• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 1,303 Views, 38 Comments

Friendship is Failure #5: Pride and Punishment - DakariKingMykan

Twilight and friends try to convince a stubborn yet talented pony to look past his potential.

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Final Act: Bust or Not Bust


News of the performance and the aftermath struck all over Equestria and affected things majorly, especially the acting agencies and movie productions. They were forced now to give more ponies a chance and let go of their biased habits of rejecting those with no degree.

Princess Twilight was quite right: "Every pony deserved a fair chance."

It would also mean, more ponies could realize their dreams, and the productions would have more luck in finding gifted actors they needed.

Spotlight, despite still not having his degree or proper training in acting was still offered jobs from acting agencies and was well on his way to becoming a top-star actor, all thanks to Talon’s actions.

Talon was neither looked down upon nor treated differently by others, but he was still very upset for his sister, what she and Princess Twilight and her friends had tried to do, but most of all for being called selfish and slothful despite his kind donation and his hard work at the loading docks.

He was especially angry with her for all the times she whipped, battered, and beat him senselessly.

He wasn't the only one either...

Loads of ponies, especially those whom were threatened and/or beaten up by her in the past finally had their fill, and were planning to throw the book at her hard.

She was charged for...

-As well as Conspiracy...

All this would have had her thrown in jail for at least twenty-five years, but she got lucky; Princess Twilight managed to convince the courts that Ath-Lita needed more professional help to control her rage and anger; much more than she and her friendship lessons could do.

So Ath-Lita was sentenced to three years probation, and during that time she was instructed to get psychiatric help for her instability.

Sad to say, this did not help her dreams and goals. She was kicked off her sports team; they no longer wished to have a rude and angry pony, and her bad reputation was alerted to other sports teams and official leagues.

It would no be a miracle if she could ever make her dreams of being a professional athlete come to pass.

Talon found it super hard to feel any real sympathy for his sister; feeling more she was being justifiably punished for her ways and the trouble she caused him and others before.

Still, he had his pride and he had proven what he always wanted to thanks to Spotlights new fame, which was all from his actions. Thanks to that, many new aspiring actors had better chances of getting into the business.

With that settled, he no longer had shame of losing his pride, and finally accepted an offer from an agency in Fillydelphia. He had many other offers to take up after which and would be away from home for a long time, which suited him just well.

He no longer was willing to put with his sister's bad behaviour, and felt she, too, would need time by herself to wake up and realize her faults...

…but he promised to support her by sending her money from what he would earn, as well as leaving her a good sum of his cash settlement.

“YOU!!!” yelled Ath-lita. "You ruined my life! You dashed all my dreams, and now I've been publicly humiliated and labeled!"

"No, sis..." protested Talon "You brought this on yourself, and you're only making it worse by not admitting to it.

Until you straighten yourself out, and realize you don't have all the answers, it's best we not see each other anymore. It'll give you time think, as well as plan out what to do with yourself."

Then he began to walk off to catch a train to his new life, but he stopped a moment and looked pitifully at Twilight. “By the way, Princess… this came in my mail for you.” he said handing Twilight a letter from Princess Celestia.

Twilight Sparkle…

I am very disappointed in what you and your friends have caused-- aiding and being an accessory to a conspiracy.

While I understand that your intentions were pure and you did raise a good sum of money for charity, your behavior was very unprofessional and uncalled for; forcing a pony to accept your views was nothing less than appalling.

We are going to have a long talk about this, we and your friends when you return to the palace.

…Princess Celestia!

Twilight shuddered. The Princess only left out “Dear…” and “your caring teacher” when she was really upset with her.

Talon got a letter from the princess as well, expressing that she was pleased for having shown everyone new ways to accomplish tasks, but she was appalled by his temper as well.

Talon took it well though, “I suppose I am a bit of a temperamental guy, but then again none of us is perfect.” that was all he said before leaving to catch his train “Have good one.” he called to everyone.

“Brother…” cried Lita. She bowed her head and began to cry. The others all comforted her, but really not one of them knew what to say or do.

All that had happened over the past weeks, what or who was more right and what or who was wrong? It seemed both ways seemed to have good and bad points, but in the end, while Talon finally got his dream to be a real actor, the two siblings did not make up, which was pretty much the whole point of the entire friendship mission… which was a total flop!

