• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 537 Views, 4 Comments

A Different View 2: Return of Harmony - Polaris Solarmoon

My version of "Return of Harmony", I'll try my best.

  • ...

Chapter 2:Endgame.

Author's Note:

Quick note: in "A Different View",I had forgotten to mention this: Quartz's cutie mark is a spade crossed with a shovel, which represents her talent for digging through even the toughest of rocks,she currently works at Sweet Apple Acres.

( D- means Discorded)

Glitter Brightstar: Hi everypony!:twilightsmile:

Me:*in mind*( why must you do this...):facehoof:

( one more thing: the chapter title is called "The Prince appears" because Polaris Solarmoon shows up to help our heroines.)

[ Another thing: Fluttersky is way more violent than Fluttershy when angered:fluttershbad:.]

( This is longest chapter I've ever made,I think I got a little carried away...,oh well, this chapter is also the last one for this story.)

Chapter 2: Endgame.

Quartz Bell wanderd though the maze and she wasn't sure how everypony else was doing.

"Consarn it, ah hate mazes" she said as she walked about the maze.

Quartz Bell continued to wander around the maze,she then noticed a random spade that was crossed with a shovel lying about near a small lake.

"Huh, this looks a bit like my cutie mark" she said.

Quartz Bell decided to get a closer look, that was when she heard Discord's voice.

"Look into the lake and see the truth" he says.

Quartz does so and sees her friends fighting then splitting up.

"No this can't be true,my friends they'd never...."she says sadly

"But it is,the truth can hurt, but sometimes a lie is easier to take" Discord says before tapping Quartz with his claw corrupting her.

He then teleports away to find another pony to corrupt.

Dianne finds the area where Quartz Bell is and then says" Thank goodness I've found you, where are the others?"

"Huh?, I have absolutely no idea whom your talking about darling?" she says in a more pronounced tone than normal.

"Did you just lie?...."she says in a monotone.

She then says"Come on we must find the others."

Before D-Quartz was able to react Dianne had already started dragging D-Quartz with her.

While Dianne Pie drags D-Quartz with her to find her friends, Discord had already found Glitter Brightstar.

Glitter Brightstar was bouncing though the maze until she came across a room that looked like it was set up for a party with balloons and other decorations,the balloons had stars on them.

Glitter was overjoyed, so much so that she didn't hear the laughter in the background until she calmed down.

"Oooo, can I laugh too?"Glitter says happily.

"No, they are laughing at you not with you,Glitter doesn't make you upset that even your friends laugh at you."

Glitter then says" I know...but that doesn't bother me at all."

All of a sudden her horn had somehow reappeared on her head,it then started to glow and then release a powerful wave of magic which had shattered the illusion and nearly knocked out Discord himself.

"H-how"was all he could say.

Glitter Brightstar was silent, she then glared at him and said" I have been laughed at a lot when I was younger, I've always hated it when they did, But did I let that stop me from throwing them a party afterwards?, No!, I'm different from Pinkie Pie that way, next time you try to corrupt somepony, do some research first!", she then teleports a shocked Discord away.

Dianne finds Glitter Brightstar glaring at the wall of the maze,apparently she was talking to herself.

"Glitter, thank goodness we found you,Quartz has been acting rather strange, can you help us?"Dianne said.

"Help you?, why so you could just laugh at me?" She said bitterly,before Discord was teleported away, he had somehow managed to touch Glitter and corrupt her.

"Not you too...,We have to find the others and quickly."Dianne said while D-Quartz and D-Glitter follow behind her.

As Dianne goes off to find her friends, AppleJewel finds a huge rock wall in front of her with a golden apple with a gem in the middle within it.

"My goodness this....this is beautiful."she says in awe.

"And it can be all yours to have and nopony else will be able to take it from you.."the voice of Discord says.

"Yes I must have it...."she says stepping closer to the golden apple,she then stops herself and says,"No I must go and find my friends, I can't...let this...beautiful gem...entice me." she says while struggling to to resist the urge to run over and take it, unfortunately she couldn't resist for long and had ran back yelling"MINE!"before digging it out of the rock.

Dianne,D-Quartz and D-Glitter had managed to get to the room where AppleJewel is, only for Dianne Pie to see that she too was acting different.

"Your not getting this gem,it's mine you hear me,MINE!" D- AppleJewel said while guarding her "gem".(it was just a giant rock..)

"Is there anypony who has not been changed?" she said in a monotone.

