• Published 3rd Jul 2017
  • 641 Views, 1 Comments

The Anniversary - Macmeg13

Based off the Phineas and Ferb episode, "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together"

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Ding Dong

Twilight stood patiently, tapping her hoof in waiting at the door, Spike batting at her mane playfully. Finally, the door opened, revealing a small blue unicorn filly with white and blue mane tied in a side ponytail. Twilight gave an awkward wave.

"Hi Minuette." The filly in question blinked in surprise before a huge grin appeared on her face, her eyes sparkling. Twilight braced herself.

"TWILIGHT!!" she squealed happily before tackling her in a huge bear hug, turning both Twilight and Spike a lovely shade of blue.

"Can't.... breath..." she squeaked out.

"Oops!" Minuette giggled, letting both of them go and allowing them to catch their breath. "Sorry! It just that I haven't seen you in like FOREVER! Well not exactly like FOREVER but it felt like FOREVER! And now you're here with out me asking and this so cool and I just got so excited because you were there and like I haven't seen you in like FOR-"

Twilight quickly used her magic to close her friends mouth shut.

"It's good to see you too." Twilight said before letting go of her muzzle. Minuette giggled again.

"So what's up?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Well, my father forgot his anniversary" she ignored Minuette's dramatic gasp "An I'm trying to help him out by reforming my parents favorite band, Magic Love, back together."

Minuette shook her rump excitedly. "Oooh I really like this idea!" Twilight giggled at her friends enthusiasm.

"Thought you would, anyways, I was wondering if your Filly Guide group is still looking for your construction badge?" Minuette nodded quickly.

"Yeppydooddles! And it's a real toughy though! No one knows what to build or where!" she raised an eyebrow at Twilight. "Why do you ask?"

"Well if I'm going to reform a rock group, I'm going to need something for them to play on..." Twilight trailed off, hoping Minuette would catch on. Thankfully she did as she gasped excitedly, rump wiggling intensified.

"You don't mean..." Twilight chuckled.

"Will your troupe like to build a stage in my backyard?" The reaction was immediate as Minuette tackled Twilight and Spike into a second bear hug, causing them to go blue once more.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she gushed, squeezing them hard as possible.

"Loosing... oxygen... again...." Twilight gasped, Spike simply nodding in agreement. Minuette let go quickly, causing the two to take another gulp of air.

"Oops sorry!" Minuette giggled, clapping her hooves excitedly. "I can't wait to tell everypony! It's gonna be the bestest stage ever!!!" Twilight cringed as she held back the urge to correct her friends grammar and simply nodded.

"Thank you," she replied instead. "Make sure to have it done in my backyard for tonight." Minuette gave a mock salute, a silly grin splattered on her face.

"You can count on me!"

Author's Note:

Short but sweet, imagining Minuette in Filly Guides is, to me, very adorable!