“Well, we did raise lots of money for Charity.” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, and we did help the guy find his way to his dream.” added Rainbow.

Despite these facts, Twilight didn’t feel any perkier, “I guess there’s one lesson we all learned: That a true friend would be understanding, and listen to what someone wants, rather than enforcing their beliefs and their ways on you…

Badgering and pushing someone can only cause more harm than help.”

Everyone was inclined to agree.

The mission was a bust, but the lessons were strong!

Comments ( 21 )

:applejackunsure: Even if I didn't like it, good story by the way. And I have a feeling that you got more in your head.

... You know what, I did not expect that ending. Like, not at all!

Ok, I'm not sure how to state my surprise. Based on the previous chapters and the concept I have understood of friendship is failure, I had expected something else. Then as I read, I was getting more and more certain until by the end of the previous chapter there was not a singly doubt, not even the speck of one, in my mind, that there would be a different ending. It couldn't possibly make sense for there to be a different ending.

It was different, and it did make sense. Even more, I liked that ending. Congratulations.

Badgering and pushing someone can only cause more harm than help.”

Hmm, it did trigger the event that got Stager famous and Talon to succeed. So, perhaps some good has come of this?

“You can’t just leave!” cried Ath-lita.

Actors have to move from studio to studio and filming locations for their work forcing them to move away from home sister! Duh! She expected him to do what? act from home? besides, she's an athlete. Does she also expect the Olympics to be moved to her backyard so she doesn't have to move?
Also, once again, reminds me of my mother. She was also upset that I didn't seem to miss home that much.


he comes across another hobby and makes a career out of that.

Unfortunately that is not permitted. I didn't have a chance to add this to the fic but, it was either become an actor, or BUST (You do not seek a new dream or goal. You've lost) So if he didn't take up the offers in the end... he would be to remain int he toll booth, always!

My God! I was actually expecting you to demonize me, but this was surprisingly well written. Well, this was very lucid of you, You did listen to me in a way.... Considering I lost my patience with you and we ended up insulting each other.

That a true friend would be understanding, and listen to what someone wants, rather than enforcing their beliefs and their ways on you…

Was this the lesson you want to tell me? But, I've answered you numerous times about this and I keep telling you to look back on our notes in DA, let's talk about this some other time. Back to the story.

Other than the willing suspension of belief especially about a kid landing a top part and the others I will ignore, while it's true you shouldn't pressure someone. But I genuinely think that's what you perceived of me when we were messaging. You did miss the point of our argument, it was never about forcing my beliefs upon you, it was me criticizing your mindset, You came to me and quote:

Instead of bullying and badgering me on all MY FAULTS and FLAWS, and telling me to change to YOUR LIKING so I can live a life YOU want me to live.

-I want to become an actor or a voice actor without means of college, lessons, and all those other super difficulties... in other words, HELP ME ACTUALLY DO IT, instead of telling ME the wrong ways to do it.

I remember answering this and I even gathered my fragmented marketing notes for you. And yes you don't need college, but I did point out it will give you a boost upon hundreds of applicants, I even told you how to market yourself, why you shouldn't despise learning and why it's important to make amends with your family considering they're the one who has responsibility over you. I was giving you data, not imaginary conclusions, because I graduated in Advertising Design, we were taught how to market ourselves not just products, then you keep telling me I was blind and deaf to the real world.

- Just like the flaw of the story, you choose that path of being stubborn. I've emphasized to you about pragmatism, the importance of self development, why you shouldn't rely on luck and swallowing your pride. There were other ways for you to achieve your dreams, but you didn't take my advice, you keep insisting your way is right and I honestly told you it wouldn't work.

Though i'm amazed you admitted some of your flaws. I sincerely don't know what you drank, since our messages always ended badly. It was getting cyclic, and I really did try to be rational and considerate with you, you really didn't answer most of my questions, so I assume your ignoring the words I wrote, So I apologies if that's what you perceived of me. It was so draining and I was so sleepy when I write to you due to different timezones, that I can't help but get annoyed with you eventually.

I think, I got where it happened, this is what I wrote, when we watched that show:

But basically your are saying that, "it's okay to be slacker, because you're already good enough, forget the contributions you could do for mankind. Put yourself first before others! And people who call you out on your slothfulness is automatically wrong."


