go back to the hospital and promised that they would make sure he gets back to his room. Knowing that Twilight was true to her word, they all went back to the hospital and left the four ponies to themselves.

Twilight walked back to Caring and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder, "Ms. Heart, why don't we check back on Scootaloo. I'm sure she's worried about you leaving so suddenly."

"Y-yes I think that's a good idea. I better apologize to her as well." She looked at Flamebolt again, her eyes were bloodshot from trying to rub the tears away.

Dash could see in her face that she was still worried about him so she puffed out her chest and gave a salute, "Don't worry Ms.C! I'll make sure this hothead makes it back to his room in one piece!"

Hearing that helped her ease up as she smiled, "Thank you Rainbow Dash." She turned around and headed back to hospital with Twilight walking by her side.

After watching them leave, Dash looked back to Flamebolt who had been silent the whole time. She wasn't sure what to say to him at the moment and seeing him acting like this now was awkward as she rubbed the back of her neck,"So...now that everypony is on the same page... why don't we get you back to bed."

She was expecting him to make some kind of remark or to yell at her but there was no response, instead he surprisingly did what he was told for once and turned back towards the hospital. Although he was still limping, he was still moving at walking pace but avoided looking at her. Shame was printed all over his face and he kept his eyes on the ground.

This was not what she was expecting from the cocky stallion who had the same boat of confidence she would have. When he challenged her to a race, he looked like he was ready to take on everything but the stallion she's looking out now was the complete opposite. She thought she should try and say something but decided it was probably best to leave him be as she followed him back.


A few hours passed after the conflict between Flamebolt and Caring Heart and now he was back in his room. He hasn't spoken a word again since then, everypony felt it was best to leave him alone knowing this time he wasn't going to run away again. The others reunited in Scootaloo's room and told those who were left behind to not mention anything that happened and to let Flamebolt rest without bothering him. Caring apologized to Scootaloo and the others for suddenly leaving the room, they forgave her and decided it was best to not talk about what had happened. She realized it was time to leave now and get back to the Orphanage to check on the little ones as they must have been worried why she was gone for so long. She promised to visit Scootaloo again tomorrow and was about to say her goodbyes before Doctor Horse walked back into the room.

"I'm sorry to intrude again but Ms. Heart...he said you can come see him now."

With an understanding nod, she said her goodbyes to everypony before leaving Scootaloo's room. Once out of the room, Doctor Horse guided her to the room next door. She stood in front of the door that was labeled "Flamebolt" and looked to the doctor with a gentle smile, "Thank you for everything doctor, I'm sure he doesn't want anypony else to interrupt us."

Doctor Horse gave her a comforting nod and placed a hoof on her shoulder, "If you need anything else, just let the nurses know and I'll be here as soon as possible."

Caring shook her head in understanding before he went off to check on his other patients. Her chest was thumping, she took a deep breath to calm herself before entering the room.

Inside the room, Flamebolt was sitting in his bed staring out the window even after she closed the door. Caring sat next to his bed and looked out the same window as him while he stayed silent. The sun was slowly beginning to set as the bright sky was starting to grow darker with every passing minute.

They sat in silence for some time, just watching as day slowly turns into night. Caring changed her gaze to Flamebolt and examined him before finally breaking the silence, "You've grown so much...I almost hardly recognized you now. Your mane really grew out too, it looks good on you."

Flamebolt didn't respond to the compliment as he continued to stare out the window.

"You know ever since you disappeared, I always blamed myself for not making enough of an effort to be there for you. I don't blame you for wanting to do what you did...but when you left, I thought you were gone for good. I thought that I failed as a caretaker to keep you safe..."

Hearing this only made it harder on him as he continued to listen in silence.

"But...I made a promise, to continue what I was meant to do and stayed hopeful for your safety. I hoped I would see you again safe and sound and after many years...here you are," tears fell down her face again, "I'm so glad to see your okay Flamebolt..."

Hearing her sobs was too much for him, he couldn't let her feel this way anymore and knew he had to do something here and now. It was time to say what he should have said earlier, "Granny...I'm sorry...for everything."

She wiped away her tears again as best as she could, "It's okay, you don't have to apologize."

"No it's not...I-I just couldn't do it. Ever since that day, I blame myself. I was weak and couldn't do a thing," he started gritting his teeth as anger and frustration started to fill him inside.

"Flamebolt..." She cupped her hooves around one of his to let him know she was there to hear him out.

