• Published 18th Jun 2017
  • 4,023 Views, 195 Comments

Of Guns, Mechs And Magic [Being rewritten in 'A Pilot's Search'] - Solarus44

When a Vanguard Pilot and his Titan are stranded in a barren desert after a retrieval mission gone wrong, how will these two find their way back to the Frontier?

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Chapter 2: Where The Hell Are We?

Light came back into the world, as well as sound, a lot of sound. Sol awoke to the telltale sound of a Titanfall and the thrashing and vibrations of Beck. It took him about 0.5 seconds to realise Beck was falling to the ground of a planet, which should be impossible because, well, Typhon was destroyed... wasn't it?

BOOM! It seems they landed.

"Uh... Beck... you there?" Sol groaned

"Yeah I'm here, where are you currently sitting?"

"Smartass," Sol grumbled, "Can you turn the outer optics on?"

With a flash of lights and colour, Sol could see a desert, stretching from here to as far as the eye could see, well, at least a human eye.

"Beck can you zoom in on the horizon?" Sol asked.

The view zoomed in to a series of caves in a low rock hill.

"Waypoint set, 15 kilometres distance." Beck said.

With the waypoint set to a habitat, Sol disembarked to get a good look, even though technically you get a better picture from inside a Titan's cockpit, Sol always like to use his eyes, or his helmets optics in this case.

"Damn, it's hot out here." Sol said while waving himself with his other hand on his hips.

"It is currently 45 degrees Celsius, recommend you embark Sol." Beck advised

"Good idea."

After 30 minutes of walking, Sol finally addressed the issues that were bothering him.

"Where the hell are are we?" Sol asked to no one in particular, "And how did we get here?"

"I hypothesise that when the Fold energy washed over us, you accidentally activated the Grizzley Device and it tried to time travel, but encountered the time and space distortions around us. It then teleported us here, where we are is unknown. I cannot locate an IMC, Militia or any satellite in this star system."

"You can communicate across systems?"

"No, but I can detect the frequencies of satellites very easily."


It wasn't until they were within close range of the caves did they encounter life. And it was big.


"The hell was that?! An earthquake?!" Sol yelled.

"That was no earthquake."

At that a long, purple scaled snake like creature with a pink head and red spikes poked out of the ground. It easily towered over Beck.

"THE FUCK IS THAT THING!" Sol screamed.

"Lifeform not listed in database."

"Well that's dandy isn't it?"

The creature lunged forward, eager to catch its next meal... only to meet a laser shot to the face. The creature screamed out in agony, before launching again. Sol dashed to the side and punched it in the face. While it was screaming in pain, Sol reached with their hands and climbed onto the snake creature. Once the creature realised what was happening, it bucked around like a bull, only much bigger. Sol placed their Splitter Rifle to just below its head and started shooting in Split mode. Once their energy was depleted, there was a sizeable hole for Sol's plan. He grinned like a madman. Sol launched a tripwire into the open wound and jumped off. As their feet touched the ground the tripwire detonated, with the creature severely wounded.

"Crikey, this thing can take some punishment." Said Sol in amazement, "If only I could keep you alive..."

"Laser Core ready." Beck informed p

"Oh yeah."

Three thin lights came from the edges of the cockpit, meeting together to create the giant laser that is the Laser Core. The beam hit the snake in its open maw, travelling down its throat, burning it, and bursting out from the other side. The once great snake crashed to the ground with a boom.

"BOOM!" Sol cried out, "Roast snake anyone?"

"Warning, life signs detected." Beck cautioned.

Sol turned around to find... a dozen horses... or horse-like creatures... is that chitin? And what's with the horn and wings? And why are their horns glowing?

"You are trespassing on Changeling territory! We appreciate you exterminating that Tatzylwurm, but who are you and what are your intentions?" The one in the lead spoke, legs and voice shaking in fear.

'Did that one just talk?' Sol thought in bewilderment, 'Intelligent life! We've finally found other intelligent life! This is hu-, wait, did it speak English?'

"Beck, turn on the speakers," Sol asked, "My name is Sol Cotter of the Frontier Militia. I come in peace, I merely seek shelter from this desert."

"We can grant you that, just please put away your weapon."

With that, Sol put their Splitter Rifle on their back and followed them into the cave.