Mykan I genuinely just wanted you to be happy you know, but at the slightest criticism you've already labeled me as your enemy, especially when I finally pin pointed where you are weak at, your true problems and the self harm you do to yourself. Hence why you put yourself down and you've grown to be a bitter person. When you told me you're basing a character about me, I was expecting you to truly hate me, like that of Brass Bolt and Ace Ray, but I could never in a million years would I consider you'd portray me like that of a concerned sister, wanting the best for his brother.

I'm very touched in a way, that you were considerate of me in the end. And I really, truly am sorry if that's what you perceived of me.


Because you STILL don't listen, and after all the insults you made prior...

 but this was surprisingly well written. Well, this was very lucid of you, You did listen to me in a way.... Considering I lost my patience with you and we ended up insulting each other.

Not accepted!


Your sincerity has the hollowness of a lie!

Holy Crap!??? I really don't know what else to say, but I tried...

If you're wondering why the story is good, it's basically a very condensed version of our word shivs, almost all the dialogues. It missed the point, but it told a truthful moral, so two wrongs make a right??

Well, uhm what else... At least you portrayed me with somewhat dig-ni-ty(?). I thought you had a change of heart Mykan? I guess that's what happens if you get your hopes up. I-I- really don't know what else to write, I'm beyond speechless at this point.

You know, I was staring too long at your message, gapping. I forgot the kettle until it woke me up from my daze. This was a good but cringeworthy story, since you directed it at me. Are you taking medication??


That isn't dignity, that's patheticness. (Ath-Lita was nothing more than overbearing loudmouth TWAT, who not only got what she deserved by losing her brother, she should've more than that)

And you don't GET change of hearts, you pick ONE SIDE and you STICK WITH IT, no turning back. You chose yours when you decided to mock me, insult me and above all REFUSE to listen and acknowledge.

...You mega blew it!


Mykan I really was sincere, but whatever you win, I hope your happy with your current life. Just don't forget about our experience together, because I won't be forgetting this anytime soon


It doesn't matter, No apology can make up for the way YOU behaved and the things you did!

You brought this on yourself... and all because you don't know how to listen! (Just like Ath-Lita, you got what you deserved)

I'm calling you out on your flaws... the same you did about me (But at least mine are on the mark)

Next one should be in the EqG universe!


Actually, I already have one that sorta does that... Friendship is Failure 3: Beast Boy in Equestria

Comment posted by NorrisThePony deleted Jun 29th, 2017
Comment posted by Ice Star deleted Jun 29th, 2017


Hey, Cherry? Sorry about what he did. I wish he’d have picked someone else, because you did nothing wrong!

He's right, you did nothing wrong... you did EVERYTHING wrong! (How'dya like that)

Comment posted by N Harmonik deleted Jul 10th, 2017

I wouldn't mind how awful you are, if you weren't bound and edtermined to spread to everyone near you.

(Ath-Lita was nothing more than overbearing loudmouth TWAT, who not only got what she deserved by losing her brother, she should've more than that)

Really? Because it sounds like she’s more a sister who wanted her brother to do something in life and not waste his life. She’s actually sounds like a good caring sister. Her brother just sounds like a childish, entitled jerk who thinks he should give up just because he didn’t immediately get the position he wanted. For someone who claims to want to put reality in their stories you certainly don’t understand reality.

Well, that's the trouble I see in Twilight Sparkle (In my rant about her) She constantly PESTERS ponies into accepting her views and won't let them be until they've accepted friendship.

That’s not true at all. The only time she’s does something like that is with Moon Dancer but that was only one time. And it’s obvious she’s living an unhealthy lifestyle.


I don't care... her behavior and forcing him is inexcusable. She's lucky she didn't get charged with psychical abuse and harassment


Nope... there were other occasions. After all, she's Twilight Sparkle; suffers from OCD

She was charged for...

-Assault... -Battery... -Blackmail... -As well as Conspiracy...

All this would have had her thrown in jail for at least twenty-five years, but she got lucky; Princess Twilight managed to convince the courts that Ath-Lita needed more professional help to control her rage and anger; much more than she and her friendship lessons could do.

What the f*ck kind of excuse is that?

It would no be a miracle if she could ever make her dreams of being a professional athlete come to pass.

It’s possible. Some stars be having a list of charges.

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