"Once I've recovered, I'm going to train even harder than before. I can't stop now, I can't let this slow me down...I have to leave as soon as I can." His determination came back to him and helped break him out of his slump, his confidence slowly returning to him.

Seeing his resolve made her happy but hearing that he plans to leave didn't put her at ease. She didn't want him to leave but knew that he had already made up his mind. "Flamebolt...I won't stop you from leaving, but I think you should reconsider staying in Ponyville."

He pulled his hoof out of her grasp, "My minds been made up."

She sighed, she regretted what she was about to do but felt that it was time to say what he had to hear, "Flamebolt...there's some things I need to tell you."

(One week later)

Things seemed to have gone back to normal again in Ponyville. Scootaloo was released from the hospital a few days ago and was allowed to continue her daily life with school, her friends and her home. She was told to take it easy still but to try and put some effort into walking again. Her recovery was good and that she would still feel a little discomfort for the next few days but should go away soon. She wanted to visit Flamebolt after she got discharged, but Doctor Horse unfortunately told her that he didn't want to see anypony for the time being but that she could see him once he was ready to be discharged. She vowed to be at the hospital on the day he would be free to leave.

Today was that day and Flamebolt has made a full recovery. His bandages were removed along with the stiches. He had a visible scar from when he was attacked but it healed up well, leaving a bit of exposure to his skin but the doctors say that in time his fur would grow enough to cover it up, the scar wouldn't be visible for others to see unless he flew over others or exposed his stomach in the air. He didn't care if anypony saw it or not and just wanted to be out of the hospital as soon as he could.

Right before he could try to leave the hospital, Doctor Horse stopped him, "Oh, before you go I need to go over something with you."

His body tensed up, this was the moment he was waiting for, the moment when he would have to go over the expenses from his surgery and the time he spent in their care. He knew he couldn't afford it and that there was no way he would be able to pay it in time. He readied himself to do what he could to avoid their schemes.

Doctor Horse's horn glowed as a chart from the reception stand levitated all the way into Flamebolt's face, "I just need you to sign this release form and you're free to go."

"Wait what?" This was both surprising and confusing at the same time, "Don't I have to pay?"

"Oh no, your bill has already been paid off." The doctor informed him.

"Paid off!?" He shouted in surprise.

"That's right, Princess Twilight was kind enough to pay for the whole thing," he showed the receipt with Twilight's signature on it.

He was given the form and signed his name, still confused and thinking what was going on. This was not a good sign as obviously she had something planned for him since no pony would ever be this kind to do that for him. He didn't have time to understand as he quickly bolted for the doors to leave before he was to run into her. Upon leaving he was already too late, Twilight Sparkle was standing there with a welcomed smile on her face. He also noticed that Rainbow Dash was there too with that smirk on her face he could not forget and of course Scootaloo was right below, excited to finally see him again.

'Just my luck...' he thought to himself as he looked at the group who were waiting for him to exit the hospital.

"Looks like somepony was eager to get out of there," Dash teased.

"Flamebolt!" Scootaloo lopped her little legs up to him and quickly gave him a big hug on his leg before he could say anything.

The sudden hug was a surprise for him, he had no clue how to handle this since he doesn't show affection for others. He could feel the awkwardness brush over his body, all he could think to do was awkwardly pat her on the head.

Scootaloo broke her hug and stared up at him with the brightest smile on her face, "I'm so glad to see you're okay now!"

"Y-yeah..." this situation was too weird for him and really wasn't comfortable seeing her like this, "Looks like that hoof is better now..." he mentioned, not wanting the attention on him at the moment.

Looking at her hoof, it seemed to have fully healed without any sign of still being swollen and didn't show signs of any cartilage built up. "Yup! The pain is all gone now thanks to you!" She couldn't hold herself back as she hugged him again.

The same awkwardness returned but this time he just looked away and let her continue with the hug.

"What's the matter? Can't handle a little hug from a filly?" Dash mocked at how uncomfortable he looked.

He wanted to retort but felt it wasn't worth it right now, he moved his attention towards Twilight. "Why did you pay my bill?" he asked in a serious tone.

Twilight jumped a little at his change of tone, "Well I thought it was the least I could do since you saved Scootaloo."

He kept his gaze on her with caution, "What do you want from me?"

This random act of kindness was suspicious for him, he didn't trust that she would do this out of good will and thought there was a deal that was about to be made.