"Um Dianne dear don't you think we should keep looking for our friends?" D-Quartz said.

"Your right let's hurry and find the others!"Dianne said.

As Dianne and co. go to find the others, Prism Shine was running through the maze, she then sees a butterfly and runs after it.

"Wait don't leave me here" she says.

The butterfly stops then says "Prism Shine, it's seems that you've been left behind by your so called friends,huh?",its voice sounded similar to Discord's own.

"Oh no, I think my friends are doing their best to find me."Prism said.

The "butterfly" then says" Well,it must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless you are"

"Not at all, I am weak and helpless and I appreciate their understanding" she says while struggling to hold back her laughter.

The "butterfly" stutters then says" It should burn you up, I mean they're always ponting out your flaws right?"

"Not really, I think I'm awfully lucky to have friends that want me to the best I could be."Prism says calmly.

"Oh for goodness sakes!" Discord says as he changes to his normal self.

He then says"You've been kind for far too long my dear,time to to be cruel,goodbye!"

He then taps Prism Shine on the head then teleports away.

Dianne Pie and the others has found Prism Shine staring at the wall.

"Prism Shine!, I'm glad to see a friendly face,this maze has gotten to everypony." Dianne Pie says with slight worry in her voice.

Glitter Brightstar sticks out her tounge and then blows a raspberry while the others glared at her.

"Aww,boo hoo hoo."Prism said in a now mocking tone of voice.

"What?"Dianne says.

"Why don't you use your fancy egghead smarts and get us out of here?"Prism said.

"But I..."

Dianne didn't get the chance to finish because Prism rudely interrupted her and said" Oh right you can't, your lost like the rest of us."

She then laughed at her then whipped her in the face with her tail then left with the others.

As she was leaving, she on purposely bumps into Glitter Brightstar and sends her flying into the nearby wall which prompted Quartz to laugh at her.

"What are you laughing at?"Glitter says angrily.

"Err, nothing?" D-Quartz lied.

"What is going on a with my friends?"Dianne wondered aloud.

While everypony else was looking for the exit to the maze, Fluttersky "Phoenix" Firewing was chasing an actual phoenix.

"Hey wait up."she said.

The phoenix lead her to a clearing which housed none other than Discord himself.

"What!?,you again?"she said.

"How rude and I thought we were friends, oh well..." he said.

"What are you talking about?, I just met you."Fluttersky said confused by his words.

Discord looked hurt by what Fluttersky said.

"But Fluttershy,don't you remember me?" he said sadly,he then attempts to make a sad face which seemed to work for a short while until....


Fluttersky "Phoenix" Firewing had flared up, it looked like she was really angry at him.


Discord paled then shrank down a few feet, he then said"uh-oh...,I think I hit a nerve there...

"RAAAAAAAAGH!"Fluttersky yelled then charged at him with an almost killer intent.

"Oh shoot." was the last thing he he said before-*Censored*( Let's just say poor Discord got the beating of a lifetime from Fluttersky, here is a life lesson for those who try to call Fluttersky,"Fluttershy" in a mocking tone,don't unless you want to end up a beaten,burnt and bloody shell of a pony,trust me not even Discord deserves this...")

* A few minutes later*

Dianne Pie and her still corrupted friends finally make it to Fluttersky's part of the maze, what they find shocks them.

"Remind me never to get her angry,ever..."Quartz Bell said as she returned back to her normal self.

Glitter Brightstar simply giggled then started laughing happily, she too had returned to normal.

AppleJewel just stood there slack jawed, she had completely forgotten the huge "gem" she was carrying.

"oh my...." Prism Shine says shyly, she also had returned to her normal self.

Dianne Pie just smiles.

Fluttersky walks out of the clearing then says"Hey everypony what's up?"

"We're fine but what happened to him"Dianne says as she points to the beat up Discord.

"He called me a name I didn't like..."she said.

"Oh."Dianne Pie said.

"Hey I just realized something, we're all back to normal,yay!"Glitter says joyfully.

"I wonder why?" Dianne muttered to herself.

"I think I could answer that."Polaris Solarmoon says as he teleports into the maze.

"Prince Polaris Solarmoon!?" said the six friends after he appeared.

Discord eventually comes to and notices Polaris Solarmoon, he then said"Impossible, how are they back to normal!"

"As I about to say, I am the reason you all are back to your normal selves, my aunt sent me to help in any way I could, so I simply made a few changes to your "rules"."he said.