"I just wanted to help you out, I'm sure it was difficult enough to recover." She told him truthfully, " Plus it seemed like you were worried about the bill so I went ahead and paid it so you could recover without worry."

He grumbled to her response, "I didn't ask for your help..."

Dash noticed his attitude was coming back as she retorted, "A simple thank you wouldn't hurt,".

He stared daggers at her in return, "I don't have to thank any pony, I would have been fine without you butting in."

"Oh really? And were you gonna pay it off?" she asked in a sarcastic tone.

"It's none of your business what I was gonna do," he growled at her.

Dash glared at him as the two seemed to give off an intense stare down.

Scootaloo didn't like what was happening in front of her, Rainbow Dash was her role model and sister that she looked up to and Flamebolt was the one who saved her. To see them acting like this now was not what she wanted, she couldn't stand it anymore and decided to step in and try to push them apart, "Stop it both of you!"

At the same time, both the pegasus broke out of their showdown after seeing the little orange filly block their view of each other.

"There is no reason you two should be fighting right now!" She had her hooves on both of them and kept them separated.

Twilight joined in to help calm things down, "She's right, Rainbow Dash we promised not to get into any arguments. You wouldn't want to set a bad example for Scootaloo now, would you?"

Dash looked at the filly who was showing concern for her big sister and sighed, "You're right...I'm sorry you had to see that," she apologized while throwing a hoof around the fillies neck and ruffling her mane.

She quickly recovered and gave the same big smile, "I forgive you Rainbow Dash!"

Flamebolt just looked away from them while grunting to himself.

"Look Flamebolt, if this is gonna be bothering you, how about we come to an agreement then," Twilight offered the disgruntled stallion.

"What kind of agreement?" he asked, still not trusting what she had in mind.

"You can pay me back, we'll find you a job and you can get the money for me that way," she suggested.

Flamebolt thought about the idea, in one way he could get the money needed to pay her back and could also start building extra since he was flat broke right now, on the other hoof this would hold him back on his training and these ponies would most likely pry into his lifestyle which would be annoying. He looked at Scootaloo who was staring at him with her big beady eyes, guilting him to stay. He groaned in annoyance, "Fine...I'll get a job."

His response brought a smile to everyponies face but he quickly spoke up, "But don't expect this to make us friends! Once I pay you off that's it, I will never have to see any of you again after that!"

Twilight respected his demand and nodded in agreement, "Fair enough, why don't we go to the castle to discuss what kind of job you can be suited for."

With that decided, Twilight led the group towards the castle with Flamebolt following behind, staying quiet and keeping to himself, Scootaloo was by his side with a bright smile gleaming on her face and Rainbow Dash followed on the fillies other side.

Rainbow Dash would sneak a few peaks at Flamebolt to keep tabs on him and to make sure he doesn't try anything funny. She thought to herself what was this stallion's problem and wondered what happened to cause him to act like this towards others. But yet Granny Care-Care and Scootaloo don't seem to rile him up as much. He wanted to know why but decided to wait for another time to ask him.

(Twilight's Castle)

The rest of the trip to the castle was quiet with no pony talking to each other. They shortly arrived at the castle that towered over anything in the entire town and walked through the giant doors that led inside.

Flamebolt remembered the last time he walked through these doors and entered that peculiar meeting room. He even remembered when he met that little annoying dragon, but suddenly a voice rang through the halls, "Twilight!"

On cue, the little purple dragon came running in from the corner. Spike had just finished putting away the last of the books and was about to take a break when he heard the entrance doors open. Upon seeing Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo he had a happy expression on his face but as he got closer he noticed the familiar hotheaded stallion was with them as well and immediately changed to an irritated look, "What's he doing here?"

Flamebolt smirked at the dragon, "Oh hey, didn't see you down there shrimp!"

Spike growled at him joking about his height, but Twilight raised a hoof to stop him, "Easy Spike, we're just here to get him a job."

"A job!? You mean he's staying here now!?" he yelled in disbelief.

"Don't get your hopes up shorty, I'm only staying till my debt gets paid." Flamebolt commented.

Scootaloo's ears dropped after hearing the news, she wanted to show a better appreciation for him for saving her life.

Twilight cleared her throat to speak, "Why don't we leave it that and discuss what kind of job would be the best for you."

With an agreement from every pony they all entered the meeting room and stood close to the crystal cutie map that stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by the familiar chairs that were there before too. They discussed a few jobs that might have worked for the stallion but he felt they would be pointless for him until Dash mentioned that she was looking for a temporary pegasus to fill her duties as the weather pony of Ponyville while she was going to train with the Wonderbolts for some time. She told him everything he would have to do and said it would be easy for him since he's fast like her.

He thought about it and decided to just go with it since it sounded like the easiest thing for him to do.

With the decision being made, Dash decided to go mention him to her superiors and that he has been given permission from Princess Twilight Sparkle to take over for her. Since he had nothing else to do, Scootaloo offered to show him around Ponyville since he'll be in town for a while.

He didn't want to but Twilight insisted since it would be a great way to show him the area if he has to stay for some time. He whined but agreed to doing it, Scootaloo was excited and led him all through town. She showed him all the popular areas of Ponyville and where the ponies that he met lived, such as Applejack at Apple Acres, Rarity at Carousel Boutique, and Sugar Cube Corner where Pinkie lives. After hearing about where Pinkie lives he decided that it was best to avoid that place the whole time he would be here, so he wouldn't run into her hopefully. She also mentioned Fluttershy's home in the outskirts where he remembered meeting her before and scaring her back into her home. After some hours of understanding the area she decided to bring him to her Crusader headquarters and properly introduce the others to him.

Their headquarters was a small treehouse close by the Apple Farm and could only fit a small amount of ponies. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were waiting inside for Scootaloo to show up to begin today's meeting on what cutie marks they were going to try and earn today. Scootaloo finally entered,which meant it was time to start the meeting until they saw Flamebolt enter the room. They were both surprised to see him out of the hospital and that he ended up in their headquarters. She told them everything that was going on and explained why Flamebolt is with her at the moment. They both understood and decided to let him join in on their meeting.

"Alright now, let's begin today's Cutie Mark Crusader meeting!" Applebloom announced.

The others cheered while Flamebolt stood there, confused about what he was brought into. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders?..." he asked.

"Yeah! Everyday we go try new and exciting things to see what type of cutie marks we earn!" Sweetie Belle answered.

"Wait...so your group is all about getting cutie marks? Why?" He asked, not understanding why they have this club.

"Because we want to find out what makes us special." Scootaloo answered.

"What makes you special? Why does a mark need to tell you that?" He asked.

"Why?!" The crusaders asked in unison.

"You should know! Don't you have one!?" Applebloom asked seriously.

He looked at his flank and could see the mark that he had. It was a yellow lightning bolt with a red and orange flame sitting on top of the lightning bolt. "Yeah, but I don't know what it means," he told them.

This surprised the crusaders as they all gasped together, "You don't know?!"

"How could you not know what it means!?" Applebloom yelled.

"Everypony who has one knows!" Sweetie Belle said with the same volume.

"Don't you remember how you got yours?" Scootaloo asked, a bit more calm than the others.

Flamebolt thought about it for a moment, his face squinted as he tried to remember. He thought of something but shook it out of his head, "Not that much."

Scootaloo noticed the look he made and grew concerned for what he remembered, "Could you tell us where you got it at least?"

He seemed to hesitate giving them an answer but decided it was alright to tell them, "...Summer Solstice..."

This confused them since they never heard of that before, "Do you mean Summer Sun Celebration?" Applebloom asked.

"Yeah that one...a long time ago, probably around your age when I got it..." he answered.

"So what happened at that time?" Sweetie Belle asked.

He quickly avoided the question, "Doesn't matter...look I should get going."

He headed for the door but Scootaloo stopped him, "Wait! Don't you want to join us in the meeting?"

He couldn't help but chuckle, "I already have mine, wouldn't be right to interfere with how you find yours."

Hearing that put a smile on their faces, he reached for the door and opened it, "I'll see you around kid." Those were the last words he said before leaving the treehouse. They waved and said their goodbyes to him before he flew off.

Hiding in the tree above the house, Dash was listening in on the conversation and overheard everything. After seeing him leave, she decided to follow him as she chased him through the sky.

(Ponyville Center)

Flamebolt looked around town and remembered that there was a nice view close by. He searched until he found the spot he remembered, rounding up a couple clouds close by, he created a cloud big enough to fit a few ponies on it. He took his time and fluffed up every part of the cloud until it was the softest cloud around. He gently landed on it and smooshed a little nest for him to get comfortable in. He curled himself up and laid his head on the edge with his hooves resting underneath his chin.