"How did you do that?" Dianne asked him.

"Simple, I gave Glitter Brightstar her horn which by the way wasn't a good idea but the risk was worth it because it was she who casted the memory spell when she realized that everypony wasn't acting normal, I believe it happened when Discord was getting a beating."Polaris says calmly.

" You were sent by the Princesses to watch over us!"Glitter says randomly.

"That's only one reason,my young friend." he says as he teleports a certain book into the maze.

"Here you might need this."he said.

"Isn't this "History of Equestra"?, I was going to return that." Dianne Pie said.

"Open it,I believe I've found our ace in the hole." Polaris said.

When Dianne Pie open the book, she realized what the mysterious Alicorn ment, right within the covers were The Elements of Harmony, the very things that Discord hid since this story began.

"No, this can't be, how did you find them?"Discord said.

Polaris Solarmoon simply laughed then floated the Elements of Harmony to there rightful bearers, he then says" Discord, can I ask you a question?"

"W-what?!"Discord says while struggling to get away from Polaris.

"Do you think that the even the worst pony can change, that everypony could be a good pony even if they've tried..."the way Polaris Solarmoon said those words sent a shiver down everyponys spine.

He then countinued from where he left off"...Because I am going to give you a choice,one that could change you for the better or it may reimprison you.."

"And what choice is that?"Discord said.

Polaris Solarmoon chuckled then said" we imprison you or we reform you, choose one..."

After thinking over Polaris Solarmoon's offer, Discord eventually decides to be reformed.

*Back in S-Canterlot Castle*

"YOU'VE DEFEATED DISCORD?!, THIS IS WONDERFUL NEWS!, WE MUST CELEBRATE AT ONCE!"Princess Luna says after hearing about Discord's defeat,while using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"Sister,please calm down, your using the "Voice" again..."Princess Celestia said.

"Oh sorry about that everypony,but still what you've done today will remembered for a long time."she said.

"Thank you Princess, but I believe that without Solarmoon's aid,we would have possibly failed"Dianne says while adjusting her glasses.

"Even so you all did a wonderful job regardless, so what are thou going to do with Discord?" Princess Celestia said.

"We plan on reforming him your highness." Dianne Pie said.

"Where is he now?"Luna asked.

"With Prism Shine your highness."Dianne said.

Polaris Solarmoon then appeared in the room,he seemed to be looking for somepony.

"My apologies mother,aunt,but have you seen my sister around?" he said.

"You're forgiven"the two Princesses said.

Princess Celestia then said"I believe she is in her room try searching there."

"Of course why didn't I think of that, thank you mother."he said.

"No problem my son."Princess Celestia said.

Polaris Solarmoon then teleports out of the room.

Dianne stared at the Princesses for a bit then said" Polaris Solarmoon is your son?"

"Yes he and Radiant Eclipse Dawn were born a few years before I became Darklight Flare,it was the happiest moment of my life."she said.

"Interesting, well then I best be going now, Aegis Diamondscale is waiting for me outside."Dianne Pie says as she prepares to leave.

"It was nice seeing you my young student, farewell." Princess Luna said.

"Goodbye Princesses, I'll return tomorrow for our weekly tea break."Dianne Pie says before leaving.

"Sheeh, took ya long enough let's go."Aegis says impatiently.

"Polaris Solarmoon..."Dianne mutters to herself.

"Huh?" Aegis says confused.

"Oh, don't worry about what I had said, let us return home,our friends are waiting..."Dianne said.

* S-Ponyville*

When they returned home they saw that Glitter Brightstar had already set up a party.

"This unicorn is something else, isn't she?"Aegis thought to himself.

Everypony enjoyed Glitter Brightstar's party,even Discord, Polaris Solarmoon did find his sister within her room, she however chased him out, she was sleeping when he went in.

"And so this story comes to a close,I hope you enjoyed it as this story will not be the last..." Dianne Pie says quietly while staring at the reader.

Comments ( 4 )

Sorry if this was rushed,I don't really remember much of what had happened in that episode...

I'm just to leave this here.

Also,Polaris,if you read this,I posted on a different thread as a joke.

Lily Longsocks:
A shy and quiet little mare with a big heart. She's embarrassed of her super strength and tries to hide it,and while timid,will also come to the rescue of her friends.

While similar to Fluttershy,Lily isn't indecisive,and likes bugs and hedgehogs instead of all animals.

While shy,she always tries to speak the truth,earning her the Element of Honesty.

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