It was a nice view as he could see almost all of Ponyville from where he was at. He noticed he was hovering over the same water fountain that he had his race with Rainbow Dash. Remembering that race, he couldn't help but laugh at himself for losing but it didn't discourage him, instead he was excited, "I'll beat her next time..."

"Beat who next time?" a raspy sounded voice came from beside him.

He looked to his left and saw the rainbow maned pegasus was flying in place right next to him , he looked back at the water fountain, "You, duh."

She laughed at his remark, "Yeah right, race me anytime and you'll lose every time."

He just smirked, "We'll see about that. What are you doing here anyways?"

"Care to share that cloud? I'll tell you after," she offered.

He stood up and moved closer to the edge to give her space and redid his routine to get cozy. She landed next to him and felt the cloud out before making herself comfortable as well, "Woah, you make an awesome cloud. This could put me to sleep easily."

"I only make the best of clouds to sleep in." he boasted, making himself seem more talented than her.

She rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Anyways, wanted to let you know I got you scheduled for tomorrow but I gotta show you the ropes first before I leave you in charge."

"Oh great, and I thought I was gonna be all by myself finally," he whined.

"Stop complaining, it will be short and sweet," she mocked him.

He started to relax as he changed the subject, "That kid really looks up to you..."

"You mean Scootaloo? Yeah I'm her role model and awesome big sister! Of course she would look up to Equestria's best flier," she boasted.

"Just don't disappoint her, you do anything wrong and she'll never look at you the same again..." he warned.

She stopped her boasting and gave him a confused look, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just a word of warning, from a pegasus who looked up to somepony before." he admitted to her.

She couldn't believe it, he was opening up to her, "What happened? Who was it you looked up to?"

He lifted his head up and looked over the cloud, the breeze of the wind was cool across his mane and face. "...There's more to Equestria then what you know..."

She was getting curious, he seemed to know something that she wanted to hear, "Like what exactly?"

"Forget it..." he sighed.

This only made her even more curious, "Oh Mr. Top Secret here, acting all mysterious."

"Doesn't even matter, all that you need to know now is that once I get the money and pay off the princess, I want a rematch with you." he told her.

She wanted to know what he was hiding but it was obvious he wasn't gonna say anything and just let it go, "Alright fine, as long as you stick around and visit Scootaloo and pay Twilight back then you'll get your rematch.," she said.

He sighed when hearing the kids name, he stayed silent and went back to staring at the view.

Hearing him sigh gave her an idea and decided to tease him a bit, "You like Scootaloo don't you? I can tell you got a soft spot for her,"

He groaned, "I couldn't care less about her, I just don't feel like yelling at her is all," he folded his hooves and turned away from her.

"Well she seems to already take a liking to you since you saved her, heck she might even become a fan of yours too!" she mentioned.

"I don't need a fan club, all that attention will just be annoying," he said.

She rolled her eyes, "Well whatever, just make sure you keep an eye on her while I'm gone. I need to trust somepony to keep her safe and since you're already her hero, that makes you qualified to do it!"

He groaned, "Fine, I'll keep an eye on her for now."

Hearing him accept put a smile on her face, he wasn't all that bad it seems, "I'm gonna head home now. Meet me right where we had our race early in the morning, and don't be late!" she warned him.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it," he waved her off with a wing.

She chuckled to herself before taking off from the cloud and flew towards her home.

Flamebolt sat there for a moment and thought about what she said about Scootaloo and sighed, "What did I get myself into?"

(Flashback : One Week ago)

On that same evening in Flamebolt's room at the hospital, Caring Heart was sitting next to him and said she needed to tell him something, "I want you to stay and look after Scootaloo."

This demand surprised him, "Why should I? She's got Rainbow Dash doing that for her. Plus she has those other fillies that can watch out for her."

"I know, but she still worries me with all the adventures she has had. I just want her to be safe, can you please do this for me..."

He sat there with an annoyed look, not wanting to do this, "I don't really -"

She interrupted him, "If not for me, then-"

(Fast Forward to now)

Flamebolt remembered everything in his conversation at the hospital, regret formed on his face as he broke out of his thoughts. He looked up to the sky, the wind continued to blow against him, he thought back to everything that happened up to this moment. He never expected his past to catch up to him, he regretted a lot of things that happened and never forgave himself. Now he's stuck in Ponyville until his debt is paid off, he didn't plan for any of this to happen but now he has a promise to keep and he will have to follow that promise through, "I guess I got no choice...I'll do it for her..."